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Forbidden Embrace

Page 3

by Charlotte Blackwell

  “We’re going to have to start some physical training. It’s been a long time since we have had to use our strength and endurance. This isn’t going to be easy–we don’t know how many there will be, nor do we know their strengths,” Isaac informs us.

  “Do we know if they are Embracing any others? Newer vampires will be easier to beat, and we can deplete the numbers before going for the stronger ones,” Alexander asks.

  “We can only assume that they are. There have been reports of missing people from the area. We just have no idea of what their numbers are,” Isaac confirms.

  “So all of you must fight? What can I do to help?” Nathanial inquires.

  “Nothing! You can stay far away from all this,” I shout.

  “Sophia is right, Nate…this is too dangerous for you. They can and will destroy you, which in turn will destroy Sophia. You do not want to hurt her, right?” Florence interjects.

  “No I don’t, but I also don’t want her fighting,” he insists.

  “We all need to be there–we are stronger as a family,” Florence tries to console him. “Of course there is one exception; Danika. She is too new.”

  “What?” The surprise is written all over her face.

  “Danika, we need your help elsewhere. You need to ensure the McCords remain safe, which in turn will keep you safe,” Constance adds, and Danika nods in agreement.

  “We have the most powerful help to protect us. I went to see Ebony and her sister today. They are going to fight with us. They are the most powerful beings on Earth, when they work together. The Magnificent Ones are already preparing potions and spells. Eliza is researching their Book of Shadows for more information,” Alexander explains.

  “Nate, I will be fine, I promise, we talked about this already.” I hold his hand in mine. “I just need to know that you are safe–I can’t worry about you during all of this,” I tell him.

  “Fine, but as we agreed, I want to be involved in all the planning and details. I want to know what is happening and what the risks are. I also want to know when you’re going. I expect full disclosure in all things related to this matter. This is non-negotiable.”

  I can see his frustration. “I agreed to this earlier and will honor my word.” We seal our agreement with a kiss.

  “Okay, I think Nate has had enough to deal with for one day. Can we take the evening off from fight detail?” I request.

  “Yes, I think you two should do something fun for the evening,” Constance urges.

  “How about bowling? It would be a great way to get our minds off things. Mati and Alex can come,” I suggest.

  “That sounds great,” Matilda answers.

  “Bowling it is. Why don’t we call Ebony, Matt and Eliza? We could go get Luke; he has got it bad for Eliza since your party,” Nathanial recommends.

  We drive by the McCord house and grab Luke. Ebony, Matt and Eliza meet us at the bowling alley. I don’t know Luke very well, but it is so funny....he is absolutely enamored with Eliza. Nathanial and I enjoy watching them together…they just get lost when the other is around. It’s really too bad that he has to go back to school in the next day or so.

  We relax and just enjoy our time together with friends. The plan is to spend a few hours there, munch on some appetizers and drink sodas. We Pierce kids want to keep up the façade, so we plan to join the others for some snacks.

  “Why don’t we get a few competitions going on; couples pitted against couples, battle of the sexes and so on?” Luke suggests. “Why didn’t Danika come tonight? She seems like a good kid.”

  “HA! Seriously, she is trouble. She stayed at home. We thought it would be nice to have a couple’s night,” I laugh.

  “Sophia doesn’t care for our little sister too much. You know how it goes, sibling rivalry and all. Danika looks up to Sophia so much and Sophia is just a bag of teenage hormones,” Alexander chuckles.

  I take a swing at him. "Oh, bite me Alex; watch it or you will be the next sibling on my hit list.”

  “Break it up you two. Let’s just accept that Sophia doesn’t like her little sister and forget about it. I thought we came here for some fun,” Nathanial insists.

  Everyone agrees and we set up our teams. We agree to leave powers and strengths at the door, when Luke excuses himself to the men’s room. With all the giggling and friendly banter I realize that I have not had so much fun in ages. We’ve really found our place here in Wenham, and I’ll really hate to leave it one day. This is exactly what I need, to feel normal and be with friends. What a perfect start to a new year; at least for now.


