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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 14

by Karen Deen

  “We’ve got this, babe,” she says as she looks up from her computer at the other end of the table in the meeting room. Just a reminder to us both to breathe and trust ourselves.

  “Sure do. Challenge accepted, and we are already winning.” We both return to what we’re concentrating on.

  “Oh shit, wasn’t planning on that today, but check your calendar. We now have a meeting with Milton Garrett this afternoon at five o’clock at The Blackstone Hotel. Kitty Cat told us not to be late. The fucking hide of her. I already hate this bossy bitch. At least give us some professional credit.” Fleur curses and then goes back to replying to her new favorite person.

  Normally I would just let Fleur go so we can use both our time efficiently, but we don’t want to piss off the queen of the hospital and her doctor boyfriend. I look at my calendar for this afternoon and start sending off a message to a client asking if I can shuffle the time forward a little.

  “Okay, I’m set. I’ve moved my four o’clock to three o’clock so that should give me plenty of time to make it there. How are you situated?”

  Fleur is busy replying to a text message. Her face looks intense. “I might be a little late, you’ll have to start. Thank god Kitty won’t be there so she won’t know that you started on your own. How hard can it be? It’s not like we haven’t done a thousand of these types of functions before. I’ll send you the email she sent with the meeting details. Do you want to take Deven?” she asks with a smirk on her face.

  “God no. I can cope on my own, thanks. He drives me insane on the initial meetings. I know he thinks he’s an event planner, I just don’t think he gets that his job is the assistant who is to be seen and not heard in these meetings. One day maybe he’ll get there, just not with me.” We both laugh to ourselves.

  After spending the next few hours in the office, I make sure I arrive a little early for my first appointment, so I don’t get held up. Thank goodness, they’re a repeat customer so super easy to deal with and already trust our work. Signing off on their function quote, I’m now standing outside The Blackstone Hotel thirty minutes early. I decide to read through the brief again before I head inside. It is a standing function of drinks and canapes, three hundred and forty guests approximately. In the Crystal Ballroom which is the most spectacular room. If I ever get married, I would want it in this room. So Old World, and high-class elegance. Chandeliers and beautifully sculptured ceilings. A spectacular view and the room edged with an old-fashioned balcony where guests can mingle. I’ve seen it set up for a wedding full of flowers and soft furnishings. Fit for a princess. I push that thought to the back of my mind so I can concentrate on this meeting. The charity is called Maxine’s Angel Foundation. Okay, let’s go and show them what we can do to help them.

  Standing in the Crystal Ballroom admiring everything, I hear voices behind me as the woman from the front desk shows Milton Garrett in to meet with me. Walking towards me is a tall distinguished-looking gentleman. Grey hair and clean-shaven. Dressed in a navy suit that looks like it fits him perfectly, shoulders back, he strides towards me with purpose but has a gentleness about him in his eyes. As he gets closer, his smile is warm and immediately puts me at ease.

  “Good afternoon, I’m Milton Garrett.” He extends his hand that takes mine in a gentle yet firm handshake. One that tells me he sees me as an equal. I already like this man.

  “Mr. Garrett, I’m Matilda Henderson. Lovely to meet you. My business partner Fleur Florentine will be joining us in a little while, she’s just finishing off another appointment. Thank you for agreeing to take us on such short notice for your function. We are trying to pick up all the hospital’s work and get everything settled quickly.”

  “Firstly, please call me Milton. My children already make me feel old enough. I actually think it is I who should be thanking you. I know it’s a big ask to come into a function with such a short lead-up time. I hope it won’t be too stressful for you.” What a lovely man. His voice makes me think of my dad. Gentle and kind, yet I think if needed they can pull out the sternness.

  “Oh, you needn’t worry Mr.— I mean, Milton. This is what we do every day. By the time we walk out of here this afternoon, everything will be organized, and you will just need to show up on the night. Now, let’s take a seat shall we and get started. I’m sure you’re a busy man and your time is valuable.” Before I even get a chance, he pulls a seat out for me to sit on, and we settle at a table to get started. He makes me feel like a lady.

