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Gifted Connections: Book 3

Page 11

by SM Olivier

  “Yup,” I said quickly. Too quickly. The images he had invoked in me had me desperately wanting him to fulfill his threats.

  Jace chuckled as he began to remove his own clothes. “Your barriers are down, sweetheart. I can feel your desire from here.”

  I looked over at him and knew he was trying to get back at me for my petulant behavior, and he was succeeding. I raised my barrier quickly. I had seven gifts. Sometimes I had to remember to work on my barriers. Especially the ones connected with my emotions. Jace was sensitive to emotions as it was—ironic, I know; he and Remy were my most enigmatic men—and

  since all our connections were made, he was hyper sensitive to mine.

  I sat down, suddenly very tired, hungry, and aroused. “Noah, can you heal me now, please,” I coaxed him.

  He sighed as he bent down. “You know I care for you entirely too much,” he muttered. “If I didn’t care so damn much, I wouldn’t care whether or not you’re hurt. I already told you I think you’re an amazingly, strong, independent woman, but even amazing, strong, and independent woman should know when to ask for help. It’s not a sign of weakness. It’s a sign of wisdom and strength.”

  I gulped. His words struck too true.

  We sat around the fire in very little clothing to eat our MREs. The fire and the steam from the pool made it pleasantly warm. We watched as the snow fell from the opening above the pool and instantly dissipated once it hit the steaming water. It was enchanting. I had tried to capture the picture with my cell phone, but it hadn’t done it justice. It hadn’t caught the fire dancing off the walls, nor how it casted blue shadows from the spring. And it couldn’t capture the feeling of serene peace filled me, watching as the snow fell.

  For dinner I chose the chili mac and didn’t find it that terrible. So many of the other operatives at the facility had complained about them, but I didn’t have an issue with them. I would gladly eat these instead of some of the meals that they prepared for us. I was excited to see what Drake had planned.

  Somehow, he had fit the kitchen binder into his pack and brought it with him. Why he felt the need to, was beyond me. However, I think he had the right idea after we made the phone call to Will and Paul to check in. A huge snow front was rolling in, and the worst of it was going to hit us early tomorrow morning, so we would be stuck here for at least two days, by their estimation.

  The guys didn’t seem to care all that much. Jaxson told us he had stashed a couple of packs of cards in his pack. We planned to pass the time swimming, playing cards, and relaxing.

  Will and Paul wouldn’t tell us how the other team was faring, but from the sounds of it, they hadn’t found a decent shelter and were staying in tents. I was glad Troy, Remy, and Jace had taken this seriously and was prepared, and I was pleased Troy and Remy had some previous experience camping outdoors as well.

  I finished my chili mac and put the pound cake, bread and peanut butter back in my pack.

  “I have a surprise,” Drake said excitedly as he ran to his pack.

  We all looked at each other in bewilderment until he returned with graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate bars.

  “S’mores!” I cried in excitement. “When in the world did you get that stuff?”

  I didn’t remember him buying them when we went grocery shopping.

  He smiled over at me as he started opening the packages. “I hit up the shoppette on Sunday. I figured we couldn’t go camping without smores.”

  Jaxson ran over to our wood pile and found us all some long sticks to roast our marshmallows on. I eagerly took one and took a marshmallow from the bag, before passing it onto Jaxson.

  I tried to find the perfect place over the flames but not in. Some people like to let their marshmallows catch on fire, then blow it out. I didn’t. I didn’t like the charred burnt taste, even if I removed the outside layer. I liked to slowly roast mine until it was golden brown on all sides. I grabbed a graham cracker and split it in half before placing my chocolate on and squeezing my marshmallow off the stick.

  “My uncle was somewhat into the outdoors,” I reminisced. It had been a while since I was able to talk about him without the pang of pain following close behind. He was murdered almost eight years ago, and his loss still felt raw to me. “It was just the two of us for almost four years. Every Friday after school or summer camp, he would pick me up, and we would go on an adventure. Sometimes it was for the whole weekend, other times it was just for the night. He would take me to an amusement park, the beach, on long train rides, fishing, one time we even went to Mackinac Island in Michigan. On the island, you travel by horse, carriage, or bicycles. You can’t drive on it.

