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Once Bitten Twice Smitten: BBW Werewolf Shifter Menage Romance

Page 8

by Ariana Hawkes

  Her father wasn’t doing well; neither was her mother. They seemed like they were grieving. Which was weird, because she’d never felt more happy and alive.

  “What’s going on, sis?” Venus asked, with her usual vivacity. “I feel like I missed the party.” Aspen grinned at her. She’d tell her soon, but not yet. She still needed time to process it herself. She thought about all the guys who’d said harsh things to her over the years. If anyone gave her shit now, she wouldn’t go and cry into her pillow; she’d bite their faces off! No, she wouldn’t. She actually wouldn’t give a shit. Because it just so happened that the two sexiest beings in the universe were into her. And not just into her; they were competing for her to be their werewolf mate, which was the weirdest and hottest thing she could imagine. Lying on her bed and thinking about first Chase, then Brad, then Chase again, she rubbed at her arm. Since she’d shifted, the scar on her arm had become more pink. The tattoo didn’t hide it any longer; it was brighter than the colors of the ink. And, after hating it for so long, she was starting to love it. It was like her mark. The symbol she’d carried, unknowingly, all her life, that she was destined to be loved by one of these amazing men. But which one? They said she’d know which one of them it was, but, so far, she felt equally drawn to both men. Chase was so serious and intense. You could tell he carried a lot of weight on his shoulders. She had grasped that both of them were in line to be the leader of their packs, and that Chase’s father had high expectations of him. He could be aggressive, and he’d probably learned early in life to be competitive with Brad. But he wasn’t a bad guy. You could tell that he had a good heart, and he was protective and caring with her. She imagined him being a very dominant lover. She giggled to herself. Not that she had any experience of these things! But Chase gave her the feeling that he would pin her down, and take her hard. The thought of this was very exciting to her. His looks were almost at odds with his demeanor though. His fair hair made him look soft – that was, until he opened his mouth to say something serious, or snipe at Brad. She giggled again. They were such an excellent double act. Brad was so surfer-dude relaxed. What was the werewolf version of surfing? Maybe they went snowboarding in winter? Brad was such a sweetheart too. He was easy-going and funny, as well as being wise and mature. And his looks were the polar opposite of Chase’s. Until he said something like ‘bro’ or ‘dude’, he looked a little scary. His eyes were so intense, and he had these razorblade cheekbones and jawline, and his hair was so black against his skin. But she imagined that he’d be a gentle lover, kind and considerate, and taking time to get to know her body. This thought was equally exciting to her, in a different kind of way.

  Aspen shivered, and lifted up both sides of her comforter and wrapped it around her body. She picked up Brad’s shirt where it lay, close to her pillow. She put it over her mouth and nose and inhaled the layers of scents – washing powder, the outdoors, and Brad.

  Absently, her hand found its way down between her thighs. She wasn’t surprised to find that she was already wet. And as she thought about Brad, then Chase, then Brad again, then Chase, her fingers worked that tender, aching place into a sweet, shuddering orgasm.

  As the final waves of euphoria subsided, Aspen made a sound of contentment. Lying here, thinking about these two men was a luxury she could never have imagined. If she’d thought about her future, she’d kind of assumed it’d be with some guy who probably didn’t love her enough, who’d leave her alone in the evenings with her kids. But these guys were talking about being with her forever.

  She’d already decided that she was going to accept one of them as her partner. There was no question of if. If an opportunity like that presents itself to you in life, you don’t wait around! But what if they don’t really want you for yourself? A nasty voice inside her asked. What if they’re so caught up in their destiny that they’re forcing themselves to like you? Her wolf gave a warning growl. Aspen giggled. Having a wolf inside you that acted almost independently of your will was a bit like being a crazy person, but it sure was fun! She would go and find them, spend some time with them both, and try to figure out which of them was her destined mate. But how should she find them? A few days had passed since she’d seen them, and she instinctively knew they weren’t anywhere nearby.

  “Not going to see your wolfy friends?” her father asked as she headed out to her roller derby practice session.

