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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 5

by Karen Deen

  Her eyes catch me looking that direction and her chin drops a little, letting me know I’m affecting her. I’m not looking away. A gentleman would, but I’m not feeling like one right now. The filthy thoughts running through my head don’t qualify as G-rated.

  “Shit!” I let out a little louder than I intended to. “What’d you do that for?” I hiss at Tate who is sitting next to me.

  “Because Mason is giving you the stink eye because you aren’t bowing down and giving him your undivided attention. You know there’ll be a test at the end of this,” he whispers quietly enough that no one can hear him, but I can see Mason is watching us.

  I want to stick my finger up and give him the bird, but I’m not immature like Tate. Well, most of the time anyway.

  You can dress up the boy in the suit but that doesn’t always make him a man. His actions will determine how he is perceived. Be the man, Grayson.

  My dad reminds me of this often. I remember him saying it the first time I wore a suit. It’s a day I will never forget. My dad standing in front of me telling me how proud Mom would be. Forever etched in my memory.

  The cheers and clapping bring me back from my momentary mind slip. Mason walks off the stage straight towards us.

  “Some fucking date you are. You weren’t even watching or listening. Who’s got your dick in knots, lover boy?” He slaps me on the shoulder. I could lie to him, but what’s the point? I’ve been caught out fair and square.

  “Someone better-looking than my current date, that’s for sure. Great speech, by the way.” I laugh as I turn to look to the bar where my mystery girl was standing, but she has disappeared again.

  “Like you’d know. You didn’t listen to one word I said. Just like now, for fuck’s sake. Can you go dip the wick and get it over and done with?” The boys all roar laughing and start trying to find who I’m checking out. They’re carrying on like a group of high school boys. If the truth be known, most of the time it feels like that’s what we still are. Maybe one day we will all grow up. Well, not Tate, but the rest of us have half a chance.

  Now they’ve all had their laugh, I need to find where she has vanished to. Every time I’ve tried to approach her tonight, she’s been like a ghost. One moment she’s there and the next she’s gone. As I start to walk towards the bar, Lex yells his drink order at me.

  “Make mine a scotch on the rocks, the good stuff because Mason said you’re paying. Something about your punishment for not supporting your man.” Again, their joke is targeting me.

  “I’ll piss in a glass and that’s the only drink you’re getting off me tonight.” I keep walking, their voices fading behind me. Knowing she’s not in the room and didn’t pass me on the way to outside, I narrow my search to the corridor heading to the restrooms and kitchen. If I just wait here at the end of the hall, then she has to walk past me on her way back out of the bathroom. Presuming that’s where she is.

  I stand leaning against the wall for a while, just checking out my emails with my patients’ updates. I don’t want to look like I’m literally standing here like a stalker, so I’m trying to look busy. Not sure I’m too successful. Every person that walks past looks strangely at me. Including the security guard that has now positioned himself a little down the corridor from where I’m located. Okay, I must be looking pretty creepy, when you think about it. A man in a black suit with a black mask, standing outside the door to the ladies’ room with his phone and not moving. Besides, if she is in the bathroom, she’s taking an awful long time. This is the second time she’s run there tonight and been gone a while. My doctor brain starts to kick in with the reasons she may need to visit the bathroom frequently.

  For fuck’s sake, you weirdo. Can’t you leave work at the hospital for one night? It’s bad enough you’re waiting to try to talk to a stunning woman and passing the time by checking on patients. Time to take a break. They’re in good hands, maybe not my hands, but they are being looked after. Go and grab a drink from the bar, and if you run into her again then it’s meant to be. If not, maybe there’s a reason. Who knows, she might be married or in a relationship.

  The boys make sure my arrival back at the bar is noticed with their loud jeering.

  “See? I told you he’s a one-minute wonder. His hair isn’t even messed up. Feel better now, pretty boy?” Mason goes to ruffle my hair, and the boys all push me on the arms. They catch me off guard, and with all three of them pushing from the one direction, I stumble backwards a little, falling down the couple of steps that lead up to the bar area. I’m sure I look like a fucking windmill. Arms flapping trying to grab something or someone. The guys all laugh, not doing a thing to help me.

