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Dominant Professor: When you crave the punishment, you break the rules.

Page 28

by Mia Luxe

  We need just one more win. One more win… against Stanford.

  Against the girls who humiliated me.

  The fateful game where I lost my temper and almost ruined my team’s playoff chances. Tomorrow I have one shot at redemption.

  He called me last night, but I kept it perfunctory. It was difficult to hear his deep, sexy voice and do anything but melt into putty, but putty I was not going to be.

  I can’t control what Bruce does when he isn’t with me. But I can find control in my own life. I can focus on the things that are important when Bruce isn’t around, and I can set the boundaries of what I want our relationship to be.

  I cannot tell if I am dreading seeing him alone or not. My thoughts are all mixed up. Stress over volleyball, nervousness over Bruce. It is all a whirlwind and I have not even mentioned the mound of assignments that do not feel perfect yet.

  I hope the fact that I rushed out last time we saw him isn’t awkward. Oh God, am I going to be able to be alone in a room with that guy without ripping his clothes off? I just… I need to keep this non-physical, to prove to myself that there is something more here than just the hottest sex of my life.

  Everything about me screams professional. I choose a cute skirt over black leggings with a long sleeve top.

  I take a deep breath as I approach Professor Harrison’s office and knock.

  “Come in,” comes the deep voice, and I open the door and he stands to greet me.

  My man.

  Shush little voice in my head, you can’t think of him like that. At least, not yet.

  I shut the door behind me and take a seat in front of him.

  “I got you coffee,” he says, pushing a takeout cup towards me.

  “Mmm, perfect. There is nothing like coffee on an autumn day.”

  “It must be brisk outside, your cheeks are bright red and rosy from the walk.”

  I fix a loose hair and take a sip of the coffee, setting it down. Now that we are alone together I need to vent.

  “Professor… Bruce, sorry… I’m scared. I’m so nervous. If we don’t win tomorrow, it’s over. All the hard work. The entire season. Done.”

  He takes a sip of coffee and sets it down, nodding.

  I wish he would shake his head right now instead of nodding.

  “Olivia. I could tell you that if your season ends right now it’s OK. I could tell you that you’ve grown as a player. That you’ve made connections with your teammates that will last a lifetime. That if you leave it all out on the court then you have done your best.”

  He pauses. His words sink in.

  “That’s not what I’m going to tell you. Because you aren’t the person who leaves it all out there and loses. You’re the person who makes the other team look like a joke. The night before my Olympic qualifying race, do you know what I did?”

  I shake my head.

  “I stayed up all night and worried. I felt this huge ball of stress. When I raced I was tired and unfocused. I got to the last length and knew exactly what I needed to do, how fast I needed to swim, and it was all I could do to get one arm in front of the other. My body could have pushed harder. My mind is what failed.”

  His words fill me with worry.

  “What if that happens to me? What if I can’t sleep tonight? What if I let down my team?”

  “Have you ever tried meditation?”


  “Close your eyes.”

  I close my eyes. In my mind’s eye I can see the night that started all of this replayed. The biggest mistake of my volleyball life. The game I played terribly, the way the other team mocked me.

  “You probably just had a rush of thoughts.”

  “Yes,” I say, and hearing his calm voice centers my mind. I am acutely aware of Bruce in front of me. I am alone in the office with the man of my dreams.

  “That’s OK. Thoughts are normal. We all get a crazy amount of thoughts, and meditating just shows you them clearly. I want you to breathe in and out, and after every breath count. One in. One out. Two in. Two out. Deep breaths. When you get to ten, open your eyes. It’s OK to have thoughts, just don’t engage them. Just let them flow over you.”

  I take a deep breath in, smelling his cologne, the fresh coffee, the smell of him. He is both comforting and arousing.

  At six breaths in I almost lose count as a rogue thought of volleyball slips into my mind. I let it pass through me. I do not engage it.

  At ten I open my eyes feeling a strange calmness.

  “What do you think?”

  “I… I feel better. Less nervous.”

  “That’s good. Now whenever you have stress, anxiety, anything, close your eyes and breathe. Before your first serve tomorrow night, breathe in an out, in and out. You can keep your eyes open if you want, you can bounce the ball up and down, you can feel the whole room watching you and count your breath. Your breath centers you. No one else can breathe it for you. No one else can think thoughts for you. If you control your mind, you control your body.”

  “I’m still scared, Bruce.”

  “I know. Fear isn’t a bad thing. It lets you know how hard you have to push. If you find yourself tossing and turning tonight, concentrate 100% on your breathing. Resting with a calm mind can be almost as good as sleep in the short term.”

  He stands up and I do as well, surprised by how quick the session is over. He gives me a small kiss and I lean in for more. He meets my passion with a deep kiss, stroking my hair.

  “You can do this Olivia. I believe in you.”

  I leave his office with a calmness I have never felt before.

  Perfect Moments

  Olivia Abernathy - Thursday Night

  One in, one out.

  I step up to the service line. My team is in front of me, around me. We are one unit, one family.

  Two in, two out.

