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Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series

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by Heather Morris




  Copyright © 2014 Heather Morris

  All rights reserved.


  This book is dedicated to my husband and girls who don’t see me much when I’m in the writing mode. Thank you for insisting I write my own stories and for allowing me the time and space to do so.

  the colvin series Book LIST

  (so far)

  Book 1- Down to the Creek – Aiden & Karlie

  Book 2- Nursery in Bloom – Austin & Leah

  Book 3- Third Time’s a Charm – Audrey & Maysen


  I would like to thank my Aunt Sandra Jones for painting the cover painting for me. She took my ideas and made something wonderful!

  I would also like to thank those who are so excited and willing to read my stories for me before I take the next step with them. It means the world to me that my family and friends are so supportive of this hobby. Their encouragement keeps the stories coming with every book.

  Lastly, I would like to thank those who have bought my books and helped to give me the willpower to continue on. Without your support I couldn’t keep writing and publishing them.


  “You mean to tell me you had your Prince Charming sitting across from you and you didn’t get his number? How do you plan on ever seeing this handsome creature again? Audrey have I not taught you anything?” I hear Karlie say to me from across the room.

  We’re all together this afternoon in New York getting dressed up and makeup done for the Shannon’s Crusade Benefit tonight. Leah and my brother Austin helped to set up a charity to help battered women much like Leah before she came to Colvin. The charity helps women to get out of those relationships and to find a safe place to live. It’s an amazing thing they’re doing and our whole family is so proud of what they’ve accomplished and continue to do for the cause.

  “Karlie, how was I supposed to ask a strange man I just met for his number? Wouldn’t that be awkward?”

  “Have you tried to find him at all since you got back home? It’s been a month Audrey.” Leah says while looking at me in the reflection of the mirror she’s watching the hairdresser do her hair in. Aiden and Austin surprised us with the hairdresser and makeup artist for the night’s festivities. Of course we all squealed like little girls.

  “No, I haven’t tried. I was too scared I wouldn’t find him.”

  “Or would find him. What did you say his name was, Maysen Correli, right? I’m going to look him up online while I wait for Leah to get done.”

  “Karlie, no. I don’t think that’s a good idea. He didn’t give me his number or ask for mine either remember?” I say trying to keep them from butting in any more than they already have. In our family matchmaking comes naturally whether we like it or not.

  “Too late, I can’t find anything under that name anyway. Nothing on social media either.”

  “Social media? Aiden would be horrified to know you were associated with social media.”

  “I know we’ve been butting heads about using it to spread the word even more about the breeding program. He’s against it but I think it would be a smart idea. Leah uses it for Shannon’s Crusade and its done great, right Leah?”

  “Yes, actually it’s been a great marketing tool for us. However that doesn’t mean it’s a solution for you guys.”

  “But don’t you think Aiden should at least try it before turning it down? I tried getting him to look at it with me but he tells me he’s too busy. He’s being a pain with the whole thing. Doesn’t want the world in the middle of what’s going on.”

  “Well, after what I went through with the media, I don’t blame him. You have to learn how to control the interest and the invasion of your privacy. I don’t think Aiden will ever be ready for that.”

  “Maybe you’re onto something. I guess I’ve been the stubborn one. I better go call my husband and apologize. I’ll be right back.” Karlie takes her phone and heads for the bathroom leaving Leah and I alone looking at each other through the mirror again.

  “You’re welcome for turning that around and getting the heat off of you and your mystery man.”

  “Leah, I really don’t think I can look for him. I think it’s just too weird. It wasn’t meant to be so it didn’t happen.”

  “You really believe that Audrey?”

  “Actually I think we were meant to meet to make me realize I really do want a family and I do want my happily ever after like you two have.”

  “Audrey you will have yours when God intends on it. It’s all mapped out for you. You do believe that don’t you?”

  “Yes, I do I’m just getting impatient.” I smile and start getting my dress and panty hose on. “I know it’ll happen someday I just got a little excited when I met someone new and better, ya know?”

  “I do. I never in a million years dreamed that moving to Colvin to escape the drama would turn into my happily ever after as you put it. I just followed my heart and here we are. Don’t lose faith Aud.”

  “Thanks Leah, you’re the best.”

  “The best? What about me? I knew you first!” I hear Karlie exclaim from the bathroom doorway. She’s off the phone and standing there with a pout.

  “One of the best. Is that better?” I walk and hug her before taking a deep breath and continue getting dolled up.

  “So we concluded on no Prince Charming search huh? That’s no fun. Maybe you’ll meet another one tonight. They’ll all have tuxes on and looking dashing.”

  “Karlie!” Leah and I both yell as she starts on another matchmaking rant. She looks up at us and smiles her sweet big smile we all love.

  “Thanks but no thanks. I think I’ll just go one day at a time. When it’s time it’ll happen.” I shrug off the uneasy longing and take my turn in the hairdresser’s chair.

