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Feminized for the Very First Time: 8 Books Feminization Anthology

Page 28

by D. L. Savage

“Uh, yeah,” I replied shyly, as always feeling a little nervous and pathetic around them, seeing as they were the exact kind of guys that used to beat me up back in high school.

  But at least these guys seemed friendly. In fact, they seemed really friendly – weirdly so. I couldn’t help but feel them both looking me up and down, almost as if they were checking me out, although that was obviously totally absurd.

  Again, I felt my eye drawn downward again, to the meaty bulges between their legs, and I quickly looked away, ashamed and confused.

  What the hell was I even doing here? I thought sadly.

  “Cool,” the other guy smiled at me. “Meagan’s parties are so fun. You’ll have a blast.”

  Meanwhile, the first guy was pressing the buzzer on the post, and a moment later the huge cast iron gates swung open and the three of us walked down the driveway toward the impressive white house.

  The front door flung open, and I felt a pang of excitement despite myself as I set eyes on Meaghan again. She looked even hotter than before – now sporting a pair of round blue reflective sunglasses, her perfect body shown off by a strappy black swimsuit, her dainty feet encased in large black stiletto heels.

  “Hello boys!” she called as she strutted towards us, waving happily. “Hey Amy!”

  As she said the name, I felt my stomach drop.

  What the hell?

  Again, my face flushed beet red and I stood stock still on the driveway, watching as she reached the two guys, kissing each one on the cheek, then casting a glance in my direction and beckoning me over.

  “Come on, don’t be shy!” she laughed as I headed nervously over to join them.

  Please don’t call me that name again, I thought as I approached, wondering if I’d made a huge mistake in coming here.

  “Well guys, the water’s lovely,” she announced. “You know where the pool is! Go and enjoy yourselves!”

  I watched as the two guys bounded off happily down a path at the side of the house, and as I made to follow them I felt Meaghan’s hand on my arm, holding me in place.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” she asked, puzzled.

  “To the ... uh ... the pool?” I replied, my voice trembling a little with nerves.

  “Oh no! Not like that you’re not,” she announced, shaking her head as she looked me up and down dismissively. “Come on, follow me.”

  And with that, she took my hand and led me into the cool darkness of the house ...


  “Girls, this is Amy,” Meagan said, leading me into a room full of jaw-droppingly hot women, who all turned and looked at me. “She’s new to the scene, and as you can see, we’ve got our work cut out for us.”

  Scene? Work cut out? What the hell is she talking about? I thought, as I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the room, as the seven or eight other girls all looked at me inquisitively.

  Like Meaghan, they were all beautiful – tall and slender, with bright dyed hair in all colors of the rainbow and matching skimpy swimsuits.

  “It’s, um, it’s actually Andy,” I offered, my face burning with shame. “I think there’s been some sort of mistake.”

  “The only mistake, Amy,” Meaghan shot back in a surprisingly stern voice, “is that you seem to think you’re a guy, when it’s totally obvious that what you actually are is a sexy, slutty little sissy. Wouldn’t you all agree, girls?”

  And to my surprise, the women nodded and murmured in agreement.

  “Now come on,” Meaghan continued, “off with your clothes.”

  I froze, feeling all eyes in the room looking at me. From the distance, I could hear the faint sounds of splashing and laughter from the guys pool, mixed with the drumming of my own heart in my ears.

  A part of me just wanted to get the hell out of there. I mean, this was totally nuts – like some crazy dream. But at the same time, I have to admit that a tiny little part of me felt kinda turned on at the idea of getting undressed in front of a room full of gorgeous women, even if they did just want to humiliate me.

  And so, with shaky fingers I began to do as I was told, pulling off my clothes, first my t-shirt, revealing my pale slender chest which was still totally hairless, and then a moment later my board shorts, letting them drop around my ankles, revealing my dick, which, due to my nerves, was as tiny and shriveled as a little kid’s.

  “She’s cute,” one of the women said.

  “Isn’t she!” Meaghan replied, clapping her hands excitedly as she looked me over. “Now girls, you go and enjoy the sunshine, while I take her upstairs and give her a little pampering, okay?”