  “You have no idea how much better I feel already, Matilda. You seem so much more on the ball than the last planner we spoke to. Oh, I’m sorry I forgot to say, my son will be joining us shortly too. This is really his baby, and I’m quite often called out of town quickly for work so he will be your contact person for everything from today onwards. My daughter is also part of the board, however she is still studying, so I would prefer you only go to her as a last resort. She has enough stress on her plate at the moment. Including a big brother who seems to think he knows what is best for her, much to her disgust.” We both have a little laugh. “My son should be able to handle everything you need. If he can’t, he will get in touch with me or make sure he finds someone to help you with whatever you need.”

  “That sounds perfect. Your son is Dr. Garrett, I believe? I’m assuming he works at Mercy Hospital and that’s why they’re involved in this function. From what we were told, he is very highly thought of there.”

  “Thank you, yes, I’m very proud of both my children. It was difficult for them, especially my son, to see their mother sick and pass away, and they both have dedicated their lives to medicine because of it. Maxine was the best mother and a beautiful soul. She lived for the kids. My son wants to start this charity to fund the treatment of cervical cancer for those on low income who can’t afford treatment. Maxine had the best treatment that money could buy at the time, but we couldn’t stop the cancer as it was so advanced when she was diagnosed. However, there are women out there whose cancer is detected far earlier than Maxine, but they can’t afford the best treatment that they all deserve. So, we are trying to have a place for these women to get help and get that treatment straight away to try to stop the disease before it takes hold. It started out as my son’s idea, but my daughter and I have the same vision. I’m sure you will get on well with my son. He has a big heart and is very passionate about the cause.” I can see the love in Milton’s face for his son.

  I hear a noise from behind me as the voice of the woman from the front desk shows someone into the room. Probably Fleur arriving from her appointment.

  “I hope I can live up to that speech, Dad.”

  I freeze.

  That voice. I would know it anywhere.

  For fuck’s sake, not again. Damn Hannah and her universe!

  “Here he is. Matilda, this is my son Dr. Grayson Garrett. You can call him Gray if you wish. His name is such a mouthful the hospital just calls him Dr. Gray for short.” I can’t take my eyes off Milton as I feel Gray standing by my side. “Matilda, are you okay?” Milton inquires. I must look like a frozen statue.

  “Oh, um, yes, sorry.” I turn to see the face that can’t seem to leave my life, with a cheeky smile on his face. I put my hand out reluctantly but acutely aware I am here on a professional basis. “Hello, Dr. Garrett. A man of many names it sounds like.” I straighten a little trying to fend off the spark I’m feeling as he hangs on to my hand for longer than is necessary in a handshake.

  “We meet again, Matilda. It seems we are destined to keep running into each other. How are you today?” So very smooth is our doctor.

  “Do you two know each other? How wonderful. This will make the process so easy. In fact, I’m sure I won’t be needed at all. I can leave you two friends to sort it all out.” I nearly choke on the word friends.

  “Thanks, Dad, yes we know each other quite well. It will be lovely to spend some time together again, talking. Won’t it, Matilda?” I just want to knee him in the balls. He knows I can’t
do a damn thing here except play along with his little game in front of Daddy Dearest.

  “Of course. Although I’m sure we could use your input too, Milton, there’s no need for you to think you can’t be involved as well. It sounds like a family affair.” I smile at Gray like we’re playing a chess game.

  “No, dear, it’s okay. Like I said, it’s Grayson’s baby, so I’ll leave you both to it. I have to fly out later tonight for work, so it’ll be fantastic if I have a bit of extra time now to get a bite to eat before heading to the airport.” He stands and places his hand on Gray’s shoulder. “I’m off to Boston for a few days, I’ve let Bella know. Keep an eye on her for me. I’ll be in touch.”

