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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 33

by JG Jerome

  I ask her, “How did the Dread Lord indoctrinate you into his service, Selene?”

  She answers while keeping her head to the floor, “He tied me to a post; then he whipped me and ass raped me repeatedly for 24 hours straight.”

  The ladies all gasp in horror. I shake my head in disgust. “I think you will like our indoctrination better. Please stand.”

  She stands before me. I cup her cheek and caress her face while I look into her eyes and her mind. Satisfied with what I feel there and what I sense about her, I lean in and kiss her lips gently.

  Chapter 34 - Final preparations

  Then I ask, “Marisol and Charli, would you be so kind as to take Selene to the guest bathroom, strip her off, clean the make up off her face, and let me know when she is ready.” Then I look back at Selene. “No dear, I’m not going to fuck you in the bathroom. The kiss was it. You’re in. Now, two of my family need body repairs. You’re first.” I look at the old Goblin. “You’re next, Cholley.” He looks surprised. “Drink at least two large glasses of water while you wait, okay? Three, if you can do it.”

  He nods, “Yes, Lord.”

  I hug my ladies until I hear “Ready, Jack” from the guest bath.

  I beckon Megan to me. “See if you can get a suite at the Marriott or somewhere else large enough to house all of us.”

  She says, “We could maybe use Tom and Gretchen’s house. Four bedroom, four bath townhouse. They’re on a two-week cruise. They are out of town, and I am ‘house sitting’ for them.”

  I shrug. “Okay. We need to clear them of all Seelie influence rapidly. I want to be open with them, but not until we know they aren’t reporting out to someone else. After dinner, take Trina and a pair of Ravens to clear any surveillance devices. Then move everything out of here. Leave only bare essentials for an outpost and to monitor our surveillance devices. I’m thinking we move everyone out and then have Geri and Liesl ported here while I sneak in through the Goblin portal to the sith. Then I rescue Corrina and heal her. Once that is complete, I can try to heal Morgan, and your mother. Then maybe we can have some weddings and honeymoons before we head off to find the Dread Lord.”

  She ponders that for a minute, then she nods at me. “That’s at least as good as any plan I have.”

  I kiss her deeply. “I love you, Megan. You’re much too good for me.”

  Megan chuckles, “Yeah, but that’s why I have to keep my girlfriend!” She kisses me passionately. I spank her firm ass as she goes to talk with Trina.

  I walk into the bathroom. Selene is naked facing the sink. Her butt is big, round, and starting to droop. It’s strong but coated with more fat than I expected. She has a stippling of cellulite on her butt and thighs. Without the makeup on, her complexion in the mirror looks like she had to fight acne during adolescence, and it left tracks.

  I press my body into her back and wrap my arms around her. “Hold onto her hands, ladies. I suspect she will get unstable.” I catch Selene’s eyes. “Hopefully this doesn’t hurt any worse than regrowing your hand, okay?”

  She nods, “That was like a deep ache in the bones of my arm and a tingling in the flesh.”

  “That sounds about like what I would expect. This should just be the tingling part. If we kill any Sidhe in battle, I’m going to feed you a big chunk of their flesh. I suspect your master was also your father, which means that you probably have some of my heritage in you. So unless we activate that heritage, you will live and die as a human unless I keep rolling the clock back for you. If you can take a Sidhe lover that will allow you a bite of flesh, or we take a bite off the battlefield, I think you will begin to go through similar changes to mine. One thing at a time. Hold on tight, dear.”

  I squeeze her to me and wrap her in my love. I hear her inhaled gasp, then I exert my will. I remind her cells how they functioned when she was twenty, and how they are supposed to work to process nutrients and waste. I’m not sure if the target age matters, but it helps me visualize. Then I energize her organs to go into overdrive to flood her system with energy processed from her fat stores to feed those energized cells. I watch her skin loosen as the fat stores are depleted. Her muscle tone becomes more apparent. Her breasts shrink down to about a D-cup and hang ponderously on her abdomen until the skin begins to tone and tighten. Her breasts slowly rise until they reach the height of a 16 year old cheerleader‘s. I have a talk to the cells there to ensure they are the tighter, denser variety of breast flesh and strengthen the tissues that hold them in place. I feel her butt shrink as she slowly collapses in my arms. Finally, I repair the damage done by acne and age to her face. When I’m done she looks like she could be Corrina’s younger cousin. I pick her up in a bridal carry. I carefully maneuver her to the guest room and lay her on the bed. Charli brings her clothes and sets them on the desk chair.