  Then it happens. Before the floor is close enough to be colliding with, I feel something, or someone, slip their arms under my armpit to slow me down. I was still going to be hitting the floor, but at least it may not hurt as much.

  Like slow motion, I look up to that face, those eyes behind the mask looking down concerned at me. She is bent fully over the top of me by this stage, and all I can see is her magnificent cleavage and that leg peeking out of the prick-teasing split.

  This can’t be happening. All night I’ve been trying to get near her, and now I’m lying at her feet and look like the clumsiest man alive.

  Her face has my attention. The look of concern is a pleasant surprise considering it’s me that ran into her.

  I hear Tate’s booming voice next to me as he leans down to pull me back up to my feet, brushing me off as I find my feet. “We are so sorry, miss. He’s such a clumsy man. They don’t usually let him out without a leash, but he just wanted to fit in and look normal.”

  “Get your hands off me, moron,” I growl under my breath at him.

  A quiet little laugh breaks my frustration of looking like an idiot. The boys join my mystery girl in laughing at my expense. I can’t help but take a deep breath and laugh with them. I can’t deny I would have looked hilarious in full flight.

  I take a step forward as the noise settles a little. I take her hand and bring it to my lips for a soft kiss. Slowly, holding it there, I bow and keep eye contact the whole time. The moment my lips touch the skin on her hand, my brain starts firing. Her skin is so soft, and the scent of her perfume is so delicate and inviting.

  “Thank you for saving me from these childish boys. I’m in your debt now. Perhaps I can buy you a drink as repayment?” Her cheeks pink up a little and her head drops slightly for the second time tonight. It fascinates me that even with the mask on, she’s still shy.

  “That’s not necessary.” She straightens up, and I can tell she is preparing to walk away.

  “No please, I insist. It’s the least I can do.” I turn to the bar and motion the bartender closer to us.

  “What would you prefer, a wine or something stronger? You can pick anything you like because these gentlemen will be paying our bill a little later.” Still holding her hand, I gently pull her with me to the bar and pull a stool over for her to sit on.

  “So that means you aren’t really buying this lovely lady a drink, so I get to hold her hand instead,” Tate announces from behind me. Like fuck he’s getting anywhere near her.

  “Not a chance in hell.” I still haven’t taken my eyes off hers. “These buttheads behind me are my friends, apparently. Tate, the loud one, Lex, the serious one, and Mason, the ego, over there.” I hear all the protests behind me.

  “My name’s Grayson, but you can call me Gray. And you are?” She looks torn as to what to reply. It’s a little strange, but I suppose she’s being cautious, I get that.

  “Hannah, but you can call me Hannah.” For the first time I see her cheeky smile creep up her face.

  “We’ve got ourselves a live one,” Mason announces as he drags up a few stools for us to all get comfortable.

  Tate leans on the bar and places the guys’ orders and repeats Hannah’s order of an espresso martini.

  While we’re waiting for the drinks, I want to get to know her. But getting Tat
e to shut up is going to be an issue. It’s always an issue!

  “What brings you here tonight, Hannah, are you involved in the charity or just here as a benefactor like the rest of us?” I ask as Mason straight away pipes up.

  “Speak for yourself. I’m the guest of honor. You are just my entourage.”

  “Dream on, Mason,” I say, leaning out to ruffle his hair. “The only time I stood behind you was when we were lining up to see the school nurse to check us for head lice. She was so busy with the colony in your hair I could slide past without her knowing.”

  “Fuck off. Sorry, Hannah. Pardon my language, but really Gray! You couldn’t come up with anything better than that?”

  “I thought it was good,” Lex speaks up from behind the others. “We’re so funny we could start our own stand-up comedian act.”

  Hannah seems to be watching intently at the bartender that is thrown constantly between us. Just a normal day in paradise.

