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Page 13

by Maggie Walsh

  Storm had unshed tears in his eyes. He reached out and cupped Noah’s cheek. “Whatever you need, baby. We will always be patient with you. We won’t push you, but you need to let us know when you’re ready. Than Bastian and I will show you the way.”

  Noah gave him a teary smile and then looked to Bastian. He had tears running down his cheek as he looked between both his mates. “I’m sorry I made you both feel unwanted by threatening to leave. I do want you. Both of you. I promise to give both of you the patience you need. All I ask is that you give it back to me. I don’t know what that place did to me, or how, but I will try to get myself back,” Bastian promised.

  Storm cupped Bastian’s cheek, too, and pulled him in for a kiss. He gently touched his lips to Bastian’s and Bastian opened to him. Storm slid his tongue into Bastian’s mouth and kissed him slowly, trying to convey all his feelings in that one kiss. Bastian returned the kiss, trying to convey all his feeling, too. They slowly pulled apart and Storm rested his head against Bastian’s. “Whatever you need, mate,” he whispered.

  They pulled back from each other and looked at Noah. His eyes were locked on them, and his stare was heated. Bastian’s lip raised in a small smirk and Storm raised a brow at the lusty look their little mate was giving them. “See something you like, sweetheart?” Bastian asked and placed his hand behind Noah’s head. Noah whimpered and nodded.

  “I think he liked seeing us kiss, Beauty,” Storm said with a smirk and pulled both his mate’s closer. He licked his tongue across Noah’s lips, and Noah opened for him. Storm slowly, sensuously, slid his tongue inside Noah’s welcoming mouth. He twirled his tongue around Noah’s and then sucked on it. Noah moaned into his mouth and Storm did it again. Storm pulled Bastian closer to them and slightly turned his head without releasing Noah’s lips. Bastian joined them in a three way kiss. It was a bit messy and a little awkward, but they made it work. Their tongues slid together as hands caressed each other. They felt connected for the first time. The three slowly ended the kiss, but kept their foreheads together, as they panted for breath against each other.

  “Now that was so fucking hot,” Taylor said. They broke apart and looked to Taylor. He was sitting on Gabriel’s lap, grinding his ass against Gabriel. His arms up and back, wrapped around Gabriel’s neck. Gabriel sucked on Taylor’s neck as his hands roamed all over Taylor’s stomach and chest. Gabriel was grinding his hips against Taylor’s ass. “Do it again, but grope each other a little more. I want to see live porn,” Taylor said breathlessly.

  Bastian and Storm chuckled, but Noah’s eyes were glued to the two wolves. He couldn’t stop watching the way Taylor and Gabriel moved together. How they both looked like they were in heaven. Both their faces were masks of pure bliss. Noah whimpered and they all looked at him.

  “Like what you see, cutie?” Taylor asked with a smile. Noah nodded his head, not taking his eyes off them. “Then you’re gonna love this,” Taylor said and turned his head and Gabriel latched his lips onto Taylor’s. Gabriel thrust his tongue into Taylor’s mouth with a hunger. Gabriel slid a hand up Taylor’s stomach and onto his chest. He found Taylor’s hard nipple and squeezed it between his thumb and forefinger. Taylor cried out against Gabriel’s lips and his hips started to grind harder against Gabriel’s lap. Noah whimpered again and licked his lips.

  Gabriel pulled back from Taylor and moved him so he could stand up. He picked Taylor up and Taylor wrapped his legs around Gabriel’s waist, and his arms around Gabriel’s neck. Taylor started to lick and nibble on his mate’s neck as Gabriel headed for the door. “Fuck me, man of mine.” They heard Taylor moan as they headed out the door. “See you all in three days. Send food.” Gabriel growled and they disappeared.

  Micah cleared his throat and everyone turned to look at him. His eyes had turned to his wolf as he looked at his mate. Jesse’s eyes were heavy lidded as he looked at Micah, licking his lips. “We really need to discuss what we found out from Raffy,” Micah said but his eyes never left Jesse’s face. He reached out and grabbed Jesse around the waist and hauled him onto his lap. Jesse straddled Micah and started rubbing his ass on Micah’s groin, running his hands up Micah’s chest. Micah grabbed his hips to halt his motion. “I know your heat is starting, Storm, but I don’t think this can wait three days. How does an hour sound?” Jesse whimpered and leaned in. He sucked on Micah’s Adam’s apple. Micah’s head went back and he groaned. “How does two hours sound?” Micah stood up with Jesse in his arms and headed for the door.