  I kiss Selene’s plump, dark lips again as she looks up at me with hooded eyes. “Sleep until you stabilize or someone wakes you by shaking you. When you wake, drink 2-3 classes of water.” Daphne shows up with two glasses and sets them on the bedside table.

  We all walk out quietly. I pull Charli to me and kiss her deeply. When we part, she waves her hand over her face, “Don’t get me wrong, Jack. I want more of those, but why now?”

  “I’m so proud of you. I know that was hard, yet you were kind and caring to her. I’m proud of you for overcoming your history. I love you deeply, Charli!”

  She pulls me into another kiss. When I can breathe again she tells me, “It was really difficult!” Then she laughs and winks at me.

  Daphne pouts at me prettily, “It was difficult for me too, Master!”

  “Come here, Precious!” I wrap her into our embrace and bury my tongue down her throat as I squeeze her taut ass. All that attention elicits a moan from Daphne and another chuckle from Charli.

  Then I spank both asses. “One more, Ladies!”

  I walk into the great room and call, “Let’s go, Cholley.”

  He marches toward me as though he’s been called to execution. “How old are you, Cholley?”

  “474 years, Lord. Most of the Goblin races have about the same life expectancy as the Sidhe. 400 to 500 years is normal, but most die in combat or duels long before they reach 300. The larger varieties have shorter lifespans. I’m not sure why,” he explains.

  “Thanks for explaining, Cholley. Strip off and stand before the mirror. The ladies are going to stabilize you while I work on you.” He shrugs and strips. “The main reason for stripping is so I can see how things are progressing.”

  When he is done I wrap my arms around him and wrap him in love.

  “That feels strange, Lord,” he growls.

  “I bet,” I tell him as I remind his cells what they were supposed to be, how they were supposed to work to process nutrients and waste. I pay particular attention to strengthening his heart, lungs, and liver. Then I energize his organs to go into overdrive to flood his system with energy processed from his fat stores to feed those energized cells. He only had a little pot belly for fat, but his muscle tone had atrophied like old mens’ do. I told them to go back to that state of health at the peak of maturity. Based on the lifespan, I aimed for about 75 years. His muscle tone becomes more apparent. His pecs become firmer and more prominent, his arms firm and about double in size. His legs become about half-again-bigger around and cut. His butt slowly rises and firms. His skin begins to firm, but I hold onto some laugh lines around his eyes. His hair thickens and darkens, but again I leave a little silver by his ears. The points of his ears stand up straight rather than dropping out to the side. “How you doing, Cholley?”

  “I’m hungry, Lord,” he says as he looks back and forth between the two ladies. “Thirsty, too.” Apparently the little head notices the ladies are there as Little Cholley makes an appearance. Cholley looks down at his little friend and grins. “Well hello, old friend. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you,” Cholley growls as he sways on his feet. He doesn’t appear to have any reason to be shy ab
out his little friend. I am thinking he’s bigger than Little Jack, but Daphne looks at me seriously and shakes her head.

  “You reading my mind, Daphne?” I ask with a grin.

  She shakes her head again with a smirk. “Boys and their toys.” All four of us chuckle at that.

  I ask Cholley, “You happy, big man?”

  “Yes Lord, but I don’t think I want you to carry me out like you did Selene. I’ll stumble to bed with your help.”

  “Sure, Cholley.”

  I guide him to the bed to see Rottie cuddled up with Selene. Cholley crawls over the foot and against the wall. I give him the same direction as I gave Selene. I put a blanket over Selene and Rottie, and another over Cholley as Charli and Daphne bring a couple more glasses of water. I whisper to Rottie, “Now don’t steal all the covers. She needs as much comfort as she can get.” He licks my face from chin to eyebrow. I plant a kiss between his expressive eyebrows. “I guess we should find a better name for you than ‘Rottie,’ huh?” He lays his head down on his huge paws and gives me sad puppy look. “You like ‘Rottie,’ afterall?” I get another kiss for that. “Okay. ‘Rottie’ it is.” He chuffs quietly. I give him ‘the look’ and put a finger on my lips. He goes back to laying on his paws. I give him another kiss on the head before I exit the room as quietly as I can.

