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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 26

by Karen Deen

  “Well, can you tell me to go out and get laid, so I can go off and find my own damn Prince Charming? You know whatever we do, we do together.” Walking in the doors, getting out of the heat, I laugh as I drop my boxes. Thank god they aren’t breakable.

  “Everything except that. I’ve never, nor will I ever, share a man with you, and as for a gang bang, it’s off the table for me, thanks.” I’m trying to pick my boxes back up while I’m still laughing and not succeeding very well.

  “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

  I gasp and put my hand over my mouth. “Fleur Florentine, you little hussy. I never!”

  “Oh shut up, you. Get to work so I can go home and leave you to it. It’s my night off and I might just go man shopping. You never know what I might find out there in the shadows.” She has the stupid grin on her face that tells me she means it.

  “For god’s sake, woman, can you not go lurking in the shadows? At least stay in the light so you know what they look like.” We both put our boxes down, laughing, but take a big hug.

  “So happy for you, Tilly, you know that, don’t you,” Fleur whispers in my ear.

  “I know. Your turn will come. I know it. He will be perfect for your crazy.” I squeeze her tighter and then we both move to get on with the day.

  Not long after I send Fleur home and the function is getting underway, my night dive-bombs. Standing near the door and just monitoring the room, I hear the feet and the shrill voice that make my skin crawl. Just when I was thinking tonight was going to be a piece of cake.

  “Ugh, well, I can already tell this will be a crap event, if Fleurtilly is running it,” Kitty says quite loud to her friends near her. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and my muscles clench. I can picture Tate’s face at the hospital telling me to just breathe. Which is a far better option than what I really want to do to her.

  I keep repeating in my head, just ignore her, just ignore her. She’s not worth it. I hear through my earpiece that one of the bar staff is looking for the extra bottles of champagne. I walk away to deal with that while I can hear her in the background, continuing to badmouth us. This woman is trouble, and I need to be very careful with how I react to her.

  During the dinner service, she sent her appetizer back because it was cold, her main meal wasn’t cooked right, and the dessert tasted funny. I mean, really, Kitty, could you not have thought up something that’s an interesting story? I suppose it’s because you’re just a boring person. I dealt with each of the problems she made up and kept a smile painted on my face. Her friends by this stage are getting a little embarrassed at all the fuss she’s making. The night is a meeting for businesswomen in the medical field. It can be bad for business if she keeps badmouthing us. I don’t know what to do without losing my cool. Feeling frustrated, I message Fleur for advice. Being a little removed from the emotion, I’m hoping she will calm me down.

  It doesn’t help much when her answer is to dump a drink in her lap, and if that doesn’t work to just knock her out cold. Not sure that will be a great business move in front of all these potential customers. Great, I’m going to have to deal with her. Things are getting towards the end of the night and she’s getting louder the more she drinks. Even if it isn’t about me, I would still need to go over and calm her down. This bitch is just about to make me snap. I can tell by the looks on the rest of her table, they’ve all had enough too.

  Taking a deep breath, I walk over, taking one of my staff with me.

  “Hi, Kitty, just wondering if you could perhaps lower your voice. It’s getting a little loud and disturbing the rest of the event.” I want to say so much more, but I have put on my most polite, sweet voice.

  “Fuck off, you low-life cheating whore. Is that loud enough for you?” She looks back to her friends hoping for support, but they’re all cringing trying to ignore her.

  “Look at her prancing around here like some sweet little thing. But really she just runs these functions so she can seek out the rich men she can trap in her lair.” This is going way past drenching with a drink or knocking her out.

  “That’s enough, Kitty. You’ve had too much wine. I’m calling you a cab.”

  “What, are you shutting me up, so people don’t know the truth that you stole my boyfriend? You tramp.” Richard, who is standing with me from my staff, starts to lift her by her arms to help escort her out of the room as everyone is stopped and staring.

