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The Devil's Snare

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by Sarah O'Rourke

  "Because I know who you once were," Gabriel replied quietly. "You were Guardian to the Children. You hated what that...I hesitate to even call him a's insulting to humankind. But, you despised what the man that Matthew killed did. You loathed what he was."

  Lips tightening, Satan hated to admit that the Angel had a point. He did loathe what that creature that Matthew had killed had done to those small children. He couldn't have stopped it...not even had he wanted to...and he'd make sure the punishments inflicted for his torture of those children were more than suitable...but he had a reputation to maintain here. He couldn't afford to be perceived as weak.

  "If The One wants to change the rules, he needs to write a new manual," Satan retorted, glancing toward the bar again. "Hunter's actions assured his fate tonight. I saw it in the River Styx. Deny it, Angel. Go ahead, lie to me," he taunted evilly.

  "No, I won't do that." Gabriel shook his head slowly. "I will say, however, that your short attention span has gotten you into trouble once again. You did see what you say you saw...but, perhaps, you should have watched a little longer, my friend. All was not lost on our side."

  Chapter Six

  Narrowing his eyes, Satan's jaw flexed at Gabriel's dropped bombshell. Hell, the Angel was virtually glowing, Gabriel's angular face smiling benignly back at him, and the urge to expose his claws and mar that perfect majesty was momentarily overwhelming. "Find your point, Gabe, before I lose what's left of my temper," he forced himself to say pleasantly, the words a scratch out of his human-form throat.

  Frowning as a shrill voice pervaded the air around him just as Gabriel opened his mouth to speak, Lucifer bit off a curse.

  "BB! Is that you, you little Horndog!"

  Lips twitching as he watched Lucifer's eyes cloud, Gabriel raised his brow. "Another friend of yours?"

  "Even Satan can screw up every now again," the Devil grumbled as he warily watched an elegant blonde making her way toward their table.

  "Yes, but when you do it, things like the Apocalypse usually happen," Gabriel whispered helpfully. "The One simply made the platypus when he erred."

  "Rub it in," Lucifer muttered, eyeing the curvy woman hurrying toward him dispassionately. She might have been gift wrapped in a great package, but the gift inside the dress had truly sucked. Worst sex of his life…and that had spanned more than a few millennia. Wondering if he should simply evaporate into mist and leave Gabe to face the ramifications, he winced as the Archangel read his thoughts.

  "Don't even try it," Gabriel cautioned, his eyes flashing again as he drummed his fingers against the table.

  "BB! Don't you dare think of darting out of here," the newcomer ordered, sidestepping a server delivering drinks.

  "BB?" Gabriel mouthed to Lucifer, arching one blonde brow.

  Smiling wickedly, Satan shrugged insolently as he rubbed his knuckles against his jacket. "Short for Beelzebub."

  "You're hopeless." Gabriel sighed, shaking his head as his lips tightened disapprovingly. Leave it to this wretch to make a joke of his status as the Prince of Darkness. For all he knew, the imp was going to have a marketing firm start to promote his conquests and names. He could see it now…t-shirts…mugs…edible underwear. All emblazoned in bright letters …"I Boinked Beelzebub and lived to tell the tale" or "Satan's Slut".

  It was enough to give a heavenly being a hell of a headache.

  The Devil grinned happily. "I've been telling you that for eons, Little Brother."

  "You're revolting," Gabriel muttered, appalled by Lucifer's behavior once again. "You treat these women like chattel," he huffed indignantly.

  "Thank you, old friend." Satan chuckled in appreciation, pretending to bow graciously. "You know, that may be the nicest thing you've said to me in a century."

  "It was not a compliment, heathen!" Gabriel hissed, darting his eyes toward the woman weaving their way on stiletto heels.

  "Depends on who you are," the Devil goaded, wriggling his fingers at the statuesque beauty coming his way. "Trust me. She wasn't complaining when I left her."

  Gabriel grimaced, swallowing uncomfortably. "I do not want to hear the details,"

  "Afraid the temptation might be too great to resist?" the Devil taunted, his voice like velvet as he leaned forward. "You know, I could arrange for you to spend a couple of uninterrupted hours alone in her company without Big Daddy's all-knowing eye on you," he offered generously, privately thinking that even bad sex had to be better than eons with no sex at all.

