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His Pregnant Texas Sweetheart (Peach Leaf, Texas)

Page 12

by Amy Woods

  Little did she know that Katie had very recently performed quite the striptease down to nothing, outdoors no less.

  Her heels weren’t too high—her ankles were a little swollen lately—and she’d brought a wrap in case the weather got a little chilly.

  All in all, she felt pretty damn good.

  “You’re beautiful, Katie Bloom,” Ryan said the minute they were seated, giving her a gorgeous, dimpled smile over the light of the candle in a green bottle between them.

  She thanked him and busied herself with the menu, suddenly feeling a little shy, despite what they’d now been through together. After narrowing her choices down to three entrées, an almost impossible feat in itself, Katie ordered gnocchi served with shrimp, asparagus and pesto. The waiter complimented her choice in a wonderfully thick, Italian accent and took her menu, turning to Ryan, who requested a smoked-salmon dish for himself, and an antipasto plate of artichoke hearts, sliced tomatoes marinated in dressing, thinly sliced Genoa salami and Cacio de Roma cheese, shaved prosciutto and crusty bread for he and Katie to share.

  The food was so good that there was little room for talking, and it wasn’t until her belly was full of deliciousness that Katie noticed Ryan was studying her, face resting on his palms over his empty plate.

  “What?” she asked, nervously wiping her mouth. “Do I have food on my face?”

  He gave a low, sexy laugh. “No, not at all. I’m just happy to be sitting here with you.”

  She put down her napkin and folded her hands in her lap. “Me, too,” she said, a wide, genuine smile breaking open on her face.

  He had a way of making her feel unselfconscious, unafraid to be herself in his presence, and she loved him for that.

  The word jolted her. Actually, she loved him for a lot of things.

  If only it were that easy to just tell him.

  “Ryan—” she started, at the same time as he said her name, causing them both to laugh.

  “It should be easier, huh?” he said, his frank honesty disarming her a little.

  “Do you think that means something?” she asked, worried about his reply.

  He waited for the waiter to clear their table, ordering a dessert of Italian cream cake for them to share.

  “I don’t think it’s ever easy,” he said, taking a sip of his wine, “when two people who have known each other for so long dare to turn their friendship into something new. I think it can be scary...I know I feel that way...but I don’t think that’s unusual, no.”

  His openness gave her the doorway she needed to tell him what she’d been holding back. She was certain he’d wondered about her baby, about his or her father, but he’d been so patient in waiting for her to talk about it.

  It was time.

  “His name is Bradley,” Katie said. “The father.” She glanced up to check Ryan’s expression, calmed by the easy smile she was met with.

  “I had been wondering,” he said, and she giggled.

  “You don’t have to talk about him if you don’t want to, Katie,” he said, giving her an out that she wouldn’t take. She was thankful for it all the same.

  “No,” she said, “it’s okay. We broke up when I found out about the baby.”

  Ryan placed his hands on the table, gripping the cloth. “He left you because of the baby?”

  Truthfully, Katie was flattered by his reaction. Ryan was protective and strong in ways Bradley never had been—one of the many flaws she’d chosen to overlook in her ex because it was easier than fighting with him.

  “Well, it wasn’t just that,” she said.

  “He did, didn’t he?” Ryan shook his head. “What a bastard.”

  “We had other problems,” Katie continued.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “He shouldn’t have left you alone and pregnant. He should have stayed to take care of be a father to his kid.”

  Katie fiddled with her napkin, searching for the best response. “Well, first of all, not everyone is as good a man as you are, Ryan Ford—” she pointed her gaze at him— “and second, it’s not always that simple.”

  Though, she knew, to Ryan, it really was.

  Wasn’t he the one who’d rushed into marrying his high school girlfriend after discovering that he was going to be a dad?

  He’d always seen the world in black and white; it was why he had such a hard time with the idea of forgiving his father. Katie didn’t know the specifics of the situation, but from what he’d shared before, it seemed like a fairly dramatic affair for their family. She remembered how Ryan’s mom used to look at her husband—with such blatant adoration—and she’d always believed it was reciprocated. They were a beautiful couple, and she was still sad after hearing what happened to their marriage, though it happened years ago and they were still together. Maybe they’d been able to repair the damage Mr. Ford had caused.

  If his mother had been able to forgive him, then Ryan needed to find a way to do so, as well. There was no excuse for what the man had done, but it would only hurt Ryan to hold a grudge.

  “Not everyone has your hero-style moral code, Ryan, though the world would probably be a better place if more people did.”

  Her last comment elicited a grin from him, as she’d hoped. The light moment passed and she became serious again. “There were things that were my fault, too,” she said. “Really, Ryan, I’m not perfect.”

  “Could have fooled me,” he said, reaching across the table to hold her hand.

  She let the sensation of his skin on hers comfort her.

  “One of our problems was that Bradley was never going to be right for me.”

  Candlelight flickered in Ryan’s hazel eyes.

  “Because I was always still in love with someone else.”

  Katie saw her own expression reflected in Ryan’s, and he seemed about to say something else when their dessert arrived. They dug into the fluffy white cake, remarking on the absolute perfection of coconut and pecan, leaving the restaurant in a haze of sweetness.

