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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 28

by Karen Deen

  I stand watching in awe as she throws the car around the track with ease. As she rolls the car into the pit lane, ready for me to change into the car, I can see the guys making fun of me. They knew all along, I’m guessing. Well, let’s see what I can come up with. It’s not over yet.

  Climbing out of the cockpit, pulling off her helmet, Tilly leans up and whispers in my ear, “Try your hardest, but I want you to stay safe. Remember it’s just a bit of fun.” Walking away swaying her cute ass, this woman knows exactly how to play my games. I knew from the beginning we’re perfect for each other.

  Listening to the brief as I sit in the car, I zone everything else out. It’s like when you operate on a patient. You need to be totally focused. I am determined to get as close to her lap time as possible. I rev the car and take first gear as I pull away and start to climb the hill of the track. Picking up speed, I take my time to find a rhythm in the first lap. Then as I get into the second and third lap, I’m pushing the envelope, hoping I’m setting a good pace. I can hear Paul in my ears, but I can’t talk at the same time. It’s taking all my energy just to keep the car on the track. My last lap is intense, and I give it everything I’ve got. No matter what happens, I’m not going any faster than this. I can feel the car starting to control me rather than me control it. So that tells me it’s time to back off.

  I don’t even need to ask. Rolling the car into the pit area, I can see Tilly and the boys jumping up and down. Fuck, I’ve been beaten by a girl and in front of my buddies. I thought this date was supposed to be about me. I get out and walk over to get the roasting I know is coming. Tilly comes running towards me and jumps into my arms. Screaming at me.

  “You did it, you did it. Congratulations!” I’m so confused I look at the guys who all turn around with their shirts now having stickers over the top that say, “Team Gray – Bro code always.”

  “Congratulations, man, even with her inside knowledge you beat her by two seconds. It was so close.” Paul pats me on the back.

  “You get to keep your man card,” Lex yells out to me. I give him the finger behind her back.

  I look at Tilly in my arms, legs wrapped around my waist.

  “Tonight, when I have you alone, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I want to punish you and fuck you hard at the same time,” I quietly tell her. “This adrenaline has me wanting to take you on the hood of this car, but I sure as shit am not sharing you with anyone.” Her eyes smolder at the thought of being fucked on the car.

  “That’s right, baby, you feel it now too, don’t you. No one gets to take my man card away from you.” We both kiss like no one is watching. The cheers and whistles of the guys remind us that’s not the case, but we don’t care anyway. As I slow down the kiss, I lean my forehead on hers.

  “I can’t thank you enough for today, baby. It’s just hard to believe you’re real. No one has ever done anything like this for me.”

  “It’s not over yet. Time to move on to the next part of the date.” I slowly put her down, and taking her hand, we head over to the peanut gallery of the boys behind the barriers. Looking up to me, Tilly offers that beautiful smile that’s so full of life.

  “You don’t get to bring your support crew with you, though. They get to stay here and have a little drive themselves. Time to say goodbye.”

  “With pleasure. They’re just trophy hunters, anyway, jumping teams when it suits.” We all have a laugh together and I wish them well in their laps, making sure someone is videoing so I can watch later.

  Waiting for Tilly to change out of her fireproof race suit, Paul comes up and takes the opportunity to give me the talk. The big brother talk, from a cousin’s perspective.

  “Watching you two today, I can tell Matilda really loves you. I haven’t seen her this relaxed and playful in a long time. She’s been working so hard I think she’s forgotten how to live. You’ve brought the fun-loving Tilly back to us. I’m really happy for you both. Just know that if you hurt her like the last douchebag did, I will hunt you down.”

  “You will never have to worry about that. She told me about him, and if I knew where he is, I would hunt him down now. He really did a number on her. I won’t hurt her, I can guarantee. I can tell you now she’s it for me. When the time is right, I will be making sure I make this permanent.” I know I can trust Paul. He and Tilly seem close, and judging by the stories over lunch, they grew up like brother and sister.

  “Good to hear, man. What he did playing around on her, and then he didn’t even care when she lost the baby. That is such a dick move.” I can feel my heart stop dead. What baby?

  “Oh fuck. She didn’t tell you that bit, did she. Fuck, don’t tell her I told you. I’m sure she’ll tell you when she’s ready. It nearly ripped her apart.” My mind is going crazy as I hear her voice coming towards us. I’m still staring at Paul, trying to make sense of what he has just said.

  Why didn’t she tell me?

  I think back to that night in my office.

  I knew there was more, but I was called away.

  No wonder she was so upset dragging all that back up, and I had to cut her off. By the time I saw her again, I know she had buried it back down deep.

  I don’t want to wreck her plans today, but this is something I need to tell her I know. To comfort her and make sure she knows I would never leave her if that happened, I’d be right by her side, for as long as she needs me.


  No matter what life brings to us, good or bad, I will always be by her side.

  To me that is what real love is.

  Chapter Twenty


  Leaving everyone behind at the track, I was expecting to head to the carpark, yet Tilly has me walking in a different direction.

  In the distance, I hear a noise that sounds like it’s getting closer.

