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Happy in the Border Lands

Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  “Most of that stuff up there is original from the house. Most of it we couldn’t use. We slowly found the things we wanted from other places and just piled what we didn’t want up there or out in the old shed out back,” Ty said.

  “Just means I have a lot of stuff to go through. It looked like most of it was furniture. Are either of you any good with building furniture?” she asked.

  “Either of us can do a little woodworking but nothing fancy, why?” Jeff asked.

  “I’m thinking that some of the furniture in that bedroom can be redone to be used in a different way. Not sure yet. I’ll let you know,” she said.

  “We’ll be working in the barn the first part of the afternoon. If you need one of us, ring the bell on the back porch. The rest of the afternoon we’ll be working in the garden. Again, ring the bell. Don’t want you out in the yard without one of us with you. Got it?” Jeff asked.

  “I’ve got it,” she said.

  They finished the meal with the men carrying their dishes to the sink before leaving her with a kiss. She quickly tended to cleaning up and putting the roast on to cook, and then she climbed the stairs to the second floor. The third bedroom was a huge mess of clothes, excess towels and sheets, and furniture from other areas of the house. The guys had thrown everything they hadn’t wanted to deal with in there to be sorted through at a later date. Looked like this was the later date.

  She started with one area and slowly went through the towels to find the ones that hadn’t dry rotted. Those that had, she put aside to be burned. It would work great as a fire starter like kindling. She moved on to sheets and was pleased to see that there were several complete sets that were still in great shape. She carried them to one of the closets in the hall that she’d designated as the linen closet. They had enough sheet sets for many years there now.

  By the time she made it through a good fourth of the room, it was time to finish dinner. She washed up and worked on putting the rest of the meal together before calling the men in to dinner. It was nearly dark when they walked in without her having to ring the bell to get them to come in.

  “Man, that smells good.” Ty walked over to the stove and, using a pot holder, lifted the lid to the Dutch oven to sniff the roast.

  “Go wash up. It will be on the table in about three minutes,” Lucille told them.

  Neither man needed a second warning. They quickly disappeared and returned less than two minutes later with clean hands and faces. Ty carried the Dutch oven to the table for her, and Jeff carried the beans while she plated the bread.

  “Looks amazing, angel. You’ve really gotten the handle on that stove,” Ty said.

  “Mrs. Johnson’s stove looked like this one, but of course, we only used it for storage. She talked about it all the time though. Wish she could use it. It would make things so much easier for her.”

  “It’s too bad they don’t have solar power,” Jeff said.

  “Is there anyone else around here that has solar power, other than Holly and her guys?” Lucille asked.

  “Actually, there are several guys around here that do,” Jeff said. “When the Go Green movement started up, this area took it to heart, and most of the houses in the area took it to heart. About ten miles northeast of us are Garrett and Hugh. Then there’s Baker and Dan, what about twelve miles southwest, Ty?”

  “I think so. There are some others, but we don’t know them. They’re a little farther away. We’ve met these guys. Trade some with them,” Ty said.

  “Are they nice? I mean good men like you guys and Holly’s guys?” Lucille asked, thinking about her sister, Amanda.

  “I guess so. They seem like good, honest men to us.” Ty shrugged.

  “You’re thinking about fixing them up with Amanda?” Jeff asked.

  “Well, she needs a home, and she’d be close to me and Holly if she lived out here. But I want her to have good men like you guys. I’d need to meet them to know if they were okay or not,” Lucille said.

  “Maybe this fall after the worst of harvest is over, we can think about it. There isn’t time right now to go hunting for a mate for your sister,” Jeff said.

  “Okay. I just want her to have what Holly and I’ve found,” Lucille said.

  “We’ll see,” Ty said.

  They finished up dinner, and after she’d put away the leftovers for lunch the next day and cleaned the dishes up, Lucille joined the men in the living room. She lay on the couch while they sat in their chairs and discussed what they’d accomplished that afternoon.

  “Ready for your bath, angel?” Ty asked.