  "Get rid of her, Lucifer. I'd enjoy returning to Heaven's Gate some time this decade," Gabriel demanded, nearing the end of his patience. A major feat, considering he was the only one of the Father's angels that could tolerate Lucifer's company for any substantial length of time. But, even he had his limits.

  "Your wish is my command." Satan smiled, his eyes flashing red as he lifted a glowing hand toward the woman, prepared to strike her dead as a reminder to the Archangel that he took orders from no one.

  "Lucifer, no!" Gabriel gasped, recognizing the threat the mortal faced. Grabbing Samael's wrist, he pulsed a painful energy bolt through his fingertips into the demented creature that had formerly been his closest friend and ally. "Stop it!" he hissed.

  "You don't make the rules here, Gabriel," Satan bit out, narrowing gleaming eyes on the Angel as he ignored the pain radiating up his human arm.

  "Your insane inferiority complex is becoming grating," Gabriel said through barely moving lips. "And you seem determined to make an incredibly simple choice difficult."

  "My prerogative," the Devil announced arrogantly as the blonde finally reached their table, completely ignorant to the heavy tension hanging in the air around her. Humans really were obnoxiously stupid creations. "Darling!" He smiled up at the beauty. "It's been forever."

  "I don't think I'm speakin' to you tonight, BB!" The blonde pouted, her full lips plumping together as she tried to pull her eyes away from the tall, broad specimen of masculinity sitting across from her one-night-stand of a few weeks ago. "But, if you want to get back in my good graces, you can introduce me to this tall drink of water sittin' with you," she invited prettily, skimming her hand against Gabriel's back in a light caress. "I think I'd like to get to know him a lot better.” She smiled, batting her eyes at the angel.

  "Would you?" the Devil asked pleasantly, his eyes dancing with glee as he watched the flush climb on Gabriel's high cheekbones. "Honey, he might be more than you can handle," he goaded the woman.

  "Luc...I mean, BB," Gabriel said tightly, shooting Satan a warning glance, "remember, you and I have a schedule to keep."

  "Oh," the Devil drawled, waving a hand in the air. "You know that saying about all work and no play, Gabe," he chided, his lips twitching as he watched his former lover slide her hand over the Archangel's shoulder to rest on his chest.

  "And I just love to play," their new arrival purred against Gabriel's ear as she slid into the booth beside him. "Just ask BB," she said, shooting Satan a come hither look.

  "I really don't think so," Gabriel said, forcing himself to remain passive against the human's hands. Drawing attention to himself now would only add fuel to Lucifer's fire. And God knew, he had enough of that at his disposal. "But, I appreciate the offer," he added graciously, glaring at the Devil as the woman behind him nuzzled his ear.

  "You sure, honey?" she inquired lightly, licking the shell of the seemingly virile man in front of her, her hand slowly walking down his belly.

  "Oh, merciful God," Gabriel yelped, his eyes widening as the female's hand reached his all too human groin. "BB!" he bit out. "Do something!" he barked hoarsely, the woman's hand beginning to slide around his curiously flat trousers.

  "I would," the Devil laughed evilly as he leaned back in the booth, "but, this is really just too good to miss. It's like a car crash. I just can't look away.” He chuckled, watching as Gabriel sucked in a deep breath, the vixen's fingers finding their mark evidently. "If there was just a little blood and louder screams for mercy,
it'd be just perfect."

  Chapter Seven

  "Samael," Gabriel bit out sharply as the female's small nimble hand closed around his groin, "Do something!"

  "Uhmmmm...," the Devil hummed, pretending to consider the Angel's request as he propped his chin on his hand, watching the scene before him with malicious glee. As his grin widened, he drawled, "No."

  "Demon," Gabriel hissed, shifting away from the inquisitive fingers investigating his anatomy, parts of which he was uncertain about himself. "Madam, I beg of you," he said over his shoulder with a glare, "please..."

  "Oh, honey," the blonde said sympathetically when her hand didn't even produce a mild change in terrain below the man's waist, "your boat doesn't float in my end of the ocean, does it?"

  "I...ahhhh..." Gabriel frowned as his brows drew together. "What?" he asked as he blinked.

  "She thinks you're gay," the Devil laughed, his eyes glowing as he wrapped his arm around Kimmy's waist as she slid their drinks on the table in front of him. "Oh, some days it's good to be the devil," he added, watching as Gabriel's jaw dropped, his eyes shocked.