  I asked him to take me camping once because one of my friends had gone to Assateague Island. Her family camped on the beach and wild horses were everywhere. I was seven and I loved ponies and horses. I never rode on one. Except for the ones at the fairs where they take you around in circles. I thought it would be so amazing to go camping there.

  Dad said we couldn’t go there but we could go camping. So, we camped out in the backyard and made smores over a fire pit. I loved it. Even though I woke him up at midnight and asked if we could go inside—the mosquitos were eating me alive.

  He didn’t put any bug spray on me. He always forgot about trivial things like that, but he always tried to make me happy. and I was.”

  I laid down and put my head in Jaxon’s lap. He slowly traced his fingers along my scalp. I almost moaned aloud. It felt amazing.

  “My dad wasn’t outdoorsy,” Drake spoke after a few moments of silence. “But he believed in family days. We went to the movies, or Chuckie Cheeses, paint ball, anything that didn’t involve him staying in the sun for long. He burned really easily.”

  I rarely opened up to the guys like that, but I felt like we needed to. Every day we needed to work on getting to know each other more. Being connected wasn’t enough.

  Drake continued. “My mom always made it known that she had us because my dad asked her too. She’s a CEO of some company now. She felt like she had been passed up on promotions because of us. She was always busy. Dad tried to get her involved on family outings. When she came, she was always on her phone. She was never truly there. Eventually, he stopped asking her to be there.

  “Jemmy has always been Jemmy. She liked being the center of attention. She was such a Daddy’s girl. She took it hard when he died. She tried to connect with my mom, but they never had anything in common. The more my mom pushed her away the more Jemmy tried to cling to her. I’m worried about her now. If Gavin pushes her too far away there’s no telling what she will do.”

  “You’re a great big brother, Drake,” I murmured to him. “She’ll be okay. They’ll figure it out.”

  I didn’t know if I was trying to convince him or myself.

  Chapter 8

  I was standing in an abandoned building. The floor was stained. The windows were all shattered out. The wind howled relentlessly. I was dressed in a white nightgown. My feet were bare. I was cold. So cold.

  I could hear a baby crying in the distance. I knew I had to go save the baby. It was in danger. I ran towards the wailing. I ran over glass. My feet were cut open. I ran through fire. I could smell the smoke from my hair.

  Every time I thought I was close to the crying, it would stop. Then it would start in another direction. More obstacles popped up. Hindering me from finding the baby.

  Tears were falling from my eyes. I was getting frustrated. The baby sounded distressed. I pushed open a door. The room was sterile white. It looked like a bare hospital room. A bassinet sat in the middle of the room. I crept towards it. Suddenly, Collin and Steven were in front of me.

  Collin had a gaping wound in his chest and Steven had a bullet hole in his head.

  “You’re too late, Blake,” Steven shook his head sadly.

  “You weren’t quick enough,” Collin stuck his hands in his pocket and stared down at the ground.

  “I tried,” I cried out to them. “Y
ou have to believe me!”

  I ran over to the bassinet. It was now empty. The crying had stopped.

  “How can they believe you?” a cold voice said from behind me. “You’re just a scared, little girl. You aren’t as strong as you think you are. If you were, you wouldn’t have so much blood on your hands.”

  I looked down at my hands. They were now covered in blood. No matter how hard I tried to wipe them off onto my nightgown, it wouldn’t come off. I screamed out in pain, hopelessness, and fear.

  Beautiful, wake up. Jaxson murmured. I felt the cooler air hit my skin as he slid in my sleeping bag with me. It’s just a dream. You’re safe. You’re with me.

  The nightmare was still gripping me in paralysis. I could barely think logically. In the blackest part of the night I believed I was a failure. I believed I had let Collin and Steven down. I had failed them. They would never watch their children grow up because of me.

  I tried to stop the tremors that wracked my body. They wouldn’t stop. I tried to stifle the tears that fell from my eyes but I was too powerless.

