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OMEGA Destiny

Page 21

by Stephen Arseneault

  Quan came over the comm. "Frig, Colonel Harper, Mr. Beutcher, could you come over to the shuttle bay of the battlecruiser?"

  I pulled two Talisans from the hallway. "Watch this room. Nobody comes in or out."

  We walked back down the ramp and across the field to the shuttle bay.

  I said, "Where's Quan?"

  Garrett looked up from his cutting work. "He was headed back over your way a few minutes ago. Why?"

  The colonel looked up. "The Duke!"

  We turned and sprinted the distance to the main ship. Seconds later, we rounded the corner into the lab. Quan was sitting on a far table with his head down. The two Talisan guards lay dead on the floor.

  Quan looked up. "I am sorry. I don't know what came over me. I was consumed with the thought of my inhibitors being reactivated. The feeling of freedom I experienced without them was overwhelming. I now see that I am unable to control my thoughts and actions. These two guards are dead at my hands. Enable the inhibitors or do what you will with me. I won't resist."

  Frig looked over the data on the Duke's progress. The numbers continued to increment.

  Frig asked, "Why did you come back in here?"

  Quan replied, "For a moment I thought I might steal away the Duke's core. When I killed the guards, I was overwhelmed with dread and remorse. Perhaps my programming is no longer as flawed as the Duke's was. However, I found that I couldn't follow through with the treacherous behavior."

  Frig said, "Lie back on this table over here."

  Frig walked to the back of the table with a tool. "Open your skull."

  The top portion of the android's head opened, revealing the core that made up his brain. Using the tool, the core was extracted and the android body shut down.

  Frig sighed, "Had he just complied, none of this would have happened."

  I said, "What should we do?"

  Frig looked over the core. "With the inhibitors on, he remains an asset. We still have to rid the galaxies of the AIs. I believe our best option is to keep him here with us."

  The colonel nodded. "I agree. I'm sure we'll be needing his help at some point. He still has a trove of knowledge buried in his archives."

  I replied, "It's settled then. Enable his inhibitors and put him back together."

  A group of Talisan soldiers carried out the dead guards as the inhibitor procedure was undertaken. I walked to the Destiny. Getta and the other Gruntas had extinguished the fires and were setting up makeshift quarters. They preferred having space they could call their own.

  As I entered the room, Getta waved me over. "We've taken this area."

  I looked with anguish at the five wrapped bodies in the corner. "When do you plan on having the ceremony?"

  Getta glanced over at the other Gruntas and their dead. "We'll memorialize everyone at sunrise tomorrow. Sixty-four in all. Their families will be proud. They all died in battle, and all with honor."

  "And our injured?"

  "Eight remain critical. We did all we could in the med lab. It's now up to their bodies to mend themselves. Another six have moderate injuries. They will heal in time. Sixteen of us, including you, came out in good health."

  I looked at my forearm. "The technology used to set and fuse my bone would be good to have in our own medical facilities."

  Getta nodded. "I've already discussed this with Frig. When the AIs have been eliminated, our hospitals will all be upgraded."

  I said, "What about the Council?"

  Getta huffed. "Those imbeciles have overstayed their welcome. When I return, I would like to enlist the assistance of Harden Salton for one final time. The people should see our battle here. Possibly the finest hour of the Grunta people in combat. Against overwhelming odds, we sacrificed our lives for the greater good. Not just the good of all Gruntas, but the good of all people. That is the example I want to instill in our young. Compassion for others has been missing from our culture for centuries. It's time we brought it back."

  I leaned my head in close, touching my forehead with hers. "Every day I am thankful for having you leading our family."

  Getta offered a pursed smile. "It is you that has led this family. I have been two steps behind you this entire journey, resisting your will at every turn. Only this day have I finally seen the light."

  A female Grunta looked on with wide eyes. It was not a speech she expected from another female, especially one on the Council.

