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The Estian Alliance

Page 27

by M J Webb

  Jake gulped hard as he was forced to consider the impossible, the unthinkable. His blood boiled and he tightened his grip on his sword. “They’re just empty words, that’s all. It’s not gonna come to that. So, are we gonna fight? Or are we gonna talk each other to death?”

  “Ra! Yes, I did not expect you to yield. We have chosen our paths in life you and I, let us tread them now and see where they lead. You have been a worthy opponent for one so young, it will be an honour to send you to whatever lies beyond this life for one of your race.”

  “Yeah? Well thanks, but I wouldn’t count on it!”

  Jake suddenly rushed forward with unbelievable speed to begin the fight. His sword actually came within an inch of piercing Sawdon’s neck. The experienced warrior’s astonishing reflexes though, enabled him to swerve and bring his own battlesword across just in time to block the intended strike. Jake’s momentum took him past his opponent and he came to a sudden halt on the other side of him. He turned swiftly, but Sawdon had already recovered and was waiting eagerly for his next move.

  “Yes, good. An excellent attempt to gain a quick kill, fast and efficient. I believe this encounter may prove to be my toughest test so far.”

  “I’m glad you liked it,” Jake replied, his eyes fixed firmly on Sawdon’s blade. “Cos’ there’s plenty more where that came from.”

  The giant Thargw then began his first attack. His battlesword screamed down out of the sky and struck Jake’s blade with unbelievable force. The bone-crunching blow almost made him drop his weapon. However, Jake’s increased powers suddenly gave him an extra surge of energy, strength and speed. He moved so fast that his sword seemed to be blurred to Ben, who had now caught up with his friend and was watching anxiously from a partially concealed position just behind him. The fiery youth had ignored his friend’s orders and broken his promise. The moment Jake had gone in pursuit of Sawdon, Ben had dragged Verastus after Jake. He was now watching the fight with his heart in his mouth, as the injured Falorian and a few Estian warriors with him fought bravely to keep the enemy warriors away.

  Despite Jake’s awesome and increased powers, Sawdon managed to somehow combat every single move and attack he made. The Thargw warrior was astonishing, unbelievable! He was not only holding his own against the best of the Keepers, he was actually beginning to gain the upper hand in this fight! He quickly placed Jake firmly on the defensive.

  The two young boys could not understand or believe what was happening. Having not yet mastered full control of his emotions, Jake was shocked and stunned to find that he was suddenly wracked with fear. He was almost as distraught and dismayed as Ben, who was now beginning to really panic, as he feared for his best friend’s life. ‘How could this possibly be? The Keeper’s powers are supposed to be greater than those possessed by any living soul? So why can’t Jake kill him?!’ the youngster thought.

  Sawdon’s sword turned and gleamed in the morning sun and a reflection caught Jake squarely in the eyes, temporarily blinding him. The Thargw attempted to take advantage by using the same move which had killed Lord Castrad. Only, this time, Jake was equal to it. He sensed what was coming and blocked the attack, before immediately launching another of his own, once again aiming for Sawdon’s throat.

  The giant beast reacted swiftly, grabbing Jake’s wrist. With his superior strength he forced it against Jake’s chest and pulled him in close, so that the teenager could not move. It looked very much as though the fight was over. Jake was held in a tight arm lock that he could not break free from, and he was only a second or so away from death.

  However, Jake West was not finished yet. At the very last second, just as Sawdon was about to break his arm and snap his neck, he suddenly employed a tactic which came straight from the school playground. He brought his knee up hard and fast and caught the Thargw beast straight between the legs. The mighty warrior grunted in pain as Jake’s knee connected and his hold of the boy’s wrist released just enough for the youngster to break free. Jake immediately took a step backwards, mightily relieved and amazed to have survived the fight so far. It was only a few minutes old, but to his surprise and dismay he was already exhausted.

  But, so was Sawdon. “Graar… That was certainly different,” the Thargw stated, in his own way complimenting Jake on his lucky escape. “…But then, I should have expected it, I suppose. I shall not misjudge you again.”

