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Wizard of Elements

Page 40

by Calista Lambrechts

  I didn’t hesitate to run up the stairs, but soon found myself in another one of this tower’s many rooms. I scanned the area with haste, but found no signs of Murray. I soon realised that the old coot was probably off saving his books and thinga-majiggies! I made a run for the door, but another set of falling beams blocked my path, creating an explosion of smoke and sparks of flames that warded me off by a few stumbling steps.

  There was still a way to escape – the window. Yet, the urge to jump from an incredible height and most probably plead suicide wasn’t there yet.

  Smoke started filling the room, corner to corner, and left me trapped inside like some prisoner to fire.

  The smoke only grew worse and darker and started clogging up my lungs, burning my lungs and making it all the harder to breathe. I crouched down to the floor where my only hope of fresh air resided.

  I started feeling light-headed after a short while. I got to my feet and stumbled back towards the window, but fell on the way. I had to change my option from running to crawling.

  “Ah…” I gave an unwilling cough. “Terrowin that little bastard-” I paused to focus on my crawling and surroundings. A piece of wood caught my eye and gave me an idea. I hoped that Murray had insurance.

  I raised the block of wood and smashed the window to pieces, letting the window shatter into a million shards. I watched as the shards of glass fell to the ground, outside this godforsaken tower. I took a deep breath of fresh air from the outside. I sank to the ground and sat weakly and coughing, my back against the window wall.

  “He’s definitely back on the list. That is to say I don’t meet my end first.” I gave another few coughs and saw as my vision fought to remain stable.

  The window’s use for lending me fresh air started to fail and fade alongside the rest of my surroundings. The next thing I knew, another soldier appeared and squeezed through the beams. He met me with a devilish glare.

  “The tower’s on fire if you haven’t noticed!” I shouted over the loud noise of crackling flames and the chaos that environed us. The soldier didn’t reply and only took action. He ran towards me and raised his sword, actually having the nerve to strike at me. With shock and quick thinking, I quickly gave way by rolling to the side. The sword hit the floor, but shortly after regaining himself, the soldier was ready to make a Carlaylin-on-a-stick.

  The problem was that I was too weak to get to my feet, but used my wit (and intelligence of course) to my aid. The soldier struck again, but I gave way and swung my feet around his ankles. I gave but a forceful twist and sent the man flying through the window, falling.

  Trust me, there’s nothing better than giving flying lessons during a wildfire.

  I started growing more and more anxious. I was worried about Murray. I was worried about myself.

  Why did he have to go and save those freaking books and antiques of his? At least if he were here, I wouldn’t die alone…

  My breathing turned heavy and I witnessed as the roof started giving in and my backgrounds breaking down, tearing apart and shredding into utter chaos, everything demolished and eaten away by the murderous flames. There was nothing left I could do but sit and wait to see what fate had planned out for me as my vision started blurring and darkening.

  Death by fire… I guess... it isn’t… that… I…

  The noise around me faded away and left me to only the sound of my beating heart. I lost control over myself and slumped, collapsing to the floor.

  It left me to withstand the scenery surrounding me for a few more seconds before I unwillingly lost consciousness as the smoke consumed me and my thoughts.




  I woke up by means of a lick. I gradually opened my eyes, even though my eyelids felt pretty heavy and my body pretty stiff and ruined. I waited for my vision to clear and return to normal.

  I squinted my eyes as I caught sight of the sudden bright sunlight, but I soon got used to it.

  It was Ramses, my pet tiger, who was licking my face. I couldn’t help but groan and cough a few times, trying to gather my breath and gasp for fresh, fresh oxygen.

  My surroundings were in complete chaos. The entire tower was in ruins. Some parts of the walls still remained intact, but the rest has collapsed into piles of rubble and ash. I was coated in soot and dirt.

  I tried to get up, but couldn’t. My legs and the rest of my body were stuck in a pile of masonry and broken wooden beams. I struggled to get loose, but it was of no use.

  “Uh, Ramses, mind helping me out here?”

  The tiger didn’t take any action and kept staring at me. I gave a miserable sigh.


  Only then did he jump into action and tried to remove the masonry crushing my body and push them aside with his large head.

  Soon I was free and got to my feet, dusting myself off, coughing as the dust and soot encircled me for a second or two. I didn’t suffer any terrible wounds. Only a few scratches and minor wounds on various places, but nothing of concern.