  Storm and Bastian laughed. “Two hours will be fine, Micah. But then our meeting will have to be fast,” Storm said after them. He turned his heated gaze on his mate’s. “Because I have to get back to making love to my sexy mates.” Storm growled and grabbed the back of Bastian’s head, pulling him in and pressing their lips together in a heated kiss.

  Bastian heard the door close behind Micah and Jesse as they left, but he couldn’t care less if it had been left open. Storm’s mouth was devouring him. His head was spinning from the force of Storm’s kiss. It was so passionate and needy. Bastian ran a hand up Storm’s chest and found his hard peak. Bastian gently squeezed the small nub between his thumb and forefinger, drawing a moan from Storm. Bastian pulled back from the kiss and Storm groaned at the loss. Bastian looked at Noah, who was still sitting in his lap, watching his two mates with heated eyes. Bastian smiled at him and ran a hand gently up Noah’s arm. He cupped Noah’s face and ran his thumb over Noah’s bottom lip. “Now that Taylor is out of the room, I can hear you, sweetheart. It’s okay, you can touch us. You never have to ask or be afraid to touch either one of us. We’re yours, sweetie, just like you’re ours.” Bastian leaned in and softly kissed Noah’s lips. Noah opened his mouth for his mate and Bastian slid his slick tongue into his warm, wet mouth. Noah moaned and his hand moved up Bastian’s stomach to his chest. He copied what Gabriel had done to Taylor and squeezed Bastian’s nipple between his fingers. Bastian groaned and thrust his tongue deeper into Noah’s mouth.

  Noah was getting dizzy from all the sensations running through his body. He felt Bastian’s hand on his face and the other on his hip, then another hand ran up his back and a shiver of lust ran through him. Both his mates were touching him. He loved it when they touched him. One at a time was wonderful, but both together sent his heart and mind soaring. Bastian pulled his lips from Noah’s slightly. “He loves when we both touch him, Storm,” Bastian whispered, his voice husky. Bastian reclaimed Noah’s lips a little more forceful this time, making Noah melt against him. Suddenly he felt warm lips on his neck. Storm licked a line from his shoulder to his ear and then drew Noah’s earlobe into his mouth, he sucked on it and then his mouth was running down Noah’s neck again, kissing and licking. Storm started to suck on his neck and the sensation made Noah’s hips start to rock. Bastian’s hands moved, one cupped the back of his head and held him firmly against Bastian’s lips, as the other slid from his hip and caressed across his bottom. Storm continued sucking on his neck as he felt one of his hands go under his shirt, and run up his stomach to his chest. Storm didn’t squeeze his nipple, he flicked it with his finger and caressed it. Noah was in heaven. His mates were being so passionate, but gentle with him. He felt the warmth of Storm’s body at his back, and he felt safer than he ever had in his life. He was cocooned between his mates.

  * * * *

  Bastian could kiss Noah all day. His little man tasted incredible. He was sweet, like honey, but masculine at the same time. Gods Bastian loved the feel, taste and smell of man, and fate blessed him with two. He needed to figure out what was going on before he lost this heaven. Noah started to grind his hips harder against his cock, and Bastian thought he would blow his load right now from the sensation. He could feel Storm’s hand running between him and Noah, and knew his mate was giving Noah’s nipple’s some attention. From the way Noah was grinding into him, he must love what Storm was doing. As much as he wanted to keep this up, he needed more. He needed skin, he needed slick bodies rubbing against each
other, he needed to fuck and get fucked. But not here, not in this office. Noah deserved more. Bastian pulled away from the kiss and Noah whimpered at the loss. Boy if that didn’t make Bastian feel like a God. “Let’s take this somewhere more private for our little man.”

  Storm pulled back and stood up. “I agree. I want to devour the both of you and I don’t want anyone walking in and seeing my beautiful mates’ bodies,” Storm said and picked Noah up off Bastian’s lap. Noah nuzzled his head under Storm’s chin and held on. Bastian stood and followed his mates from the room.

