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Page 15

by M. Never

  Scratch that, he just pulled off my top. “We scared the neighbors.”

  “Us? Preposterous,” I snort.

  Kayne laughs, tugging me by the makeshift collar into a quick kiss. “Yes, I had to assure him it was just a bout of rough sex.”

  “In French?” I look up at him.

  “Yes, speaking his native tongue helped.” He smiles.

  “I didn’t know you spoke French.”

  “Yup.” Kayne nods. “And Spanish and Arabic and Mandarin.”

  “No Italian?” I joke. “Such an underachiever.”

  “Tell me about it,” he jokes. “Maybe I can learn a few choice words just for you.”

  “Mmm. Maybe.” I lean against him seductively and kiss him right where my name is tattooed on his skin. His chest is warm and smells so good, like sex and sweat and body wash.

  “Come on, siren,” he moans. “Let’s take care of that bottom before we go another round.”

  “I’m all for another round.”

  “In bed,” he promises darkly, then takes the end of the belt and leads me back downstairs. It’s so hot, him toting me around the bungalow, I almost want to purr.

  “Lay down,” Kayne commands once we’re back in the bedroom. I slide forward on the bed and stretch my body out like a lazy cat. Kayne’s lazy kitten. He groans appreciatively behind me.

  “Relax.” He rubs my back starting from the tip of my tailbone and circling upward. I just sigh, sated, until I feel the tickle of his warm breath against my check.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Where are you going?” I protest.

  “To get something to rub on your ass. I didn’t exactly come prepared for this.”

  “For what?” I question.


  “I think you’re doing a bang-up job so far.”

  He glances at me fiendishly then walks out of the room.

  “The only thing I could find was Vaseline,” he says as he climbs onto the bed and straddles my thighs. “This might hurt a little.” He rubs the sticky substance over my welts.

  I whimper in return. It does hurt. Like a son of a bitch.

  “Kitten, are you okay?” Kayne almost sounds worried. I crack my eyes open and look at him over my shoulder. “I’m fine.” I smile. “Better than fine.” I blush.

  “I wasn’t expecting that,” he confesses as he wipes his hands with the towel he also brought from the bathroom.

  “Neither was I.”

  Kayne stares at me quizzically. “I don’t understand.”

  “What’s to understand? Being with you changed me. Or awoke something in me.” I try to rationalize.

  “You like it when I dominate you?”

  I shrug demurely. “Apparently. I like it when you’re rough.”

  Kayne palms my sore ass, and I hiss. “You like getting punished?”

  I nod silently.

  “You like being reminded who you belong to?” He grins like the Cheshire cat.

  “Yes. To a point.” I wince as he rubs.

  “What happened to you hating being conditioned?”

  I touch my chin to my shoulder flirtatiously. “I guess it’s not so bad when it’s my choice.”

  “Ellie.” Kayne breathes my name like I’m a deity he worships, burying his face into my neck. “You are so mine.”


  I RUB MY TEMPLES AS I stare out over the water. My head feels like it’s going to explode.

  I unleashed myself last night. I let the beast out of its cage and handed over control. To say I didn’t like it would be lying. I loved it, every second of it. From the moment I wrapped that belt around Ellie’s neck, I was a goner. I keep playing it over and over, the way she ran from me, the way she fought me, the tears she shed, the reddening of her smooth white ass and the plush feel of her soaking wet pussy. All reason and rationale flew out the window as soon as she knelt at my feet. She was so turned on. It was more than I could have ever asked for—to have my kitten back for just one night—but it is also the one thing that feeds my fear. It’s a serpent-like creature that burrows itself into the recesses of my subconscious. A gnawing worry that makes me regret last night ever happened. Because, in that dark black cavity, my one true terror lives—that Ellie is going to wake up and realize it was all a mistake. That she’s going to wash her hands of whatever it is we have and leave. I keep telling myself she isn’t my mother, but the nagging little voice in the background keeps reminding me that she left me once, she could do it again.