  When we get home, we notice it is time for Nathanial to head back to his place. The entire family comes out to say goodnight.

  “Thank you for explaining so much to me today. It’s nice to know more about you, and I’m glad that you and your family trust me with all this knowledge.”

  “I hope I didn’t completely overwhelm you. We have so much time for me to tell you more, but I wanted to explain about myself, and the threat that is approaching.”

  “Don’t worry about me, I’m fine; just wish I had brought a note pad,” he jokes. I give him a playful punch in the arm. “Ouch,” he yelps.

  “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean....”

  “I'm just kidding sweetie.”

  “Careful or next time I will hurt you.”

  He leans in and gives me a kiss goodnight. “Have a good night sweetie, I love you.”

  “I love you too,” I reply with my arms still tightly wrapped over his broad shoulders.

  I watch as he jumps back in his car and drives away. I still can’t believe that after so many years I have finally found the love I always wished for, in a mortal. Once inside I start pacing.

  “What is it Sophia?” Alexander asks.

  “I’m really worried about Nate tonight. It’s a lot of information for him to take in. I try not to worry but I can’t help it; I’m a Libra and it is one of my main traits. I think I’ll sneak over and check on him tonight. I just want to ensure he’s alright with all the insight in to my existence he has now.”

  “Have you forgotten that I’m a Libra too, not to mention we are twins? I am quite aware of all your traits.”

  Inside my family is discussing everything the Renata has told Elijah about the Cerberus cult of New York. From what they know there are about ten vampires involved, not including any new members they create. With the seven of us and the three witches, Ebony, Eliza and their Grams we’ll be even, not counting the new vampires. They won’t have the strength or skill to fight us, so they will just be pawns to distract us.

  Matilda explains that Ebony and Eliza are going into Boston to the Wicca/New age store. They plan to stock up on everything they may need for potions. Herbs, roots, bottles, dried insects and magic crystals will all be of aid. Eliza also got some gem stones for spells and for scrying.

  “What is scrying?” I ask.

  “Scrying is a process used by witches to find someone or something. It will be our way of keeping track of everybody if for some reason we become separated,” Eliza explains.

  “We also want to cover all of us with protection spells, since the ones for Matt and Nathanial worked so well. We will need to test that because we were not sure how the protection spells will affect our powers or abilities. We already know they work since Eliza tested the boys before Christmas. We have a lot of work to do over the next few days,” Ebony adds.

  For Christmas Ebony and I got the boys gifts to protect them from the supernatural; she gave Matt a wristband and I gave Nathanial a watch. Eliza and Ebony, along with the help of their Grams, Ms. Edwina, placed a protection spell on the gifts.

  “We have to ensure that we are well fed at all times, not allowing any weakness. We need a plan to go scouting on a nightly basis to ensure fresh blood is used. I also think that we should find human donors, since fresh human blood makes us the strongest. We cannot go too late because the Cerberus cannot come out in the day, so we want
to be prepared for the night fall when they come out. Tomorrow we start physical training.” Elijah explains.

  “Did you say fresh human blood? What about our vow to not hurt others?” The nervousness of the situation comes out as I speak.

  “Yes, Sophia, I know this is going to be difficult for all of us. We are used to the donated human blood we have been feeding ourselves with, but the fresher it is the better. We have discussed things and have a few thoughts about how to go about getting fresh blood.”

  “What about Danika? There’s no way that at only a year and a half she can handle fresh blood! I’m terrified at how the rest of us will cope, and you all know I don’t trust her as it is.”

  “We have already decided that she will remain on her usual diet, for everyone’s protection,” he informs. “As for the rest of us, we find willing live donors.”

  “Who the hell will that be? We need to still keep our cover. It’s not like we can take an ad out in the Sunday paper.”