  “Grayson Garrett is mine. I’m going to be Mrs. Dr. Grayson Garrett. He is just waiting for the right time to ask me. When we aren’t so busy. He loves me.” She’s still yelling as she stops cold in the middle of the dance floor nearly making Richard fall over. Standing there, she spots the two people storming in the doors. I see them too and my heart skips a beat at the same time my eyes meet theirs.

  Normally I would be furious, but I’m so relieved to see Fleur turn up at an event on her night off and bring Grayson with her. I don’t know how she did it, but I’m so glad she did.

  I want to run to him. I feel like a schoolgirl in some ways, wanting to say to him “Kitty is being mean and picking on me.” Yet it is so much more than that. If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s women who try to bring other women down for self-gain. That is what she’s trying to do. By badmouthing my business, she’s hoping to get us removed from the hospital contract and therefore away from Gray. I hate to tell her nothing will keep me away from him now. No matter where I’m working.

  “Kitty.” His voice is stern. The women in the room take notice. Some of them know who he is and the others are finding out.

  “That’s enough. You will apologize and then leave. This has got to stop.” As he steps towards her, she tries to throw herself into his arms. There is no way he is letting that happen, holding her at arm’s length.

  “I know you’re only using her until the foundation function is done. It’s okay, I’ll wait for you.” This woman is crazy. She can’t see it.

  “Kitty, stop this! We are no longer together and never will be. I am in love with Matilda.” He looks past her to find me still frozen watching the show.

  “Love. You can’t love her, she’s so beneath you. Just a party host. We can be the power couple of the hospital.” The tears are now coming. I see Fleur roll her eyes. She has had enough.

  “Come on, Kitty, you’re embarrassing yourself. Let’s get you in the cab. Tomorrow will come soon enough for you when the regret and killer headache move in.” Fleur and Richard are now escorting a crying, pitiful woman outside. Part of me feels sorry for her, but it is a very small part.

  Once the doors close, he’s stalking towards me on a mission. I might be working but I couldn’t give a damn. He pulls me into his arms, and I burst into tears. I have never been made to feel so small in all my professional career. I don’t know why I give her the power, but I can’t seem to stop it when she attacks my two weaknesses.

  The thought of being cheated on.

  And Grayson.

  “I’ve got you, little one.” His hand is rubbing my back in circles as I try to pull myself together.

  “You should be at the hospital.” I sniffle into his chest, not interested to look up at all the people staring.

  “I was almost finished, and Alison arrived early for her shift. So she signed in to cover me when Fleur called.”

  “How did she find you?” Then I realized the client data base, Grayson is in there for the function. “Never mind, she could track down the President if needed.” With that we both have a little giggle.

  “Let’s get you into the kitchen and cleaned up. Let these women all find something else to look at.” With the adrenaline high from the fight-or-flight response starting to come down, I can’t stop my giggles. It’s that or tears.

  “You know they aren’t looking at me. They’re eyeballing the hot doctor in the room. Admiring his ass.”

  “You are too much. Only you could say that at a time like this. Just know they can all look as much as the
y like, but no touching. It’s only for my girl. The badass one standing right in front of me now.” He turns me and we make our way to the kitchen as I hear Fleur taking command of the room again, and the noise of women starting to talk gets louder.

  After a cup of tea, a big piece of chocolate cake that was left over, and several kisses and cuddles from Gray, I finally convince them all I’m okay. By this stage, everyone has left, the staff have everything packed, and we are ready to head home for the night.

  “Thank you for being my cavalry,” I tell Fleur. “I don’t care what she calls me, but I don’t want your name dragged down too. We’ve worked too hard for this.” I hug her as we go to let her out of the cab we’re all sharing home. Gray insisted we take her home first and then we’ll head to my place, after we pick up Memphis.

  “Too right we have, but nobody gets to attack my bestie like that. If I couldn’t get Superman here, then I would have taken her down myself. With a great amount of pleasure. The woman is one crazy bitch.” We hug and she gets out, but then ducks her head back in so she can leave us with one more comment. “Be good you two, and if you can’t, at least be good at it.” She then closes the door and I can still hear her laughing to herself as she enters the front door to her building.