  “Dad, you know as well as I do that they’re not here,” she replied sadly. His eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope.

  “Does this mean that you’re putting all of this behind you, and you’re going to stay here with us?” he asked. Aspen stood directly in front of her father.

  “Dad, look at me,” she said. “I know you think I’m beautiful, but a lot of guys don’t. I’ve been mocked all my life for being a big girl.” She stopped, her throat tightening. She’d never told her parents how much she’d been affected by teasing and name-calling, for fear of breaking their hearts. She saw pain and understanding in her father’s eyes, and she continued in a rush. “But now, I’ve met these two amazing guys, and they want to look after me, and they both really want to be with me. And, now that I’m a werewolf, they understand my needs. Can’t you be happy for me?” Aspen’s mother had appeared behind her father, and she had tears in her eyes.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I guess we didn’t appreciate what a hard time you’d had, because you were our perfect little girl. And we put so much effort into protecting you from werewolves, that we didn’t notice there were other things around that could harm you as well,” her mother said, and they both enveloped her in a hug.

  “I guess there are worse young men out there,” her father said gruffly. “One of them seems to have manners, anyway.”

  “They’re both amazing. You’ll love them when you get to know them!” Aspen said.

  “What’s happened has happened. If you want to be with one of them, we won’t stand in your way,” her mother said. Aspen looked at them both.

  “You mean that?” she asked, her face lighting up. They both nodded and hugged her again.


  “You look amazing, girl!” Debs yelled to Aspen, as soon as she saw her at practice. “What’s been going on with you?”

  “Ah, nothing much,” Aspen said, pulling her skates on with a grin. She wasn’t yet ready to tell her closest friends about the crazy events of the past few days.

  As soon as she started to skate, she realized that she’d have to tone things right down. Now she could move super fast, maybe four times as fast as before. No-one could come up behind her without her knowing, and she could dodge anyone to tried to block her during drills. She felt like a kid playing with figurines. She knew what everyone was going to do before they did it, and, while her teammates were red-faced and gasping by the end of the practice, she was fresh-faced, and felt like she could go ten more rounds.

  “Girl what have you been doing? You were flying out there!” Winona yelled, between pants, as she pulled her helmet off. “Have you been training?” She looked at Aspen’s legs suspiciously. “Your calves are ripped!”

  “I’ve been walking a lot, I guess,” Aspen said, with a shrug. Winona narrowed her eyes, not believing her, but unable to come up with another explanation.


  Aspen awoke early the next day. It had to be today. She was worried that Brad and Chase would get sick of waiting for her, and then she’d never find them. But where was ‘the most real place’, which Brad had referred to before?

  It didn’t take her long to figure it out. She packed a couple of things in a bag, got into her beat-up car and drove to the hotel. Parking around the corner, so the nosy old guy who owned the hotel didn’t see her, she climbed over a fence that bordered the national forest and strode into it. As soon as she smelled the woods, she badly wanted to shift. But she was scared to do it without having Brad and Chase to look out for her. Later, she told herself. She followed the fence that divided the hotel from the forest, all th
e way to the rear of the hotel complex. She stopped at the tree where Brad and Chase had left their clothes after they’d shifted. Standing on tiptoe, she reached up into the lower branches of the tree. Her fingertips made contact with a scrap of paper, she flicked at the edge of it, until it came close enough to grasp. Pulling it down from the tree, she unfolded a small rectangle of notebook paper. On it was scrawled an address in a town she’d never heard of, and three interlocking hearts. Aspen’s own heart leapt. It was totally adorable. She tucked the note into her bra, wanting to skip around the tree like a little kid.

  She picked her way back through the forest and got into her car. She looked up the address on her phone’s map app, absently scratching at an itch on the back of her ankle. It’s a four-hour drive away, in the next state! What are they doing there? I know dad was throwing a lot of threats around, but they didn’t have to go that far away! This wasn’t about to put her off, though. She took one final look at the map and headed north, in the direction of the Canadian border.