  The thought nearly demolishes me. She really is the one person who can destroy me. She may kneel at my feet, but she holds all the power. I’m the slave. I always have been. I stare out into the blue-green abyss trying to picture my life without Ellie. It’s nearly impossible. I wasn’t living before her, and I could never live after her. My chest feels like it’s going to cave in. Why do I do this to myself? I let the worry and anxiety win. “I’m not going anywhere.” I replay her words over and over trying to reassure myself.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  She’s not going anywhere.

  I suddenly feel a nudge against my leg, and it yanks me away from my worrisome thoughts. When I look down, I nearly fall back in my chair because Ellie is kneeling on the ground, wearing nothing but a collar and one of my white Ginny-tees.

  “ELLIE, WHAT-WHAT ARE YOU doing?” I can barely speak.

  She looks up at me with just her eyes, the green extra vibrant from the bright island sun.

  “I wasn’t snooping, I swear.” She crawls up my legs to sit on my lap. “I wanted to wear one of your shirts, and I accidentally kicked over your suitcase. When it fell open, the tag caught my eye,” she says coiling into herself, a little insecure and a whole lot sexy.

  “I didn’t bring it with any expectations,” I blurt out. “It just made me feel close to you.” I run my finger over the leather. It’s not exactly the same collar she wore when she was with me at Mansion—that one was snapped in two—but this one is close. Thick black leather with large rhinestones adjacent to three D-rings and a light pink satin interior. Just feminine enough with a bit of bondage edge.

  “It makes me feel close to you, too.”

  “You don’t have to wear it.” Although, now that she has it on, I never want her to take it off.

  “I want to wear it.”


  She shrugs shyly. “Do you really have to ask?”

  I search Ellie’s face for any kind of reluctance or inkling of uncertainty. But there’s none, only sincere eyes and a sultry expression.

  “Say it.” Say the words I have been dying to hear.

  Ellie leans forward and slides her hands up the back of my neck and into my hair. “I love you. I have always loved you. Even when I hated you, I loved you. And I love you even more now.”

  My chest feels like it’s going to explode. Those three words unlock something deep inside me.

  “Say it again.” I grab onto Ellie’s bare ass. She’s naked under my shirt.

  “I love you,” she says again, and I slam my lips against hers. Of all the emotions Ellie’s made me feel—this moment, right now, is the most potent. I’m aerating with so much happiness I almost feel stoned, like I smoked straight elation.

  “Don’t stop saying it,” I mumble against her mouth as I shoot up, Ellie wrapping her legs around my waist for support. “I want to hear you say it while I make you come.” I walk straight into the bedroom while driving my tongue deep into her mouth. She moans loudly and my erection hardens into a stiff peak. I flip Ellie onto the mattress, and she lands on her back with a firm bounce. I shrug off my basketball shorts and climb onto the bed. “Lift your shirt up,” I order as I crawl over her. With wide eyes, she immediately pulls the soft white material up to her chin exposing her completely naked form to me. My cock pulses with anticipation. It already knows how good she feels, how soft, warm and wet, and all for me.

“Open your legs, wide,” I direct as I grab her wrists and pin her down. Panting heavily, she obeys, dropping her knees as far as they can go.

  Good girl.

  “Say it, Ellie.” I rub my throbbing cock against her entrance.

  “I love you,” she breathes, her eyes fixated on mine.


  “I love you.”

  I thrust into her as deeply as I can. “Oh!” She closes her eyes and strains.

  “That’s not what I want to hear.” I pull back and drive in deeply again.

  “Look at me, Ellie. Look at me and say it,” I snap.

  Ellie’s eyes fly open, and then with clipped breaths, she repeats the words. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” Her voice elevates, and her face tightens as I keep a painfully slow tempo with my hips, brushing my pelvis over her swollen clit until she’s struggling beneath me.

  “Kayne, please,” she begs as her pussy clamps down around me. “Faster, harder. Please,” she expels.

  Ellie begging does it to me every time.

  “Tell me again, baby. Tell me while I make you come.” My voice is unrecognizable as my body unleashes. I no longer have control as I pound into her, her breasts bouncing and tag jingling on her collar. Fuck, she really is completely mine.

