Book Read Free


Page 7

by M. Never

  “Good.” He drops a kiss on my lips, but doesn’t let go of me.

  “Do you have to go back undercover?” I ask.

  “There’s a possibility I could be activated again, but the probability of me running an operation is slim to none. I’m too high profile now, so I would most likely be backup support.”

  I blink rapidly; it’s so strange to hear him talk like this. It’s just one more layer of this complicated man.

  “I’m not sure what means exactly.”

  “Different operatives have different responsibilities.” He finally let’s go of me. “I was a field operative, so my face was out there on the front lines. There are cyber, communications, linguists, and administrative operatives who work behind the scenes.”

  “For the government?”

  “Yes and no. I was trained by the government, but work for an independent contractor.”

  “You’re losing me,” I say clearly confused.

  “That’s probably a good thing. The less you know about my occupation, the better.”

  “So, you’re not a government spook?”

  Kayne chuckles. “I’m not even sure what that means. What I am is a former U.S. soldier who was recruited for a special operations program because I possessed certain personality traits.”

  “And those traits are?” I’m engrossed by every ounce of information he feeds me.

  “Low morality and no identity. I didn’t mind killing people, and I didn’t care if I got killed. That’s the most lethal kind of agent. It’s also the kind of agent the government doesn’t like to associate themselves with directly, which is why I’m employed by a privately funded contractor. It gives us, and them, flexibility to go around the law so to speak.”

  “Do you still feel that way?” I frown.

  “What way?”

  “That you don’t care if you get killed?”

  Kayne’s face softens. “I’ll let you know at the end of our vacation.” He runs his thumb down my cheek. “Enough shop talk. Let me worry about protecting the free world and you not worry at all. How does getting out of here for a little while sound? We can go check out the white sand beaches and down a dozen fruity drinks with those stupid little umbrellas in them.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I laugh, “and the recipe for a really bad hangover.”

  I DECIDE ON ONE OF my new bathing suits for the beach. The strapless stringy two-piece that barely covers my ass. I was going to save this one, but the idea of seeing Kayne’s face when I wear it is too tempting to pass up. He’s either going to love it, hate it, or—and my money’s on this one—hate the fact that he loves me wearing it. Either way, I win on all accounts.

  I walk out into the living room where Kayne is waiting for me, and his expression falls. “Ellie, what are you wearing?”

  I look down at my body. “A bathing suit?” I reply innocently.

  Kayne raises his eyebrows. “Ellie, that isn’t a bathing suit; that is a string wrapped around your body.” He clearly disapproves. I smile to myself. “I have a cover-up.” I show him the sheer white shirt that’s practically see-through.

  He grimaces. Too bad.

  “Are we going?” I walk past him toward the front door. “I want to see the island.”

  Just as I turn the knob and crack the door open, it slams shut. I glance behind me.

  “You can’t go out like that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Why not?” he asks exasperated. “Because you’re indecent!”

  “It’s a bathing suit,” I argue.

  “That is not a bathing suit,” he reiterates. “It’s something Jett would dress you in to entice me.”

  “Who says that’s not what I’m trying to do?” I bat my eyelashes at him.

  “Baby, I’m already enticed. Now, please go change.”


  “Ellie.” His patience is wearing thin. Good.

  “Kayne,” I mimic his tone, “my father doesn’t even tell me how to dress, so don’t think you’re going to.”

  “I think if your father saw you wearing that he might have something to say.”

  “Well, he’s not here. And you don’t own me,” I remind him. “I can do what I want. So move your hand, and let’s go.” I stare him down, just daring him to challenge me.

  Kayne glares back at me with an ice-cold expression, the blue in his eyes as vibrant as a winter sky. He can try to intimidate me all he wants. I’m not backing down. It’s my body and my life. After a few long heated beats, he gives in. “Fine.”

  Victory, I sing to myself. He really is a smart man. He knows if he argues with me it’s going to get him nowhere fast. I was curious to see just how serious he was when he said he wasn’t interested in controlling me. I will admit his jealousy kind of turns me on. I love how protective he is.