  Her shoulders are dropping, and you can tell she’s relaxing a little.

  “You could call it ‘four masked suits’ or ‘the men behind the masks.’ There are so many options.” Her focus is moving from one to the other around the group.

  Screw this, I want time without the guys around taking away her attention.

  Our drinks are placed on the bar in front of us.

  “I think we should take a walk out on to the balcony and leave these annoying children behind. That way we can have an adult conversation.”

  I pick up my drink in one hand and link my other arm through hers. I assist her down from the stool, not really giving her a choice. However, she isn’t complaining or refusing, so that’s a good sign.

  “Guess I will talk to you gentlemen another time.” She looks at each of them, then turns and starts to walk with me.

  Not if I can help it, beautiful lady.

  Tonight, I want you to myself, and I intend to do whatever I need to make it happen.

  Including ditching my friends.

  It’s not like they wouldn’t do the same if they were in my shoes.

  Let’s see what the rest of this mysterious night brings.

  Chapter Four


  Once again, I find myself in the foyer looking out through the big glass windows. Drink in hand, this time a tall, dark, and handsome man beside me. My senses are on alert, yet I don’t feel nervous, which is strange. Something about Grayson puts me at ease. Although his height and stature are a little intimidating, there is something about his eyes that show kindness. I think the inability to see someone fully makes you concentrate on the parts you can appreciate. Every time I’ve seen him across the room tonight, his eyes are what fascinate me.

  “You didn’t answer my question before, inside. What brings you here tonight, Hannah?” I almost look behind me expecting to see my friend and then realize he is talking to me. I need to concentrate, otherwise I’ll slip up and this night will end way before I’m hoping.

  “I was a last-minute invite through a friend that knows the event planners. She had a spare ticket she wasn’t using.” Technically I’m not lying, which is my pet peeve. Here I’m just manipulating the truth.

  “I’m glad you accepted the invitation. You have captivated my attention since you entered the room.” Gray takes my free hand again and starts slowly running his thumb over the back of it. The tingles are running up my arm, yet he has a softness about him. Looking down at his large hand wrapped around mine, I notice the strength of him. There is something about a man’s hands. His hands and his arms. I’m such an arm-porn slut. Muscles, visible veins, and smooth skin.

  How do I answer that comment? I’m not used to getting compliments, let alone about my looks. It might be because of the dating drought I’ve been on for so long, or just the men I’ve gone out with. Either way, it makes me self-conscious.

  “Thank you. Well, you did fall for me pretty quickly.” I need to deflect to safer ground.

  “Touché, pretty lady. Touché.” He smiles as he takes another drink from his scotch.

  “My dickwad friends had a lot to do with it, but I’m kind of glad they did. I’ve been trying to approach you all night. You are like a beautiful, mysterious vision who keeps disappearing on me.” Oh, this man has all the words and knows just how to use them. The tone and delivery have me quivering all over.

  “Maybe I’m not real?” I try to gain the courage to get my flirt on.

  Leaning forward, he whispers in my ear. “I know a real woman when I see one. Now let me show you what it’s like to be treated like a treasured woman.” That’s it. I want to skip the flirting and just say I want that too! Show me now!

  After pulling back and leaving me in a bundle of goosebumps, he smiles this positive-looking grin like he knows he has me. I want to say not so quick, buddy. You need to work harder than that. Yet my body is saying, get a room now, woman!

  “What makes you think I don’t already know what that’s like?” I try to appear super confident. I stand tall, slowly taking another sip of my martini like he doesn’t have every nerve in my body zinging around like they’ve drunk five energy drinks in under a minute.

  “You might think you’ve been shown. I can guarantee it was a schoolboy attempt in comparison to what I have to offer.” He leans against the glass wall with one leg crossed over the other, giving the cocky look of confidence in his bedroom skills.

  “You seem to be a little certain in your skills, Grayson. Who’s to say I’m interested in being shown?” Shit, now I’ve done it.

  The challenge has been thrown out there. What was I thinking?