  It’s okay beautiful. I’m here. Sleep. Jaxson wrapped his arms around me, spooning me from behind, as he rubbed my arms.

  Some nights it worked. I didn’t think it would tonight. The nightmare still gripped me. The fire was dying a few feet away from us, and the cold from the ground and the air was seeping into my bones. I regretted not pulling on some warmer clothes. Instead, I had just thrown on a long sleeve t-shirt. I was hot when I fell asleep.

  The snow was now falling in earnest above the pool. I trembled.

  I’m cold. I mumbled to Jaxson. He was dressed in just his boxers, but I could feel the heat radiating off him. It just wouldn’t penetrate my chilled skin.

  I looked around and noticed all the guys were sleeping soundly. They loved the cold. Of course they were sleeping soundly.

  I’ll go add some wood to the fire. He volunteered.

  I smiled. Thank you. Hurry up! I need you to fall back to sleep.

  He gave me a tired crooked smile but withdrew from my sleeping bag. He ran over to the fire and added a generous number of logs before he ran back over to me.

  It’s cold out there! Look at that snow come down. Jaxson exclaimed as he slid back in next to me.

  He was now cold. I jokingly groaned. Nothing like an ice-cold body to wake you up further. I wasn’t going to complain, though. He had fed the fire for me, while I was ensconced in my sleeping bag. I really didn’t think I could sleep right now anyways. Sleep eluded me.

  Some nights, he was able to lull me back to sleep with just his presence alone. When I was wrapped in his arms I was comforted by the thought that he would protect me. It was an inane thought, but I had tricked myself into believing it numerous times. The curve of his arms and body around me made me feel protected. Even from myself.

  As if he read my thoughts, he rolled over onto his back and pulled me into his arms. The gentle rhythmic beating of his heart was comforting. I watched the snow come down and weaved my fingers through one of his hands as his other hand stroked my arm.

  Do you want to talk about it? Was it Steven and Collin again or Heidi’s boyfriends? he asked quietly.

  I debated whether I should tell him. I always felt guilty for waking him up, even if it wasn’t intentional. He lost just as much sleep as I did but never seemed to care either. Before we met, he would get irritable at times, but he was always there. Now that we knew each other, he never complained. When I lived in the dorms, he would even cross the campus to be there for me.

  Steven, Collin, and a crying baby. I stated. I wasn’t going to tell him about the faceless man. His voice seemed vaguely familiar, but my grief and exhaustion made me believe he was right. It was clouding all my logic.

  The baby’s new. I could hear the frown in his voice. You know my Aunt Megan is a different type of precog. She can probably help you interpret your dreams.

  I sighed. I’ll think about talking to her. She has her plate full and she just started guiding Ella last week. She has enough going on.

  I know she wouldn’t mind helping you out. Jaxson stated.

  I shook my head resolutely. I didn’t need anyone else privy to my demons. Not yet.

  We lay in silence for a few more moments, his hand unconsciously making me aware of his closeness. The cold and grief were quickly being replaced by desire. His hands had found my way under my shirt and onto my hip. I knew he wasn’t trying to turn me on; he just had an obsessive need to touch my bare skin when we slept together.

  Maybe I can just tell her it’s my dream. She wouldn’t even have to know it’s you. Jaxson reasoned.

  I held a finger up to his lips. Although he hadn’t been speaking verbally. Shut up Jaxson. I muttered as I threw my leg over his legs. I never tried to chase the demons away with intimacy, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. I looked around and noticed all the guys were still sleeping soundly.

  I leaned down to take his lips with mine. My lips demanding entrance to his mouth. I could tell I had taken him but surprise, but he didn’t seem terribly put off by it as I felt his manhood nudge my rear.

  He gasped as he pulled my hair back, exposing my neck to his greedy mouth. He licked my neck with his tongue. He lifted my shirt to expose my breast. He gripped one, rubbing my nipple as he sucked and pulled on the other one with his mouth.

  I could feel that I was more than ready to take him, and I didn’t want to wait any longer.

  I need you now, Jaxson, I cried out silently. Make love to me.