  Although I won’t tell him that.


  Kayne removes his hand from the door. “Can you please wear your cover-up at least?” he asks, straining for composure.

  “Okay.” I slip the loose fitting shirt over my head and cover myself.

  “Happy?” I ask.

  “No,” he replies sourly.

  I giggle uncontrollably. This is gonna be fun.

  We climb into the golf cart where Matias is already waiting behind the wheel. I snuggle up next to Kayne in the tiny seat. I don’t want him to be upset, but I do want him to know that I’m through taking orders and following commands. He immediately puts his arm around me and nuzzles his nose into my hair. It makes me tingle. Matias glances at us and smirks as he drives off. We’re a far cry from the couple who first climbed into his cart nearly twenty-four hours ago.

  “Kayne?” I whisper in his ear.

  “Mmm hmm?” he answers, holding me tightly.

  “What happened to your house and the business?”

  He looks quickly at Matias before he answers me. Maybe I should have waited until we were in private to ask, but our conversation this morning has me wondering.

  Kayne drops his head, pressing his lips to my ear. “Gone,” he murmurs so only I can hear. “Everything was liquidated.”

  “Oh,” I reply surprised, and he shakes his head sternly. I take the hint. This conversation is over.

  “Later,” he whispers while skimming my neck with his teeth.


  “Don’t be.” He drops a kiss on my lips just as Matias pulls up to our destination. The resort’s private beach—complete with crystal-blue lagoon, cushioned lounge chairs, and tiki bar.

  “Ring when you need me, sir,” Matias says to Kayne as they shake hands.

  “Will do.”

  Kayne and I walk the short distance to the bar when I suddenly spot a familiar face dressed in board shorts and a smile heading our way.

  “Jett!” I nearly jump into his arms. “I didn’t think we were going to see you.”

  “I’m always around.” He hugs me.

  “Thank you for last night,” I whisper in his ear right before he releases me.

  “Anytime. You know that,” he whispers back.

  “Ellie, do you want something to drink?” Kayne asks from behind me. It’s such a simple question, but his flat tone implies something so much more. Is he jealous of Jett? I couldn’t fathom it. He was the one who took care of me all that time. The only one he trusted me with.

  “Yes, please.” I turn and walk over to him. I can’t see his eyes behind those brown aviator sunglasses he always wears, but I can see the curve of his lips, and the way they’re turned down.

  “Downing a dozen, remember?” I slide up against him.

  “I didn’t forget.” He puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my head.

  “One for me, too.” Jett casually leans against the bar beside us, arms folded, eyes bright, the color almost a perfect match to the turquoise water.

  “Three Mai Tais,” Kayne orders as I steal glimpses of the two hottest men I have ever met.

  Jett cocks his eyebrow at
me, acknowledging how perfectly content I am with Kayne’s protective arm around me. I pull down my sunglasses and exaggerate an eye roll at him.

  He chuckles, his nipple ring glinting in the sun.

  “What’s so funny?” Kayne asks Jett over my head.

  “The image of you holding a girlie drink with a pink umbrella.”

  “I’m channeling my inner bitch just for you.”

  I glance up at Kayne.

  “Sorry. Was that offensive?”

  I smile. “Maybe if I was anyone else. But my sense of humor is pretty liberal.”

  “Perfect, you’ll fit right in with the perverts,” Jett jokes.

  “Speak for yourself.” Kayne scoffs.

  “Hmmm, I don’t think Jett is too far out of line. Birds of a feather . . .” I point out. I know firsthand just how perverted Kayne can be.

  “I love her,” Jett laughs.

  Kayne leers at me, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyes just barely visible behind the brown lenses.

  “Ellie, why don’t you go grab us a seat. I need to talk to Jett for a minute,” he says, running his hand down my back and over my behind. “I’ll bring your drink when it’s ready.”

  “Okay,” I frown. “Sure.” Why does it feel like I’m suddenly being dismissed?