  Time had passed very slowly while Brad and Chase waited. Their parents called them all the time, demanding progress reports. Brad even started to feel sorry for Chase when he overheard his father yelling at him on the phone. After yet another call that had evidently been full of aggression and accusation, Brad wondered what it would be like for Chase to go back to the pack empty-handed, without his destined mate. Is she coming? was the thought each of them refused to voice to the other. Their relationship had come to an uneasy truce. They ate together when they were in their human form, but bickered constantly about who was the more deserving of Aspen’s affections.

  One afternoon, Chase went for a run in the forest, just behind the National Federation complex. These woods were more like home, much bigger than in Aspen’s town, and with an exciting scent of wolf here and there. He was just walking back to his room, when he picked up another, very familiar scent. It was thin and far away – maybe three miles or more – but it was undoubtedly her. His body sprang into full alert, and immediately his mind began to hatch a plan. He could go and find her, catch her by herself, and spend some time together, just the two of them. And then he could convince her that he was the one destined to be her mate. He put his nose in the air and sniffed. He could no longer make out her scent, but it shouldn’t be difficult to pick it up again. He started walking in the direction that he’d first smelled her.

  But, after he’d gone a few yards, he stopped. He couldn’t do this. Aspen was an amazing person; he couldn’t win her by trickery. They all had to be together at the same time, so she could figure out fairly and openly which one had bitten her. His wolf whined in confusion. Chase Cooper, not winning at all costs? That was unheard of! Shaking his head as if he didn’t fully understand it himself, Chase went over to Brad’s room and knocked on his door.

  “What’s up, bro?” Brad said, his chiseled features breaking into a friendly grin at the sight of him. He’d done the right thing, Chase acknowledged.

  “Guess who’s here?” he said. Brad’s grin turned up a hundred watts.

  “Where? – Oh, wait, I can smell her!” Brad started running towards the courtyard in front of the Federation building, and Chase followed. And there she was, getting out of her cute little red car. The two men stopped and stared. She was wearing a black, clinging, v-neck shirt, an indigo A-line skirt and black lace pantyhose. Her hair was loose and she had on the same black boots as before. She looked ravishing.

  “Hey,” she said, a little shyly, but her eyes were bright with pleasure at seeing them. “I was just passing, so I thought I’d stop by!” They bounded up to her and, not sure how to greet her, each planted a kiss on her cheek at the same time.

  “Stop! You make me feel like Marilyn Monroe!” she said, laughing.

  “You’re staying here, right?” Chase said. Aspen looked up at the Federation building. It was an imposing old structure, the kind of place you’d expect to house government offices.

  “What is this place?” she asked.

  “It’s part of the National Federation of Werewolves. An organization that helps to keep the peace between packs, and prevent humans from finding out about us,” Chase said.

  “And it’s some pretty excellent accommodation that you can stay in for free, as long as you’re a werewolf.”

  “Nice,” Aspen said. “But how will I prove it? Don’t I need an ID card or something?” Both men broke into laughter.

  “Don’t worry; they’ll know,” Chase said. “They’ll be able to tell by your smell.”

  “And see it in your eyes,” Brad added.

  “My eyes look different?” Brad stared deep into them, making her shiver.

  “They’ve got little flecks of gold in, which they most likely didn’t have before.”

  “Nope, they used to be plain-old blue,” she said.

  “That’s usually a giveaway that someone’s a werewolf,” he said, with a wink.

  Aspen’s room was amazing. It was like the most luxurious hotel room ever, with satin everything, striped brocade walls, and a huge feather bed. Animal skins were strewn around, and there was a real fire glowing in the hearth. The bathroom was insanely opulent too. It was done out in marble, with a walk-in rainforest shower and a sunken tub that could have fitted three people. There was a row of little glass containers of bath oil running along the wall. Aspen sighed. She was very tempted to jump in and soak her muscles, which were aching from being constrained by the long car journey. But Brad and Chase had dinner plans. She looked at herself in a full-length mirror. She hardly ever looked at herself full on. The mirrors at home only showed her face and chest, and that’s how she liked it, but now she took a breath at the sight of her reflection. It was as if her eyes had been opened for the first time, and she could see herself as the werewolves saw her. She had amazing, bouncy cleavage, her waist and hips were real curvy, and there was something inviting about the soft flesh of her thighs. Damn! I’m looking good! she whispered to the mirror. Her face seemed different too. It was her, but like someone had turned up the brightness by a factor of three. Her skin and eyes were glowing, and her lips were redder and fuller than usual.