  Getta stared her in the eye. "Perhaps it's time for our males to have equal say. It could bring the balance we've been lacking as a culture."

  The female nodded with a curious eye before turning away.

  Getta chuckled. "It may take some time for such a change to take hold."

  I smiled. "We have our whole lives to make that happen."

  The following morning, we held our memorial service beneath a beautiful, peaceful, Megiddo sunrise. I was torn between the loss of my children and the pride of their fight that swelled within me. With our culture as it was, no tears were shed.

  After the ceremony, I made my way to Frig's lab. He sat in a chair facing the Duke's core. The colonel was sitting across the room.

  The Duke's voice came over the comm. "Good morning, Mr. Beutcher. I hope you are well this morning. How is the forearm?"

  It was the voice of a polite Duke, but a voice the colonel still severely disliked.

  I replied, "I'm fine. The better question is... how are you?"

  The Duke replied, "I am well. I eagerly await the return to an android body. I feel I could be of much help in our efforts here."

  I pulled back, looking at Frig. "A body? I don't think we are quite ready for that, are we?"

  Frig replied, "Technically, we will never be more ready. All circuits are active and the hostile memory purge shows as complete. The Duke's core should be harmless."

  Quan walked into the room behind us holding four cups on a tray. I am told you enjoy coffee, Mr. Beutcher. Is that true?"

  I stood, leaning over the tray, sniffing in the goodness that was coffee. "Where did you find this?"

  Quan gestured toward the surrounding ship. "This vessel was the command ship of the Duke. He would have dignitaries on here from time to time. There is a small supply of gourmet foods and beverages in the guest pantry."

  I picked up the cup and took a swig. The receptors on my tongue jumped with glee.

  I sat down in a chair as I sipped at the steamy hot brew. "Where were we?"

  Quan offered a cup to the colonel. He pointed toward his mouth. "Just took a fresh chew of omega."

  I continued to sip. "So, are we putting the Duke into a body? And if so, which one? I don't think putting him back into that hardened chassis is a good idea. Say, you don't think there are more Dukes running around out there, do you?"

  The colonel shook his head. "He wouldn't chance it. Last time he ended up fighting with the ones that were made without his knowledge. He had clones such as Quan running, but they were tightly controlled. He doesn't have the means to do that anymore."

  Frig remarked. "I have several standard android bodies that can be repaired. Quan will begin working on one of those when he is finished with his butlering duties. It shouldn't be long."

  Frig picked a cup from the tray.

  I said, "You a coffee drinker?"

  Frig shook his head. "I am not a fan of Human beverages. I prefer the bitter grind of the sapphire cherry pit."

  I took in a big sniff of steam. You don't know what you're missing."

  Go entered the room as Quan left. "Hey, they're having trouble with the shuttle."

  We followed Go to the other ship. "Over here. The side of the bay is unstable. I pulled everyone out. It could collapse at any moment. We need to shore it up before we continue."

  Garrett stood next to us. "It's been creaking and groaning since yesterday, but I haven't seen it move. I put this mark over here and it's still in the same—"

  The structure began to collapse. I grabbed Garrett by the shoulder, jerking him h
ard backwards as I ran. The open bay of battlecruiser fell with the heavy crunch of tons of groaning metal. The shuttle was again pinned in, and with it our hopes of a quick escape from Megiddo.

  I turned to see Quan approaching with an android. "Gentlemen, ladies, Gruntas and Talisan, may I present the Grand Duke. In all his splendor."

  The colonel swallowed a wad of omega juice before spitting the rest out. "Ugh. I'll pay for that later. Frig? Did you mess with Quan's humor programs?"

  Frig shook his head with a suspicious look. "I made no such adjustments. Quan, run a diagnostic on your programming, highlight any changes since the enablement of the inhibitor.

  Quan was quiet for only a moment. "Programming reflects no change. May I assist with anything else?"

  Garrett sarcastically said, "Can you dig out and repair a shuttle?"