  “Very true my dear. When we were discussing our options our wonderful witch friends have offered to help by providing some for us. Another option is to practice our compelling skills. Using transients will be best. We can compensate them as well,” Florence adds.

  “Okay, you are telling me that Ebony and her family have offered us their blood? Not a chance, they’re my friends, I will not bite any of them! Then the matter of using transients–what if they are drug users or have diseases? Won’t their blood be tainted? Will that not affect us?”

  “Have you completely lost all your senses, Sophia? We should all be able to smell a tainted vessel from miles away,” Isaac snaps. “If using tainted blood is the only option, our bodies will repair from the disease. The only downfall is that uses energy, so it is better to avoid bad blood.”

  “Vessel?” Eliza questions.

  Isaac chuckles and explains. “Sorry…old word for human, or the vessel for the blood.”

  “Okay. Yes, I guess my emotions got the best of me. You have been talking about feeding off the only friends I have had in over a century. Yeah, just a little overwhelmed here,” I say defensively.

  “Sophia, don’t worry about it. You and your family need fresh blood to ensure your strength. The good news is I have lots of it. Isaac explained that it will not be much and never by a bite. He’ll use his medical equipment. This will prevent the spread of venom in our system. We’ll be fine.” Ebony is very convincing. “Our magical blood should enhance you in other ways as well, like making your own powers stronger.”

  “Okay, but won’t the blood loss weaken you?”

  “We will only use minimal amounts and during the day, so they can replenish before night fall,” Isaac assures.

  I sit down in the family room in an attempt to process the plan. I need to ensure my mind has full mental clarity. With a few calming moments, I agree. We can’t protect this town and its people that have come to mean so much to us if we are weakened. Drinking fresh human blood is the only way we can win this fight.

  We finish deciding how to go about things, the feeding, and the fight and so on. I figure now is the time to check up on Nathanial. I want Alexander to come with me, but not to be seen. I’m hoping that Alexander can get in to Nathanial’s subconscious and ensure me that all is copasetic.

  Chapter 5


  It’s about one in the morning and the whole house is dark and quite. Alexander stays to the side of the house by the old maple tree. I scale the wall to Nathanial’s room and sliding the window open, I climb inside without making a noise. Nathanial is sound asleep. I go over to the side of his bed and watch him for a few minutes. Alexander has open communication of thoughts with me; “Can you see into Nathanial’s dreams?”

  “More clearly than I would like too.”

  Alexander is able to get in to Nathanial’s dream, and we both watch. I am quite surprised to see what’s in there. Nathanial is dreaming about us, and our future. We seem so happy and everything seems perfect. I’m glad to see this is what he dreams about.

  I can feel his dream just as if we are living it, so peaceful. Suddenly an awful looking vampire comes at us. Nathanial pushes me out of the way and begins to fight. It’s time to wake him; I don’t want this dream to continue.

  I lean over and kiss him gently, “Nate, wake up! I came to check on you,” I whisper softly.

  He begins to stir, and opens his eyes. “Sweetie, what are you doing here? Is everything okay?” he asks frantically, now wide awake and concerned.

  “Ssh, we don’t want to wake your family. Everything is fine. I just wanted to make sure you are okay with everything you learned today.”

  “I’m fine. You worry too much,” he replies, still groggy.

  “I know–I just can’t help it. I don’t want to lose you.”

  He sits up and holds me. “You never will! Nothing else matters to me anymore…you’re everything to me. I have to admit I’m worried about you too. I don’t want you to get hurt in this fight.”

  “I know; I promise we’ll all be safe. I love you too, but I don’t want you to give up everything for me. Everything you are and that you strive for is part of what I love about you. As for the fight, one of these nights when we are sparring and practicing, you can come and watch. I’ll prove to you that I can kick some....well you know,” I pledge.

  “I know you can, and I’d love to come and watch,” he agrees.