  "We didn't have any water by that Holy brand," Kimmy said regretfully, pushing Gabriel's glass over to him. "But I brought you some Evian," she added sympathetically before turning back toward the king of the underworld. "He sure looks like he needs something a bit stronger

  Ignoring the redhead, the blonde slid around the table to perch on the end of Gabriel's knee. "You know, sweetie," she offered, cupping his chiseled cheek, "I've been known once or twice to help a man change teams. You give me one night and..."

  "Ivanka," the Devil interrupted, not so much taking mercy on the Archangel as growing bored with the conversation in general. "Go away," he ordered, his eyes briefly flashing a deep scarlet as they drilled into hers. "Now," he ordered in a dangerous tone that didn't invite argument. Smiling as he manipulated the human like a puppet, he grinned across the table at Gabriel as she rose and walked away, her face a blank mask as she made her way to the bar. "All better?" he asked, nuzzling Kimmy's ear as he spoke, her supple body melting against his.

  "No, it is not," Gabriel ground out, suddenly feeling as though he needed to be baptized in the River Jordan. "And if you persist in creating these little parlor games for your own amusement, then I shall be forced to take steps that you have not been fond of in the past."

  The redhead perched on the Devil's lap shook her head in confusion as she asked, her tone not unlike a toddler's, "Honey, what's he talking about?"

  "Nothing to worry your pretty little head about, pet," Satan assured his conquest, chuckling under his breath. Shifting her back to her feet, he gave her a not so gentle pat on her rear as he encouraged, "Now move along. Gotta have a serious talk with my brother here. Family business, you know."

  Watching as the waitress obediently skipped away, Gabriel huffed, "Proud of yourself? "

  "Of course," the devil agreed easily, a feral grin covering his human lips. "After all, pride is one my top seven deadliest, you know. Gotta keep in shape if I'm to stay one step ahead of the masses." Not giving Gabriel time to respond, he added, silkily, "And pride is an attribute that Hunter shares with me. As a matter of fact, I've ensured that he's had more than his fair share along the way. And it has obviously turned out to my advantage, wouldn't you say?"

  "Nothing less than we've always suspected," Gabriel said blandly, his human body once again returning to an acceptable state of normal. Arching one brow, he said, "And you think this entitles you to a soul? Haven't you learned anything across the ages? Man's free will extends up until the last moment of his recorded time. And I can assure you that Hunter's hours have not come near fruition in the Book of Days. Not at all."

  "Says you," Satan countered, frowning as he rolled his eyes. These conversations were always provoking, but he had come to view this one as tedious. "But it doesn't matter, his choice tonight assured his place in my realm...and not even you can deny it, Angel."

  "Can't I?" Gabriel asked with a pleasant smile. "As I said before we were so...unusually interrupted, you didn't stare into your crystal ball long enough, Lucifer. He did break one of the commandments this eve, that's true. And you are correct," he conceded with a sigh, "breaking a commandment, no matter how large or small the sin, entitles you to the soul. But, you forgot a very important caveat to that contract. There is an out clause."

  "Your God and his get out of jail free cards," Satan snarled, his jaw flexing as he felt his innards start to wrench. Honestly, couldn't he catch a break just once?

  "You could still use yours, Brother," Gabriel reminded the one-time Chosen One. "All you have to do..."

  "Don't!" Lucifer spat. "I will not crawl on bended knee to The One. I wouldn't then and I won't now," he hissed, fine tendrils of acrid smoke wafting from his flared nostrils.

  "Perhaps not," Gabriel stated regretfully, "But he," he said, pointing one long, graceful finger toward Matthew Hunter, "already has. Immediately after leaving the scene of the standoff with the pedophile, he found his Church and his God and repented of his sins." Leveling the Devil with a somber look, he added, "And he was forgiven of his sin by the Holy Father himself."

  "Father freaking Edward at work, I presume," Satan growled, his nails elongating to scrape against the already scarred table as bitter rage consumed him. "I knew I should have gotten rid of that Priest years ago when he guided Hunter's soul back to the light after his first stumble off the righteous path."

  "The simple truth is that Matthew Hunter is firmly in the light. He sinned. He asked for heavenly forgiveness. And he received it." Gabriel shrugged, stating the facts succinctly.