  * * *

  An hour later, Ryan led Katie up to his hotel room, her hand in his as they rode the elevator to his suite on the top floor.

  They didn’t speak as he took her wrap and bag, hanging them on a coatrack by the door, before leading her to the bedroom. At the river, they’d been playful, but somehow Katie knew that when Ryan made love with her, it wouldn’t be with a light heart. He would be a completely present lover, all of his attention focused solely on his partner...on her.

  She excused herself and went into the en suite bathroom, laying her hands on either side of the sink to catch her breath. She’d waited for this moment since she’d realized her deep attraction for her best friend, and now that it was here, so many things were flooding her mind that she needed a minute to clear her head.

  Katie splashed water on her face, set her shoulders back and returned to the bedroom, where Ryan stood near the window, looking out over their hometown. He turned when he felt her reenter the room, but he didn’t say a word. Just let his eyes linger on every part of her...face, breasts, belly, legs...before he crossed the room in a few long steps, taking her hands in his to lead her to the bed.

  Katie sat on the edge and pulled off her shoes; Ryan did the same before sitting down, patting the spot next to him, indicating that she should come closer.

  “Fine pair, the two of us,” he said, reaching forward to run a finger down Katie’s arm, shoulder to wrist. “We’re both so hardheaded and stubborn that we went off and made a mess of our lives with other people, too blind to know that we had the best person right there in front of us, all the time. Or at least I did.”

  His touch was electric and she nearly missed what he’d said.

  Part of her wanted him to continue speaking, but another part—the part that won—wanted so badly for him to hold her again like he had in the river, to feel his large, strong hands on every hill and valley of her body. When he’d kissed her the day before, he’d awoken an appetite she’d never known before
, and now she needed that physical contact like water and sun, nourishment that only Ryan could provide.

  She took his hand when it reached hers and brought it to her lips, kissing the tips of his long fingers slowly, one at a time. He stared at her and hunger erupted in his eyes, so intense she had to look away, focusing her concentration on bringing him pleasure. Her moves were no longer meant to soothe his aches; now they were about showing him, in perhaps the only way he’d understand, that she wanted him and no one else—that he was perfect for her and her alone.

  Katie released his hand, reaching up to pull his face close enough so she could see the shadows forming where he’d shaved, and could smell that lemon-and-mint scent of his she’d always loved. She let her eyes wander over his gorgeous features: unruly hair, hazel eyes, sharp, high cheekbones, sexy stubble, full lips. She lingered there and then leaned in, kissing him delicately at first, exploring the soft flesh of his mouth with her tongue, then deeper until he reached for her, pulling her onto her knees and into his chest. She laid her palms against the hard surface, pushing him down onto his back, then lifted the hem of her dress and straddled him, taking control.

  He slid his hands around her waist under the folds of her dress, plying her soft flesh with his fingers until she pulled the garment over her head, exposing a plum-colored satin-and-lace bra. She reached around her back and unhooked the clasp, pulled it over her shoulders, and let it slide down and off her arms.

  Ryan’s lips turned up at the corners and he gave a soft, lazy laugh, the sound of it giving her all the confidence she needed to keep going.

  Katie returned his laugh before silencing him with a finger over those lips of his, knowing there would be plenty of time to feel them all over her later.

  She grasped at his button-down shirt and he raised his torso to slip it off for her, lifting up to pull his undershirt over his head before leaning back on his palms. His abs tensed with the effort of supporting his upper body, and she ran her hands over the firm muscles, stopping at the waistband of his trousers.

  Looking into his eyes, she saw her hunger mirrored there, so she pulled the zipper down carefully over the hard bulge beneath the layers of denim and cotton. He lifted his backside and she eased the pants down and off his long legs, tossing them in a heap over the side of the bed.

  He leaned back on his elbows and watched her as she undressed fully for him, openly admiring her pregnant form. Even the cool air of his hotel room didn’t faze her, and she didn’t move to hide her body. She wasn’t afraid of being exposed—she felt strong and womanly, surprised at the sensation of enjoying the feel of her own skin. The delight she saw in his eyes as he stared at her figure didn’t hurt, either, and she smiled as she returned his stare, surveying the long, muscular form at her feet.

  The throbbing ache between her legs was growing too intense to handle much longer, but she would force herself to wait. She lowered herself back to the bed and crawled on her hands and knees until she hovered over him. She opened her mouth and pressed her tongue against the flesh between his pecs, trailing it down, down, down to his belly button and farther south to the hem of his snug, black boxer briefs. Sitting back on her haunches between his legs, she wrapped her palms around the hard curve of his bottom, peeling the shorts off until he was gloriously naked. He reached to the floor beside the bed for his pants, grabbing a condom from his wallet.

  “Katie,” he said, his voice husky, the sound making her want him even more.

  She pulled away and he groaned, both of them suffering the loss of skin on skin.

  “Yes?” she said innocently, running her palms over the chiseled shape of his pelvic bones.

  “Come here,” he rasped, his voice thick under heavy breathing.

  “Why should I do that?” she asked, continuing to tease his skin.