  I collapse onto the couch and ask Christie, “How much longer on the delivery? I’m starving after all that.”

  She smiles adoringly at me, “I bet, my big man. I ordered enough for fifteen teenagers. Hopefully that’s enough. Greek food. Lot’s of gyros, souvlaki, hummus, spanakopita, salad, dolmas, moussaka, pita, etcetera.”

  “Oh! That sounds wonderful.” I close my eyes for a moment.

  I hear a glass filling at the fridge, and then I eventually feel a cool glass against my face. I look up to see Tiphanae holding a glass to my face and smiling down at me. She leans down to kiss me, and then she hands me the glass of water. I down it and hand it back to her. “Thank you, Tiphanae. You are very kind. Thank you for taking such good care of us all.”

  She leans down and kisses me again. “My Lord, I am unworthy of the love that I feel you pouring over me. It is my pleasure to care for and protect your family.”

  She leaves to put the glass back, and I close my eyes again. I resume breathing deeply, then I feel someone sit beside me. I crack my right eye to see Tiphanae sitting down and then laying down to rest her head on my lap. Then I see Georgia crawling towards me on all fours. She wraps my left leg up in her arms as she sits and leans on my leg. Chelsea squeezes into the small space to the left of me and wraps her arms around me and rests her head on my shoulder. I drop off for a quick nap wrapped in my beautiful family.

  Chapter 35 - Staging the Troops

  (Jack’s Condo in Phoenix, Arizona)

  After a relaxing dinner, Daphne and Trina go lie down for a quick nap.

  I call Peg’s TSN phone. I hear Peg’s brogue, “Hello, my Lord. I’m guessing you’d like to talk to your wife.”

  I laugh, “Yes I would, Peg. It’s a pleasure to hear your voice, but I would like to talk to Myra. Please.”

  Peg chuckles, and I hear her voice move away from the phone, “It’s for you, my Queen.”

  Then I hear Myra’s voice say “Thank you, Peg.” Then she gets closer to the phone. “Hello, Beloved.”

  “Hello, Beloved,” I answer. “I miss you. How are you doing?”

  “Missing you, Jack. We’re ready to spring Geri and Liesl at any time. We’re still struggling on how to get Corrina free.”

  “Yes,” I say. “That is definitely the hard part. I think we have to keep it as simple as possible.”

  Myra says, “I agree. What are you thinking?”

  “Well…,” I say. “I’m thinking I call you as soon as I am staged outside the Goblin’s door in Hartford Monday morning. We don’t wait. As soon as I’m there, we move. You sneak Geri and Liesl out right after I call. Port them to my condo.”

  Myra says, “That sounds good so far, Beloved.”

  I continue, “When they arrive at the Condo, Trina will move them immediately to a new location while I infiltrate from the portal outside Hartford. You use the shadows to hide and go to the audience chamber to free Corrina. I arrive, kiss you, heal Corrina, your mom, and your sister. I’ll have wolves at the door as a distraction. I am bringing Lili along to witness for the Elves...I think that would be a good political move in case the other court raises a stink.”

  Myra is quiet for a moment. Finally she says, “Darling husband and Lord, I don’t have a better plan. I feel like there is way too much opportunity for something to go sideways, but I just don’t have a better idea.”

  I ask, “Who can you count on to back you up?”

  “Well,” she responds. “Morgan, Peg, and Esmi. I can probably include the demi-fey. Some individual Sidhe. Maybe the Sluagh. Unfortunately, I can’t get out to network them to get them on-board.”

  “Yes,” I agree. “That does make it more difficult. I hate not having better intelligence and a more solid plan. However, I think this is one of those ‘fortune favors the bold’ situations. The longer we wait, the more Corrina will suffer, and the more likely it is you’ll be discovered. Let’s put an end to it now.”