  “If you say so. Karlie and I will be here if you need us. Right Karlie?” Leah says and glares at Karlie making her point with that look.

  “Yep. When you need us, we’re always here. Now, let’s finish so I can see MY Prince Charming in a tux again!”


  Knock knock knock

  “That would be the guys! Let’s go knock their socks off!” Karlie squeals as she hears the knocks.

  “Let’s go. I’m just warning you there will be a lot of cameras and people. Are you sure you want to walk the red carpet with me? You can go straight in the back door if you want, Austin and I won’t mind.”

  “I think I’ll go in the back but you and Aiden should go with them if you want.” I say and try to act like nothing’s wrong with me. I really don’t want to be in front of all the cameras and people right now. They might think I’m okay with not having a significant other but I’m really not. I ache to have that love and happiness. I think I could hear my biological clock ticking louder than my heart beat. I can’t let everyone know how depressed I am about this. They would think they have to jump in and fix it. This isn’t going to be an easy fix though. So I smile and pretend.

  “Ok, see you in there.” Karlie and Leah smile with so much excitement for what’s to come tonight. But I’m sitting here envious of their lives.


  “Dude, what is up with you? You’ve been weird since you came back from Tulsa. Is it your mom? Is she ok?” I hear Carter say next to me in the car.

  “Ya she’s good. I think she’s going home soon. I’m just tired I guess. Lots going on in my head.”

  “She’s coming home here or where?”

  “She thinks she wants to go to her sister’s in Colvin but I can’t
let her do that. But I can’t get down there as often to check on her and she needs someone near.”

  “So you’re thinking you need to go to Tulsa now too?”

  “You know me well. Yes, I’m really debating on moving back to Tulsa so I can be the one to be there for Mom now. I wouldn’t miss this place, that’s for sure.”

  “Will your Mom adopt me?” Carter says and puts the car in park as we pull up at Rod’s Garage. The place we call home during the day and far too many late nights working on other people’s cars and knowing Rod charged them an arm and a leg. Always makes me feel like the sleaze he is and having to see the looks on the faces of our customers when they get the bill makes me sick.

  “Did you see that hot blonde that came in yesterday right after lunch? She needed a jump but Rod took her in his Caddy and probably charged her a couple hundred dollars.”

  I panic and look at Carter. Hot blonde? Couldn’t be Audrey. She lives in Tulsa. I tried to find her on the internet but couldn’t find anyone with that name in Tulsa. I could have sworn she lived there, but if she does she isn’t on any social media sites.

  “Blonde? What did she look like?”

  “Whoa dude, what’s up with you? Seriously? You just went pale when I told you about the hottie. Did you know her or what?”

  “No I don’t think so. I didn’t even see her.”

  “Uh huh. Let me get this straight. You have been acting like a spaz ever since you came back from Tulsa and you really don’t have much to say about what happened while you were there. Now an unidentified blonde comes in the garage and you freak out.”

  “You’re delusional.”

  “Who is she?”

  “Who is who?”

  “The chick that has you all up in arms.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Can we get to work? Rod will be here soon and if we’re not working he’ll fire us both.”

  “You’re moving to Tulsa what do you care?”

  “I’m not gone yet. I haven’t made up my mind.”

  “Who is she? Come on Dude, I know there’s a chick involved in this equation somewhere. And we’re not talking your Mom.”

  “How do you know that? I didn’t say a word about her.” I say with a big sigh. I’m caught. Wonderful I didn’t want to talk to Carter about Audrey. He’ll really think I’m a coward when he finds out I didn’t even get the girl’s number.

  “Dude it’s all making sense now. No wonder you’ve been all weird and stuff since you got back. Spill it.”

  “Fine! But I don’t want to hear your opinions when I’m done. Got it?”

  “Deal.” He smiles big and I should have known it wasn’t real. He could never stay quiet about my love life. Or lack thereof.

  “I was at the hospital one day visiting Mom and I took a detour past the nursery where I saw this woman standing outside the glass looking in like she was enchanted by all the babies inside. I asked if one was hers but she said her brother and sister in law had just had one and that she didn’t have any kids of her own. We talked for a bit there and then had coffee together in the cafeteria. Her name was Audrey. She was blonde. That’s all there is to say. I’ll never see her again but I can’t quit seeing her face everywhere.”

  “And when I said some blonde was here you thought she might have come to see you. Have you called her at all since you’ve been back? It’s been like a month. Did she move to Africa or something or join a convent?”

  “I didn’t get her number. Just her name.”

  “Dude you have got to be kidding me!”

  “I said no opinions remember?”

  “That was before I knew you committed such a travesty against the male species! You always get hot girls’ numbers! Dude I’m ashamed!”

  “I know, I know. I was so enamored by her that I forgot about that part until after she left. I could have kicked myself when I realized it. Believe me I feel like such a dumb ass!”