  The girls all nodded, laughing and giggling amongst themselves, while Meagan leant into me and whispered, “Follow me.”

  She turned and walked towards a large set of curving stairs, and again I did as I was told, following behind her, my eyes now drawn to her perfect ass, which was shown off amazingly by her skimpy thong swimsuit.

  I could feel myself growing hornier by the moment as she led me up the stairs, but even though my body was tingling with excitement, perhaps it was due to nerves, but my dick remained small and limp between my legs.

  Upstairs, Meaghan led me into a large bathroom, with a huge gilt-edged mirror.

  “Okay, first we’re going to need to get rid of that hair,” she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she nodded at the wispy blonde-brown hair that grew from under my arms and around my dick and balls. “You ever been waxed before, honey?”

  I shook my head, unable to even speak now.

  “Don’t worry,” she smiled. “It won’t hurt ... much.”

  “Holy shit!” I screamed, a little while later, as Meaghan ripped the last waxing strip from between my butt cheeks.

  “Oh quiet, silly,” she laughed, “it wasn’t that bad.”

  But my body was still stinging with pain, not to mention almost totally hairless all over – save from a little rectangular crop of fuzz just above my dick, which she’d decided to leave because she said it looked cute.

  It was so crazy. If you’d told me that morning that a few hours later I’d have been bending over in front of a girl I hardly knew, spreading my cheeks so she could kneel down behind me and wax my butthole, I would have laughed in your face. But that was exactly what had just happened.

  “Okay, all done,” she smiled. “Now take a quick shower and then I’ve got some lotion for you.”

  I did as I was told, stepping under the huge, powerful shower and wincing a little as the jets of water touched against my sore, sensitive skin. But after a while the stinging started to subdue a little, and I began to relax, taking a bottle of luxurious looking bath cream and lathering my body with it, kind of enjoying the feel of my new silky smooth skin in the process.

  “Come on, that’s enough, we’ve got lots of work to do,” Meaghan announced, reaching in and shutting off the shower, then offering me a huge fluffy white towel to dry off with.

  I quickly toweled off, then followed her as she led me out of the steamy bathroom and along the upper hallway towards a large beautifully furnished room which I’m guessing was her bedroom. It had that same sweet, candy scent as her perfume, and a giant four-poster bed in the middle, with a pretty white dressing table by the window and large closets built in along the far wall.

  “Here,” she said, offering me an expensive looking white bottle. “Rub this in all over your skin.”

  I took the bottle from her and pumped a large dollop of sweet-smelling white cream into my hand, then did as she instructed, working the cream all over my skin, savoring its coolness.

  “That feels really nice,” I murmured, marveling at how it seemed to be making my skin softer and shinier and healthier-looking, right before my very eyes.

  “It should,” she giggled, “considering how much it cost.”

  I felt a little pang of embarrassment at just how much of this expensive cream I’d been using, but Meaghan didn’t seem to mind.

  Once I was done, she nodded toward the dresser and
said, “Take a seat.”

  Again, I did as I was told, walking over and sitting down on the plush little seat at the dressing table, which was crammed full of all kinds of intriguing bottles of perfume, sticks of lipstick, brushes and poofs and powder packs.

  I stared at my face in the mirror; the face which I’d shaved that morning, even though to be honest, so little hair grew on it I could leave it for days at a time. I guessed in a way Meaghan was right, I did kind of look like a girl. My eyes were bigger than most guys, my lips were rather plump and I did have pretty pronounced cheekbones. But I didn’t look anything like Meaghan or the other girls at the party, I thought with a weird pang of envy. Nope, I was totally plain and boring in comparison to them.

  “Scoot up.” Meagan said, busting me out of my negative thoughts as she came to join me at the dresser, throwing an arm around my shoulder and placing her butt next to mine on the plush seat that faced the mirror.

  “Do you trust me?” she said in a whisper.

  Our eyes locked in the mirror, and again I had that weird feeling of safety – a kind of deep, sisterly friendship, even though we’d only known each other for a few hours at most.