  To be honest, I wasn’t thinking, more hoping that he’ll take the obvious suggestive invitation.

  I have just figuratively thrown my hands in the air.

  I’m all dressed up, hiding behind a mask, with a guy who doesn’t even know my name. Why the hell don’t I just enjoy a night of pleasure? It’s not like I’ll ever see him again.

  “I can assure you, beautiful lady, there is no need for confidence. My skills are next-level due to my secret knowledge.” He stands up straight, stepping closer, placing his hand on my bare shoulder and sliding it up my neck to cup my jaw. His thumb strokes my skin. “We both know that trail of goosebumps following my hand and the pink of your cheeks tell me you’re more than interested.” As he leans closer, I shiver waiting for his lips to make contact. But instead he just whispers, “Let me get a room so we can explore this more. Let me make good on my promises.” He gives me the softest, lightest kiss on the lips. So slight I’m not even sure it happened.

  The heat in my body is rising, and Grayson has its complete attention. I can’t talk, and I’m not sure I even need to at this stage. I just eventually nod my head and his smile of victory tells me he got the message.

  “No sleepover,” I quickly say as he pulls slowly back to look me in the eyes.

  “You’re in control here. You make the rules, I bring the pleasure.”

  Oh fuck! My breath hitches a little. Every thought I had in my head about being nervous just disappeared. The mask on my face is giving me a false sense of bravery.

  If I get to make the rules, then let it be a night of fantasy.

  “No sleepovers and masks stay on. Think you can accept that?” I whisper, nervous about negotiating a night of sex with a complete stranger who I only know by his first name. Yet the excitement is electrifying and of course a little naughty. I’ve never been one to let my guard down and be spontaneous. My whole life is planned down to the minute detail. That’s why we’re successful in business, because we’re good at it. I just forget not to carry it through to my personal life at times too.

  “A little bit of playful hiding under that mask, is there? Now, that I can’t wait to explore.” He takes the drink from my hand and places both our glasses on a table close by. “Ready to leave?” For the last time, I debate the thought and the ayes have it on the vote.

  “Yes, I’m ready to see what all this talk is about. N
othing like talking yourself up.” With that, Grayson places his arm around my waist and laughs out loud as he turns me to walk towards the exit.

  We only make it halfway across the foyer and Tate steps out the door with one of the young girls I saw coming out of the toilet earlier, hanging off his arm. She looks a fair bit younger than him, but who am I to judge people I don’t even really know.

  Both Grayson and Tate give that chin-lift thing that men do that shows they acknowledge each other and are so tough they don’t need to speak words. Not sure why this continues with men after teenage years, but they all do it. I guess it’s the secret nod of “I found a girl and I’m leaving to go fuck her, how about you?” To which his mate lifts his chin to say, “Good one, man, me too.”

  So caveman!

  So fucking hot!

  Grayson guides me towards the elevator. There’s a comfortable silence as we wait for it to arrive on our level. I feel more comfortable that we’re going to a room in a hotel. I’m not sure I’m brave enough to go back to his place. It’s not a sense of danger, because strangely I feel calm and safe with him. It’s more that it would be more intimate, and I might be tempted to stay the night. I want this to be that naughty fantasy that I didn’t know I had. The one where you meet a sexy, sinfully handsome man, who gives you a night full of amazing sex and orgasms and is gone by the morning. Only leaving beautiful memories in his wake and no awkwardness. He will be a little naughty and a whole lot alpha.

  Mmmm…even though I’ve just made up the fantasy, I want it, and I’m determined not to let myself get in the way of my own good time. No one is going to know what I’m doing so I don’t have to explain to anyone. It’ll be my own little dream.

  There is something racy about being in an elevator with a sexy man. It’s like the electricity rises exponentially. Grayson’s hand is still around my waist and has me tucked in close to his side. His fingers slowly brush my side up and down. If this is the start of foreplay, then I’m already on board. Exiting the building, the Marriott Marquis Hotel is easy walking distance on the pedestrian bridge and makes this so much more real.


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