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After the Flood 1: Blood and Magic

Page 8

by Lena Austin

  Le-An smiled at her like the charming rogue he undoubtedly was, winked, and then turned his face to Tanne. “Did I happen to mention Vampires also have extremely sharp hearing?”

  Tanne turned in his seat to look more directly at Le-An. His face was as bland as if they were discussing the weather. “Like bats?”

  Her amusement made her lips twitch. Finally, laughter won out. “If you males will stop treating me like some sort of dessert to be divided among you, I’d be grateful.” Kella came over and adjusted the sheets, just to have something to do.

  Le-An turned a sober brown eye to her. “But that’s just it. I’m not really male, or, for that matter, female.”

  Taken aback, she blinked. “All right, I’ll bite. What are you, then?” She wondered if he was a Dragon or something. No, Dragons had specific genders.

  “Technically, both, though I was born female. Here, let me return to my most commonly used form. It will speed the healing anyway.”

  To Kella’s newly trained eyes, Le-An morphed using more power than normally required. There was a flash of energy bright enough to blind her magic sight. When Kella blinked her watering eyes clear, where a male had been, now a brown-haired, brown-eyed female lay naked on her stomach.

  Assimilating all this new knowledge was giving Kella a headache. She shut her open mouth and forced herself to practical tasks. “Your burns do look better.” Her comment seemed to amuse Tanne and Le-An.

  “I’ll always heal, eventually. Doesn’t mean it’s not painful in the process, though.” The luminous brown eyes turned sad, and again Kella felt the wave of loneliness. The husky and slightly staccato, clipped speech pattern became clearer as Le-An’s pain receded further. “Between the honey and my own healing, I’ll be out of your hair in a few hours. Mind if I take a nap?”

  Tanne put his hand on an unburned portion of Le-An’s shoulder. “You could stay overnight, you know.”

  “No, thanks, my friend. I have things to do. You know I never stay in one place for long.” It seemed an odd thing to say.

  Tanne sighed. “I give up.”

  Le-An closed her eyes. “Good. Now shut up and let me sleep. Thanks for the honey, uh…what is your name, anyway?”

  “Kella. Go to sleep.” Kella flipped the sheet over the hoops so Le-An had a modicum of a modesty covering.

  “Thanks, Kella.” The yawn that followed the courtesy was chased by a soft snore.

  Tanne rose and crooked a finger at Kella. They went into the kitchen and closed the door.

  “That stew smells great!” He was drawn to the cauldron like a bee to a flower. “I must compliment you, both on the stew and the way you handled Le-An.”

  Kella beamed and relaxed. “Oh, good. I didn’t know if you ate meat or not.” It was so hard to know what to serve without having an idea of taste preferences. Would it be an insult to serve salad to a carnivore?

  “I do. I have a few carnivorous forms, and this form is omnivorous. Unlike Le-An, I haven’t made the effort to learn many, but I did try to vary things.” He paused. “What is more, I stay male. I can’t change gender.”

  Kella picked up an apple and handed it to him before taking a pear for herself. “I’ve never heard of anyone changing gender before. How many forms does Le-An have?”

  “Last I knew, around forty, in both genders.”

  Kella blessed the fact that she’d already swallowed, for fear she’d choke. “Forty! I’d never keep track of it all. I’m glad Vampires are limited to three.”

  Tanne snorted and bit his apple. “But you aren’t limited to three, you know. No one is. It’s a question of how willing you are to overcome the barriers. Even Elves can shift, if they are willing to put up with the pain and fight past their natural resistance.” He chewed thoughtfully, and then shrugged. “I have a few theories, if you care to hear them while we make some clothes for ourselves.”

  “Make clothes?” Kella blushed to hear the stutter in her voice. She thought she’d attempt it alone after she conjured up a mirror. The idea of making oneself clothes included the concept of undergarments, and for some odd reason she couldn’t define to herself, she was embarrassed. Considering her planned seduction of Tanne, her blushes were especially contradictory. It was a good thing her shield was up.

