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Trinity of Light

Page 6

by Renea Mason

  Every decision I made was only making matters worse, delaying us longer. I had felt the impact of Cyril’s seed in the past, and even though powerful, it was nothing like this. It was like concentrated lust. My moment of weakness with Overton in the cell hadn’t quenched my need; it had heightened it. Perhaps, with some distance, I could solve the problem myself.

  I ran my hand up the inside of my thigh and squeezed my eyes shut, but Cyril’s voice pulled me from my reverie.

  “Linden, there’s a certain amusement to this game, but we have pressing matters to attend to.”

  “I know,” I growled in frustration. “That’s why I’m trying to get it under control.”

  “Get what under control, Light?”

  I didn’t want Overton to think my reaquaintance with him was anything but genuine. More important, I didn’t have my wits about me to explain the situation to Cyril—how he had been violated in ways greater than he had imagined. If I gave in, he’d know for sure. Worse yet, he’d know I didn’t bother to tell him immediately.

  “Fuck!” I raked my hand through my hair and tugged trying to relieve the aggravation.

  He took two steps toward me.

  “Stop, don’t come any closer.” I held up one hand while I flattened the other against my jeans between my thighs.

  His brow furrowed, and bewilderment crossed his features. “What happened back in the compound? I had decided to wait until we got home to press you for answers. What did Vidius do to you? I saw the images in Overton’s mind.” His jaw tightened, nostrils flaring. “For that alone, I should end Vidius, the Earth be damned.”

  “Just stop. Don’t come any closer. I do have things to tell you. But first, where is Overton?”

  “I told him to wait at the car.”

  A deep cleansing breath. “Good.”

  “Linden, if you’re worried about what I walked in on, let me remind you, I was prepared to initiate such a reunion myself. I know how conflicted you are, but there is no need to be.”

  “I wish fucking Overton was my biggest concern. Well, it is a concern, but it’s minor compared to everything else.” I mashed my fingers harder against the fabric of my pants, anything for even the smallest amount of friction. Lusty haze filled my mind, making it difficult to think, to form words. It was as though I was rendered to nothing but sensation, no room for thought. “Vidius, he…” I groaned in a sex-needy stupor.

  He took another step forward. “What did he do? Tell me, please.”

  “Stop. Please. It’s hard enough to think without you so close.”

  He crossed his arms, took one step backward, and then cocked his head to the side. “OK. Go on.”

  I clenched my thighs, seeking relief while I struggled to focus. “He appeared as you. I thought it was you. He…” I was going to explain the head trauma, but making him angrier would impede his ability to listen. “He shifted back. He’s covered in green stones implanted and pierced through his skin.”

  “Like the ones in Celestine’s eyes?”

  “Yes.” I squirmed as the word escaped from behind my teeth.

  His eyes narrowed. “That explains what he’s doing. He’s collecting fragments of Aristia, attempting to harness her power.”

  “He’s also drinking your blood, Cyril.”

  He nodded, pursing his full, delectable lips. “I figured as much.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to find the courage to finish explaining. “He fed me something. Not only is that part of the problem, but when he shifted back, his hands were covered in shifting residue.”

  Cyril crossed his arms. “What did he give you, Linden?”

  “Do you think he’ll have control over me now, like Michael had over Lance, because he got some of the residue in my mouth?”

  “Doubtful, unless you ingested large amounts, and it takes multiple days of ingestion. Is that what has you so distressed?”

  I groaned, trying to force out some of the tension. “No… I mean…yes, that’s part of it, but not the biggest part.”

  “Light, you can tell me anything, you know that.”

  Whether it was my broken will or my lust-fueled psychosis, I gave him the truth. “He had a vial of powder. He forced me to ingest it. Twice, actually. It was concentrated…you.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand. My blood?”

  I tossed my head back, breathing deeply through my nose. “No. You Cyril, your… Oh, fuck…he had your semen, Cyril, in a vial, as a concentrated powder. Now, I can’t even see straight. So intense.”

