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Diary of a Ninja Spy (An hilarious adventure for children aged 7 - 12) (Diary of a Sixth Grade Ninja Spy)

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by William Thomas

  Where evil goes, the ninja will follow…

  Also by William Thomas and Peter Patrick:

  Diary of a Super Spy

  Diary of a Super Spy 2: Attack of the Ninjas!

  Diary of a Super Spy 3: A Giant Problem!

  Diary of a Super Spy 4: Space!

  Diary of a Super Spy 5: Evil Attack!

  Diary of a Ninja Spy

  (Book 1)

  William Thomas

  Peter Patrick

  Copyright © 2015

  Published by Run Happy Publishing

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission in writing of the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  For Ethan, Chelsea and Sophie.

  Chapter 1

  Oh, the life of a sixth grader.

  I know what you’re thinking – life should be all fun, parties and laughs at this age. But it’s not.

  School is boring as.


  Except for the day when Martin’s shorts kept falling down. That wasn’t boring.

  That was funny.

  But, usually, the most excitement we get is when we listen to the story of the Evil Shadow attacking on television. He is the world’s scariest, meanest, and most elusive ninja!

  Even though this mysterious ninja is evil, I think he is sooo cool. There is something about his story that has drawn me in.

  The Evil Shadow has been making his way around the world attacking random things and vandalizing monuments, while searching for something.

  About two months ago, he took the Big Ben clock tower in London and made it Little Ben.

  He painted the Statue of Liberty bright yellow while New York City slept.

  Even the Sydney Opera House in Australia was turned upside down.

  One of his most bizarre and astonishing feats was the relocation of Mt Everest!

  It now sits on a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

  Totally weird.

  Every country in the world is searching for him now. You would think with everyone looking, somebody would see something. But nope. Nothing. Nada. Not a thing.

  The ninja is a master of disappearing.

  I wish something that exciting would happen in our town. Nothing exciting ever happens here.

  My name is Blake Turner and I am eleven years old.

  As you can tell, I’ve been working out – I’ve been pumping iron and am full of muscle.

  This is me.

  And this is my best friend, Fred.

  As you can see, we are not the coolest kids in school.

  “Blake! Blake!” Fred runs up to me after class finishes for the day.

  “Hey Fred. What’s up?”

  “Did you see the new story about the Evil Shadow?” he puffs after running down the hallway.

  “No, I haven’t. Anything interesting?”

  “Well, check this out!”

  Fred pulls out his latest high-tech phone and shows me a video of the Evil Shadow attacking a shopping center a few miles away from my house.

  “Whoa! That’s so awesome!” I shout. “We’ve got to go there!”

  “No way!” Fred argues. “That’s totally dangerous!”

  “And that’s exactly why we should go!”

  “No way, man. Look, it isn’t the full story either. There isn’t just one ninja anymore, now there are over twenty bad ninjas! There is no way we should go! It’s dangerous.”

  “But you could get a great selfie with the Evil Shadow in the background…” I try to convince Fred to go chase the action.

  Fred loves a good selfie.

  He’s got a selfie with the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, and the White House. Of course, that was before the Evil Shadow changed them.

  But my favorite selfie was when a monkey threw poo at Fred.

  That was a classic.

  Fred rips out his selfie stick from his pocket!

  “Wow! A selfie with the Evil Shadow! Why didn’t I think of that?”

  “Because you’re terrified of ninjas.”

  “Oh, yeah…”

  “Get that selfie stick and let’s go!” I yell as I run down the hallway.

  This may turn out to be a very bad idea…

  Chapter 2

  As soon as I get home, I tell my parents that I need a new Math textbook from the local shopping mall.

  My Mom goes into shock.

  I have never, ever, ever asked for anything to do with school before.

  But anything to do with my education always gets top priority and is a sure way of getting me closer to the action.

  In excitement, Mom drives me to the car park of the mall, and straight away, we can see the destruction.

  Jumping out of the car, I see Fred is already there, taking a selfie.

  “Whoa!” I gasp.

  I look at the pile of concrete, hardly recognizing it as the shopping mall.

  The mall has been reshaped into a ten-story concrete tower!

  It looks like a lighthouse with all the shops stacked on top of each other.

  Totes epic.

  Hundreds of police officers, fireman and customers are surrounding the tower. Some of the customers are even climbing down and running away.

  I have never seen anything like it!!

  “Oh, why does this have to happen today?” Mom moans. “The only day that Blake shows an interest in his school work. It doesn’t look like we’ll be able to get your much-needed textbook today, son.”

  “Mom, stop. Stop! Look!” I exclaim, pointing at the tower.

  At the top of the tower, I see the Evil Shadow for the first time…

  Chapter 3

  The Evil Shadow is so totally cool.

  He’s standing on top of the large concrete tower, looking for something…

  And then he sees me. He stares straight at me…

  It’s as if he recognizes me!