  Turning back to face me, he takes my hand in both of his. “It was so lovely to meet you, Matilda, I’m sure you will make this an amazing night. I hope to see you again soon. Have Grayson bring you home for dinner one night. Any friend of his is always welcome in our home.” He pats Gray on the back again and leaves the room.

  I’m sitting here stunned and trying not to choke on all the words that have just been spoken. If only Milton knew how we are friends, for want of a better word. I’m sure I wouldn’t be so welcome in his home if he knew I was just a floozy who slept with his son after knowing him for less than an hour.

  How the hell have I gotten myself into this mess?

  Fleur, hurry up, I need you to rescue me.

  “Matilda, please relax. You look like you’re about to take flight. I’m not that scary.”

  I just glare at him. Scared isn’t the word I would use. I just know that being around him for longer than five minutes could definitely be a problem for me. Already my insides are fluttering just looking at him.

  It’s like a change comes over his face. It softens and those eyes that had me hypnotized before, have returned.

  “I’m actually glad we’ve run into each other again. I need to apologize and say sorry for being such a jerk the last few times I’ve seen you. I don’t know what came over me. Please believe me when I say that is not me. I should have told you who I was when I recognized you at the appointment.”

  “Yes, you should have. That was so unprofessional. You took advantage of me,” I snap at him.

  “Well, it would have helped if I knew your real name. I think we can both take some blame here, don’t you?” He raises his voice slightly, and I can tell he’s trying really hard not to. In all honesty, he has a fair point.

  “That is true, I apologize for that. But I need to know, how did you know it was me? I thought the wrong name had me safe from being found out.”

  He dropped his face a little, and for the first time I can see a little pink on his cheeks, blushing. Not what I was expecting from our cocky Dr. Gray.

  “Please don’t take this the wrong way or in a creepy way.” He pauses for a moment and raises his head again to look my in the eyes. “First, your eyes had me confused, they were the ones I had been picturing since you ran out and left me. That wasn’t what confirmed it, though. You have the most beautiful birthmark on your inside thigh, just near the place I very much enjoyed exploring that first night. As soon as I saw it, I knew for sure it was you.”

  Now I can feel my cheeks burning like crazy. I know I’m bright red and there is nothing that can stop it. Trying to slow down my breathing, I go to stand up and put some distance between us when Gray leans forward and puts his hands on my cheeks.

  “Please don’t be embarrassed. I will never forget that night. It was pretty spectacular. You weren’t the only one who thought it was the best sex they’ve ever had.”

  He’s too intimate. I can’t do this here. I’m supposed to be working. I accused him of being unprofessional, and here I am letting him touch me.

  I jump out of my seat like it’s on fire.

  “Gray, we can’t do this now. I’m working for you. We need to do that. I mean work, you know, the function. Sort out things, make some plans. Oh god, you have me rambling like a schoolgirl. Lord help me.”

  He stands and takes my hands in his and starts to laugh. Not just a little laugh but a deep belly laugh. I can’t help it. It’s infectious. Before long, we’re both laughing loudly and from deep inside. It feels so good.

  Pulling himself together to stop laughing, he guides me back down into my seat.

  “Relax. Let’s just breathe and start again. We have a job to do, so let’s get through that then we can chat, okay? I’m sure we can act like grownups for at least thirty minutes.” His smile will get me to agree to anything.

  “Sure. But purely work. No more mention of that other meeting. Let’s totally wipe that.” I let out a nervous giggle as he extends out his hand to take mine and shake it.

  “Hi, I’m Grayson Garrett, board member for Maxine’s Angel Foundation and a gyno…actually, let’s just say a doctor at Mercy Hospital.” Right in this moment he is the masked man from the ball. His eyes are twinkling and captivating and his smile so warm.

  “Hello, I’m Matilda Henderson, but my friends call me Tilly. I’m an event planner which I hear you need some help from. Perhaps we should start with a bit of planning.” We are both acting very professional to the point I think I can handle this. Until Gray breaks protocol again.