  “More than ready. I’m almost asleep.” Lucille stood and stretched.

  “It’s time for bed anyway. Let’s head up,” Jeff said.

  Ty stayed behind to make sure everything was locked up then joined them in the bathroom, where Jeff had started her bath and poured in some of the Epsom salts. Once the water was high enough, he helped her in while Ty settled a towel behind her head.

  “Don’t turn into a wrinkled prune, hon,” Jeff said.

  “Hmm.” Lucille didn’t bother to open her eyes. She was in heaven, floating on a cloud.

  “Let’s leave her to enjoy herself. We can use the other shower so we don’t disturb her,” Ty said.

  Lucille let her mind wonder as she soaked in the barely tolerable hot water, which quickly cooled. She thought about adding more hot water but knew she needed to get out before long. She really was about to turn into a prune. It felt so good to just lie there almost floating with nothing bothering her.

  Finally, she stretched and slowly climbed out of the tub. She pulled the plug and toweled off before wrapping it around her and padding into the bedroom. Both men were already in the bed with Ty obviously already asleep. Jeff was sitting up with just the bedside light on, reading. She’d noticed that about him. He liked to read when he had the time.

  “Hi, hon. Enjoy your bath?” he asked.

  “I did. Would have enjoyed it more if it had lasted longer, but I’m all wrinkled up now, so better that it didn’t.” She dropped the towel on the floor and climbed into bed completely nude. She quickly dove beneath the covers more because she was still self-conscious about her nudity than because she was cold. The room was on the warm side with it being summer.

  “Come over here. Let me hold you,” Jeff said as he put a bookmark in his book and turned off the lamp.

  Lucille hesitantly scooted over toward Jeff. He pulled her into his arms and urged her to rest her head on his shoulder.

  “Night, sweetheart.” He kissed her lightly on her forehead and cheek. “Sleep well.”

  Lucille shivered at the light touch of his lips and realized that he was treating her like a wife, and she liked it. It finally occurred to her that she was a wife. Maybe she was to two men, but she was their wife.

  “Night, Jeff.”

  Chapter Seven

  Lucille ran the back of her hand across her forehead after putting up the last of the beans. All the jars were sealed and cooling. Once they were set and had cooled off, she’d have the men transport them down to the cellar for storage. She needed to get to peeling the tomatoes next. She would cook them down and can those next. It would be a late night for sure.

  Right before the harvest had come in, she and Holly had visited again. She’d felt the baby kicking and couldn’t wait for her to deliver. Lucille hated that Holly would have to handle their harvest alone while she was pregnant, but Lucille was already over her head with trying to get theirs put up. Life wasn’t easy these days. That was just how it was. She was sure Holly’s guys would help her. They wouldn’t let her work too hard being pregnant like she was.

  She grabbed a large bowl and sat down at the kitchen table with the knife and began peeling the tomatoes, tossing the skins in the bucket that would go out to the worm bed she’d convinced Jeff and Ty to make for her. Already they had quite a few worms take up residence there. She couldn’t wait to go fishing with them. She loved to fish, but it would be next year b
efore she would get to do that. She’d had too much to learn this year to have time to fish.

  By the time she had the tomatoes peeled and on the stove to boil, the guys walked in carrying more tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers. She glared at them.

  “Can’t help it. When they’re ready to be picked, they’re ready to be picked,” Jeff said, shrugging.

  “How are you doing? Got a few seconds for a shoulder rub?” Ty asked.

  “As in getting one or giving one?” she asked, narrowing her eyes at the man.

  He chuckled. “As in getting one, of course.”

  “I could use one,” Lucille said.

  He pushed her down into the chair and gently manipulated her shoulders until she was moaning with relief.

  “That feels so damn good. Thanks, Ty.”

  “No problem. Just came in to give you the vegetables and to get something to drink. Still got some stuff to do out there. Going to be a late night,” Ty said.

  “Late here, too. I’ve got bread sliced up for sandwiches for dinner tonight. Won’t take long to put together when you get ready for them,” she said.