  “Kitty may not be the only crazy lady around here,” Gray whispers to me as he pulls me to his side and holds me tight. I can feel the tiredness starting to creep in.

  Stopping at Gray’s place, we pick up Memphis and his supplies and climb into Gray’s car. I offered to just stay there, but he insisted I needed to sleep in my own bed tonight. I’m kind of glad. There’s nothing like your own bed and surroundings after a long day.

  Memphis gets excited as we entered the apartment even though it’s eleven thirty at night. He races over and sniffs around Daisy’s table and toys. Gray decides to put his bed there because he obviously feels at home right there. Getting organized for bed, we leave the bedroom door open though just in case he needs us.

  Starting to strip off my clothes, Gray hands me my sleep shirt that is on my footstool. I feel a bit shocked. He sees my confusion.

  “You just need sleep and a cuddle tonight, little one. There is plenty of time for that tomorrow, I promise.” He is lying down in the bed with his boxer briefs still on, showing me that he would still be ready if I asked for more, but to be honest, he’s right. He always seems to know what I need more than I do. Holding his arms open, I climb in and snuggle in my special place. Tucked under his arm, my head on his chest and my leg hooked over the top of his, I feel like this is home. My safe place.

  Tonight, I need this.

  Shutting my eyes, I feel like I’m safe.

  Because Gray is my home now.

  “Really, that is not romantic. It’s disgusting.” I try to open my eyes to push Gray away after feeling him lick my cheek. Being in a dead sleep, I’m struggling to function.

  “What are you talking about?” I hear him mumble behind me. Then I realize he’s behind me and the wet tongue is in front of me. My eyes are open and I’m sitting straight up in mere seconds. Seeing a very happy Memphis with his tail wagging, proud he has me awake and there’s someone to play with now.

  I let out a little squeal as I sit up, which he takes as a call to play. Jumping up onto my bed, he’s trying to nuzzle between me and Gray for pats and attention. Gray’s not impressed as he’s also still half-asleep.

  “Memphis, down now,” he yells at him. Immediately he’s off the bed and sitting patiently waiting for his next command. When Gray doesn’t move enough, he starts to whine which tells me he needs to go out for the toilet.

  “I’m already awake, I’ll go.” I start to move, only to be pulled back onto the bed.

  “Not a chance. Relax and stay here. We have unfinished business.” He stands, trying to adjust his cock that is standing up nicely with a morning woody. “That’s right, even in my sleep being near has this effect.”

  I laugh a little and then snuggle back under the blanket. “Can you please put some clothes on this time? I don’t want to scare Daisy again. Twice in one week and she may need therapy before the age of ten.”

  “You will pay for that when I get back. Memphis, door, now, time’s a wasting.” Picking up his pants and shirt from yesterday, he throws them on, going barefoot because it’s quicker. I hear him talking quietly to Memphis as they leave and head for the elevator. If he’s lucky, he won’t have woken Daisy yet. Otherwise it’ll be a challenge to even get back inside.

  It’s not long before I hear the front door open again. The trot of Memphis across the floor to his bed and footsteps heading this way.

  “You have a funny old lady that lives in this building. She just tried to chat me up. Then when I stubbed my toe on the step, she tells me I owe her a dollar for the bad word. To get you to drop in later with the money. She knew I was staying with you. Is she the stalker of the building?” By now he’s stripped to naked and climbing in with me.

  “No, she’s just an old lady who lost her husband and is lonely. You can’t blame her for hitting on my sexy boyfriend. We’ll call and see Mrs. Johnson later today. You’ll love her, but you know what I’m not loving is your cold feet.”

  “Is that right? Well, you need to warm me up then, baby. Get naked and let’s see how hot we can make it in here.” I don’t have much of a chance before he’s helping me to strip off, and this time, he’s lying back waiting for me to take control.

  “Tell me what you want, baby, what do you need from me?” The fact he knows I need some control after yesterday makes me twinge all over.