  He didn’t move. He said nothing, simply stared.

  Rubbing my thighs together, I growled, “Go back to the car. Let me get through this, and we can figure it all out later.”

  “No.” His one word cut through the ambient noises of the forest like a knife.

  He unfolded his arms, clenching and unclenching fists at his sides. From behind, echoed Overton’s voice, “Cyril, is everything all right? Did you find Linden?”

  Oh, fuck me. I groaned. The situation couldn’t get any worse.



  “Light…” Cyril’s voice was soft and gentle, a contrast to his soul-penetrating stare. “Take off your pants.”

  “Oh…hell no. You’ll just make it worse. If you come inside me…God…” I scooted away from him.

  He let out a deep exhale. “I thought we made progress on this trust thing. Do you honestly think I’d be so careless?” Before I could answer, his hand caught my jaw, forcing me to meet his gaze. “Taking care of you is my responsibility, no matter how difficult you make it.”

  His gaze was so intense I glanced away.

  “Look at me, Linden.”

  When I stared into his eyes, I always felt like either I was losing part of my soul or gaining part of his. I hesitated but did as he requested.

  “I’m already angry at myself for forcing you to go to the compound and putting you in danger.” His thumb stroking my chin. “Don’t deny me what should be mine. Comforting you, easing your ache, quieting your troubles are pleasures due to me by virtue of who I am to you. If you love me as you say you do, then trust me.” His words were a soft plea.

  The lust was one thing, but my pride didn’t want Cyril to see how easily I had been overcome. The moment his body entered mine, he’d know. “But I don’t want you to have to see. You’ll be able to see what he did, how weak I was.”

  “Light, you can’t protect me from the truth. I will see it. How about you stop trying to shield me from all the unpleasant things life tosses at us and make me a promise? Can you do that?”

  “I can try.”

  “Guess that’s the best I can ask for.” He leaned forward and touched his lips to mine. “Promise me that instead of trying to protect me, you’ll comfort me. Suffering is universal, Linden. Considering the time we have together, we’re both bound to suffer. If we try to circumvent fate, we’ll only make it worse. Instead, give me your word you’ll be there when it happens, because it will happen again, just like today. That you’ll comfort me by not only holding me and supporting me but by allowing me the pleasure of doing the same for you. Can you make me that promise?”

  It was an unfair time to ask. I would have promised him anything. “OK.” I breathed a heavy sigh, hoping that we were done talking. The ache of anticipation had me gazing back at him.

  “One more thing…” He called over his shoulder, “Stanton, come here.”

  Overton traversed the exposed rocks and roots and stood beside Cyril.

  Cyril stroked his thumb along my jaw. I fought the urge to close my eyes, the feel of his caress a promise of things to come.

  The intensity between us returned with his focus. “Now, promise him the same thing. Promise Stanton, too. Let him comfort you, just as you did for him in that cell.”

  Even though Cyril couldn’t see past himself, viewing the world from his godlike position at thirty-thousand feet, his perception was so acute. It often made me wonder if he co
uldn’t read my mind in real time the same way he read the others. “I…”

  Cyril’s fingers dislodged the button on my pants. “Kiss him. Let him give back to you.”

  I hesitated, but only for a moment. Whether it was the need that overcame my resolve or my authentic surrender, it didn’t matter. I needed to feel. To lose myself. With one hand, I clutched the back of Overton’s head and pulled him to me, melding his lips against mine. There was no resistance, but rather a naturalness that felt real. So right. As though this was how it was always meant to be.

  Cyril lowered my zipper, and in one swift movement, divested me of my pants, panties shoes, and socks. Even through the jostling of stepping out of my clothes, my lips stayed entangled with Overton’s.

  “Can I tell you a secret, Light?” Cyril’s breath blew against my ear, sending a shiver through me.

  “Yes,” I breathed against Overton’s mouth.

  He lifted me, perching me on the edge of the smooth rock, and ran his large hands up the inside of my thighs, spreading my legs. “When I was outside of my body and could see your memories, do you know which ones I played over and over in my mind?”