  “Yeah, even us weaklings pack a punch. And you can’t hang around Ben Brooker for as long as I have without picking up a thing or two,” Jake replied, as he raced forward again. This time, his sword was low and aiming straight at Sawdon’s stomach, but as the warrior lowered his own weapon to counter it, Jake raised his swiftly upwards and to the right, then sharply to the left, hoping to cut off the Thargw’s head.

  Sawdon saw it coming at the very last moment. He ducked underneath the blade and it missed him by the smallest of margins, actually cutting his fur as it sailed swiftly past. His astonishing reflexes allowed him to immediately propel himself forward, whilst Jake was off balance. He knocked his young opponent to the ground and Jake fell heavily. His sword was ripped from his grasp by the weight of the fall. Sawdon saw this and reacted swiftly. He brought his battlesword down upon the defenceless youngster in an attempt to finish him off and end the fight.

  Out of sheer desperation, Jake moved rapidly to avoid the strike. But, he was not quick enough and the tip of the jintan blade caught Jake with a glancing blow across his back, which easily ripped open his flesh. Jake was now seriously wounded and completely defenceless, as Sawdon drew back his sword for one final strike. The mighty Thargw had proven by his actions in this battle and fight, why he was considered by many to be the greatest warrior who had ever lived. Now, he was at last about to take the life of a Keeper and destroy the hopes of millions. His sword came hurtling downwards, heading straight for Jake’s head. Jake saw it coming, but he could do absolutely nothing to avoid it. He had nowhere to go, no time to think, and no time to act. He was done for.

  * * *

  ‘Jake! Jake! Come to me now. The box is yours, it is fully restored.’

  Tien’s calm and trusted voice sounded loudly in Jake’s mind, just as his sword fell from his hand and he realised the fight with Sawdon was lost. The call he had been waiting for was as clear as a bell, but it was too late.

  ‘Oh great! You’ve got excellent timing, wizard, I’ll give you that!’

  A few seconds later, Sawdon’s battlesword cut into his back. It was now only a fraction of a second away from ending Jake’s life, as the Thargw warrior raised it to complete the kill.

  But suddenly, a Nadjan battleaxe came flying out of the crowd. It hurtled past Jake to lodge itself perfectly in Sawdon’s chest. The great Thargw fell backwards under the weight of the blow, stumbling several feet as he fought hard to remain upright.

  Jake seized the opportunity and reprieve to scamper frantically across to where his weapon lay on the ground. He turned around and stood up immediately, ready and willing to continue the fight, despite his open wound, ignoring the incredible pain which now wracked his entire body.

  However, Sawdon was gone! All that stood before Jake now were throngs of enemy warriors. Realising instantly that the fight was over, that he was wounded and needed help, Jake turned rapidly to make his way back through the Estian lines. As he did, his eyes searched thankfully for the warrior who had just saved his life with such an amazing, unbelievable throw. However, the only ‘warrior’ not otherwise engaged in front of him, was Ben?

  His best mate was grinning from ear to ear, looking ridiculously out of place in the midst of a ferocious battle. Jake joined him and they both began running back to their own lines. “Nah?” the young Keeper said as they ran, realising instantly that Ben was the only possible candidate for the throw, however implausible it might be. “No way! That wasn’t you?! An axe? How did you know how to throw an axe?”

  “‘Fraid so, pal. It was lying on the ground and it was the only thing I could find. Can’t
throw a sword like you. Not sure where the idea came from actually, I’ve never even held one before, never mind thrown one. But somehow, I just knew I could do it. I don’t know whether it was me, or if I was possessed or summin’, but either way it worked, didn’t it, eh? And you’re just gonna have to face it, aren’t ya? It was me. I saved your bacon!”