  “Hard.” I stammer a little. “I don’t want gentle. I need you to own me. I’m yours, not her.” My words are soft but with purpose. He reads me like a book.

  “You tell me to stop at any time.”

  I nod quickly. I’m not good at asking for what I want, but I’m getting better.

  “I want you here on the bed, ready for me to take my pleasure.” He stands and walks to the bathroom while I lie down. He returns with the tie from my robe.

  “Hands out,” he commands, and I can feel my pussy getting more excited by the minute. He wraps my hands together then ties me to the headboard. I’ve never been tied up before, but it feels exhilarating to have no control now in what Gray is going to do to me.

  His hands are now roaming my body, and I can’t help but moan every time he skims past my clitoris but doesn’t give it the attention it’s craving. The smile on his face as he kneels over me tells me my sexual frustration is pleasing him.

  “I want to touch you,” I blurt out, looking at his cock with the first little dribble of pre-cum leaking out.

  “Maybe so, but is it what you need? I don’t think so. What you need is to suck me off so I’m nice and hard, and then I’m going to pound you into next week, just like you deserve.”

  My heart is nearly beating out of my chest, and I know my legs are quivering and a little twitchy waiting for what he’s promised.

  “God yes,” is all I can get out before he’s above me and sliding his cock in and out of my mouth. I’ve never felt so desperate to please him, trying to take him deeper and deeper each time.

  “Fuck, Tilly, the way you suck me, I can’t hold on, it’s so fucking good.” I don’t want him to stop. I want to make him fall apart, but he has other ideas. Before I can finish, he moves off me and then flips my body over on to my stomach.

  Grayson is behind me and lifting me up by my hips, so my ass is in the air and I’m on my knees. He’s rubbing his hands over my ass cheeks, and I’m already moving up and down trying to find my own rhythm to get some relief.

  I feel him nudge me a little with his cock, and then he slams into me with no notice. Hard and fast. I can’t breathe. He’s not giving me any break, just slamming into me over and over again. It is the most amazing feeling. I can feel my body building and taking all the pleasure he is making me feel, just how I asked.

  Just when I think I can’t take much more, he leans forw
ard and whispers in my ear, “You want me to own you? Then I am taking every piece of you now.” I’m hardly forming normal thoughts as I’m so close to exploding in an orgasm, when I feel a wetness at my tight rosebud that has never been entered before.

  “Oh, fuck, Gray.” As he pushes his thumb in and out of my ass, I totally let go. Screaming and coming so hard, I lose my vision, as the stars take over and the sounds of Grayson still slamming those last few times until he fills me to the brim are a little distant.

  He falls forward, and his breathing is hot and fast on my neck.

  “I own you, and only you, Tilly. Never will I own another body or soul with such passion. Just like you own every part of me.”

  He starts to kiss me lightly and whispers over and over how much he loves me and that will never change.

  In all the times I have tried to be this strong independent woman.

  This is the one place I didn’t realize how much I crave to be dominated for my pleasure.

  Life won’t quite be the same again.

  Instead I think it will better and perhaps a little naughtier.

  Oh, Gray, what have you done to me?

  And can you please do it again and again.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “You never stop surprising me, little one.” I’m still coming down from the high of our morning delight.

  “I surprise you and me both,” she says as I’m untying her hands and slowly rubbing them for her. “I kind of liked it, though.” Her eyes look down away from me and her voice is a soft whisper.

  “Me too, baby. Anytime you want to play on the wild side you just tell me. Playing around together is definitely on my list of favorite activities.”

  “As if that was ever in doubt.” That little giggle she has when she’s feeling embarrassed just gets me every time.

  “Hey, what are you trying to say, that I like sex, more specifically sex with my hot girlfriend? That’s no crime in my books.” I lower my head down to hers that is lying on the pillow, her brown hair messed up and fanning out. “My main goal is to make you happy. It’s just that sex seems to help me fulfill that goal.” Kissing her softly on the lips, I lean back off her and roll to the side.


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