  “What a good idea, on one condition. Have dinner with me tonight when we’re finished. Let me make it up to you for being a quote – asshole – unquote.” He motions his fingers in the air to accentuate his joke.

  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Grayson.” I hesitate. I want to, but I know I shouldn’t.

  “How about we get started here and you can decide when we finish. How does that sound? Come on, Tilly, give me a chance to prove myself.”

  “Okay then, but just to seeing how I feel when we finish this. I’m not agreeing to dinner just yet. Don’t get too excited.” I smile at him and relax a little for the first moment since he walked into the room.

  “Deal.” He shakes my hand and then sits back on his chair, crossing one of his legs over the other, and stretches his arms up behind his head. “Now, what have you got to show me that will impress me?”

  Oh yeah, this is going to be kept really professional.


  What is it about this woman that she keeps falling in my lap? Every time I turn around, she’s here.

  Thank god.

  Finally, I can start on the right foot with her. Well, hopefully.

  At least I’ve been able to apologize, and we’re talking civilly to each other. Now I just need to get her to agree to dinner.

  Time to pull out the Garrett charm.

  “The two main objectives you have are to get the charity visibility and people learning about its purpose. Plus, of course, to raise funds to get the charity off and running. Is that correct?” Tilly looks up from her tablet where she is recording everything she needs. I’m finding it awfully hard to concentrate on what we’re talking about.

  “Essentially yes, that’s right. We need to get our vision out there. With so many good causes in Chicago, it’s important that we snag people’s interest and leave them wanting to know more. Any suggestions you have to help with that would be wonderful.” She taps away again, making more notes.

  We go through my thoughts for the function and how it will run, the food, the entertainment, and speeches. Watching her work is such a turn-on. The confidence and professional way she’s running the meeting makes me realize that there are two sides to my Tilly. That first night she was so unsure and just wanted to give up control to find her pleasure. This Tilly here in front of me now. There is no shyness, just complete domination of what’s happening around her. That is just as hot as the sensual woman I first met.

  Before I realize it, we’ve been talking for an hour and getting close to wrapping up the meeting when her friend comes rushing into the room. Everything is now clicking in my head. Her friend was managing the masked ball and Matilda was a guest. I’m sure there’s a story as to why, but that can be a question for another day.
br />   “I’m sorry I’m so late. My last meeting was running late and then traffic was a killer.” She’s looking down at everything in her arms until she gets to the table and attempts to slow down and get herself together.

  “It’s fine, we’re almost done,” Tilly reassures her. Finally unloading her arms, she looks up. “Fleur Florentine, this is Dr. Grayson Garrett, the infamous Dr. Gray.” Tilly is already laughing at the stunned look on Fleur’s face. I reach out and take her hand to shake it. Her mouth drops open and then finally the words come streaming out.

  “Holy shit, it’s you. The asshole. One of the Fuckalicious Four. Crap.” Matilda’s hand slams over Fleur’s mouth to stop anything else embarrassing come out.

  Matilda is bright red and scowling at her.

  Fleur is still staring at me and processing it all.

  I’m laughing so hard there are tears building in my eyes.

  “Fleur, for god’s sake be professional. What has gotten into you!” Matilda is scolding her in a stern whisper.

  “That would have to be the best reaction I’ve ever had from a woman. I’m not sure I can say it’s a good reaction. But a reaction, nonetheless. One that will need a little explaining, I think.” I smile as Matilda is trying to drag Fleur into a seat so she can get her under control.

  “Grayson, I’m so sorry. We are so sorry. I’m not sure what’s wrong with her, but it won’t happen again. If you could perhaps forget everything that just fell out of her mouth, I would greatly appreciate it.” Matilda’s face is still red, which I think is partly embarrassment and part anger at her friend.

  With that, Fleur snaps out of wherever her head has taken her to.


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