  “How are you with heights, tough guy?” she asks as I see a helicopter come into view.

  “Really! Wow, you must have spent a fortune today, sweetheart. I’m feeling guilty. I’m not sure I’m worth it.” This stops her still in her tracks to look at me with a mad look on her face.

  “No other person in my life is worth more to me, than you. Don’t ever say that again. I might not be rich, but if I want to spend every last dollar I have on making you happy, I will.” Shit, I think I stepped on her toes.

  “I didn’t mean it like that, I’m sorry. Baby, you have to remember most women I’ve dated are only looking for either my money because I’m a doctor or for the reputation of being with me. No one has ever done anything like this for me. I just don’t know how to accept it and believe that I deserve it. I know you feel the same, so hopefully you understand. It will take me time to appreciate that I am worthy of you. Does that make sense?”

  Her face softens and she hugs me so we can connect how we do our best communicating. No words, just our hearts beating to each other.

  “Sorry, I’m just so sick of defending myself, being an independent woman and not relying on any man for money or my lifestyle. I know you didn’t mean it. I do understand what you’re saying and it’s something we can work on together.” By now she is shouting as the helicopter comes in to land. I pull her in tighter as the dust is kicked up and the skids of the helicopter touch the ground. The co-pilot jumps out and opens the back doors. We duck our heads and run to climb in.

  Passing us our headsets, they run through the safety instructions as we get strapped in. I’ve flown plenty of times in a plane but never a helicopter, so I’m excited to see Chicago from the air.

  I can’t believe how awesome the city looks from up here. Flying over landmarks that you know but they look so different from this angle. I’ve taken many photos in front of the Cloud Gate sculpture. It looks like a giant mirrored bean, which is the local nickname. From the air it looks so different, the way the sun sparkles on the rounded shape is so mesmerizing. Tilly keeps tapping my leg and pointing out different things that she knows. We both kiss as we see the Ferris wheel at Na
vy Pier that holds some special memories already.

  The pilot announces that we are coming in to land at their heliport in the city. It is all over too quickly and I make a note to bring Tilly again at nighttime. I can only imagine what the view would be of all the lights across the city.

  After the helicopter winds down and we leave the heliport, there should be no surprise that there’s a car here to pick us up.

  “Where to now, little one? I’m guessing this is not the end of the road.” I can tell she still has more planned because she’s busy organizing something on her phone.

  “Okay, it’s time for a relaxing afternoon beer at a nice bar, Cindy’s, before we move on to the last part of the date.”

  “I think you’ve stretched the rules a little here, Tilly. I only got a night and you’ve managed a whole day and now we’re heading into the night. How did I not see this coming?”

  Standing next to the car before we get in, she turns and puts her arms around my neck.

  “Technically you had the night, the whole night through to the next morning. So, if we’re going to count hours….” Smacking her ass, I just smile and open the door for her to get in and settle back in my arms as we are whisked off to the next destination.

  “If you think you won’t still be with me when you wake up tomorrow morning, then you are dreaming, baby, so just admit you cheated. Just like at the racetrack, where you obviously have some prior experience. Well played, sweetheart, well played.”

  Laughing at her obvious victory, she feigns her innocence. “I didn’t realize this was a competition. I just thought we were trying to plan a special date for the one that we love.”

  “Yeah, that too, I’m on to you. Next time I will make sure the playing fields are even, right down to the last second. You wait for the next dates, it’s game on, baby.”

  “You’re such a boy.” Tilly rolls her eyes at me while still smiling like she loves it.

  “Umm excuse me. All man here, baby, you’ve seen the proof.” I lean down to her ear. “You’ve felt every inch of that manhood too. No denying that.”

  Her smile becomes a little gasp and her mouth opens. Oh, how I’d like to fill that mouth with this manhood who’s now getting impatient because it’s been too long since he’s been making friends with my girlfriend. I’m starting to think she might be right. Tilly is turning me into a sex maniac.

  The car is getting close to our destination of a rooftop bar, Cindy’s. From up there, we can look over the bean in the park that we just saw from the air. It has been such a big day that I could really use a beer right now.

  Still playing on my mind is everything Paul said earlier, and when I look at my girl, I just want to shout to the world that no one ever gets to hurt her again. I can’t do that until we have the discussion that we are both needing. When the time is right, it will be so good for her to learn she is not on her own anymore, no matter what.

  Entering the bar, I look across to the window and see my dad and Arabella sitting with a drink each and two spare drinks. Bella is madly waving, like I haven’t already seen her. Tilly starts to walk towards them, but I pull her back to me.

  “What’s going on here, baby?” I can’t look away from her eyes, they’re dancing at the moment.

  “I know how important your family is to you. I thought it might be nice for us to spend a little time together and get to know each other, like a first date of the family. Is that okay? I know a date is supposed to be us. I asked you to slow down and you did that, but I know you really want to speed things up. So, it’s meet-the-family date time.” She doesn’t wait for my answer and starts dragging me over to my family.

  Bella is up out of her seat and wrapping her arms around Tilly before she then comes to me. It makes me happy, but I can’t resist making a point.