  Overton moved with us and trailed kisses away from my mouth and down my neck.

  I breathed deeply, savoring the feel of their skin against mine, wanting to feel more of them with each passing minute. “No, tell me, Cyril.”

  “Those memories of when you made love to Stanton. The love you feel for me is complicated. What you feel for him is simple, pure.” His fingers played over my sex, teasing. “Remember that time in my office when he finished what we started?”

  There was no way I could forget. Cyril talked me into pleasuring myself for relief, and Overton walked in on the deed. It was our first intimate encounter. I closed my eyes, reveling in the sensation of their combined touch.

  Overton’s fingers worked the buttons on my shirt, undoing each one before nipping my neck.

  Cyril’s finger slipped between my folds, teasing up and down through the slickness that collected at my opening. “Remember how you touched yourself, with my command ringing between your ears? They were my words pushing you closer.”

  I did. “Yes.”

  He slipped two fingers into me.

  I gasped and tightened my muscles inside around his digits, trying to pull him deeper inside me. Need arched my back like a tightly strung bow.

  Overton reached around and unclasped my bra then slid my shirt and bra off my shoulders. I couldn’t help but notice how quiet he was; it was easy to take a back seat to Cyril, his commanding and brutish presence, but we were equals in this play.

  “Do you remember that time, Stanton?” I asked, my voice husky from lust.

  He placed a quick kiss on my lips. “Love, that is something one simply does not forget.” Finishing the buttons on his own shirt, he slid it off his muscled arms and onto the ground.

  I glided my fingers over his hip, urging him closer, wanting to feel him against my skin.

  Cyril set a rhythm, sliding in and out, coaxing more heat to build from the inside.

  I gripped Overton’s hand and tried to focus on speaking the words they wanted to hear, but I opted instead to show. With his hands grasped in mine, I guided him between my legs, wanting to feel his touch there along with Cyril. Both men, touching me inside and out, becoming the epicenter of my need.

  My breath caressed the light dusting of hair while I rested my head against Overton’s chest. The familiar sound of his heartbeat, the lullaby that sang me to sleep each night when he’d shared my bed since Cyril didn’t sleep. The rhythmic pitter-patter quieted my mind, allowing me to focus on each touch, each caress, each breath, each penetration. I didn’t need to spell it out for him. It as if he were there to fulfill my every wish. He inserted his finger into me, along with Cyril’s, and my body yielded to them both in time, their fingers stretching and filling me in synchronization.

  Tilting my hips and pressing my feet harder into the rock, I opened my legs wider, giving them deeper access. When I gazed up to see them both watching me with desire-laden eyes, it was all I needed to succumb.

  I braced myself with my outstretched palms behind me while my body ground harder against their hands. The friction, the fullness, and the truth confirmed the two men I loved more than anything were inside me, together, bringing me to the edge. Somewhere beyond the lust sending a rush through my head, I felt a strange relief—a completion beyond the physical. I didn’t need to choose because this was the answer that had been eluding me.

  They waited out each quake my body gifted them before removing their fingers and stepping aside.

  I panted, savoring the rush of release, but just like when I made love to Cyril, each climax made me hungrier for the next.

  Cyril stepped to the side and traced his tongue up the side of my neck. “I think Stanton has a few ideas about how we should continue this little game.”

  I shivered, and couldn’t help but think what a benefit Cyril being able to read Stanton’s mind would be at times like this. The intriguing thought elicited another delicious shiver to flutter up my spine.

  Stanton kicked off his shoes then slid his pants and boxers down to his ankles before stepping out of them. Using one hand, he gripped his cock, hunger blazing in his eyes. “Earlier, love, was acknowledgment. That was me confirming you knew what I was to you. This…this is me showing you who I want to be.” He wasted no time entering me. Pelvis against pelvis. He seated himself and stilled.