  Anything you want, he replied thickly back.

  He grasped my underwear, and I shimmied out of them. He reached down to remove his own.

  I want you, I insisted as I grasped his manhood. It was warm and smooth under my touch. I could feel the precum on the tip of his head.

  Ahh damn, Blake. He breathed as I slowly sank down on him.

  Like that? I groaned silently as I rode him languidly. I didn’t want to be loud. I didn’t want to wake the others. My need for intimacy had overridden my normal shyness.

  He grasped my hips and began rocking me on his manhood. He knew exactly how to work me too. Like it? I fucking love it. You were made for me.

  He drove up into me. Less patient than I was. He quickened the pace, and I met him thrust for thrust.

  I don’t want to come yet. I whined, and I didn’t.

  He was making me forget about my nightmare. In those moments it was just me and him. We were like one. Our movements natural, like we had been lovers for a lifetime. He knew exactly how to move me, and from his sounds of approval, I knew I was pleasing him. I rotated and gyrated my hips against him to the silent music playing in my head. I leaned back and braced myself against the floor.

  I can’t last much longer. He cursed once more. His eyes were hot on me as he watched me move up, down, and against him.

  I could no longer communicate with him because the fire within was now a blazing inferno. Its hot flames were spreading, and no matter how much I wanted to savor these moments, I was powerless to stop the explosion. I barely remembered to stifle my cries into my inflatable pillow as I collapsed on his chest.

  You are so damn sexy, Jaxson cried out as he joined me. I felt his warmth fill me as his legs tensed beneath me. He grasped my hips hard as he groaned in my ear, moving me on his manhood until he was spent. I love you so much, he muttered to me. Why did we wait so damn long to do that? Now that I know what I’m missing, I’m not waiting that long ever again.

  I laughed. I don’t know why we waited so long. Never again. I promised. I love you too, I mumbled feeling sated and exhausted.

  He nodded against my head. Good. Think you can sleep now? he said with a yawn.

  I couldn’t even formulate an answer, so I just nodded. It had been exactly what I needed. I could easily fall asleep now. I cradled my head into the crook of his neck, placed one hand against his heart, and wound the other into is thick hair. Sleep quickly claimed me once more.

  I woke u
p the next morning before everyone else did. I looked at my watch and noticed it was barely past six. The sky was still overcast, and it was still snowing. I looked over at the fire and saw it needed some more logs. I didn’t want the guys to get cold, and since I was already up, I decided to stoke it. It wouldn’t be fair to wake Jaxson up again either.

  I was still entangled in Jaxson. His heavy arms banded me to his chest. I had been so exhausted I hadn’t cleaned up after our lovemaking. I was normally so fastidious about it too. I smiled down at Jaxson before I placed a feather light kiss on his brow and carefully extracted myself from his arms.

  I padded over to the fire sans panties and added a few more logs. Noah had placed containers of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash next to the pool, and I fully intended to use them to wash up with. I didn’t know when or how he would have used them if we hadn’t found this cave, but I’m glad he had the presence of mind to bring them. I would smell like him, but I didn’t mind. I can get clean.

  I turned and sat on the edge of the pool to take my hair out of my braids. My wild curly black hair sprung free. Snowflakes hit my forearms, but it was a nice contrast from the heat of the pool. I threw my top off to the side and waded in. I completely submerged myself when I reached shoulder level. I stayed under for a few moments running my hands through my hair and massaged my scalp.

  I jumped when I felt someone wrap their arms my waist. I surged up and gasped for air looking into Troy’s laughing honey brown eyes. He pulled me in close and kissed me passionately.

  “Good morning to you, too.” I smiled when he pulled away.

  “What are you doing up?” he asked with a smile.

  “I don’t know. I woke up and saw the fire was dying, so I fed it and decided to clean up, too. What are you doing up?” I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Well,” he nuzzled my neck as he wrapped my legs around his waist. “I woke up in the middle of the night, and I had to hear this beautiful, bewitching, vixen fall apart in another man’s arms. I got incredibly hard. I’ve been in pain since then.”


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