  “I can’t believe I’ve been replaced so easily as your favorite person. Big brothers should always be number one.” I squeeze Bella a little as she wriggles to get away.

  Dad then pulls her into his arms. “Not a chance, son, dads should always be number one in their little girls’ eyes. One day you will understand that, when you have your own daughter. From the moment they first open their eyes, they suck you in, and for the rest of their lives they will always be your special girl.” He has already said hello to Tilly and held her chair out for her.

  I am sitting here in heaven, with my three favorite people. It’s like Tilly has known everyone for years. Her sense of humor and friendly banter fit perfectly with us all. Bella hasn’t smiled so much in a long time. I think it has a lot to do with another female to keep her company. We get onto talking about the foundation function which strangely has Bella turning quiet. I see Tilly has noticed it too.

  I’m about to say something but Tilly gives me the look to say I need to leave it to her.

  “Bella, you don’t seem very excited about the function, is there something you don’t like?” Bella is looking down and fiddling with the straw in her empty glass.

  “I can fix anything you would like to change. That’s what I’m here for. To make the memory of your mom come to life.” Tilly reaches across and places her hand on the top of Bella’s on the table.

  “That’s just it. They’re just memories. I don’t even remember her. My own mother, I have no memories. Everyone will be asking me about her, and I have to lie and say things that I can’t even remember.” My heart breaks at the sight and sound of her tears. Dad and I both go to grab her but instead she turns and falls into the arms of Matilda. It finally all makes sense. All these years she has craved the touch of another woman who she can call family. It may be early days, but we all know Matilda being officially part of this family is just timing now.

  “Bella, I’m so sorry you feel like this, we didn’t mean to hurt you in any way.” Dad looks torn. Wanting to honor Mom but his baby girl is hurting in the process.

  “Sis, why didn’t you say something in the beginning?” She raises her head out of Tilly’s shoulder and lays it to the side. Not leaving her arms but just so she can see us.

  “You both want this so much, that I wanted it for you. I just didn’t realize what I had buried for all these years.” My beautiful girlfriend is stroking Bella’s hair and soothing her just like a big sister would. For everything I’ve tried to protect my sister from, I can never protect her from herself.

  “Arabella, I think you need to look at this from a different angle.” Tilly looks down at her, waiting for her full attention.

  “We all understand the devastation you feel, but don’t look at the function being about remembering your mom. This is the start of you making memories of your mom. From what I hear, she loved to help people. By starting this foundation, you are bringing your mom to life again. Be the woman your mom would be proud of and make memories of good deeds that your mom would be doing if she were still here. Be her earth angel. Fulfill her dreams and I think you might find you will be fulfilling some of your own too. Don’t be your mother, but be the woman your mother would have worked side by side with. Making others’ lives better and giving them the chance at life to make their own memories.”

  Tears are falling, not just on Bella’s face, but Dad’s and mine too. This woman sitting holding my sister and bringing her into the world of her own finally, takes my breath away. Part of me knew that Mom sent me Tilly, but little did I understand she sent her for all of us. She is the key to the next stage in this family. The one where we all need to let go and move on. Always together but on our separate roads, without Dad and I standing over the top of Bella and putting her in our shadows. Mom is telling me that I should let her shine on her own. As hard as this will be, I know it’s time.


  I knew there was something holding Bella back, but I had no idea it was as deep as what she has just finally let go. Holding her tight I can feel the tension leaving her body with the tears that are falling down her cheeks. I know what it’s like to hold deep feelings and never sharing them. You can only kee
p them down there for so long and eventually they surface. I miss my sister when she’s traveling, and I know Bella has never known a close woman in her life. Our friendship will be a treasure for us both.

  Looking across at Gray and Milton, I can’t help but feel this family has just turned an important corner. My big strong cocky man has been brought to tears from the pure love for his sister. That is the kind of man I have longed for all my life. A man who is not afraid to show his emotions at times that mean so much, yet tie me to a bed and have me screaming his name too. The best of both worlds.

  Milton stands and walks to his daughter and takes her in his arms to comfort her. I think it is as much for him as it is for her. Gray pulls me out of my chair and into his lap, burying his head into my neck as he takes his own moment. He whispers just loud enough for me to hear, “I can never thank you enough for what you have just done for Bella. You are my angel.”

  We stay like that for a moment and then, being in a bar, know we need to pull it together. I sit back in my chair only to have Gray drag it so close to his I may as well still be sitting in his lap.

  “Here’s to making new memories of Mom.” Bella lifts her glass and we all cheers to that. We continue to chat a little about the function until the alarm on my phone sounds. The smile on Gray’s face tells me he knows I have another surprise planned.

  “I know this is a date for Grayson and me, but I really thought we could all enjoy this part together.” Everyone looks at me with intrigue.

  “I have organized a rock-and-roll dance class for the four of us. We get to learn the moves and have fun dancing away to Elvis among some other sixties classics.”

  “Oh my god. I can’t believe it. Thank you.” Bella is out of her seat and hugging me. “Gray always tells stories of Mom dancing in the kitchen with him.”


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