  Tanne finished his apple and made the core disappear. “Yes, I could use some, as well. We can make for each other, I thought. Tomorrow, we’ll work on shifting you to other forms, if you wish. I don’t want to tire you too much. Making clothing is easy enough.” He gestured to the things she’d made in the kitchen. “You seem to have the hang of that.”

  Pride cooled her blushes, and her chin jerked up. “Yes, I can. Now that you mention it, I do have some good ideas for things you might like to wear. We can change them if we don’t like them, correct?”

  He grinned and went to wash his hands of the juice, while Kella nibbled on her pear. “Agreed, and a fair bargain.”

  Kella eyed his long, well-muscled legs as he bent over the basin. What did she want to see him in? This required thought. His clothes always appeared neat, new, and fresh. How did he do that? “Tanne? You don’t look like you need new things. Your garments are always perfect.”

  Tanne laughed and turned around to stride back and make himself comfortable. “When I shift form, I always make sure to envision my clothes are clean and neat. That’s all.”

  “Oh! How silly of me. I’ve always envisioned how they looked when I last wore them. But then again, I don’t often use my lupine form, and bat only to hunt.” Kella rubbed her forehead. All these new concepts took so much thought to absorb. She manifested a cup of willowbark tea to ease the pain.

  “Did it to you again, didn’t I? I’m sorry. Here, I’ll start the costume-making. I’ve had a few ideas for some time now.”

  His voice was so contrite, Kella walked over to pat his hand resting on the table. “I’ll be all right. It’s just so much to learn. What do you want me to do?”

  Tanne laughed softly. He flicked his wrist, and Kella felt her outfit grow heavy. “I always wanted to know what you’d look like in green.”

  Kella looked down and gasped. The green-and-gold gown was worthy of the finest artisans. The cream-colored kirtle was fine, soft linen and very low-cut. The dark green overdress was made of luxurious velvet and trimmed with gold braid. Even the laces holding the bodice under her breasts were of gold cord. She kicked out a foot, and saw she now wore green velvet slippers with a fine leather bottom. “I love it. I feel like an Elven noblewoman in this!”

  “Well and good. You should be treated as one, in my opinion.” He kissed her hand as if she were a fine noble Elf.

  “I like this way of making clothes. You are limited only by your imagination and the bounds of good taste.” Kella grinned impishly, now that she was warming to the idea.

  “Excellent. I’m glad you approve. Next is something for less formal occasions. Every sorceress should own a simple black dress. Don’t you agree?”

  This time, he didn’t even blink, but Kella felt the difference in weight and texture once again. “A simple black dress, indeed, Tanne. You have odd notions of ‘simple.’ This is the finest of black velvets.”

  She simply couldn’t help herself in taking a few steps to feel the weight and drape as she walked. The long, belled sleeves were impractical for any hard work, and the low bodice showed off more of her breasts than she’d ever done. She manifested the mirror to admire the jeweled choker, and promised herself to move it to her room later for more private self-indulgences.

  “I can see you like that one.” Tanne’s comment was full of rich good humor.

  Kella looked at his reflection in the mirror. His bright blue eyes were shining and his grin was smug. “I adore it, however impractical it is. Where did the green outfit go, by the way?” This one would be her favorite, but she swore she would take good care of such lovely clothes.

  “I teleported it to your room. You’ll note a large wardrobe where it may hang safely
and not wrinkle.” He winked. “I remember my mother’s wardrobe when we lived among humans, before the Valley was created. It’s a child’s memory, of course, but sufficient.”

  Kella burned with curiosity. “You lived among humans? How horrid! How did… I mean, well, in the form you are in now?” She blushed, and bit her lip.

  “Yes, and we either covered our horn buttons with a variety of head coverings or used illusions to hide them. I was so happy to be rid of mine when we created the Valley; I burned my hats and hoods. It was wonderful to be myself.”

  Oh, she could understand that! She stopped primping and turned around. “Someday, you must tell me what it was like, but only in daylight! I might have nightmares if you told me before we went to bed.” She held up a hand. “But, you promised me a theory.” Her sleeve draped on the table and she snatched it back, in case there were fruit juices or something else to dirty her lovely new clothes.