  The breath leaves my body and so does my stress. My heart is pounding hard with adrenaline but my hands are steady.

  Three in, three out.

  I bounce the ball against the ground. I feel its weight. It is an extension of my hand.

  Four in, four out.

  The crowd is hushed, expectant. Waiting with baited breath. They fade away and the court is crystal clear in front of me.

  Five in, five out.

  I can see exactly where the ball is going to go.

  Six in, six out.

  My muscles tense, ready for action, ready to leap into the air.

  Seven in, seven out.

  The tension is growing. Everyone is waiting. I do not need to wait for the count of ten. This is. This is the perfect moment.

  Eight in, eight OUT!

  The sharp crack of the ball against my hand rings out, then the deafening screams of the crowd overpower me.


  Zoe smiles wider than I have ever seen her smile before as my team touches hands together in celebration.

  “That was fire! Do it again!”

  These moments are perfection. There is this stillness in my mind that permeates my entire body.

  We fight hard, all of us, and when Zoe spikes the final point down past their guard and we win the game I fall flat on my back, unable to move another muscle. Every last ounce of my energy is left on the court and I stare up at the gymnasium ceiling as the crowd goes crazy around me.

  The team is laughing around me, smiling, congratulating each other on making it to playoffs, and they lift me to my feet and I realize I am crying, tears of pure joy and exertion streaming down my face.

  We did it.

  We are going to the post-season.

  Under the Stars

  Olivia Abernathy - Thursday Night

  The mood in the locker room is ecstasy. We are all pumped up, congratulating each other and exchanging high-fives. We shower and change, reliving the moments of the game.

  “Kim, I can’t believe you got that dig!”

  “Brandy, you set me up all night.”

  But what they all can’t stop
talking about over and over is the first play of the game.

  “Olivia. That first serve set the tone for the game.”

  “Did you see that stuck up Stanford hoe’s face when you aced her?”

  “That was your best game of the season! Olivia, you keep that up, we are going to take it ALL baby!”

  It fills me with pride but I know the win was a team effort. Before we went to shower off, I saw serious, somber Coach Feldman crack into a smile for once in his life.

  We hooped and cheered when he gave us the good news.

  A whole weekend off from practice to reward us for our win. A weekend to de-stress and reward ourselves.

  A weekend free is exactly what I need right now.

  Zoe and Kim, along with all the others on the team try their best to entice me to come out to a frat party.

  “Come on, we need to celebrate! We just beat two of the toughest teams in a row and we are in the fucking post-season!”

  I feel their joy, but I want to be alone right now. Well, in truth, I want to be with Professor Harrison.

  “I love you girls, but I left it all on the court tonight. I need to get home and lose this adrenaline.”

  “Nooooo, you need to come out!”

  “Really, I shouldn’t. Another time though.”

  I walk back to dorms alone. The night air is cool. I can hardly believe it.

  We won. We did it.

  Was Bruce there to see it?

  The stands had been packed and in the heat of the game, I had not looked closely at who was watching. The only face that could stand out in the masses of the crowd was the bright red hair of one of the college librarians. I had no idea she was a volleyball fan.

  All I want is to share this night with Bruce. All I want is to be in his arms, to have him hold me tight, to let my body relax next to him.

  I struggle up the hill to dorms. My legs are so tight. I sigh as I slip my key into the lock and am about to open the door to our common room when I hear the rev of an engine. I look to my right and see Professor Harrison’s tinted Jag, and I cannot help but giggle. I rush to the passenger’s side and throw caution to the wind. I open the car door and hop gingerly inside, plopping down next to him.

  “What if someone sees us!”

  “What’s there to see? I’ve never driven this car to work, just to pick you up. I couldn’t wait another moment without talking to you. You were magnificent tonight.”

  “You saw the game!”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. That first ace… God, you’re beautiful.”

  He hits the gas and we zoom away, and I realize I have no idea where we are going and I don’t even care. I’m with him. Bruce. I have won the most important game of my life, and life feels too good to be real.

  He drives up a nearby hill and parks at an empty lookout point, the stars twinkling above and the city visible in the distance. He turns off the car and we sit silently, enjoying each other’s presence for a moment. The world feels right.

  He gets out of the car, and I follow him into the night air as he opens up the trunk and pulls out the thickest wool blanket I have ever seen. He lays it on the cool grass and beckons me to sit. I do, and he comes back with another blanket which he wraps around us. I sit in front of him, his arms wrapped around me, his body close to mine, the night air chilling my cheeks and making me feel alive.

  We do not talk as we stare out at the infinite sky and far away city.

  The only thing that matters is us.

  “Why me?” The question comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. Two words that do not make sense on their own, but Bruce gets it.

  “Because you make me feel like I’ve found what I’ve been missing all this time. You make me feel something I have never felt before. Satisfied.”

  I smile, feeling his fingers running through my hair, feeling his body heat warming me as we enjoy the moment.

