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Snow White

Page 3

by Jenni James

  “Then why have you not done so?” he asked, confused at her logic. If she truly cared for Raven, why not accept one of the hundreds of men vying for her hand?

  She sighed and gave him a look that showed what a simpleton she thought him. “Because I want a man to love me—the real me. And I cannot guarantee that anyone knows the real me with this spell attached. Besides, I vowed long ago that I would not entertain any suitors until Raven was wed.”

  “Are you jesting? You would put your life on hold, hoping someone would wed her first, when you yourself say it is impossible to notice your sister?”

  “No, I am not jesting. I am determined to do just that. She is a delight. She is my best friend. And she has been passed over and left behind again and again, and I cannot have her go last in this as well. She deserves happiness as much as anyone.”

  “You really do have a large heart.”

  “I love her that much. She has done so many things for me. But I cannot let her know how I feel or she would be livid.”

  “I can imagine that much.” He cleared his throat and then said, “Can I reveal something to you?”


  Was he a fool to tell her? Perhaps it would help her to know. “I kissed Princess Raven today.”

  “You did what?”

  “It was a very pleasant surprise for us both, but yes, I did kiss her.”

  “Terrance!” Her face was wreathed in smiles. “I am so happy to hear such news! You have made this the most perfect day, even more perfect than before.”

  “She slapped me.”

  Snow’s smile dropped. “I beg your pardon?”

  “No, do not. It was warranted. I should not have shocked her as I did. But she was so matter-of-fact and forlorn and adorable, I had to lean down and kiss her.”

  “But she slapped you?”

  “Yes. Quite soundly. She has a forceful hand, that one.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  He grinned. “It did not put me off at all. In fact, it had me wishing to come into her good graces even more.” He had made sure she was smiling when he walked her into the ballroom afterward.

  “Terrance, are you saying what I think you are saying?” she asked.

  “I am definitely astounded by the events of today,” he hedged. “I came to this palace for the sole purpose of meeting you and before I could do so, I had quite outrageously ruined any chances I might have had with that rather fetching sister of yours.”

  “I do not believe they are ruined, per se.”

  “Oh, of course not. There is nothing a man loves more than a worthy challenge. And finding a delightful, forgotten minx in the process may prove to be exactly what my heart needs. However, she has become cynical and believed herself to be worthless for a long while. It will take persistence on my part, and going very slowly with her.”

  “Are you truly going to try for her hand?”

  “I admit to feeling a strong pull to you when I saw you and again when we met. It is there, but after speaking to you and hearing your fears, I have to wonder where my true loyalties lie. I believe my interest, for whatever reason, has already been claimed.”

  “Perhaps it is because you met her first and spent time with her before you met me.”

  He thought about it and then shrugged. “Perhaps.”

  She grinned. “Would you like to see her again?”

  Was he ready to see Raven so soon? “Is there anything else plaguing you?” he asked Snow instead of answering her question.

  “Yes, but it can wait. This is much more exciting.”

  His heart began to beat strangely within his chest. “You know, I believe you may be right.”

  “You will soon learn that a woman is always right, and a royal princess more so than any other.”

  “My word. You females were definitely sent to cause us a merry chase.”

  “Yes, but it is worth it. Now, let us go find them.” She stood up. “You will love Corlan. He is without a doubt one of the most engaging people you will ever meet. They are my dearest friends and always will be.”

  He walked with Snow down the long corridor. She prattled on about the qualities of her new siblings, but he was not attending as his own mind raced. What if he was mistaken? What if Raven was not the one for him? What if he met her again and saw that his impulses had forced him to react in pity instead of with growing interest? He was a tad frightened to walk into the room and see a rather drab, boring girl before him. There was one thing he knew for certain—he required a lively mind to accompany him for eternity, for he could never be satisfied with a meek mouse. And if she was often overlooked and forgotten, perhaps it was because she was quiet and shy.

  It was then that he remembered the slap upon his cheek and smiled. She was certainly no mouse! However, he needed to be cautious about what he revealed to either sister. It was wrong of him to allow Snow’s hopes to become carried away. He desired to approach Raven slowly to see if she did have all the qualities he preferred, and if so, he wanted to gain her trust and admiration so he might claim her hand.

  Why in the world was it so hard to court a woman these days? Good heavens, they should resort back to matchmaking—so much less messy that way.

  Snow stopped at a doorway and called in, “Corlan? Raven? Are you still here?”


  RAVEN GLANCED UP FROM the book she was reading. “Yes, come in,” she replied. Her heart jumped at the sight of Terrance walking in with Snow. He was such a handsome man! She dropped the book. Goodness, it should be a crime to have a face like that. Glancing at Snow’s features and then the contrast of her hair color to his lighter blond—it was indeed quite striking. They made an incredibly beautiful couple.

  She sighed and picked up the book. Never mind. He had finally met Snow and therefore should not be considered worth her time in contemplating his good looks, for they would never be turned in her direction again.