  Her outfit showed off her body well, but she hoped the restaurant wasn’t too fancy, as they were just day-to-day clothes.

  The guys had changed into button-down shirts, Brad in a pale blue one, and Chase in a white one. They both looked incredible. Aspen found herself longing to unbutton their shirts and run her fingers over the tanned skin beneath.

  “Are my clothes too casual?” she asked.

  “No!” they both said at once. “You look perfect,” “You look great,” they both said at the same time, interrupting each other.

  They went in Chase’s car, and Aspen picked up the scent of a steak restaurant from a couple of blocks away.

  “Is that what I think it is?” she said.

  “What else?” Brad said, his dark eyes flashing. Aspen was virtually salivating. She’d always loved steak, but this was ridiculous!

  The restaurant was cozy and dimly lit. They picked a corner table, with a red velvet banquette. Aspen sat in the middle, with the guys on either side of her. After they ordered a T-bone steak, fries and onion rings each, Chase excused himself to the restroom. Brad turned to Aspen.

  “I’m so glad you came to find us, Aspen,” he said. “I’m hoping with everything I’ve got that you’re my destined mate, but, even if it turns out that you’re Chase’s girl, I really hope that we can be friends. You’re such a cool girl; I would hate for you not to be in my life.” Aspen’s eyes widened. He was close, his mouth inches from hers. It took all of her self-control not to lean forward and kiss him.

  “Me too,” she breathed. “I love being with you guys. When we were all together at the hotel that time, it just felt right to be with both of you. I don’t know how I’m going to figure out which of you is supposed to be the one for me.” Chase was back, and he’d caught the end of the conversation.

p; “You really don’t feel more drawn to one of us than the other?” he asked. Aspen shook her head.

  “I don’t. I wish I knew how I’m supposed to figure it out, but, in my mind, it feels equal.” Brad nodded reasonably, but Chase’s eyes showed a flicker of hurt. He straightened himself up in his seat to hide his reaction.

  “Hey, is that the wine list?” he said, reaching across the table for it. As he did, his bare forearm brushed against Aspen’s upper arm. She jumped. He seemed to be buzzing with electricity.

  “Oooh!” she said. “That was weird.”

  “You’ve gotta stop wearing those polyester shirts, dude!” Brad said, shaking his head.

  “Shut up,” Chase snapped.

  “Try it again,” Aspen said. He did, and her arm jolted again. “Freaky! Maybe it’s the wiring in here.” Chase laughed.

  “Aspen, it’s not the wiring. Look at your arm!” She lifted her arm and looked at it. The scar beneath her tattoo was glowing bright pink. It was almost neon. Chase touched it with his fingertips and she received a third surge of electricity.

  “Wow,” that’s crazy,” she said. “Brad, you touch it too.” Brad stretched forward and laid his fingers on it, as Aspen held her breath. Nothing. He tried a couple more times. He tried with his forearm. Still nothing.

  “You’re mine!” Chase said to her. He turned, so he was fully facing her. “Your scar reacts to my touch because I was the one who bit you! Aspen, you’re my mate!”

  “That makes perfect sense,” Brad said. He tried once more for good measure, but the scar paled and retreated. He sank back against the banquette, letting out a long sigh, heavy with disappointment.

  Chase’s eyes fixed on Aspen’s, full of desire, and something softer as well. And she’d never felt so conflicted. The urge to kiss him was overwhelming. This was so much more than she’d ever dreamed of. Yet, there was Brad, right behind her. Chase took her hand, lifted it to his lips and kissed it. “Mine,” he whispered. Aspen’s heart leapt, at the same time that her head span. She had assumed that discovering her true mate would bring clarity for all of them. Yes, she had Chase! But how could she not be with Brad?


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