  Kayne drops a kiss on my lips and spanks my ass lightly, sending me on my way.

  Fine, then.

  I saunter down to where the sand meets the water. It’s a glorious day. The beach itself is quiet, but there are people snorkeling several yards away and jet skiing in the distance.

  I discard my cover-up, and then glance behind me. Jett and Kayne look like they’re talking casually, but I can feel both of their heated stares searing into my skin.

  I WATCH ELLIE SHIMMY AWAY wearing nothing more than an R-rated bikini and a sorry excuse for a cover-up. It took everything I had to let her walk out of the bungalow like that without leaving handprints on her ass. I have to keep reminding myself our dynamic has changed. She is no longer my slave, and I am no longer her Master, which really fucking sucks sometimes. Like now. I have a feeling she is going to test me at every turn.

  “You got laid.” Jett shifts his eyes to me.

  “How could you possibly know that?” I respond flatly.

  “Because, for the first time in almost twelve months, your energy isn’t hostile and Ellie is the perfect shade of post-coital peach.”

  “You need to lay off the Zen. And yes, we had sex.”

  “So you two are working things out?”

  “Looks like it. She’s still here. Although she is hell-bent on making sure I understand she is independent and won’t take any shit from me.”

  Jett grins, and then immediately frowns. “Is that bathing suit part of her independence?” he asks as Ellie disrobes, catching every single eye on the beach. Including ours.


  “You let her out in that?”

  “She didn’t give me much of a choice. Tough little thing.” I smile to myself.

  “That she is.”

  The bartender serves us our drinks. Finally. Paradise service takes forever. It’s annoying.

  “You read that text this morning?” I ask Jett as I take a sip of my drink. Looks like we were both wrong. No pink umbrellas, just red hibiscus garnishing our Mai Tais. Much more manly.


  “Were you able to get any more information?”

  “Yeah. I figured you’d be busy, so I checked in.”


  “It was confirmed the Jackal landed in Honolulu this morning via private jet.”

  “Do we know what he wants?” I ask softly, standing as casually as possible, watching Ellie dip her toes in the water.

  “Negative. Could be nothing. Could be one of Javier’s most dangerous American allies’ just wants to listen to some authentic Hawaiian music and dine on kalua pig.”

  “Right, with me doing the hula in a grass skirt,” I retort cynically, tracking Ellie’s every move.

  “You have the abs for it.”

  “Yeah, well, the only way he’s going to get close enough to see my abs is if I have him in a headlock.”

  “No need for violence if it isn’t necessary.”

  “Violence is always necessary,” I contest.

  Jett snickers. We have always butted heads on this subject. He believes in avoiding a mess. I always take the bloody way out. I believe it leaves more of an impression.

  “Juice has eyes on him. We’ll know soon enough if he’s up to something.”

  “Good.” My pulse beats double time in my neck. “The last thing I want to do is upset Ellie with reminders of Javier.”

  “Amen, brother.” Jett taps his cup against mine. “Um, Kayne, speaking of reminders, did you happen to tell Ellie about Sugar?”

  “You haven’t called her that since Mansion.”

  “I know, but it’s the only name Ellie knows her by,” Jett says as Sugar approaches Ellie on the beach. All we can do is watch the train wreck happen as we walk quickly down to the girls.

  They speak briefly, like for a split second, before Ellie starts walking backward, then bumps into a lounge chair, and ends up falling flat on her ass.

  “Ooo,” Jett and I both collectively respond.

  “Oh! Are you okay?” we hear Sugar ask, reaching for her.

  Ellie just nods stunned. She looks embarrassed, uneasy, and disoriented all at the same time.

  “Ellie.” Jett slips his arms around Sugar’s—or I should say London’s—waist. That’s her real name. “I see you two are getting reacquainted.”

  She glances silently between Jett, London, and me.

  “You look confused, Ellie,” I comment offhandedly. It’s clear she’s been blindsided and doesn’t know how to react. I probably should have warned her about the two of them. But, to be honest, it was the last thing on my mind.