  “Sounds good, hon,” Jeff said.

  She stood and poured each of them a glass of the sun tea she kept made up then refilled the glasses when they drained them almost immediately.

  “See you in a couple of hours,” Ty said.

  She waved them off and got back to cooking down the tomatoes then dipping them into jars to can them like she’d done with the beans. By the time she’d finished them and had them cooling off, she was exhausted. The rest would have to wait until the next day. She’d make pickles from the cucumbers and make salsa with the peppers and the other tomatoes.

  Lucille wondered how much longer the guys would be outside. She debated making her sandwich and eating without them and getting her bath ahead of them. She was so tired, and she ached all over from being on her feet all day.

  Instead, she decided to sit on the back deck and watch the sun go down. She poured a glass of the sun tea then settled on one of the deck chairs that the guys had managed to piece together. In the setting sun it wasn’t nearly as hot outside as it was during the earlier part of the day. She smiled, lay back, and closed her eyes.

  Minutes later they shot open when a hand came over her mouth and another wrapped around the back of her neck, pulling her up off the chair so that she couldn’t scream.

  “Easy there, little lady. Not going to hurt you. Just going to take you with me. Any man who’d leave you out here unprotected doesn’t deserve you. I’d never leave you unprotected. No indeed. You’re coming with me.” The gravely voice was whiney.

  Lucille fought, kicking out with her feet and digging at the hand at her mouth with her nails. Why had she cut them so close? She needed her nails.

  “Now cut that out. I’m not hurting you. Behave, or I’ll have to knock you out.” This time the voice sounded harsher.

  She stilled, catching her captor off guard. He nearly dropped his hold on her, and she took advantage of it by dropping to the deck and rolling away from him. Then she raced for the porch area and rang the bell before the man grabbed her again and threw her over his shoulder, after slapping her hard enough it made her ears ring.

  “Told you I’d have to knock you out if you didn’t behave. Why’d you have to go and make me hit you?” he asked.

  Lucille fought to remain conscious, though her face hurt and her head swam. She needed to be able to help the men once they came. Would they come? Had she managed to ring the bell? She had, hadn’t she? Now she couldn’t remember if she had or she hadn’t. God, what was wrong with her?

  Her captor began walking across the deck, then jumped down to the ground off one side, then started jogging off. She tried to slow him down by flailing, but her head hurt too badly for her to do much moving around. He popped her hard on her bottom and told her to be still.

  “Stop, asshole. That’s our woman,” Jeff’s voice reached her ears just before she passed out.

  * * * *

  Jeff heard the bell ring and instantly knew it wasn’t good. Lucille wouldn’t ring it while they were harvesting if it wasn’t an emergency. Had she cut herself? What could be so wrong that she would call for them? He and Ty exchanged worried looks and took off running back toward the house, each carrying a garden implement in case they needed it.

  When they were within sight of the house, they were horrified to see some stranger carrying off their woman over his shoulder. She was beating at his back but only halfheartedly, like she was weak or tired. Had he hurt her already?

  Fear for her fueled his legs, and he surged forward, jumping on the deck and over toward where the man was heading. He yelled for him to stop, and when he saw Lucille stop moving, he knew she’d passed out. Anger and fear for her colored his world red. He couldn’t use the shovel on the man for fear of somehow hurting Lucille, so he dropped it and focused on reaching the man to grab him from behind. Hopefully Ty would catch up and take Lucille from the man so Jeff could beat the hell out of the man who’d taken her.

  He grabbed the man’s free arm and swung him around mid-stride, throwing him off balance. When he started to lose balance, Ty grabbed for Lucille, pulling her from the man’s shoulder as he hobbled to stay upright.

  “That’s our woman, asshole. What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Jeff said just before punching him in the face.

  “You left her alone. What did you expect?” the man yelled back, spitting blood from Jeff’s punch.