  Turning his eyes toward the man in question, the Devil smiled cruelly. "For now," he taunted. "But, can you not here his psyche screaming even now? Can you not scent the intoxicating aroma of despair rolling toward us? I've gotta say, it's enough to give a fallen angel a hell of a hard on."

  "I do," Gabriel returned gravely, ignoring the commentary to focus on the facts. "Leave him alone, Demon.”

  "Oh, did I ruffle your feathers, Gabe?" the Devil asked innocently, batting his inky lashes for emphasis. Inhaling deeply as another blast of hopelessness and dejection emanated from Hunter, he closed his eyes and moaned. "Smell that, Angel. That's the scent of sweet victory. Even now, the mortal thinks of eating one of his little bullets. Suicide is still a mortal sin, isn't it?" he asked, cracking one lid to peer at the tense Archangel.

  Chapter Eight

  Meeting the devil's stare with an equally severe one of his own, the archangel barely moved his lips as he countered, "Thoughts and actions are not equal. Not at all." Leaning forward, he added, almost conspiratorially, "And let me just give you a word of advice. The One has already turned the pages of time and given us a glimpse into the future. And I'm happy to inform you that Matthew Hunter is alive and well for many, many years to come."

  Snarling, the evil being threw himself back against the booth as he huffed, "So much for freaking free will! If Mr. Omniscient is going to keep finishing the game before we've even started, it takes all the fun out of it!"

  "Oh, man still has his free will," Gabriel assured, casually leaning back in his seat. "As you saw earlier today, there are still plenty who choose your path. Your population count has been increasing. Frankly, your numbers have been a bit worrisome of late. We are well aware of this."

  "Jealous?" Satan sneered. "Maybe The One needs to take more of an interest in his so-called chosen. At least, I pay attention to my collection of souls. I never leave or abandon them." Leaning forward, he whispered conspiratorially, "Tell you a secret, that's how you lose them. You'd think Big Daddy would have learned that by now. Besides," he said, flicking his wrist as he snorted, a small furl of smoke escaping his flared nostrils, "Your God keeps all the best and sweetest for himself."

  "Now who's jealous?" Gabriel asked, his brow raising as his beautiful mouth lifted slightly. "Honestly, Luce," he said with a graceful shake of his head, "at times I don't u
nderstand you at all. In the last century alone I can name a half dozen of the evilest souls to ever exist that have fallen into the pits of your fiery hell. Hitler, Mussolini, Mao Tse-tung..."

  "Blah, blah, blah," Satan huffed. "But your Lord and Savior selfishly kept the sweetest for himself, didn't he? Ghandi, Mother Teresa..."

  "Not for lack of your trying and temptation though," Gabriel interrupted, pointing a graceful finger in Lucifer's direction. "The realm is still talking of your self-indulgent streak. Honestly, Lucifer," he snorted, "attempting a demonic possession on an eighty-four year old Pope of the Holy Church as he was leaving the earth," the angel bit out in disgust. "John Paul was dying, in Our Lord's name, and he still refuted you with his last breath," he added proudly.

  "Your lord, Angel," Lucifer corrected on a hiss. "Not mine. And," he griped, waving a hand in the air between them, "that holy water that they used to get their point across sizzled like a bitch."

  "Ah, were you scarred? Again?" Gabriel asked, his contrition obviously manufactured. "I'm told aloe vera works quite well for those pesky burns."

  "Cute, but can I help it if I was bored that day?" Satan stated tersely, his eyes glowing red for an instant. "And you can make your little jokes and strike those ineffectual jabs against me, but it won't change anything. Hunter's sweet soul is ripe for my greedy hands."

  "No!" Gabriel's voice cut across the table. Growing irritated, his lips tightened as he looked upon the insolent visage of an angel he'd loved once. "Can't you be grateful for once, Samael? In the last handful of years alone, look at the blackened spirits you've collected because we allowed it. Sadaam Hussein and Bin Laden alone..."

  "Oh, yes," Satan hissed, rolling his blackened eyes in derision, "I keep forgetting to send Big Daddy a thank you note for those little jewels," he spat angrily. "You realize, of course, that ever since the first little prick arrived, he's been propagating a coup with his sons, Dumb and Dumber?" Lucifer asked, annoyed at his recent entries into the pits of hell. Honestly, he admired drive and initiative as much as the next evil deity, but when you tried to steal his crown as the Prince of Darkness, you really were just asking for trouble. Despite his casual attitude, a benevolent ruler, he was not.


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