  Chapter 8

  They entered Storm’s bedroom and Bastian closed the door. Storm placed Noah on his feet and wrapped his arms around his waist, drawing their bodies together. Noah was much shorter than Storm so his cheek rested against Storm’s chest. Noah wrapped his arms around Storm’s waist and rubbed his cheek against his chest. Bastian stepped in behind Noah and wrapped his arms around both of his mates. He kissed the top of Noah’s head and then leaned over and captured Storm’s lips in a gentle kiss. They kissed softly, just pecking at each other at first, then Storm tilted his head slightly and pressed his lips to Bastian’s. He deepened the kiss, thrusting his tongue into Bastian’s mouth. He reached around and wrapped an arm around Bastian, and ran his hand up his back. Noah moaned from between them.

  They slowly pulled back and looked down at Noah. His eyes were full of lust and want, but there was a hint of fear. “Don’t worry, baby. We meant what we said, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You can touch us if you want, or just watch if that makes you feel better,” Storm explained and kissed his brow.

  Noah whimpered, he really wanted to be with his mates, he loved everything they did to him so far, but he loved watching them pleasure each other, too. He wanted so bad to please them, but he was still scared. He didn’t know what to do.

  Bastian kissed the side of his neck. “How about this, Noah? You sit and relax, get comfortable, and watch Storm and I. When or if you feel more comfortable about joining us, then you come to us. Do what feels right. Whatever you decide is okay. We won’t push you and we won’t be angry if you can’t,” Bastian spoke softly. Noah looked at him with relief in his eyes, and it broke Bastian’s heart to think about what happened to him to make him so scared. Bastian had firsthand experience with a cruel Master, so he knew exactly what Noah was feeling. He had been in Noah’s shoes once. Bastian stepped back and took Noah’s hand, he led him to one of the chairs that still sat next to the bed and Noah sat down. Bastian leaned over and kissed his lips, sliding his tongue in to steal a taste. Bastian straightened and ran a hand softly down Noah’s cheek, Noah leaned into the touch. Bastian smiled at him and winked. He moved away as Storm stepped closer. He, too, leaned down and kissed Noah’s lips.

  Storm straightened and turned to Bastian, his Beauty. As much as he wanted Noah to join them and connect with both his mates, he was a little relieved that it was just him and Bastian. It had been so long since he held him, naked in his arms as they gave themselves to each other. So much hurt and anger had passed between them lately and they didn’t know why. He missed his mate and wanted to reconnect with him. He wanted to know what it felt like to have his Beauty slide into him, to claim him. He shivered at the thought. He stepped closer to Bastian, their chest’s now pressed together and he cupped his cheek. Storm ran his thumb across Bastian’s bottom lip. “I have missed you, Beauty. I love you,” he whispered.

  Bastian drew in a breath at not only Storm’s spoken words, but the thoughts he was having. He could hear all his mate’s thoughts and feel all his feelings, and it brought tears to his eyes as he thought about all the horrible things he had said to Storm over the past few days. Storm must have understood the look on his face. He moved his hand to the back of Bastian’s head and put their brows together. “It’s okay, Beauty. It’s not your fault. We’ll figure out what’s happening to you, I promise. Let’s not think about that now. It’s all in the past, let’s move on. Love on me, Beauty. Take me, claim me. I need to feel you inside me.”

  Bastian was choked up from the emotions running through him. Gods, he really did love this man. Tears started to rim his eyes and he swallowed the lump in his throat. He kissed Storm gently as his chin trembled. A single tear ran down his cheek and mixed in with their kiss. Storm grabbed the hem of Bastian’s shirt and pulled the garment up over his head, Bastian lifted his arms so the shirt could slide off him. Storm dropped it to the floor and then removed his own shirt, releasing it to join Bastian’s on the floor. Storm popped the button on his jeans and slid the zipper down. He placed his hands on Bastian’s when he moved to do the same to his own pants. Storm shook his head and smirked at Bastian. Once Bastian dropped his hands, Storm continued working his own pants off. He slid his hands into the waistband and pushed the material down his hips and muscled thighs. His jeans dropped to the floor and Storm toed off his shoes and stepped out of his pants, kicking them aside.