  “Let me make you something more practical, for now.” Tanne flicked a finger, and her clothing changed to a soft blue tunic and trews, with fine black leather boots and belt.

  A quick glance in the mirror had Kella smiling with pleasure. “Much better, Tanne! Thank you for the matching belt pouch and knife sheath.” She fingered them under the table as she sat down to receive her next lesson.

  Tanne rose from his chair to pace. It was not agitated pacing, but more the kind one might do while ruminating. “I’m still working on this theory, so pardon if I don’t make complete sense.” He stopped and looked earnestly at her. “Do you feel any pain at all when you shift to bat and back?”

  “Um, well, just twinges. It hurt a lot more when I first was learning. I suppose I’ve grown used to it, now.”

  He nodded and stared into space for a moment. “That fits. Bat is more the natural form of Vampires.” His voice trailed off.

  Kella waited a moment. “I was born in my lupine form, though, Tanne. That doesn’t hurt at all.” It seemed only right to point that out.

  His eyes returned to focus. “I don’t expect pain for that form. The size is equitable. It seems that pain and size are related. For instance, I can shift from equine to human easily enough, with minor pain. But if I go to a smaller form, like hawk or bat, it is more painful.” He resumed pacing.

  Kella pondered for a moment. “I’ve always envisioned changing form like remolding clay. Yet, for all we have soft parts, we also have bones to hold it all up. Could it be the bones?” She tapped a finger on her chin and cocked her head to one side.

  Tanne laughed. “Trust a true carnivore to know anatomy.” Then he stopped his pacing and jerked around to stare at Kella. “Bones! You’re right. It is not the bones themselves, but the thickness of the bones, perhaps. That’s the reason Dwarves have no trouble becoming human-sized, yet Elves cannot change to anything larger without pain. Dwarves have thick bones. Elves have thin, light bones.” That was true. Elves were sleek and invariably so thin they looked fragile. Dwarves were short, stocky, and very strong.

  Kella put her chin in her hands and watched, bemused, while Tanne grew increasingly animated. “But, Tanne, there’s got to be something more. Perhaps natural magic resistance, or perhaps the mind not wishing the change?”

  “Yes, I agree, there’re other factors. But you’ve hit upon the one thing I couldn’t understand.” He beamed at her.

  Kella tossed her braid over her shoulder and blew her bangs out of her face. “Well, of course. I’m an herb- and knife-healer. You are a magic-healer. I know bones, blood, and meat. You know energy flows, grounds, and things unseen by the eye.”

  Tanne came over, grabbed her by the shoulders, and yanked her onto her toes. “And together, we make the perfect team.” Now that was a compliment she preferred.

  They stared, nose-to-nose, both grinning. Tanne’s smile slowly faded. “Forgive me,” he whispered. His mouth covered hers before she could ask what he was apologizing for.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kella plastered herself up against Tanne’s body and did her best to pour herself into the kiss. That was the best way to show that there was nothing to forgive. With her arms trapped at her sides, and her toes off the floor, she was limited to mouth and mind.

  She tried a mind probe and found him tightly shielded. It was like hitting a brick wall. Blast!

  Slowly, Tanne slid her down his body and allowed her feet to gain purchase on the floor. Still, his mouth did not stop assaulting hers. His hands released her, and began to roam.

  With her own hands free, Kella took the opportunity to explore the hardness of his body beneath the blue silk tunic. The soft silk whispered under her fingers, a dichotomy of hard and soft that delighted her. When her right hand brushed his nipple, he shuddered and broke the kiss.

  “I tried,” he whispered. “But seeing Le-An’s lust for you arouses every jealous fiber I didn’t know I had.” He searched her eyes.

  “Le-An never had a chance, Tanne. It is you I love and long for. Have I not shown you?” She caressed his nipple again, for the pleasure of seeing his blue eyes haze.

  “You are innocent, Kella. I should not.” His groan only aroused her further.

  “I was hoping you’d rid me of that inconvenient state.” Her hand slowly traveled lower until she stroked the muscles of his stomach.

