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Third Time's a Charm- Book 3 of the Colvin Series

Page 5

by Heather Morris

  “Mom, how ya feeling today? Good. I’m headed your way right now. Yes, I do start the new job tomorrow. Yes, I’ll stop by after and tell you all about it. Yes I promise. See you in a few. Love you.” I hang up and shake my head at how maternal she has been lately. You would think I was a child again. She calls me five times a day and always wants to hear about every move I make. She even guessed there was a girl that broke my heart. If only I could have introduced her to Audrey. I breathe in deep and slowly let it out. Hoping memories and pictures of Audrey will leave too. No such luck.


  “Miss Blake? Are you feeling ok? You look pale.” I hear a voice from my classroom doorway. Leaning up against it is Miss Woods, the fifth grade teacher from down the hall.

  I smile and nod my head. “I have a doctor appointment in a few minutes. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but I just don’t feel right.”

  “Do you need someone to drive you? You really don’t look well.”

  “I’ll be fine. Thank you.” I stand up to leave and about pass out. What the heck is wrong with me? Wonder if I have an ear infection? My equilibrium is definitely off. And those leftovers must have been bad that I ate too.

  I walk to my car and head towards the doctor’s office. As I pull up there I see Aiden’s pickup parked there by the front doors. Oh you have got to be kidding me! And now he’s walking towards me with Austin in tow. What in the world is this?

  “What are you two doing here? I can go to the doctor all by myself! I am not a child and I DO NOT NEED YOU TWO!” I storm off but when I reach the front door to the building I turn around and glare at my brothers who are still standing there looking dumbfounded. They throw their hands up and get in the pickup. I stand there glaring until they drive away. Good grief I can’t even go to the doctor by myself? What am I twelve? Once I see they’re gone I continue in and fill out more paperwork that I’ve ever seen in one sitting.

  “Audrey Blake.”

  I hear my name called and look up to see the nurse is ready to take me back to see the doctor. Let’s find out just what is making me so sick. Food poisoning would not surprise me since I haven’t wanted to eat anything but leftovers Mom has been bringing me lately. I just don’t like being around the whole family, especially the happy couples that seem to be everywhere you turn in the house.

  Living in the apartment above the garage at the 6AB has given me the freedom I need but also letting me have the close proximity to my family. Well that is until they come pounding on my door and waking me up! Nosy family members make me want to move to town and on my own. Maybe that’s what I need to do. Ugh I just don’t want to do that. I would really be alone then.

  “I’m Audrey.” She directs me down a hallway with doors on both sides of me.

  “Fourth door on your right please. I’ll take your height and weight when we get in there. Along with your blood pressure.”

  “Thank you.” When we get inside and she shuts the door I step onto the scale hoping I’m able to sit down soon because I’m feel yucky again.

  “Ok Audrey, sit down and we’ll get started. Can you tell me what’s been going on with you? And how long?”

  “Sure. I have been starting to feel nasty a couple of days ago. It comes and goes really. I think it was just something I ate and an ear infection because my equilibrium is off.”

  “Have you been throwing up and getting dizzy every day? All day?”

  “No, it seems to come and go. I am usually feeling the worst in the morning but the dizziness seems to come whenever I stand up too quickly.”

  “Have you been having stomach pains along with the vomiting?”

  “No. Just can’t seem to keep anything down.”

  “I see. Well, I think we are going to draw a little blood and run some tests that will help us to determine just what is wrong with you. I’ll send the phlebotomist in soon. Please just sit tight and there’s a trash can over there if you need it. Hope you get to feeling better Audrey.”

  “Thank you, me too.” Before I know another lady comes and draws my blood and once again I’m sitting in the exam room alone waiting for the doctor.

  After about ten minutes of sitting in the room alone I lie back and doze off a bit. Before I could get too many zzz’s in the doctor entered the room with a smile.

  “Miss Blake? I hear you’re feeling pretty rough lately?”