  “Plus, don’t forget we have Elijah on our side.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Well, Elijah is like 500 years old and was Embraced long before the world had a foothold on humanity; a time before technology was even a thought linking everyone together with the joys of Facebook. He was around when magic was used to heal and witches were the medicine men and women.”

  “That is pretty cool…I would love to hear more one day, but how is any of that going to help protect you?”

  “He has seen and fought in many wars, and lived in the sixteenth century where they had to fight for everything they owned or wanted. Life was both simpler and more difficult back then. The king’s men would just come and take what they wanted from your property. Nothing was ever guaranteed, and you could lose what you worked hard for in a moment while you slept. One night Elijah lost his life and gained his eternity.”

  “He was Embraced for no reason?”

  “A man wanted Elijah to work for him, but he refused. Later that night that man came to Elijah’s homestead to Embrace him. He told Elijah that he owned him now and he must work for him. It took almost a century for Elijah to break free. He says the only good thing that came from his time as a prisoner for this man is Florence. The man Embraced her to be his concubine after she refused him as well.”

  “Wow, they really have been through a lot!”

  “We all have, but none more than Elijah and Florence. They will protect us all, we are their family now.”

  “You sure do trust them, so I guess I should too.” He takes my hand in his.

  “Well I just wanted to stop by and make sure you are okay after everything you have been learning… and here I go giving you even more. Now that I know you’re okay I should go and let you sleep,” I begin to get up.

  “Not so fast!” He grabs a hold of my arm and pulls me back into him. “You can’t just sneak in to a guy’s room, say hello and leave.”

  I let out a little chuckle. “Alex is waiting for me outside.”

  “Oh, well at least cuddle with me for a few minutes?” he asks.

  “Sure.” We cuddle up together on his bed, and he is asleep again in seconds.

  I crawl back out the window and Alexander is waiting in the car for me.

  “Do you feel better?”

  “I do…at least a little bit,” I answer.

  We take the long way home, just looking around and making sure nothing is out of place. I really want to get this over with. I’m worried for the town’s people; I find myself wanting to protect them all. I
n all my years I’ve never felt as welcome as I do here and now. In a little over a century, I’ve finally found a place to call home.


  Over the next few days we begin working at Ms. Edwina’s manor, helping the sisters prepare. I realize their fight will be strictly magical; they can’t hold their own in a physical fight against vampires. I only hope that their powers and spells can withhold and destroy the Cerberus’ powers. The sisters are said to be the most powerful of witches, and can defeat anything, but as a friend I still worry.

  “Sophia, we’ll be fine. Let us use our magic to help you. We’ll be able to conjure up some good spells. The Cerberus won’t know what hit them,” Ebony tries to hearten me.

  We begin spending our evenings in the field where I took Nathanial, sparring and physically preparing for the upcoming fight. Nathanial joins us tonight.

  “So how exactly do you prepare for a vampire fight?” he inquires.

  “We prepare just as any other physical training, including such things as cardio, upper body strength, lower body strength, speed, stealth and agility. We always sprint up to the field and do about a hundred laps of the large open space–it really only takes a few minutes. Other warm ups such as sit ups, pushups and lunges are all included. Once warmed up we take turns fighting…first up tonight will be Isaac and myself.”

  In a sarcastic tone, Nathanial says, “Great, so I get to watch my girlfriend get beat on, that sounds like a lot of fun.”

  “What makes you think he’s going to be able to beat me?” I smirk.

  We’ll fight as if we are enemies and fighting for our survival, or at least the survival of those around us. We decide not to use our extra powers to start out with. We choose to fight with our physical strengths and speed, concentrating on our fighting skills. This makes things more even in our training because of the variety of our powers. I can heal others, so it won’t help me in our fight. Isaac can control the elements; this can and will be a huge advantage when we fight the Cerberus. Against one another though, we just didn’t want to do any real damage to each other...more specifically me! We begin to fight; wrestling, hitting, and breaking bones and such. We all agree that it would not benefit any of us to take it easy on one another.


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