  “I am.” She eyes me irately.

  “London is here with me,” Jett clarifies. “We’re together.”


  “Yeah, you know, like dating,” I chime in.

  “I know dating.” Her answer is short.

  “I figured. Mai Tai?” I shove a drink in her face.

  “Just the one? I think I need all twelve.”

  “YOU DIDN’T THINK TO WARN me that Jett was dating a ghost from our sordid past?” Ellie fumes, half a mile down the beach, away from where London and Jett can hear.

  “Didn’t seem like such a big deal,” I shrug.

  “Maybe to you.”

  “Are you ashamed of what happened between the three of us?”

  “No, yes, no . . . ugh.” Ellie turns red. “It’s just . . . Just.”


  “I just didn’t think I was ever going to see her again,” she finally admits, frustrated.

  “Well, she was excited to see you if that makes you feel any better.”

  “I don’t know how that makes me feel.” She crosses her arms and looks up at me with just her gorgeous green eyes.

  “It really isn’t a big deal.” I try to reassure her.

  “To you, maybe.”

  “Can you just give it a chance? I know the dynamic is different. It’s something we all have to get used to. But she’s a great girl, and Jett is head over heels, stupidly in love with her.” Sort of the exact same way I feel about you.

  “Were they together when we were together?” she asks uncomfortably, plucking the string on her bikini bottom.

  “I’m not sure, honestly. Something was going on, I think, but they didn’t hook up officially until after everything cooled down.”

  Ellie frowns, wringing her fingers together. “Did you sleep with her?”

  “Ah . . .” Oh, shit. I wasn’t expecting her to ask that.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Of course you did. She was one of your ‘girls.’” She makes air quotes.

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “Then ple
ase tell me what to think.”

  Fuck, I wasn’t ready for this conversation so early in the day.

  “Yes, I slept with her,” I admit. “A few times, but only when Jett wanted to share her.”

  “Excuse me?” Her head tilts as she looks up at me puzzled.

  “Jett and I had a threesome with London,” I speak slowly, clarifying my sentence.

  “Oh.” Her eyes widen.

  “Really, we’re all even if you think about it. Jett and I have been with London, and you and I have been with London, so it’s all good.” I try to rationalize.

  “That’s not how I see it at all. If I sleep with Jett, then we’d be all good.” She counters with her own rationale. It ain’t flying.

  “Over my fucking dead body. Jett may get off on sharing his women, but I don’t. Unless it’s with another woman.” I slip that in there.

  Ellie folds her arms and smirks. “Yes, I remember how much you enjoyed seeing me with another woman.”

  “If I recall, you enjoyed it, too.” I cautiously slide my arm around her waist.

  “I did.” She embraces my subtle surrender, running her nails down my biceps, over my barbed-wire tattoo, giving me the chills.

  “But you still could have warned me.”

  “I’m sorry. Please forgive my oversight. Only one woman has been on my mind.”

  “Oh, yeah? Who’s that?” she asks seductively, skimming the tip of her tongue up my neck.

  “Like you don’t know.” I grab her ass and crush her body against mine. ”If you don’t quit that I’m going to have to drag you into the lagoon and tear that tiny bikini off you.”

  She giggles, “No way, I’m still mad at you. You’ll have to suffer.” She sucks on my skin.

  “Would it have really made that much a difference if you knew or not?” Her mouth feels so good I’m starting to unravel.

  “Possibly. I could have avoided looking like a blindsided idiot.”

  “It was cute.”

  “It definitely wasn’t.”

  “It definitely was. And what I say goes.”

  “Mmm hmm. Keep thinking that.”

  “I will.” I squeeze Ellie’s ass cheek and nearly lift her off the ground. She lets out a little half scream, and I can’t help but think that’s not the only way I’m going to make her scream. “Can we go try and make nice?” I set her down and take her hand. I need to walk off my waking arousal, and walk it off right now.


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