  “Yes. Are my tests back?”

  “Actually yes they are. I’m going to do a little exam but I do believe I know what’s causing your illness. We’ll wait until I’m done examining you to go over that.”

  I just look at him and nod. What else am I going to, throw a fit and demand the answers now? I’ve been sitting here long enough to let them cut off an arm if needed.

  “Now, Miss Blake. We ran some tests on the blood that was taken and the tests came back positive. You’re going to be a mother in a few months.” He looks at me smiling and expecting me to smile back. When I don’t he creases his brows and leans forward. “Are you ok? I take it you weren’t expecting a baby?”

  “A b-b-baby? Are you sure? This can’t be right.” I think back to the only night in a very long time that I had sex. Omaha. Maysen. Oh my goodness. This can’t be happening. I drop my head into my hands and let the tears flow that have been threatening me for so long. I let it all go and leave nothing left to cry about.

  “Miss Blake, do you need me to call someone?”

  “No, I’ll be fine.”

  “You’ll need to make an appointment with the OBGYN for as soon as you can. It looks like you might be four or five months pregnant and you really need to see one. You probably should have at twelve weeks. Have you not seen any of the signs?”

  “No, my period has still been coming and I have felt fine until recently. Are you sure about this? I am on birth control. Isn’t that supposed to keep you from getting pregnant? That’s the point of it right?”

  “Audrey, it’s not 100% effective. This is a small miracle that has happened to you. Your boyfriend will be just as surprised and happy won’t he?”

  “I don’t have a boyfriend. The-the-the father doesn’t live here.”

  “Well, on your way out, stop by the OBGYN’s window and they’ll schedule your appointment. They can give you any information you might need. Good luck and congratulations. Very exciting news! Having children is the biggest accomplishment a person can do.”

  “Yes, thank you.” I jump off the exam table and head back down the hallway full of doors. I feel as if this hallway seems to be getting longer and I’ll never reach the end of it. More doors and more doors. Never ending and more doors.

  And then I pass out. Completely this time. The nurses and doctors come running and help me carry me to an empty exam room.

  “Audrey, can you hear me?”

  “Audrey, wake up.” Karlie and Leah? What are they doing here? Where is here anyway? I open up my eyes to see an unfamiliar beige ceiling. With a few brown stains on it. Gross where am I? I look around more and see that the walls all match the ceiling color. Then the smell of disinfectant hits my nostrils and I realize that I’m in the hospital.

  “Where am I? What are you two doing here?” I sit up and see my sisters in law standing holding each of my hands.

  “You’re still in the clinic. You fainted and they brought you in here to lie down. One of the nurses called me and we rushed over here.” Karlie says and gives me a big hug.

  “I passed out? That’s so weird. I don’t have the ear infection I thought I did.”

  “What did they say was wrong with you?”

  “Yeah, what did they say? Your brothers said they made you really mad earlier coming by here before your appointment.” Leah says and hugs me too.

  “I can’t believe they showed up here like I couldn’t take my own self to the doctor!”

  “We told them they were idiots.” Karlie says snickering knowing how the scene must have gone down. Little ol’ me taking out the big bad Blake brother

  “How long was I out?”

  “They said about twenty minutes. Are you feeling ok now? What did they say was wrong?”

  “What’s wrong? Everything. I need to go home. Please don’t follow me either.” I give them hugs and walk out the exam room door this time making it to the end and eventually out the front doors, after briefly stopping to get the OBGYN information. I’ll call later, I can’t right now. It’s not real yet. Once inside my car, I cry again. What am I going to do?

  I am pregnant? Pregnant. With Maysen’s baby. And I have no clue of how to get ahold of him. This is just freaking wonderful. I see Karlie and Leah standing by their car doors staring at me so I start the engine, wave and drive towards home. My life just drastically took a turn in another direction.