  “I’m your teacher.” His protest was weaker, and he buried his face in her neck.

  Now Kella moaned. She pressed her neck into his mouth, urging him to bite, even though he had no fangs. “What has one to do with the other? I am your only student, so there is no one to accuse you of favoritism. I acknowledge you are my superior in magic, and always have.” He bit her neck and her thoughts scattered to the four winds.

  Her hand traveled lower and caressed the hard outline in his trews. “Teach me a new lesson, Tanne. Teach me to give you pleasure. I beg it.”

  He raised his head and looked deeply into her eyes. “And how do you imagine it will be for you? I want desperately to give you pleasure.”

  Kella allowed a slow smile to crease her lips. “Magical.” Her hand grasped his cock as much as it could through the cloth. She wanted to hold it and know what it felt like. Perhaps even kiss it.

  “You would drive any stallion to madness.” His eyes were half shut, and his voice deeper than usual.

  “There is only one stallion I wish to make insane with lust. You. Take me to your bed, Tanne. Please.”

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for.” It was a feeble protest, since his arms stopped their roaming and encircled her waist.

  “No, I don’t. Why don’t you show me what I’m missing?” She wound her arms around his neck.

  “Stubborn. Rather than risk waking Le-An, we’ll teleport.” He suited words to action.

  Kella looked around with interest at the bedroom. The bed itself was huge, much bigger than she’d ever seen. It would easily hold Tanne’s tall frame, with room for several others!

  She didn’t get to see much more, because Tanne picked her up and tossed her gently onto the soft blue coverlet. He fell in next to her, but did not rest his head upon one of the pillows. Instead, he kissed her lips lightly before looking at her.

  “Just feel, Kella. Feel what I do. If I am to avoid hurting you, I must arouse you to near mindlessness. Can you do this? Are you sure?”

  His lips hovered a breath above hers. “I’m sure. Please, Tanne. I ache like I’m in heat.”

  His smile was slow. “You are in heat. Your eyes are red, and your skin white as the snow on the mountains. I can smell the scent of it. Why do you think you’re driving me mad?” His mouth clamped down on hers.

  If he was not offended by the way she looked, then she refused to let it concern her. And if it aroused him, all the better. For a few brief moments, Kella considered the possibility of removing clothing with magic. If one could make clothes, one should be able to un-make them just as easily. However, there was also the titillation of slowly unmasking the person beneath the cloth. She opted to pluck at h
is tunic laces. “So I am. What are you going to do about it?”

  Tanne lifted his head. “Who is seducing whom, here? Would you have me naked before you while you remain fully clothed?”

  What a picture that would make. Kella raised one eyebrow. “What a delicious thought. Yes. My answer is yes.”

  He pulled the ribbon of her tunic out of its lacings with one fluid motion and chuckled. “I should have known. I’m making love to a predator. Aggression is your nature, whereas mine is caution. There’s a certain element of danger in this I find irresistible.”

  A thrill ran up her spine. He really liked what she was. She showed her fangs in her smile. “Well, I can’t promise I won’t bite. You are, after all, a feast for the eyes.” One of her nails lengthened as they did when she captured prey, and she began to slowly shred his tunic. The silk ripped with a snarling sound.

  His blue eyes widened, and then the lids lowered in arousal. “You forget one thing.”

  Curiosity had her staying her hand. “Oh?”

  His smile widened while his large hand took the neck of her tunic and ripped it from her body in one fluid motion. “Stallions are aggressive when they’ve a female in heat beneath them to cover.”

  “You never answered my question before. What are you going to do about it?” It was a challenge, thrown out to a male. A defiant female dared a male to earn his right.

  His eyes hazed with lust. “Feast until you beg.”

  “I don’t beg.” She conveniently ignored her pleas made only minutes before.

  He lapped at a hard pink nipple. “But you did. And you will.” Then he bit that same nipple just hard enough to cause a pinch.

  She forgot the conversation. She forgot everything but what he did to her body, and her need rose hotter than flame. The ripping of silk was the only clue she had that she was slowly tearing his trews from his body.


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