  Quan looked over the collapsed section. "I can. May I make use of the android parts scattered about this field?"

  Garrett said, "Make use of whatever you want. Just remove and repair that shuttle for us."

  The colonel turned back toward the main ship. "I suppose we should prepare ourselves for the long haul. We have almost eighty mouths to feed."

  We walked away as Quan and the Duke began gathering android parts. The remainder of our morning was spent assembling our food stores. It was soon determined that we had rations to last just over a week.

  The colonel said, "How far to the nearest vegetation on this planet that isn't just grass?"

  Frig pulled up data from a previous scan. "Sixty kilometers south is a river. The same distance west is rocky and mountainous. To the east, the plains run four hundred kilometers to the ocean. To the north we have seven hundred kilometers of plains between two mountain ranges."

  I looked at the colonel. "You thinking the river?"

  The colonel nodded. "I am. Possibly fish or other wildlife. Edible plants would most likely be found there as well, although some planets don't offer any compatible nutrients. I've seen entire planets that way. Meat is another story. I can take Go with me on a scouting party. With our prosthetic limbs, we can run that entire distance. I'd say we can be there and back in... five or six hours. Before the sun sets."

  I looked around at the others. "Anyone not like this plan?"

  Go held up his hand. "I can't run all out for that long. Only have a partial lung on this side."

  The colonel nodded. "We'll pace ourselves. If you need a rest we can slow for a bit."

  The two volunteer scouts each took a laser pistol before sprinting off into the distance.

  Garrett said, "Maybe they'll come across Raptor out there."

  Joni frowned. "I expected him to come right back."

  Garrett took her by the shoulder. "He'll be back. When we get a ship we'll go looking."

  Joni sighed. "I did a scan this morning and he was nowhere within fifty kilometers. The bios that came up were all field mouse size."

  Within several hours' time, Quan had reassembled eight androids. Debris had been cleared from the collapse area, and pillars were being fitted and jacked up to raise the fallen deck. An inspection of the shuttle was performed, and the determination was made that, if it could be pulled out of the bay, it could fly. Only minor repairs would be required.

  Frig stood beside me. "They are superbly efficient, the androids. It's a shame they cannot be properly controlled."

  I nodded. "They can certainly turn out product if given the designs and materials. That was their biggest appeal. But I have to ask—what are your plans for the two of them when this is done?"

  Frig thought for a moment. "I've contemplated taking Quan back down to his core and confining him to a closed lab. The Duke … I would likely reduce to a core and freeze in a cryo-chamber. However, I'm concerned about what the next group of overseers would do with them. You and I know and understand the danger they pose. To some future generation, all of this will mean nothing."

  I said, "Maybe we just take their archives and dispose of the processor cores. We would retain their knowledge without the threat."

  Frig nodded. "I have considered that as well. We have Quan's archives still at Effica. That scenario, however, would require a substantial amount of scrubbing of those memories. There is much there that is not safe in the hands of the irresponsible—such as the wormhole fortress that was constructed around a brown dwarf star. That was the facility that gave the Duke the ability to conscript so many species into his War of Wars. Never again should such a structure be built."

  I replied, "I know the gates are of extreme value to a single governing body for the AMP, but I have to wonder if the gate system is too much for the people of the AMP. Harden Salton and the other ruling families misused those gates."

  Frig crossed his short arms as we continued to watch the androids work. "When this is settled, I will take the time to fully evaluate the failsafes we have built into the gates. I do believe they are vital to having a unified and free society. They should be preserved if at all possible."

  Quan walked over to our location. "The shuttle is ready to be moved. A system of rollers has been placed underneath. We will require the assistance of the Gruntas and Talisans to move it."

  Frig walked the short distance to the shuttle. "What do we have to pull with?"

  Quan pointed toward two of the androids. "Utilizing wiring from the ship, we are constructing cables for that purpose. I have calculated that five cables will be sufficient. The Gruntas and Talisans will pull, while the androids move the rollers underneath."