  Once home I take a look around and realize that my whole life just changed, every single part of it. I’m going to be a mother in four or five months. Oh my goodness. I am not going to be able to do this alone, but I have no clue how to get in touch with Maysen. But I do need to tell my family. First I’ll start with my sisters in law. They can help me tell the others. Aaahhh this is not going to be easy. Miss Perfect Audrey isn’t quite so perfect anymore. She got knocked up by a stranger and now raising a child alone. Wow.


  “Well, I think I’ll go get some dinner and go home. I’ve got to start at the dealership tomorrow.”

  “Ok honey. I wish you didn’t have to work somewhere you don’t love. Have you ever thought of opening up your own shop?”

  “Of course I’ve thought about it. It’s Carter and I’s dream, we just haven’t found the right opportunity.”

  “I really don’t like him working at that yucky bar either Son. Can’t you get him a job at the dealership?”

  “Mom, I barely got the job. I haven’t even started yet. He doesn’t want to work at the dealership anyway.”

  “Well, maybe you should move to Colvin and work with Uncle Sam. Aunt Ingrid said he’s been wanting to get out of the business and finally retire. It’s just a small town and there’s no one else to take it over for him. Maybe that’s your opportunity you’ve been talking about Maysen.”

  “I didn’t know he owned the garage, I just thought he worked there. If he’s serious about selling it, I might be interested. I’d probably need to go down there and check it out for sure and of course talk to Carter about it.”

  “It’s so good to see your face light up like that again Son. I’ll call her as soon as you leave and let you know what she says.”

  “That would be perfect. Love you Mom. See you tomorrow.”

  Walking to my car I realize that this might actually be that golden opportunity we’ve been waiting for. I look at my watch and see that Carter’s shift has started so I head to the bar. I’ll have a drink and talk to him about this idea.

  As I walk into the bar I can see he’s already surrounded by floozies. They aren’t even clean ones. Good grief man, have some standards.

  “Hey man, what’s up? I didn’t know you were coming in tonight? How’s your Mom?”

  “She’s good. We had a conversation that I wanted to talk to you about.”

  “Oh yeah, what’s that? Let me get these lovely ladies some drinks and I’ll be right back with you.”

  “Pig.” That’s all I need to say and he smiles and winks like a randy teenager. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

  “Ok man, what’s up?”

  “My Uncle Sam owns a garage in their hometown of Colvin it’s about two hours away from here. He’s pretty old and wants to retire but no one in town wants to take it over. That’s where we might come in. Would you want to come with me to check it out? We could leave Friday after I get off and be back Saturday night before your shift here starts. Unless you wanted to stay all weekend. Mom wants to go too so she can visit with Aunt Ingrid while we talk business.”

  “Dude, that sounds amazing. I am so in. I’ll tell them I won’t be back until Sunday. Tanya can take my shift Friday and Saturday. We leave as soon as you’re off. This could be it man. I’m excited.”

  “It’s a very small town. The pool of women is probably pretty small. Not even sure there’s even a bar.” I laugh and head for the door.

  “So I have to come to Tulsa every weekend to get my fix, no big deal.” He smiles and turns to help the next customer. I just shake my head and go home to get ready for tomorrow. If this all goes well I may only work there a week.

  Mom calls when I get inside the front door to tell me it’s all set up and they’ll be expecting us Friday night. She seems very positive this will work out but I can’t help but wonder if it’s all too good to be true. It’ll get me out of Tulsa where I won’t think I see Audrey everywhere and to a place where her memory can quit haunting me. An Audrey free zone. Not sure if that sounds good or bad.


  I send a quick text to Karlie and Leah knowing that texting is much easier than seeing them in person and trying to keep my know-it-all brothers from figuring it out before I have the chance to tell the girls.

  Can u 2 come over? Need 2 talk.

  Immediately I get the responses I had hoped for.

  B right there.

  Yep on my way.

  Ok so they’re on the way. How in the world do I start this conversation? Are they going to see right through me? Will I chicken out? Holy cow maybe this is a bad idea. What if my brothers come with them? Oh goodness.