  After a short while, Jake slowed to almost walking pace, his breathing became ragged and his face lost all colour. Ben looked down with grave concern at Jake’s wound and he stopped. “Oh no, come on, let’s get you to Tien,” he said, placing his friend’s arm around his shoulder. He led him away as the Estian warriors around them closed the gap and covered their retreat.

  “It’s okay Ben, the box is restored,” said Jake, as they rushed as best they could to find their friends.

  “Great. Right, well then, let’s hope the stones can help with that little scratch you’ve picked up?” Ben replied, as he looked once more with increasing anxiety at the gaping wound. It was deep, and it was bleeding badly. “…Huh! Some people will do anything for attention.”

  * * *

  At the abandoned dwelling, Tien sensed that Jake was wounded. He said nothing of it to the others, for a more immediate danger had suddenly presented itself. The enemy warriors had finally breeched their lines and worked their way around the Estian positions. They were now in serious danger of being completely encircled, and the only option open to them was to withdraw. Tien explained the decision and situation to Harry, who relayed them to the rest. Whilst Harry was speaking, Tien called for a hornblower and the young boy sounded the recall.

  “Everyone, back to the square! Fall back now!” Tien shouted from the doorway, in a voice louder than anything heard before. Then, they all ran for their lives, the wizard clutching the box of stones tightly to his chest.

  “But, what of Jake and the others?” Graham shouted, as he helped his mother and tried to keep up. “We can’t leave him!”

  Harry replied on Tien’s behalf. His experience and knowledge of war, coming from years as a soldier, added further emphasis to the urgency of the command. “Look, I’ve seen this before many times, son. We’re out of time. If they outflank us, we will not survive. They will make it impossible for anyone to rescue us, believe me.”

  “We do, Harry, we do. Of course we do. We trust you with our lives. It’s just that… Well, what of Jake?” said Jean, out of breath but somehow managing to speak and convey her alarm.

  Harry looked at the worried and worn out faces of his wife and son, and he tried his best to comfort them. “He will hear the horn just like all the others. He is a Keeper. He will know what to do.”

  * * *

  Jake and Ben were making painfully slow progress as they tried to get back to the others. Suddenly, they heard the sound of a battlehorn ahead of them. “What..? What’s it mean?” asked Ben, startled and afraid.

  “It means we are losing. We’re in trouble,” Jake replied. “Come on, we have to hurry.”

  “Hey! You don’t need to tell me, I’m going as fast as I can you know. You’re a heavy lump to carry, put on a few pounds recently, have we?” the youngster teased, reverting naturally to humour as usual to mask his fear.

  Estian warriors of all descriptions began sprinting past them, desperately trying to save their own lives as the enemy hoards pursued them hard. Ben screamed out at a few for help, but to his dismay no one responded. Then, to his great relief, an unknown warrior took hold of Jake’s arm and his friend found himself being lifted from behind, carried swiftly away to safety.

  Jake turned his face around and saw immediately that it was Verastus. The Falorian had once again come to his aid in his time of need. “Oh, am I glad to see you!” he said, smiling weakly at the gentle giant. His strength was failing badly now, as the blood flowed from his gaping wound.

  “Yes!” yelled Ben, incredibly relieved and grateful to see his friend. “Great timing! Good for you, big man, good for you!”

  But, unbeknown to the two young boys, Verastus was really struggling himself now with the debilitating effects of his own grave wound. Still, he ignored his pain and the sapping of his strength and continued valiantly onwards towards the square, refusing to give up or give in, even though he could hardly bear the weight.

  “It is nothing. Consider this, my debt to you both repaid.”