  “Have you tried finding her online? You know her whole name don’t ya?”

  “I have looked yes, and nothing. No one by that name in Tulsa and only four hundred in the U.S. alone.”

  “You’re screwed then!”

  “Wow such a big supporter here. I know I screwed up but I can’t get her out of my head.”

  “I don’t think you have a choice. Is that another reason why you’re thinking of moving back to Tulsa? Thinking you’ll chance upon her again?”

  “No. Maybe. I don’t really know. I just haven’t felt right since I came back here.”

  “You have it bad my friend and I don’t see it ending any time soon.”

  “Great. Do you wanna move with me?”

  “I’ll have to consult my little black book and see if it would allow.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “Oink oink.” And he walks away laughing while I shake my head. He is definitely a male pig when it comes to women. Me on the other hand, I’m a lot more reserved. Obviously. I didn’t even get Audrey’s phone number. Idiot.


  We’re starting a tow service for the garage and now I have to be the first one on call. Wonderful, another way for Rod to squeeze more money out of unsuspecting people. I have to take this dumb pager home with me tonight and hope no one calls it. A pager? Who uses a pager anymore? I grunt and throw it in the passenger side of the pickup as I get in and fire the engine.

  “Hey Mom, how ya feeling?” I say after dialing her number. I haven’t talked to her today and she was supposed to hear from the doctor about getting out of the hospital soon so I figure I had better check in.

  “Hey honey. I’m doing well today. Doctor says he thinks I can get out of here by the end of next week. Isn’t that great news?”

  “Ma that’s amazing news. I think I’m going to move back to Tulsa. Carter might come with me.”

  “Are you sure about that Maysen? I don’t need you to come hover over me. I’m not a child.”

  “I know that Ma but I would feel so much better if I at least lived in the same town instead of a different state.”

  “I have to admit I would love to see you closer but that’s your choice Son. Aunt Ingrid said she would come stay with me once I got out until I was able to be alone. You just let us know when you think you’re coming if you decide.”

  “Ok Ma I’ll let ya know. I’m thinking next week and that will give me a couple days to get my stuff in order here. I won’t miss working at this crummy garage that’s for sure.”

  “I know Rod isn’t a very nice man. He doesn’t know what good people he has working there for him. It will definitely be his loss.”

  “Alright Ma I’ll let ya go. I just got home and need a shower pretty badly. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you.”

  “Love you too Son. Take care.”

  I hang up the phone and head straight to my shower. Carter and I share the rent on this two bedroom dump of a house but he’s never really here. He’s always staying out late with a different woman each night. I’m not sure his moving to Tulsa would be a good move for his social calendar. I chuckle knowing he’s probably using that to his advantage right now. Pig.


  “Dude, what time did you get in? I got home at 2am and you weren’t here. Decide to tie one on before you head back to Oklahoma?”

  “No Carter, I had a tow about midnight. You were supposed to go with me but since you were out partying again I had to do it alone. Thanks, by the way.”

  “Ah man I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize it was our turn with that damned pager last night.”

  “Who else’s turn would it be? No one else is going to do it but us. Rod isn’t going to do it and Lou wouldn’t do it because he would have to leave the bar long enough.”

  “I didn’t think of that. This sucks. Are we going to always be on call now?”

  “Probably. I’ve decided though that I’m giving Rod my notice in the morning. Not very good notice but who cares. Rod won’t.”

u’re really leaving huh?”

  “Yep. Mom thinks she’s going to get out end of next week so I need to be there by then.”

  “Ok man, I guess we both give our notices in the morning. I can’t let you go alone. I can’t let you have all the fun searching for Miss Right either. You are going to try to find her again once you’re down there right?”

  “I don’t know Carter I’ll be busy getting Mom situated and finding another job.”

  “Well, do you need a ride to work today or are you taking your bike?”

  “Bike. I’ll see you a little later. I need to run a few errands before I go in. Rod can like it or not. I really don’t care.”

  “See ya at the office man.” I watch the best friend I have had since moving to Omaha six years ago for college. Once I finished my automotive courses I was a certified mechanic and ready to start turning wrenches. I didn’t know however how hard it was going to be to get a good job. I took the first one I found and happened to meet Carter who had also just started. We’ve been best buds since. And now we’re moving to Tulsa together next week. Wild.


  “Audrey glad to see you’re back. How was New York and the benefit?” I hear the principal of the school, Mrs. Simms, saying from behind me. I turn and see her standing in the doorway of my classroom and smiling. She’s such a wonderful lady and I’m so blessed to have this job that I love. Right after I graduated college in Tulsa, I was granted this position because the current second grade teacher was leaving to have a baby and didn’t want to come back. I have been here ever since then enjoying every student I have the pleasure of teaching. Seeing those little people come in one student and leave a completely different one at the end of the year is very gratifying. And I think I kinda rock as a teacher!


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