  I freeze.

  Like absolutely freeze, the same as a frozen pizza.

  I know it was my idea to get closer to the action, but I don’t want to be part of the action.

  “Blake, the Evil Shadow!” yells Fred. “Look up there, it’s him. This was an awesome idea!”

  My Mom stares at me. “What idea was that, Blake? Hmmmm?”

  “Um… to get a new Math textbook today.” I don’t cover up my story very well, and I’m sure that Mom doesn’t believe me.

  “Shhh!” whispers Fred. “The Evil Shadow is saying something!”

  We listen closely and hear the Evil Shadow starting to yell something – and then…


  Lots of ninjas start jumping out of the base of the tower!

  Everyone begins to panic and run away – even the police officers.

  This is so totally wild.

  “Blake…? Blake! Can you see that?!” Fred is asking if I can see what he sees.

  “I can see it, Fred,” I reply without taking my eyes off a girl being kidnapped by a ninja.

  A ninja has swooped down on a rope and grabbed a girl, and has taken her back up to the top of the tower.

  Oh no!

  It’s Emily - my sixth-grade crush.

  Sure, she doesn’t know I exist, but I sure know she does.

  We talk occasionally, but it’s mainly because we have to
. We’re in a lot of the same classes. We played hide and seek together once when we were younger, and she did a great job of hiding.

  I didn’t see her again until the next summer.

  Once Emily reaches the top, she stops screaming. The ninja hands her over to the Evil Shadow.

  I don’t think these ninjas are so cool anymore. In fact, I’ve completely changed my mind; I don’t like these guys at all.

  “Citizens!” A booming voice says from the top of the tower. “I have one question for you!”

  This time, everybody freezes.

  “I am seeking an artifact. It is a very important item. It is something I lost generations ago. If I do not receive the item, I will destroy your town,” the Evil Shadow declares in a very stern voice. “I seek… the Power Sword!”

  “The Power Sword?” I whisper to Fred.

  “Yeah, Blake, the Power Sword. You know the one,” says Fred, confidently.

  “No, I don’t. What is it?”

  “No idea. Never heard of it.”

  “I will keep destroying landmarks until my request has been satisfied,” the Evil Shadow continues. “I will also start taking hostages, starting with this little girl.”

  Fred and I stand there amongst the chaos.

  “I’m going up there,” I say to Fred.

  “What? Are you cray-cray? No – don’t answer that. I know you’re crazy. But tell me why?” asks Fred.

  “Because if I don’t, nobody else will,” I say as I look at the hundreds of people who are fleeing the scene.

  “Give me your selfie stick.”

  Fred nervously hands it over.

  With the stick in my hand, I charge towards the mayhem.

  I hear my Mom scream out, but I ignore her. This could be a really dumb idea, trying to fight an experienced crafty ninja.

  But deep inside, I have a good feeling about this…

  Chapter 4

  To get to Emily, my first task is to somehow get past the ninjas that surround the base of the tower. Sneaking up to the mess that used to be the mall, I glance at the first shop sign, ‘The Spy and Gadget Shop.’


  Running into the store, I look for something, anything, which will help me.


  On the ground in front of me is a bag that says – ‘Spy Pack.’ I also grab some fireworks, a pillow, and a can of hair spray.

  Sneaking up as close as I can to the base of the tower, I look for the first ninja to attack.

  I shove the fireworks into the pillow, together with the can of hair spray, and race towards one of the ninjas.

  “Hiiii-Ya!” I scream, with the lit pillow over my shoulder. I throw it at the ninja, who has not moved at all since the beginning of my attack.

  In fact, I think he’s smirking.

  Is he laughing at me?

  Does he think I’m no threat at all?

  With the pillow gliding through the air, he quickly says to me, “Hiyah? Nobody says hiyah. That’s only something ninjas scream out in movies…”

  Before he can finish his sentence, the pillow explodes in a bright blue flash!


  The ninja is dazed.

  I jump and use his head as a step to get up to the pile of shops.

  I bolt up the side of the tower towards Emily.

  Time to be a hero…

  Chapter 5

  Just before I reach the top of the building, I check what else I have in my spy kit. A glue gun, a tripwire, and a mirror.

  Not much of a spy kit – I must have grabbed the cheap one.

  Once I’m at the top of the building, I peer cautiously over the edge. I can see Emily tied to a pillar and the Evil Shadow pacing back and forth, waiting. Quietly, I set up a trap.

  “Where is my Power Sword? I can sense that you are somehow close to it,” the Evil Shadow demands of his captive.

  “No, get away from me you pajama man!” replies Emily.

  “These are not pajamas! This is an elite ninja uniform!” explains the Evil Shadow.

  “They sure look like jam jams to me!” I state as I climb onto the rooftop.

  What a great entrance!

  That should be in a movie.