  Chapter 24

  3rd September - The Main Square - Te’oull City - Siatol

  The exhausted and desperate groups of retreating Estian warriors converged on the main square where they ran straight into the waiting arms of Lord Caro and his captains. On Princess Zephany’s orders, they were halted immediately and sent to plug the many gaps that still existed in their new defensive lines. Before long, thousands of determined defenders were packed tightly into the small area and a strong pocket of resistance had been established, the last line of defence for the Alliance. Due to the large numbers contained therein, the Estian square spilled out on all sides with fighters who were forced to spread into the surrounding streets, creating a solid and immoveable wedge, a final barrier to the fast approaching enemy. It was one which could be easily defended, would be held at all costs, and hopefully prove very hard to take. The Estians were under no illusions that the battle was as good as lost, and that this was their last stand. If it wasn’t a fight to the death before, it certainly was now, for they had finally run out of ground to which they could retreat. Their fighting withdrawal had been swift and orderly for the most part and, just as Zephany had ordered, the enemy legions had been made to pay a high price for each yard of ground they had taken. They had also been slow to predict the Estian’s actions, failing to pursue them in time to prevent their escape, and stop those fleeing the battle from organising effective defences around the square. It was a mistake borne of overconfidence and one they would live to regret. In fact, only small sections of isolated Thargws had spotted the opportunity that had arisen to hasten the end of the battle, and tried to intervene. Though, their actions had been motivated more by a sudden lust for blood, rather than an appreciation of the military tactics required.

  It all meant that, for the moment at least, until her enemy advanced again and closed the gap that had developed, there was a lull in the battle and Princess Zephany found that she had time to check on her prisoner, Melissa. She wanted to ensure that her dangerous adversary was still held captive, bound and guarded. The young royal had no idea what she should do with her, she had thought it over several times but had still not made up her mind. She only knew that she did not want such an awesome warrior running loose in the midst of battle. ‘…Even a badly wounded trexonn still has teeth and claws.’

  “Kah! You are still with us I see?” Zephany stated as she approached the statue in the centre of the square where Melissa’s guard had sat her down. “…You have not managed to run off and join your murderous comrades?” The Sebantan warrior looked up at her royal captor with venomous eyes that seemed to burn right through the Princess, and immediately sent an icy shiver running down her spine. “Ra! If looks could only kill… Have I upset you in some way? You may have murdered half my people, but that was not my intent. Forgive me?”

  Melissa looked around her slowly, before reaching the inevitable conclusion once again that escape was impossible. “You have me bound, so I am your prisoner, it is therefore your right to mock me. I should have died in this battle. I would rather have my throat slit by a Dzorag, than live to bring such shame down upon my Sebantan sisters. This is no way for a warrior such as I to be treated, no matter what you are accusing me of. Give me a sword, and I swear I will do the job for you? No? This wound,” she said, indicating with her head towards her blood-drenched arm, “it may finish me yet, but seeing as you are all surrounded and soon to die anyway, why not release me now, and you and I can fight to the death, right here? Come on, Zephany! You hold all the advantages. I am certain to die, and you can then bathe in the glory of my defeat, for however long you have left in this life. You can use
such a victory to inspire your people in their last action? At the very least, I will go down fighting, as I deserve. Yargh! I am pleading with you to show some mercy to a fellow warrior, to behave with honour?”

  Princess Zephany was moved a little by the impassioned appeal, but not in the way that Melissa had hoped. “Frah! You really are full of your own importance! Your days have come and gone. You have served King Vantrax and done his bidding, you sell your sword to the highest bidder, you have no honour! So, do not presume to ask it of me! You and your King, my uncle, have sought to destroy this land, to tear apart everything we have built, everything we love. You may very well succeed in your efforts, for our numbers continue to dwindle and we are nearing the end. But, before you do, you will be forced to watch the bravery of the Estian people from up close. They stand before you now in their thousands and they will not yield, even though they know this battle, this war, is lost. And do you know why? They fight for a cause you will never understand, but after today neither will you forget. It will be the last thing you do in this life, to sit there helplessly and watch us die, to see what freedom really means to those who have had it taken away. Honour? Frah! You do not know the meaning of the word! You would not recognise it if it…!”

  “Princess Zephany!”

  An excited cry suddenly rang out from a soldier on the western edge of the square, interrupting the Princess as she was just about to vent her full fury at her enemy. “Yes? What is it?” she snapped, annoyed a little by the interruption.

  “It is the wizard!”


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