  He heard a soft gasp from behind him and he looked over his shoulder to find Noah sitting in the chair with eyes wide open and his mouth hanging open. Storm smiled at him and then turned his attention back to his other mate. He reached out and popped the button on Bastian’s pants and slowly slid the zipper down, keeping his eyes locked with his Beauty. He flattened his palms on Bastian’s chest and slid his hands slowly down his silky-smooth skin, over perfectly molded muscles, down his six pack to his hips. He slid his hands across the bones of Beauty’s hips and slid his fingers into the waistband. His hands glided down Bastian’s hips and thighs, until his jeans slipped to the floor. Storm knelt down in front of Bastian and kissed the tip of his rock hard cock, causing the member to jump at the attention, and a shiver to course through Bastian. A drop of honey glistened on the tip of Beauty’s beautiful cock and Storm couldn’t resist tasting his mate. He flicked his tongue out and captured the clear drop on his tongue. Drawing it into his mouth he closed his eyes and moaned at the taste of his man. Storm opened his eyes and looked up at Bastian, meeting his heated gaze. Storm ran his hands down Bastian’s muscled thighs, caressed down his rock-hard calves and tugged on the jeans pooled at Bastian’s feet. He lifted one foot and Storm pulled the material off. Bastian raised the other foot and Storm helped him out of them and pushed them aside.

  Storm was kneeling at his feet, helping him out of his pants and Bastian couldn’t breathe. The things his mate was doing to his body made him shudder. He quickly glanced at Noah and found the little fae rubbing his cock through the material of his pants, as he licked his lips. His heated gaze was locked on what Storm was doing. Bastian smiled and looked back down at Storm. He ran his hands up Bastian’s thighs and grabbed onto his hips. Storm held his hips and licked the tip of his leaking cock. He nibbled the tip of the hard shaft and then slid his lips down the length, nibbling and licking until he reached the base. Bastian’s eyes closed at the incredible sensation of Storm’s lips on him for the first time. His head fell back on his shoulders and his mouth opened on a moan. He placed a hand on the back of Storm’s head, gently running his fingers through his soft, lustrous hair. Storm licked down further and sucked his sac into his mouth. He gently sucked as he swirled his tongue around the heavy sac. Bastian clenched his jaw and hissed when Storm sucked harder and seemed to try to swallow his balls, his hips jerked, pushing his hard, leaking cock into Storm’s face. “Oh fuck, babe...that feels incredible,” Bastian moaned out his pleasure. Storm did it again and Bastian’s knees buckled. Storm tightened his grip on Bastian’s hips and held him up.

  Noah swallowed hard as he watched Storm suck Bastian’s sac so hard that it made Bastian’s knees buckle. His mates were so beautiful together. The look of bliss on Bastian’s face made Noah want to experience that, too. He wanted to join them, but he didn’t want to disturb the scene in front of him. They were too engrossed in the pleasure they were giving each other. He was loving watching his mates. He licked his lips at the sight of another drop of liquid escaping from Bastian’s beautiful,
impressive cock. He wanted to lick it, to taste it. He swallowed again as the thought of taking his beautiful Bastian into his mouth made his cock even harder. He whimpered again as he grabbed his cock and squeezed the base to try to stop himself from exploding in his pants.

  Storm released Bastian’s sac and licked up the underside of his long, thick cock. He wrapped his lips around the engorged head and gave a small suck, causing Bastian to buck his hips again, forcing more of his delicious cock into Storm’s mouth. Storm’s head spun at the feeling that shot through him. He liked the feel of his mate’s cock in his mouth, the weight of him, the taste of him, and the smell of him, but what pleased him was the way his body reacted to Bastian forcing his cock into his mouth. He couldn’t deny himself anymore. He loved the submission that this position gave him. He wanted to be dominated. Storm wanted Bastian to fuck his mouth. He wanted his beauty to grab onto the back of his head and thrust his thick cock down his throat. He wanted to submit to him, to feel dominated by Bastian. His head started to spin at the confession. He was a leader, an Alpha, he should be dominating, not submitting, but damn if the desire wouldn’t go away. He hid from it for so long, but he couldn’t hide anymore. He craved this, and giving his submission to his mate only made him crave it more. He slowly took more of Bastian into his mouth. He sucked Bastian in until he felt the blunt head hit the back of his throat. He gagged and pulled back. But that feeling struck again. He wanted Bastian to claim his mouth. To fuck his throat so hard that he felt claimed in his mouth. He pulled off Bastian’s cock and looked up at him. Bastian’s eyes were full of lust, but they softened when their eyes met. “Is that what you really want, my love?” Bastian asked as he dragged the backs of his fingers down Storm’s cheek. Storm swallowed and nodded. “I don’t want to hurt you,” Bastian said lovingly.


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