  “Oh God, I love you!” she cries out trying to fight against me, trying to find an outlet for her orgasm, only to realize it’s being forced between her legs. Her fists clench in my hands and her body quakes as her climax rockets through her.

  The hot rush of her arousal washes over me like lava and I come without any warning and absolutely no control. It’s pure instinct, primal and primitive. Our hips fasten together as I bury my cock as deep inside her as it can possibly go, as if my body wants to become one with hers.

  Once the sensations subside, the only thing that’s left of us is labored breathing and warm fluids.

  I look down at Ellie and for the first time, I see my life with clarity, in bright shining color. “Marry me.” The words just fall straight from my lips, and I mean them with everything I am, everything I have.

  “What?” Ellie’s eyes pop open.

  With a quick tug, I pull her up and place her on my lap. “Marry me,” I say again. I never planned to propose, at least not this soon, so her shock is as genuine as mine. “Stay with me, Ellie. Wear my ring and my collar. Become my family, make me whole.”

  Ellie stares at me speechless, and I wonder if I’ve pushed her too far. Her silence is deafening. I prepare for a ‘no,’ for ‘it’s too soon’ or ‘I need to think about it.’ My manhood shrivels. Stupid idiot.

  “Yes,” she finally speaks.

  “What?” My eyes widen to the point my eyelids nearly rip off.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you,” she repeats, for my sake I’m sure. “I’ll wear your ring and your collar. I’ll make you whole.”

  It may not have been a perfect proposal, but that was definitely the perfect response.

  I lay Ellie on the bed and nestle myself between her legs. “It’s my turn to tell you how much I love you.” I nudge my semierect cock against her slick entrance.

  She smiles up at me. “You can tell me as many times as you want.” She rocks her hips, inviting me inside her.

  “That could take a lifetime.” I slide easily into her.

  Ellie wraps her arms and legs around me. “We have an entire one to share.”

  I love the sound of that.

  “ELLIE, WAKE UP.” I FEEL something cold run over my lips, and I flinch. “Kitten, wake up, I can’t watch you sleep anymore.” The cold wetness drips over one of my nipples, and my eyes fly open.

  “Morning,” Kayne smiles hedonistically as he massages the ice cube against my clit. I suck in a sharp breath from the freezing sensation.

  “How long have I been sleeping?” I rub my legs together and glance out the door. The sun is already setting.

  “A while.” Kayne pops the ice cube into his mouth and stares down at me with ravenous blue eyes. It’s a gaze I recognize immediately.

  “You’re wearing me out.” I smirk.

  “I haven’t even begun to wear you out. Up.” He pulls me by my hands, and my body willingly goes. “Go to the bathroom and then come right back.” There’s authority in his voice. The kind that reduces me to just sensitive nerve endings.

  I hurry up and do my business—my butt still so sore from last night—and immediately return to the bedroom. Once standing in front of him, Kayne runs his fingers reverently up my neck, over my collar, and then threads them into my hair. Controlling my head with a firm grip, he tilts my face up and spears his tongue into my mouth. I melt against him as the kiss consumes me.

  “Kitten,” he says once he pulls away. It isn’t a question; it’s a statement, a fact. Part of our foundation. “Do you still want to marry me?” he asks so vulnerably.

  “Of course, I do. Nothing will ever change that. I’m yours,” I reassure him.

  “Good.” He drops a chaste kiss on my lips. “Because I’m dying to play.” His eyes burn bright and so does my core. This is what I’ve been missing, what I’ve been craving. Kayne in complete control—control of my mind, control of my body, control of my pain, and my pleasure. Am I crazy? Maybe. But isn’t that what love is? Insane. I wasn’t lying when I said I wasn’t snooping. I found the collar exactly the way I said I did, by accident. As soon as I saw that little silver heart, I knew it was mine. The first time Kayne fastened a collar around my neck, I hated it—I hated him. But after a while, things changed. I changed. And once I held it in my hand again, felt the leather under my fingertips and read the inscriptions on the tag—one side Kayne’s Kitten, the other side, Loved, Collared, and Owned by Him—I couldn’t resist. It was like I found a missing part of me.