  She flushed when she thought of his kiss earlier. How soft and thrilling it had been, and so unexpected! Grimacing slightly, she raised the book higher to cover her features. And to believe she slapped him afterward. But it was so shocking and forward—what else was she to do? Kiss him again, as any other sensible girl in her shoes would have done. She let out a little moan of regret and reminded herself once more that none of it mattered—he would be kissing Snow’s lips soon. Besides, after such a display, he would never wish to kiss Raven a second time. Perhaps that was the best protection for her heart—keeping him at such a distance that it would not matter if he fell for Snow.

  “Hello again.” Terrance’s deep voice caused her to jump.

  She peeked around the book and was amazed to find him kneeling on the floor next to her chair. “What are you doing down there?”

  “I came to see you. And since you were so preoccupied with that book, I decided the best thing would be to join you.” He pulled on the pages. “What are you reading?”

  “I, uh…” Great mercy! It was upside down!

  “I hear it is easier to read them this way.” He chuckled near her ear and then flipped the book around for her.

  “Thank you,” she muttered.

  He laughed louder. “So, if you were not reading, what exactly were you doing?”

  “Nothing. Go away, you bothersome man.”

  “No. For there is nothing more entertaining to a bothersome man than to find the exact girl he hopes to bother hiding from him.”

  She met his dark eyes. Why was he next to her, and looking at her with such a playful gaze? He could not possibly be interested in anything but tormenting her. Right? She glanced over to see Snow and Corlan discussing the book on travels he had procured earlier. Her eyes met Terrance’s again. There was definitely a sparkle in their depths. She watched as his grin deepened, exposing those dimples. “What do you want?” she asked with a matching grin of her own.

  “Merely to say hello. Must I have ulterior motives to speak with you?”

  “Well, one would continu
ously wonder if you did.”

  “Since I have none, should I leave, then? Would you prefer that more?” He stood up.

  “No!” She reached for his hand and clasped it before realizing the spectacle she was making of herself. “Oh, never mind. Leave, then—I do not care.”

  He knelt back down. “You are quite fetching when you tell a falsehood.”

  My goodness! She blushed and then groaned. “Heaven save me. Of all the silly things to say…” She trailed off when she noticed how close he was.

  “Yes?” he asked, his eyes staring intently at her lips.

  She licked those lips and blushed again. “Why are you here? I know you do not like me one bit.”

  “Not one bit? Are you sure?” A dimple peeked out.

  All at once Raven could not breathe at all. His nearness, his looks, his warm, rich voice … all of it collided with her senses to cause her to react in a most peculiar way. If she was not careful, she would begin to believe this silliness. He was clearly using her as a pawn of some sort—he could not be serious in his attentions. In a flurry of motion, she stood up and walked blindly over to a bookshelf at random to put away the book in her hand and fetch another. That should have been a very simple task, and one that did not take much brain power to accomplish, but Terrance followed her like a lion stalking the frightened lamb.

  “Why do you run from me?” he asked.

  She sighed after searching through several titles and not reading one of them. Turning around, she said, “Why do you follow me?”

  “Because I am curious about you.”

  “But do you not see that I wish you as far away from me as possible?”

  “That is what you are trying to make me believe.” He reached over and captured a long ringlet in his hand.

  Her breath caught as his knuckles brushed against her neck.

  “But it is that reaction which tells me you are lying. Why would you lie to me?” he asked.

  “I am not lying! Stop saying that. I would never tell a falsehood—I honestly do not wish to have you near. Your touch alarms me.”

  She watched a spark of pain flicker across his features before he nodded and pulled back, dropping the lock of hair. “Forgive my forward manners.”

  Was he sincerely interested in her? Raven’s heart lurched as he began to walk away. “Terrance, wait,” she spoke in a rush.

  He glanced back.

  “I, uh—” She licked her lips again. “I am afraid of you.” Great heavens, could she sound a bigger fool?


  She was not sure she could answer him. Because you will hurt me too much. I know it. I know deep down inside that if I let my guard down and begin to imagine the possibility of you, it will harm me more than if I keep you away from me forever.

  “Raven?” he asked, turning more fully toward her. When she did not respond, he said, “I find you slightly terrifying as well, and your words and actions confuse me into being something I am not. If I am completely honest, at this moment I wish to wrap you up in my arms and kiss you again.”

  When she gasped, he grinned.

  “’Tis true. I wish to see if your lips really feel as wonderful as I remember, or if my mind is wreaking havoc with my memories. And yet, I am scared to touch one who does not wish to have anything to do with me. I hope it is because you are fearful of being injured and not because you actually believe me to be a hideous person. But I stand here battling within myself over a girl I hardly know, wondering if she could find me as interesting as I find her.”

  Raven could not believe this was happening. Her first reaction was to run as fast as she could, but thankfully, her traitorous feet would not budge. Was he someone she could rely upon? “Are you not attracted to Snow?” she asked.

  “Of course I am,” he answered, piercing her heart. “But I find myself attracted to you more.”

  “You—you do?” Out of nowhere, butterflies exploded in her stomach.