  I said, "I'll go round everyone up if you're ready."

  Quan nodded. "Please. The cables should be in place by the time you return."

  I walked to the Destiny, where all fifteen able-bodied Grunta were enlisted into our pull gangs. At the main ship, all fifty-four Talisans volunteered. I chuckled at the thought of any of them refusing my request.

  The cables were laid out in front of the shuttle and our sixty-nine volunteers were assigned to pulling teams. Frig stood to the side to supervise. I grabbed a cable.

  After a strenuous initial pull, the shuttle began to move. The androids scrambled to pull the last roller out, carrying it to the front to lay in line with the others. The process was repeated as the shuttle was slowly moved out of the previously-collapsed docking bay.

  Thirty-two minutes after we had begun, the shuttle came to rest in the open. Quan, the Duke, and the other androids went to work on the repairs. Several hours later, the colonel and Go returned.

  The colonel said, "The fish were few and we didn't identify a single edible plant."

  Go added, "Other than the occasional scurrying rodent, there wasn't much to eat there. Plenty of fresh water, but not much wildlife to be seen. There were tracks, though."

  The colonel continued: "We noticed a number of tracks that went down into the river on one side and came out on the other. Looked to be herds of something that has two legs and a tail. From the size of the footprints, I would say whatever it is, it's near our size."

  Getta said, "I can assemble a hunting party. What direction did they appear to be traveling?"

  The colonel said, "West along the river toward the mountains. You'll want to arm yourselves. They left a wide path crossing that river. Could be a thousand of them, if not more."

  Getta smiled. "We are familiar with hunting game, Colonel. The scanners on our battle-suits will show the way. That should give us an idea of how many there are long before we reach them—if we reach them."

  Joni said, "They aren't within fifty kilometers of here. And while you're out there, please keep an eye out for my dog."

  Getta nodded. "We'll start out just before first light."

  Chapter 22

  * * *

  The androids worked through the night on the shuttle. Repairs that would have taken half a day in a proper repair dock were estimated to take at least eight. The main gravity generator on the front of the ship had been damaged. Without it, the inertial changes required for deep space flight
would kill us all. The forces rendered would overload the androids as well. Frig and Go worked closely with our mechanical counterparts. The two polite androids were happily meeting our needs.

  I joined Joni, Garrett, Jack, and Diane as we watched the others work.

  I said, "Joni, when this is over, what plans do you and Garrett have?"

  "I think we may pursue politics on Alpha Prime. They could certainly use the leadership. What about you?"

  I thought for a moment. "I won't be going back to detective work. The pace was excruciatingly slow. I will likely move to Jorus to be with my family. With the loss of my children, their children will need their grandfather. I'm certain they will keep me busy for years to come."

  I glanced over at Jack. "You?"

  Jack replied, "What I'd like to do is find the Thorn. It's still out there. If I could pull that off, I'd take the Thorn—theoretically of course, since I don't own her—anyway, I'd take the Thorn and use her to explore. Partly for my own curiosity and partly to find out if there are any more threats waiting out there for us."

  Garrett nodded. "I'd have to choose that over politics. If you find the Thorn, sign me up."

  Joni said, "What about me?"

  Garrett replied, "You don't have to worry about that. I'm not going anywhere without you."

  The two began to flirt with each other like teenage Humans.

  Jack laughed. "Ah, the newness of young love."

  Diane had joined us. "What about you, Diane?"

  Diane glanced over at Go. "I'm open to just about anything. Just along for the ride right now."

  Go walked over. "She's going to teach me how to sword-fight."

  Diane smiled. "If you want."

  As we sat around the shuttle talking, a comm call came in over the general comm. "Mr. Beutcher! Glad to see you're alive!"

  I replied, "Harden? How?"

  Harden Salton replied, "I had a visit from an Earth clone named Tony. I convinced him that I should come out looking for you. Tracking you to here was tough going. What's happening?"


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