  She guessed he’d finally had enough when he gripped both of her wrists and pulled her hips closer to his waist, then wrapped a hand over each of her full breasts.

  The urgency of the movement delighted her. She was powerful, desired by this incredible man—a man who wanted her now in a way she’d always wished for.

  She was the same Katie who’d grown up next door to Ryan—the same one who’d known from the instant they met that he was the one she wanted always. And even with her pregnancy, he made her feel confident, beautiful and sexy in her own skin. She didn’t need to try to hide her feelings from him anymore.

  “Because you’re driving me crazy and I want you, Katie. Right now.”

  Katie obeyed, moving forward. She raised her hips slightly and then brought her body down, closing her eyes in ecstasy as he slid into her. His body filled every inch, every crevice of her, and she stayed there for a moment just savoring the bliss of having him this way, finally.

  When need became too strong to ward off any longer, she let go—of everything—feeling Ryan alongside her the whole way, both of them trembling as she crashed, satisfied and full, into his arms.

  A short while later, he grabbed her and took over, lighting her on fire over and over again, bringing them to satisfaction until they were both sated.

  * * *

  As daylight slipped through the hotel room curtains, Ryan woke slowly and happily, then studied the exhausted beauty sleeping on his chest, her head of raven hair rising and falling with each breath, a creamy arm strewn lazily across his abdomen.

  He had so much work to do, so much to discuss with his father, and there were calls to make to check on business back in Seattle. Plus, he knew he should get Katie back home before her roommate started to worry, but he didn’t want to wake her.

  He reached out his free arm and wrapped the blanket tighter around Katie’s shoulders, careful not to stir her.

  God, she’s gorgeous.

  He’d imagined them together like they were last night many, many times, but none of those daydreams had lived up to what it was really like to make love to Katie Bloom.

  She was perfect, every inch of her...perfect for him. The memory of last night had him aroused again within minutes, but there would be time for that later...for as long as she would have him. He knew what it was like to live life without her, and he didn’t want to do that anymore.

  Chapter Twelve

  Ryan pushed back the sheets and rose from the bed, tucking the snow-white down blanket around Katie’s smooth shoulders, admiring her sleeping figure once again before heading for a shower.

  Half an hour later, he’d dressed in jeans and a T-shirt and was puttering around the kitchenette, waiting for coffee to brew, when he heard the water come on in the bathroom. Just knowing Katie was in there made him smile, until he remembered.

  Crap. There wasn’t any decaf in the room for her. He knew it would probably be safe for her to have a single cup of real coffee, but in case she was being extra careful, he wanted to have the weaker stuff on hand when she came out of the room.

  He considered ringing the concierge, but decided instead to just trek down to the desk himself; it would be much quicker and would save him the awkwardness of having someone bring it to his room before Katie was dressed. He planned to order her breakfast later, but didn’t want to startle her before she’d had a chance to bathe and put something on.

  The concierge procured the requested coffee within seconds, and Ryan headed back to the room, taking the stairs this time to get rid of some of the pent-up energy he was holding, probably a side effect of his new excitement over Katie.

  He slipped his keycard into the door and opened it, expecting to hear or see her moving around the room, but he was met with complete, eerie silence, so thick that it made the fine hairs on his arms stand on end.

  “Katie?” he called, hoping to hear her voice immediately.


  “Katie?” he said, hearing the worry in his own tone. He dropped the pouch of decaf on the ground, his heart racing as he ran to the bathroom.

  Oh, God.

  “Katie.” He was shouting now, his pulse thundering in his e
ars as he rushed toward her crumpled form, her dark hair sprawled out on the bathroom floor, her beautiful skin now sickeningly pale.

  He lifted her head off the floor and held it in his lap, careful not to move her too much for fear he might harm her further.

  He pulled out his phone to call 9-1-1 when Katie’s head lifted slightly, and her eyes fluttered open.

  “What happened?” she asked, and if he hadn’t been so startled, Ryan would have reached down to kiss her; never in his life had he been so glad to hear her voice.

  He set the phone aside, placing his palms on Katie’s cheeks to steady her.

  “Oh, Katie, I’m so glad you’re awake.”

  “Ryan? What happened, Ryan? I was standing in the bathroom and then I felt a little woozy and the next thing I know...I’m on the floor.”

  “Do you know if you hit your head?” he asked, his eyes scanning every inch of her skin to check for marks.

  She blinked a few times and Ryan worried he would lose her again. “Stay with me, baby, okay?” he pleaded. When she nodded, he repeated his question.

  “I can’t be sure, but I don’t think so. I just sort of...knelt down, trying to lie flat so I wouldn’t fall because I felt so weird. And then I guess...I guess I must have blacked out or something, because I don’t remember anything after that.”

  “Just hang tight, okay? We’ve got to get you to the hospital.”

  As he began dialing, she opened her mouth and he half expected her to argue that she’d be fine, but then she touched her stomach, and Ryan knew she would give in to his demand that she get checked out, just to make sure the baby was okay.

  The woman might be strong-willed, but Ryan knew her plenty well to know that she would never take a risk when it came to her kid.

  He spoke to the operator and was informed that an ambulance was on its way, which he repeated to Katie.


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