  “But why?”

  He stepped slowly toward her. “Because you fascinate me, and it has been a very long time since anyone has. Though your sister is lovely, you are the more interesting prize and therefore the one I cannot stop thinking about.”

  “You will change your mind. You will wake up from this and run away, shouting down the hills.”

  He chuckled, which made her laugh as well. “Perhaps,” he answered too truthfully. “I could very well run away this moment. But for now, I am eager to see where this goes, and willing to wait a bit longer to decide if I shall run or not.”

  “But what if I run from you?”

  Those dimples deepened as he closed the distance between them. “My dear girl, you already are. Which may be why I like you so much.” He then leaned down and kissed her once gently on the mouth.


  SNOW LOOKED UP JUST in time to watch Terrance kiss Raven. She nudged Corlan with her elbow where he sat next to her on the settee. “Do you see them?” she whispered, excitement bubbling within her.

  “Oh,” was all he said, staring at his sister with his mouth slightly open.

  “Is it not brilliant? I think they make a charming couple.”

  “I thought he was here for you.”

  “Well, apparently he came for me, but met Raven first.”

  “Oh,” he said again.

  Snow giggled and glanced at him. She was startled to find him staring at her. “What is it?”

  “He is a very handsome man. Are you sure you do not wish him to be enamored with you?”

  A sudden desire to thump Corlan overcame her senses. “Why would you say anything so inane? I do wish for my sister to have happiness too, you know. Besides, I am not looking to find any man at present, remember?”

  “Yes, but . . .”

  “But what? You, yourself, commented earlier how you wish I would not take this all so seriously.”

  “I know, and I do. But I have to wonder just what it is you are looking for in a man.”

  She blinked. “Nothing, Corlan. I do not want a man currently.”

  “Yes, but if you did, what characteristics would you wish him to have?”

  She sighed. He had never acted so odd before. “Very well. I have not thought about it overly much, but I guess he would have to be kind.”


  “It would help if he could handle a sword as well as you do.” She grinned and nudged him again. “Then I would know he could keep me safe.”

  “Well, that is crossed out, then. No one can swordfight as well as I can.”

  She playfully pouted. “A girl can still hope someone will come along who could.”

  “Ha!” His eyes searched hers a moment before he asked, “What else would you prefer?”

  She scrunched her nose and then said, “Perhaps if he could sing.”

  “Sing?” Corlan looked like he would die of an apoplexy right then and there.

  “What?” She chuckled at his expression.

  “Good grief, woman! You cannot be serious! This is your list? This is who you hope to win your hand in marriage?” He ticked them off with his fingers. “A man who is kind, can swordfight, and sing?”

  “Well, you should not have asked if you did not want to hear the answer.”

  “I just cannot believe the simplicity of the answer. Where are the other qualities? Like, a man who is loyal? A man who will put your needs before his own? A man who would face all of Hades to hold your hand? A man who wishes to kiss you thoroughly and keep you safe next to his heart every night?”

  He continued to count. “A man who cannot wait to hear what words you speak next because you mesmerize him so much, a man who wishes to be better just because he knows you believe in him and love him, a man who wants to raise a family with you so he can see those little children grow and laugh and play and enchant the world the same as their mother.”

  His voice grew a bit softer. “A man who needs you to live because if you were gone, his world would be
over. A man, a true man, who loves and laughs and lives and breathes. A man who is a part of the world—not merely coasting with it, but making his mark to change it for good.

  “Where is this man?” he whispered. “Where are your dreams of him?”

  Snow’s breathing became so labored in those moments, she did not realize the tears had begun to fall until one plopped upon her hand. Glancing down, she stared at the sparkling drop until another joined its place.


  “Yes?” She looked up, but her eyes were swimming with tears and he blurred before her. Quickly she dashed them away.

  “Have I upset you?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “Not at all. I did not know such a creature existed. I would not allow myself to hope for such a man before now.”

  “He exists. You will have to open your eyes to see him, though.”

  “What if I cannot? What if I miss him?”

  “He will not let you.”

  His steady, confident gaze did much to confirm that his words were sincere. “What would I do without you?” she asked.

  He grinned a bit ruefully and looked away. “I worry you will be quite fine.”

  “You worry?”

  His hand came up and brushed aside a strand of hair from her forehead. “All these years have allowed me to grow very fond of you. Of course I worry what it would be like if you were married to another and no longer by my side whenever I wished it.”

  She had not thought of that. Her brow furrowed. What would she do without Corlan? Though Raven was her best friend, Corlan was her steady voice of reason, the one person who did not cater to her every whim or believe she was perfection. Indeed, he was her pillar of strength. Not having him near would be as foreign as the sky not having the clouds or sun. She shook her head. “Then I will never marry because I need you too.”

  Corlan gasped, his eyes searching hers. “Snow, what did you say?”

  “I do not want to be without you. If my marriage would place a wedge between us, it is yet another reason not to attach myself to any man. You are so much a part of me, I take it for granted.”


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