  Before I can talk myself out of the meeting the doorbell rings. I can tell it’s one of the girls because they only ring it once while my annoying brothers ring it again and again until I answer.

  Walking up to the door I take a deep breath and exhale as I open it trying to smile like nothing’s wrong. Is wrong even the word here? I have wanted to be a mother as long as I can remember. But a single mother was not what I had planned. I can do it yes, but it’s still sad to know that I’ll be doing it this way.

  “Hey ladies. Glad you could come on such short notice. Want some water or tea?”

  “Spill it Audrey. What’s going on? Did you hear from the doctor today? Is that why we’re here?” Karlie asks without taking a breath.

  “You’re pregnant aren’t you?” Leah says and smiles crossing her arms across her stomach.

  “Oh my goodness Audrey! Are you pregnant?” Karlie says while jumping up and down screaming.

  “How in the world did you figure that out? I didn’t even know until the doctor told me!”

  “Oh my gosh!!! You are pregnant!!!! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!” Karlie runs around the room screaming like a mad woman. Shouldn’t I be the one acting so erratic? I look at Leah and she’s watching Karlie’s circus act too smiling in disbelief. When she turns to look at me she gets that crease between her eyebrows that let everyone know she’s thinking a little too hard.

  “Audrey are you ok? Are you not happy about this news?” She puts her arm around me and pulls me into a hug.

  And that’s when I lose it and cry like a big baby. I didn’t realize I was that upset until now. Before long Karlie realizes what’s going on and runs over to join in.

  “Audrey I didn’t even think to ask you if you were happy about this news. I kinda lost my mind when you said you’re going to have a baby. I got a little excited.”

  “I didn’t say anything that’s the problem. How in the world did you know before I did?”

  “I remember having that exact look on my face when I found out I was pregnant with Shannon. I was so torn because of Lewis’ schedule and his drinking. I didn’t want to raise a baby alone.”

  “Oh my goodness Audrey! Prince Charming is the father isn’t he?” Karlie says and freezes as she connects all the dots.

  “Yes of course he is. What do I do now? I don’t even have a way to contact him. I’ll be the one in this group raising a baby alone. Alone.”

  “You will never be raising it alone. You have all of us. Your mother is going to be over the moon to find out you’re going to giv
e her another grandchild.” Leah says making sure I look right at her when she says those words.

  “And your brothers are going to be so excited to have another niece or nephew!”

  “Karlie, they’re going to hunt Maysen down themselves and kill him.”

  “Oh. I hadn’t thought about that part. They just might do that. Probably a good thing we don’t know his phone number. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea that you didn’t get it either time you were with him.”

  “Now now, no need to rehash that lapse in judgment she had Karlie!” Leah says laughing while nudging me on the arm.

  “Thanks you two. You’re supposed to be here helping me figure out what I’m going to do and help me come to terms with the idea of being a single mother. I have wanted to be a mother since I was a little girl, but never like this. What did I get myself into?”

  “You’ll be just fine. There’s nothing to worry about with the built in support system you do have. We all love you and will love this baby so much too!”

  “Leah I know you’re right, I am just really freaked out. And how can I do this to my child? He or she will grow up not knowing his or her father. That’s not fair with the wonderful father I grew up with.”

  “Leah and I understand that Audrey, we just want you to know that we’re here if you need anything before and after the baby comes. I have learned so much from Leah and your Mom since I had Aleah. I couldn’t have done it without them or my own Mom. Even she would be more than happy to help you out.”

  “I know. I just feel so terrible knowing that Maysen will be a father and not even know it. Do you think I should try to find him?”

  “Didn’t we try that while we were in New York? We couldn’t find him online anywhere.”

  “We could go on a little trip to Omaha the next free weekend we all have. I know that Aiden would be glad to have a little bit of time alone with Aleah.”


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