  I nodded.

  “Good,” she said, her glossy lips curling into a knowing smile. “Because when I’m done with you, Amy, I think you’re going to be the prettiest girl at the party ...”


  “Okay, you can open your eyes.”

  It had taken what felt like an hour for Meaghan to do my makeup, but now it was finally finished. I opened my eyes and what I saw in the mirror honestly made me gasp in amazement.

  Because there before me wasn’t boring old Andy anymore. Nope. Instead, I was staring at a girl, a pretty, sexy girl with big, smoky dark rimmed eyes and long curling lashes, with plump red glossy lips and pink cheeks. A pretty, sexy girl who was ... me.

  “You like?” Meaghan asked, excitedly.

  “Yeah,” I murmured, still totally shocked and incredulous. “This is amazing. You’re really good.”

  “Well, I do work as a makeup artist!” she laughed. “Anyway, that’s just the start. Come on, get up.”

  I got to my feet, my whole body still tingling and glowing from the cream I’d rubbed into it. I have to admit, I’d never felt quite like this before – and I was enjoying the feeling. I did actually feel kind of sexy, for maybe the first time in my life.

  “Okay, next an outfit,” Meaghan said, turning to the large closet and pulling open the doors. “Let me see ...”

  I watched as she rooted through the many dresses skirts and blouses, until she reached a bunch of what seemed like lingerie.

  “Ah, perfect!” she announced, pulling out an item on a hanger which looked for all the world like nothing more than a tangle of bright neon pink straps. “Here, try this on, I think it’s gonna suit you,” she said.

  I reached out and took the garment, still puzzling over what it even was. This couldn’t be a swimsuit, surely? I slipped it off the hanger and then fiddled with it, trying to work out which were the leg holes, before Meaghan snatched it off me with a giggle.

  “Like this, silly!” she said, opening it out and showing me where to place my legs.

  I took it back off her and put my feet through the holes, pulling it slowly up around my body. And as I did so, the swimsuit – if you could even call it that – finally took shape. I peered down as the stretchy gusset fabric tightly encased my tiny little dick and balls, leaving just a faint almost unnoticeable bump, while at the same time, I felt a strip of fabric at the back sliding snugly between my butt cheeks.

  Wow, so this is what a thong feels like, I thought to myself.

  I guess I’d always wondered about how it felt for girls to wear them, and had assumed it was uncomfortable, just something they did for fashion, but to my surprise, this was actually kind of comfortable, in a snug, tight sort of way.

  I fed my arms through the remaining straps, hooking them up onto my skinny shoulders, then stood back to take a look at myself, looking in wonder at how the straps crisscrossed over my body, showing off a figure I didn’t even know I had, the ‘bra’ part tightly cupping my pecs, actually making it look a little like I had breasts – if only itty bitty A-cup ones.

  “So cute!” Meaghan said, clapping her hands, clearly enjoying this transformation. “Okay, just a few final touches and we’re done!”

  I watched as she skittered over excitedly to another closet and opened the doors to reveal a whole series of brightly colored wigs, displayed on white plastic dummy heads.

  “I think ... this one will do!” she said, taking down a pink one in the exact same color as my swimsuit. “What do you think?”

  I nodded, stunned, as it slowly dawned on me that maybe all the girls I’d seen downstairs were ... boys too. But not Meaghan, surely?

  “Okay, keep still,” she said, moving behind me.

  I watched in the mirror as she first scooped up my crop of hair in a tight net thing that sat snug against my scalp. Then she fitted the wig, adjusting it a little until it was sitting correctly on my head.

  “Perfect,” she said, taking a step back so that I could see her handiwork.

  She was right. It actually looked amazing. I stared in awe at the pretty girl in the mirror, with her sexy skimpy outfit, her slender body, her beautiful makeup and bright pink hair – falling gently just above her skinny shoulders, the bangs at the front framing her face, just like Meaghan’s hair did – unable to believe that it was really me.

  “You want matching nails too?” she said excitedly. “I’ve got just the color!”