  Finally, he kisses me, his lips brushing my neck and his hands move over my body, igniting my desire. My body is sore and tired and he can sense it. I turn and he kisses me on the lips, his perfect, warm lips slowly pressing against mine and we make out unhurriedly as if we have all the time in the world. I can feel his cock straining against me as I get on top of him under the blankets in our own secret place. His hands massage my back, undoing tension and pain that has built up over the day, and I feel his strong chest against me. He is so sure and steady.

  He holds me tight.

  I want to be close to him forever.


  Bruce Harrison - Thursday Night

  I drive her home after spending an hour under the stars, holding her, kissing her, and massaging her sore body. I wait until we are nearing dorms to reveal the surprise.

  “I heard you got the weekend off.”

  “How did you hear that?”

  “I talked to Coach Feldman for a moment after the game. He told me he was so happy with the team’s performance that he wanted to give you guys a weekend off. That’s all the time it took me to think of my plan.”

  “Your plan?” I can hear the surprise in her voice.

  “Oh yes, my plan. When is your last class on Friday?”

  “I finish at noon. Tell me your plan!”

  “In good time. I’ll pick you up at 12:30 from dorms. Have a little travel bag prepared, some toiletries, the essentials. I have everything else.”

  “Oooh, are you taking me somewhere? I need to know more! What to bring, if I need something fancy, or….”

  “Don’t even bother packing clothes except what you are wearing.”

  Her eyes widen.

  “Oh really.”

  “Yes, really. I’ll set everything up.”

  “Impossible. Is this just a day trip? Or… I mean, there’s nothing wrong with that, I’m happy to do something with you, but…”

  “Trust me. Clear your weekend, meet me here at 12:30. No more questions, you won’t get anything out of me.”

  She reaches over and strokes my cock which jumps to attention, straining against my pants.

  “I’m sure I could coax it out of you.”

  I wince. While the night of relaxing under the stars had been exquisite, it had left me with aching need.

  “Play fair. Oh, and one last thing. You won’t be able to phone anyone for the weekend, or email, or whatever.”

  “Fine, fine,” she says, and I drop her off at dorms, imagining the perfect weekend that awaits us. A weekend away from the college. Away from being a Professor and her being a student, a weekend where we can be ourselves, just a man and a woman falling in love.

  Falling in love? Or already fallen?


  Olivia Abernathy - Friday Afternoon

  I’m in my dorm room with Zoe, my little bag packed and feeling the butterflies in my stomach that always precede Bruce.

  Zoe is convinced he is going to take me to Vegas. I have no idea why, but it’s her firm conviction.

  “It’s obvious. A destination at short notice, he’s got money and Vegas is a money place, and you won’t need to bring anything because he’s going to take you shopping for a million new outfits.”

  “I have no idea where you are getting this from. I think he’s taking me on a day trip.”

  “Then why would he say to clear your weekend?”

  “I don’t know. The suspense is killing me! I called him last night but he wouldn’t tell me anything. I just hope he takes me somewhere calm and quiet where we can be alone.”

  Zoe rolls her eyes.

  “Boring. He’s definitely taking you to Vegas. You two are going to hit all the hottest clubs.”

  “You’re crazy. And I’m out of time.”

  I look at my phone. 12:27.

  “You’re so lucky. A man who whisks you away for a surprise vacation…” Zoe’s voice drips with envy.

  “I just hope I packed enough stuff,” looking at my travel bag which is full of the essentials. Toothpaste, brushes, make-up, underwear, all the usu
al suspects. I even brought a pair of pajamas.

  Go time. I say my goodbyes to Zoe and walk downstairs through the shared kitchen where the perpetually stoned Gavin is making eggs.

  “Woah, check out that car,” he says, staring outside at the beautiful Jaguar. Although it’s broad daylight, the dark tint of the windows conceals Bruce. I love the feeling of our subterfuge, how we are hidden right under everyone’s noses.

  I’d still rather keep questions to a minimum at least in my own dorm building. That means distracting Gavin.

  “Did you drop some weed?” My voice is innocent and sweet. Gavin’s head jerks so hard at my question his eggs almost fly out of the pan.


  “Just down there,” I say, leaving the building and stepping out into the brisk air. In a second I am inside Bruce’s car with my backpack on my lap, certain that Gavin is now on his hands and knees looking for his misplaced marijuana.

  “Let’s go!”

  I don’t have to say it twice. Bruce likes to drive fast, and I like being driven fast when it is him in the driver’s seat.

  “How are you?”

  “Um, let’s see. Wondering where the hell you’re taking me? Nervous and excited? That’s how I am.”

  “All in good time. This is your first weekend off in a long time, and I don’t want you to be thinking about anything. Not school, not volleyball, nothing except us.”

  “Ha. As if I wouldn’t get all my schoolwork done before this trip, whatever it is. I’ve been averaging about five hours sleep a night! So this trip better be worth it.”

  I keep my tone light, letting him know I am joking.

  “Get ready for the best weekend of your life.”

  When he says those words with that confidence, I feel all my doubts slipping away. I do not want to think about what we are. I do not want to think about whether I am the only woman in his life, whether he sees a future in us or just a semester of fun.


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