  Cyril’s reaction shocked me. He adjusted my posture. “Look at him, Linden. See him inside you. Part of you.” Cyril's fingers trailed a slow path over my lips, the tips of my hard nipples, down my abdomen, and over the light dusting of hair that covered my mound. My body shivered when the tip of his finger played at my entrance where Overton and I were joined. “You have no idea how much it pleases me to see the most important people in my life connected in all ways.”

  Overton groaned and tossed his head back when Cyril grasped the base of his cock, guiding him out of my body and then back in.

  Cyril’s rough voice commanded, “Fuck her. Let me watch.”

  As much as I needed to feel Overton inside me, I needed to see that look in his eyes telling me I was forgiven. When he gazed back, I knew everything I needed to know.

  Cyril placed his hand on Overton’s hip, urging him tighter against me, deeper inside me.

  We were making love together. Not as three people but as one being. Extensions of each other.

  Cyril’s teeth nibbled a path to my ear, distracting me.

  Stanton gripped my breast in one hand, squeezing while he pistoned in and out of my depths.

  Even though Overton’s gaze held me, it was Cyril’s words ringing in my ears that permitted my release. “Light, we’re here to catch you whenever you fall. Don’t be afraid to jump.” A sharp inhalation and he sank his teeth into my neck. Each slow draw of my blood and teasing lick of his tongue plummeted me farther into self-definition, showing me who I was and what I wanted. Our love, a triangulation of who I always intended to be. No longer lost, they put the missing pieces together.

  Overton rested his head against mine, holding me tighter, my body drawing him in. “That’s it, love, give me your passion.”

  I groaned through gritted teeth while the surge of pleasure consumed me, releasing my desire in waves.

  Overton tensed and, on a growl, released inside me, pulling me to him tighter.

  Cyril remained still, his fangs still buried in my neck.

  A hazy, drunken feeling overcame me as I stared up to see Overton’s wide smile as he withdrew.

  After Overton’s exit, Cyril cupped my pussy and coated my skin with Overton’s release. Cyril’s lip sucked at my neck, once again drawing blood from my body into his.

  Overton’s mouth covered mine, forcing a fierce lingering kiss.

  Cyril released my neck for a moment and shoved two fingers into my aching core. “You’re not done. You came for him,
now you need to come for me. I’m going to keep fucking your pussy with my hand until you drown me in your desire. Do you understand me?” His long, curved fingers plunged into me again.

  Overton swallowed my gasp as I dug my palms into the rock and arched my back, giving Cyril perfect access to my breasts. He sucked my nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue. After releasing the peak, he pierced my skin with his fangs. While staring into my eyes, he drew the flat of his tongue over the red liquid and my nipple in one sweep.

  My body clenched him tighter with the erotic sight.

  “Liked that, did you?” Another bite. Another lick.

  I groaned. “Please…”

  “Your wish, Light, is my command.” He buried his teeth in my breast and sucked harder than ever while his hand fucked me.

  He coaxed stream after stream of desire from my depths while he siphoned the elixir from my veins.

  Overton’s hand drifted and made soothing circles in the trails of the cum that ran down my thighs.

  All the sensations were too much. I screamed something between a groan and cry. The sound of my ecstasy lost in the treed canopy overhead while I succumbed to bliss.

  Panting and gasping for breath between Overton’s kisses I finally gained a small amount of control.

  Cyril released my breast and lapped at the punctures, healing the wound. But he left his fingers buried inside me.

  Overton brushed a sweat-soaked strand of hair from my face.

  Struggling to keep my eyes open, no longer consumed by lust, I yawned and was instantly mortified. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…I…”

  Cyril removed his fingers from inside me and cupped my face, the smell of our lovemaking distinct. “Don’t apologize, Light. Didn’t I tell you to trust me? Now, close your eyes and get some rest. When you wake up, you’ll be nice and snug in our bed.”

  “What did you do?” Another yawn overcame me.

  Overton busied himself dressing.

  “It’s all about energy, Linden. I borrowed some so you can function a bit better. By drinking you, I can take some of your energy.”


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