  Ramses came to my side and rubbed himself against me like that of a cat.

  I smiled and returned a caress, but careful not behind the ears.

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  But it wasn’t long before I noticed some bits of his hair – also coated in patches of soot.

  “Your hair, they’re singed.” I knew that I couldn’t do anything about it, but I still felt pity towards my little tiger buddy.

  A thought suddenly came to mind. It shot into my head like cannonball.

  I gasped and looked around with alert.

  “Murray! Murray, where are you?”

  I immediately jumped into action and dug around. I searched for any possible signs of the wizard, but found none, though I did manage to come across a separate drawer lying on a pile of burnt wood and stone. I searched it and found nothing but the sacred dagger buried in the rubble. I dug it out of its prison and picked it up, throwing it in my slightly burnt satchel. The sight of a letter did manage to catch my attention though. The edges were slightly scorched, but other than that it looked unharmed. I dusted it off and decided to open it.

  Merlin V Thorel

  I have accepted your idea in battle and therefor am at your disposal. It is truly of the utmost importance that we have a man/wizard of your stature to aid us in this war. I have already sent some of my men to retrieve these items and some in search of these ruins.

  I believe that this might just work, but we will still need the help of your elemental magic and all of your kind hidden within the boundaries of Ysellian. I trust that you will gather all the necessary items in due time, for the great battle lies ahead and wait for us all.

  Brendwin has sent some of its troops to conquer Ysellian and fight for power, but we managed to fend off these attacks thus far. I do not believe this is the true battle. I believe that when the moons align, Brendwin will be ready to unleash its full power upon us. We must be ready for them. As you have heard, my men are already preparing for what we fear might lie ahead.

  Brendwin shall not gain Ysellian, but we will claim them.

  Lord Geoffrey Lanfred

  The king himself… Murray was busier than I once presumed he was. I can’t lie, though. The king had quite a majestic handwriting!

  I slowly lowered the letter and stuffed it in my pocket. Questions came rushing into my head, but I had no time for that. I needed to find Murray. I searched further on through the piles of this ruined tower and climbed some stairs, still mostly intact. I searched everywhere I could, but found no sign of Murray. Only other burnt and wounded corpses of the remaining soldiers stupid enough to try and kill us even though the fire was already at work.

  Ramses gave a loud roar. At first I jumped with shock, but soon looked down from the platform, only to see Ramses standing next to a body he had recently dug up. I gasped and rushed down the stairs, my head clouded with apprehension.

  I rapidly approached it.

  His cadaver was hugging what looked like the Star of Hallos. I took it from his hands and placed it into my satchel.

  Thereafter, my eyes met Murray. I swallowed and knelt down by his side.

  “M-Murry?” I stuttered, probing his neck and wrist for a pulse.

  “Come on, Murray. You can’t do this to me.”

  I started to panic, searching for any signs of life. I withdrew a dagger from my belt and held it close to his mouth.

  No vapour.

  No breath.

  I blinked.

  I held back a sob. Instead, I grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him.

  “Murray! Please!”

  He didn’t even move a muscle.

  “COME ON!”

  It felt as though my heart was burning, lurching, twisting, screaming.

  I tried again to transfer some of my energy power and heal him, bring him back, but nothing worked and he wouldn’t wake up.

  “Don’t tell me my healing powers are only a one time shot! Please don’t be!”

  I tried again, this time a tear escaping my eye. I felt numb.

  “URGH!” I grunted as I looked at the palms of my hands.

  “Why won’t you work?!”

  I couldn’t help but let out a scream.


  My lips quivered and I couldn’t take it anymore.

  Hadn’t there been enough? Enough people taken from my life? I had had more than enough.

  I tried to keep it together and collected myself a minute later. My momentary sorrow had been replaced by boiling wrath.

  I gritted my teeth and my eyes hardened.

  I noticed Murray’s amulet hanging around his neck. I snapped it off and studied it up close.

  It was a golden dragon curled up into one. I then stood and accepted my fate.

  Slowly, I threw the amulet around my neck and stared out in front of me.

  I knew from then on that I was the new Wizard of Elements, weather I liked it or not.

  This was my fate, my destiny, my responsibility.

  There was a festering anger that crept about inside me, a deep hatred that blackened my heart.

  My mind couldn’t dwell away from that one name that so clung to me: Thomason.

  ~Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us – unknown author~




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