  “Hmmm,” Myra mutters in the phone. “That makes sense. Okay, we’ll go with it. I miss you, Jack.”

  “I miss you too, Darling. I’ll be kissing you in less than 24 hours,” I tell her.

  “I can’t wait, Beloved!” she enthuses. “I miss you! I love you! Goodbye for now!”

  “I love you too, Myra.” I tell her, “Bye, Beloved.” Then we disconnect.

  I look to Chelsea, “Can you get a squad of wolves to knock on the door of the Winter Court in Springfield tomorrow morning?”

  She nods, “We have people there. Some have unfettered access, so we can actually get them inside for increased disturbance. I suggest sending 25-50 of them. That will get the knights distracted to give you a little more margin for error.”

  I nod, “Yes. That’s a good point. Let’s go with that, Darling.” Chelsea smiles at the endearment.

  I see Trina at the kitchen counter holding Louis’ Spatha. She points at my portfolio and cocks an eyebrow. I nod. She opens the portfolio and puts the Spatha in the pocket dimension.

  Chelsea wraps her arms around my waist and pulls herself to me. She backs up enough to look me in the eye. “Too bad there aren’t any beds free, Fiancé. I could really use to have you love me before you go. Even if there was a bed, we don’t have time, do we?”

  “No, Chelsea. I have to leave in about ten minutes. I wish we had more time.” I kiss her gently. I look down in her eyes, “I’m counting on you to protect the rest of the family. This family is stuffed with women that have been emotionally abused for years, but they are strong women and fierce warriors. You just need to be there to support them emotionally and watch their backs. They’ll be there for you in return.”

  “Of course, my Lord. I’ll be there for them,” she assures me. I pull her into a warm goodbye kiss.

  Trina leads the queue for kisses with Sowie, Charli, and Megan following. Then they head out the door to prepare Tom’s townhouse.

  Rottie comes out to say goodbye. I kiss him between his expressive eyebrows. He sits attentively to watch.

  Georgia, Tiphanae, Christie each kisses me goodbye in turn.

  Then Daphne leads Solange and me to the garage. I hear Rottie lean against the door as we leave. Marisol pulls trail and overwatches as we load into the CRV. Solange is dressed the part of a professional in a navy blue dress that buttons all the way down the front. It hugs her beautiful shape and nicely contrasts the silky chocolate arms and face. Her legs are encased in silvery stockings. The top two golden buttons of the dress are undone as is the one four inches from her mid-thigh hemline. I hope I get a flash of bare thigh through the gap. ‘Remain vigilant, Home Team!’ She has a matching blazer over her arm as she climbs in the back driver-side. I’m
wearing pressed khakis, blue pinstriped oxford, and a navy blazer with buttons that almost match Solange’s. Daphne drives, and I sit up front. Marisol jumps in the back behind me.

  Solange asks me from the back seat, “Are you still refining plans, Jack.”

  I nod before answering, “I thought about having L’liana jump to the airport, influence a 1st Class passenger to join her in the loo and then take her ticket. I was seriously considering it. Then I thought about what that would do to the victim. Now I’m sitting here wondering how I could be so callous to some random stranger.”

  Marisol chips in, “You’re beating yourself up, aren’t you, my Lord?”

  I purse my lips as I look out the windscreen, “You know me too well, Mari.”

  Daphne adds as she stays alert on the roadway, “This whole ‘love as a superpower’ is hard! I wasn’t kidding when I told Selene that it’s easy to fall off the path. As fierce as your protective instincts are, Jack, I suspect it’s even easier for you to fall off the path when your family is endangered. Fortunately, we’re all here to help each other back onto it. Including you!”

  Marisol says, “It’s a good thing you have this large family of women that love you for your huge heart, Jack.” She reaches a hand up past the headrest to caress my face.

  I grasp her hand and turn to kiss the palm. “I don’t deserve you, Mari. Any of you. But I’m grateful to have the love you all give me.”

  Marisol purrs, “I am yours, but you are mine too, Jack! I protect and care for mine! And my sisters do the same!”

  Solange and Daphne both reach out hands to me. “Thus mote it be!” they exclaim in unison.

  I raise each hand to my mouth and kiss it reverently.


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