  “Who are you?” asks the startled Evil Shadow. “How did I not hear you creep up on me? Nobody can creep up on me…”

  As he is blubbering away, I quickly whip out the mirror from my spy pack and shine it on his face.

  Blinded by the reflection of the sunlight, the Evil Shadow stumbles forward towards the tripwire I had set up.

  Just as he trips over, I pull out my instant glue gun and spray his feet with it!


  He sticks to the rooftop!

  Man, I am awesome sometimes.

  “Hey. I’m stuck!” he yells. “How did you do this? I am the great ninja! I cannot be fooled!”

  “Whatever man,” I reply. “Maybe you’re not so great after all.”

  The Evil Shadow then pulls out a set of nunchucks!

  But I can’t get to Emily unless I get past him first.

  Even with his feet glued to the ground, the Evil Shadow is throwing his weapon around with full force.

  I duck and weave, trying to get past to rescue Emily.

  I reach into my back pocket and pull out my secret weapon - Fred’s selfie stick.

  He swings his nunchucks – I duck!


  I swing the selfie stick – he dodges it!

  This is totally the best battle ever.

  Then I put together a combination of sweet ninja moves. Left-arm swing, right-arm swing… and then right-leg kick!

  It works and the Evil Shadow is disarmed!

  His nunchucks go flying away from him.

  “What?! I recognize those ninjutsu skills! Where did you learn those moves?!” he demands. “Tell me!”

  “I simply made them up,” I reply with a smile.

  “Impossible, those are rare and ancient techniques you displayed. No one knows those traditional moves. They have not been used in centuries,” questions the Evil Shadow.

  “Gasp…unless…” the Evil Shadow looks puzzled, but then quickly dismisses it. “No, no, impossible!”

  I don’t listen to him any further and scurry past to untie Emily before we retreat down the tower.

  “See ya, glue feet!” I yell.

  I realize as we run away it was a stupid thing to say – I so should have said something funnier!

  Chapter 6

  As we make our way down the tower, we can see the other ninjas retreating.

  I think Emily is very impressed with my heroic actions. “Thank you so much, ….um…”

  “Blake. My name is Blake,” I say. Surely she knew that already. It must be the shock that has made her forget my name.

  “How can I ever repay you, Blake?” she asks.

  “Your safety is enough reward for me.”

  Aw man, what a cheesy thing to say!

  When we arrive at the bottom of the tower, Fred is waiting for us.

  “Wow, Blake! That was incredible. You never told me you practiced martial arts!” he screams in excitement.

  “I don’t know any martial arts. I was just trying not to get sliced in two. It all just happened naturally.”

  “That’s totes cool. I got some great photos from down here. I even got a selfie with the Evil Shadow in the background,” claims Fred. “You are so brave, Blake! Isn’t he the bravest, Emily?”

  “By far the bravest guy I know. But I had the situation under control. Two more minutes and I would’ve freed myself,” remarks Emily.

  She is probably right - Emily is known for being one of the toughest students in the whole state. She has a black belt in karate and once tied a group of eagles together that were trying to take her lunch.

  Emily moves closer to me and holds my hand. “But I’m still grateful that you rescued me.”

  Oh man… this day could not get any better!

  “BLAKE! Get back here now!”
  Eek! That’s my Mom screaming out from the car park.

  I’m so doomed.

  “Not so brave now, are you?” laughs Fred, seeing the fear on my face.

  The three of us start to walk back towards my Mom’s car… when suddenly a short fizz ignites and a puff of smoke appears right in front of us!

  Once it clears, we see another ninja standing there.

  Oh, no!

  I instinctively push the others behind me.

  Usually, I would be excited to come face to face with a ninja, but after the last experience I’ve lost my enthusiasm.

  “What do you want?” I demand of the ninja.

  “I mean you no harm,” states the ninja, bowing to me. “I am here as a friend. I am not associated with those ninjas you just encountered. I have just arrived here with my colleagues.”

  “Who are you? Who are your colleagues?”

  “Are you familiar with the ninja and his henchmen you just met?” he asks.

  Fred speaks up. “Yeah, we call him the Evil Shadow. The others were part of his gang.”

  “My team of ninjas and I are trying to capture him. My name is Tekato.”

  “Teeto?” repeats Fred.

  “No. Tekato.”

  “Oh, Teaaa-kato,” says Fred.

  “No. Tekato.”

  “Ohhh, right. Te-kito.”

  “No. Tekato.”

  “Oh, yes. Yes, I get it now,” says Fred again. “Teeekaaattttoooooo.”

  “No! Tekato!”

  “Alright, ninja-man. No need to get angry. How’s this – Tekata?”

  The ninja shakes his head. “Grrrr….you can just call me ‘Ninja.’”

  “Cool. Thanks, Mr. Ninjo.”

  The ninja looks really angry now.

  “So, you’re a good ninja?” asks Emily from behind my shoulder, stopping the silly conversation from going any further.


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