  “Um, sure,” I croaked, still in a daze as she sat me down on the bed and began painting my nails – fingers and toes – in quick expert movements.

  “Okay, we’re gonna need to let this dry for a bit, but then we’re all done and we can go down to the pool!” she said when she was finished.

  But at these words I felt a fresh pang of worry shoot through me.

  Could I really go down to the pool like this?

  “I don’t know if I can do it, Meaghan,” I said, my voice trembling. “Won’t they all know that I’m ... that I’m a guy?”

  “Sweetie,” Meaghan laughed, “you are a cute, sexy sissy is what you are, and trust me, everyone is going to adore you!”

  “But,” I began, wanting to mention something else but not quite sure how.

  I paused, feeling my face flushing again, as Meaghan got to her feet before me, hands on hips, looking down at me seated there on the edge of the bed, waiting for my nails to dry.

  “But what?” she asked.

  I took a deep breath then decided to just come out with it.

  “Well, you’ve done a really great job,” I began, “but won’t they all see my, um, my you know what?”

  And if it still wasn’t clear what I was talking about, I nodded down to the tight little bulge between my spread legs.

  “You mean your clitty?” Meaghan said, puzzled. “Why would you be embarrassed about that? It’s super cute!”

  It was only then, with her standing right there before me that I noticed her tiny bulge too, barely noticeable but definitely there nonetheless, right between her legs. She obviously noticed where I was looking, because calmly and confidently she reached down and casually tugged the gusset of her swimsuit to one side, revealing a small but perfectly formed cock, with cute hairless balls beneath, just a little crop of fuzz shaved in a rectangle above, just like she’d done with my own pubic hair.

  “See?” she giggled, wiggling her hips a little so that her little cock jiggled from side to side before me for a moment, before she tucked it snugly away once more. “Nothing to be embarrassed about!”

  I couldn’t believe what I’d just seen. I sat there on the bed, stunned, still reeling.

  “Now come on, babygirl,” she said, offering me her hands, “I think those nails must be dry by now. Let’s go and soak up some sun!”

  I took Meaghan’s hands and got shakily to my fe

  Here goes nothing ...


  “Everyone, this is Amy! Amy, this is everyone!”

  I stood there awkwardly on the large terrace by the pool as Meaghan introduced me. There must have been at least forty people there by now – a mix of guys and girls, all totally stunning, and to my surprise they all just smiled and waved, like it was totally normal that I was joining them.

  I even caught a glimpse of those two tanned, muscular boys I’d seen on my arrival, glancing over at me and then murmuring something amongst themselves.

  It was crazy; I’d always thought of myself as totally, one-hundred percent straight, but in that moment, I just knew deep down that they were checking me out, and what’s more, I actually found myself kind of enjoying it, weird as that sounds.

  “Come on, let’s soak up some sun,” Meagan said, taking my hand and leading me over to a couple of sun loungers, right by the water.

  I felt proud to be with her, like I really was one of the girls, and I followed happily, with each step I took on the sun-warmed floor reminding me that I was wearing a thong bathing suit – just a subtle sensation of cloth between my butt cheeks as I walked.

  We both took our seats, lying back and letting the sun beat down on us, and I couldn’t get over my view – not just all the cute guys and girls who were playing around happily in the pool, splashing and laughing, and mingling at the poolside sipping on cocktails – but also of my own body.

  It was the strangest sensation; gazing out at what looked like a slim, toned girl’s body, only it was my own.

  “Cocksicle?” a soft feminine voice said just then, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  “Huh?” I said, wondering if I’d misheard her.

  “Oh, lovely!” Meaghan said, pushing herself up a little and taking what looked like a large pink ice pop from the tray the girl was holding. “Amy, you have to have one of these,” Meaghan added. “They’re totally delicious.”

  So I reached out and took one too, only realizing once the girl had left us to carry on giving out her popsicles that indeed it was a ‘cocksicle’ – in that it was an ice lolly, shaped exactly like a large, erect penis, complete with a big bulbous head and even a set of big round balls at the base, just above the stick.


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