  I never knew that second inscription existed. Maybe if I had, things might have ended differently. Regardless of past outcomes, it’s the truth of the present that’s important now.

  And the truth is Kayne has always owned me, since day one. I’m pretty sure I would have done anything he asked whether I was wearing a collar or not. That’s the claim he has on me—the power, the authority, the domination. And I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love every part of him—the Dom, the thrill-seeker, and even the broken man—I couldn’t stop myself even if I tried.

  I breathe heavily with anticipation. He hasn’t even touched me yet and I’m already coming undone. Kayne pushes me back until I’m crushed between his hard body and one of the bedposts. “Put your hands up and hold on.”

  I raise my arms and grasp the square post with both hands. Kayne steps back and looks greedily at my scantily covered form. I’m dressed in only his soft white undershirt and black collar, my nipples sharp as nails under the cotton material.

  “Stay,” he commands, and then leaves the room. I wait anxiously as I grip the bedpost trying not to combust.

  Kayne returns with a small bundle of zip ties of various sizes and a silk tie. I look at him curiously, but don’t say a word.

  “Some things you just don’t leave home without,” he says haughtily as he pulls out several plastic ties. My heart rate speeds up as I watch Kayne fasten one zip tie around the top beam of the canopy bed directly above me. Then he connects another to that, and so on, until he’s constructed a plastic chain link. Finally, he takes the maroon silk tie and wraps it around my wrists. “So it won’t leave any marks.” He winks as he binds my hands with a zip tie, tightening it so my wrists crush together. Once secure, he pulls my arms up until I’m forced to stand on my toes, and attaches my bound wrists to the hanging zip ties.

  “Perfect.” He admires his handiwork. Me, hung like a fish on a hook, helpless and gasping for air.

  Kayne takes advantage of my defenseless state, cupping my pussy and groping my breasts until he has me moaning.

  “Don’t get too wound up, kitten. No more orgasms for you.”

  I frown.

  “At least for a little while.” I swallow hard, tr
ying to keep my balance on my tippy toes. “Baby, I want you to understand. I’m going to punish you, tease you, and fuck you so hard . . .” Kayne outlines my lips with the tip of his thumb. “But I’m going to love you even harder.” He then shoves his thumb into my mouth forcing me to suck on it energetically. I moan, unhinged.

  “Good girl.” He removes his finger from my mouth then grabs my chin. “Now hang out and think about what it means to be a good little kitten. I’ll be back.”

  With that, he leaves the room and me dangling.

  Anticipation is always what gets me. The waiting, the solitude, and the fear of the unknown are the worst kind of mind games and the most powerful kind of arousal. Kayne playing me perfectly each time.

  After way too much time alone with my thoughts, Kayne returns wearing only a pair of white linen pants that hang loosely on his hips. No shirt, no shoes, but definitely ready to be serviced. I can’t help but stare at my demonic angel who’s capable of being as bad as he is good. I shiver from just the thought of what he can do.

  “Still hanging around, kitten?” He stands in front of me holding a rocks glass with bourbon in it. I know this because I recognize the smell. It’s Kayne’s drink of choice.

  “You haven’t given me much of an option,” I respond.

  Kayne arches his eyebrow at me with the glass close to his lips. “Getting sassy are we?”

  “No. Just stating a fact.” I wriggle in my restraints. My body is starting to ache from its overstretched position.

  “How disappointing.” Kayne takes a sip of his drink then places it on the end table next to the bed. He then opens the drawer and pulls out what looks like a pocketknife. I jump as he flips it open and holds the blade up in front of my face. “Something else I never leave home without,” he says as he runs the tip of the knife down my neck. Holy shit. I know Kayne likes pain, but I’m not sure I’m prepared for this. I hold my breath as he continues to run the tip over my collarbone and down to the center of my chest right above the line of my shirt. He presses lightly, digging the blade into my skin until it pinches. I whimper as my heart completely stops.


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