  “Still gives you no right to take her. We were working in the garden. You had no right to come on our property and take our woman. I should kill you for that.” Jeff had to swallow down the need to do just that.

  “If you don’t,” Ty said, “I will. He hit her, Jeff. He hit Lucille.”

  “Fuck you, man.” Jeff hit him again and again then left him where he dropped.

  “Take Lucille back to the house and tend to her while I get rid of this piece of shit. I’ll make sure he understands that he isn’t to ever show his face around here again. We need to warn the others about him as well.”

  “I still say we should kill his ass so we don’t have to worry about him at all,” Ty mumbled.

  “He isn’t even fighting back. I can’t kill him when he isn’t fighting back. Just can’t do it, man.” Jeff shook his head. “Go on and take care of our woman.”

  He watched as Ty carried Lucille back toward the house. He winced at the bruising and swelling to her face. It angered him all over again, but he still couldn’t kill the bastard when he was unconscious and bleeding on the ground at his feet.

  Instead, he dragged him deeper into the woods and sat him against a tree, slapping him across the face until he woke up.

  “What? What?” the man asked, wiping the blood from his mouth and nose.

  “If I ever see you anywhere around these parts again, I will end you. Do you understand?” Jeff asked.

  “Yeah. I understand. I left my supplies on the other side of your house though. I need to get them, and I’m out of here,” he said.

  “Swing wide around the house and then be on your way. I better not see you again,” Jeff warned.

  “Don’t worry. You won’t.”

  “Got friends south of here. Gonna warn them about you. If they see you, they’ll kill you. They aren’t as forgiving as I am. You might want to steer clear of them as well. Understand?” Jeff asked.

  “Yeah. I get it. Stay away from everyone,” he mumbled as he got to his feet and backed away from Jeff.

  Jeff watched the man until he’d disappeared into the trees, and then he turned and walked back toward the house at a face pace. He needed to see that Lucille was okay. Knowing that she’d been unconscious had nearly driven him to do more than hurt the stranger, but he’d held himself in check.

  “Ty?” he called out as soon as he entered the house.

  “In the den. She’s waking up,” Ty called from the other room.

  Jeff hurried into
the other room to find the other man kneeling next to the couch with Lucille lying on the couch, holding her hand to her face and groaning.

  “Ow. My cheek.”

  “Easy, angel. He clocked you a good one. It’s going to hurt for a few days,” Ty said.

  “How are you feeling other than the sore cheek?” Jeff asked, bending over to look at her.

  “My head hurts, but other than that, I guess I’m okay. I’m sore from lying over his shoulder.”

  “I’ll go get some ice to put on your cheek to help the swelling,” Ty said. He climbed to his feet and walked toward the kitchen.

  Jeff knelt next to the couch and smoothed her hair away from her face. He leaned in and kissed her forehead.

  “I’m so sorry that happened, hon. Did he come into the house? Did we leave the door unlocked?” he asked.

  “No. It was my fault. I wanted to sit outside and wait on your guys to finish up in the garden. It was so pretty, and I was tired of being cooped up, so I poured a glass of tea and sat on the deck. I never dreamed someone would try to take me.” Lucille’s face crumpled, and tears slipped from her eyes.

  “Aw, honey. Don’t cry. You shouldn’t have to worry about that, but you do. It’s just how it is in the world today. We’ll have to figure out something so that you aren’t cooped up inside alone all the time. That’s not fair to you,” Jeff said.

  “Here you go, angel.” Ty gently laid a bag of ice covered in a cloth over her cheek.

  “She was sitting out on the deck when the man grabbed her,” Jeff told Ty.

  “Why was she out there?” Ty asked.

  “She wanted some fresh air. She’d been cooped up inside. We need to figure out something to get her some time outside with one of us with her. Maybe late afternoon one of us come back to the house and sit with her outside until dinner time,” Jeff said. “We’ll talk more about it later.”

  “Dinner is ready. Just needs warming up some. I’ll get it on the table.” Lucille started to sit up, but Jeff pressed her back down on the couch.


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