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Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series

Page 58

by Rita Hestand

  "I know Samantha and her mother, a wonderful young woman. I'm so glad she's moved back into this area. Selma is doing much better since she came here." The man said coming around the desk at Jake.

  "Yes, I think so too." Jake acknowledged.

  "I'm very happy for you Jake. I do hope you'll be as happy here as I have been these past thirty years."

  "I'm sure I will, although, I will miss you."

  Gathering some paperwork on his desk, he handed it to Jake, "I'd like you to take these papers home, study them, and let me know if you have any questions, anything at all. We want you happy here, Jake. I know you will fit right in. You've never been a stranger here."

  "Thanks, I'll take them home and go over them, and I'll be in touch."

  They shook hands and Jake walked out of the office feeling better than he had except for when he asked Samantha to marry him. Now this good news made him feel like a king. If his family accepted it, then things would really work out well.


  It was strange, but there was someone he had to tell right away. He'd promised and he was going to keep that promise. He knew she'd be proud.

  Samantha's car was gone when he drove up and he hoped Selma was at home. She answered the door on the second knock.

  "Jake…oh you just missed Samantha…" Selma explained letting him inside.

  "I actually wanted to talk to you, Selma," Jake smiled.

  "Well come on in and sit down. You look…sort of excited. If it's about the proposal I know all about that." Selma beamed. "I couldn't be happier."

  "I'm glad. And I hope you are as happy about what I'm going to tell you too."

  Selma's head turned in question, "My, you are mysterious."

  "It's no secret that I passed the bar, and have been offered a job here in town. And it's also no secret I've enjoyed being a lawman."

  Selma nodded, "Yes, you are right. Everyone in town knows."

  "What they don't know is …Selma…I'm taking Reverend Miller's place. I'm going to preach…" Jake announced.

  Selma's eyes became big and round and tears formed in the corner of her eyes as she jumped up and grabbed Jake, pulling him to her, she cried out loud for him. "My God, that is wonderful news, Jake. Oh…I couldn't be happier for you…and Samantha. Does she know yet?"

  Jake shook his head, "No…not yet. I sort of promised to tell you first. I felt as though you shared something very precious with me the other day, and I wanted to do the same. You don't mind do you?"

  "Mind? Oh…Jake," Selma cried now. "This is the most wonderful news I've heard in a long time. I knew there was something about you. But I never once guessed. This is overwhelming. I'm so proud you told me first. And I'm so proud you will be my son-in-law. I've always thought so much of you. But now…this…" Selma reached up to kiss his cheek. "You've got to tell your family….too, and Samantha. She'll be…oh my. She will be so happy."

  "You think she will?" Jake smiled.

  "I know she will." Selma cried.

  "Thanks for being there for me, Selma. Somehow I knew you'd be happy for me." Jake said.

  She wanted to hear all about his decision and if he had talked to the Reverend, and how soon. She was so interested. Jake was glad he picked her to tell first. He knew Samantha would understand. For over an hour he talked with her and she confided more of what she wanted done when she was finally laid to rest. Jake assured her he would be there with her during that time too. Selma was grateful and happy and he left her smiling.


  "Jake? It's Bertha, she's running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She's so nervous. I don't know what to do with her." Samantha laughed into the phone.

  "You are still bringing her, aren't you?" Jake asked.

  "Oh of course I am," Samantha answered, "But if I drive up yelling for help, ya'll better come running."

  "We will. Is your mother coming?"

  "Of course, she wouldn’t miss this for the world." Samantha laughed.

  "Good, well, tell her everything is fine out here and we'll see her soon. I love you Sam…"

  "I love you too," she murmured breathlessly.

  "Was that Jake?" Bertha gasped as she walked into the living room where Samantha was arranging a hair piece for Bertha.

  "Yes, he says everything is fine out there and not to worry." Samantha smiled.

  Selma came into the room and watched the two of them as they fixed Bertha's hair with baby's breath.

  "Those always make a nice touch to any hair-do." Selma said as she handed Samantha more of them.

  "Aren't they lovely, you are gonna be one of the prettiest brides in the county, Bertha." Samantha declared.

  "Ah…go on. I'm too old for this….I shouldn't…"

  Selma shook her head and grabbed Bertha's hand. "Now don't you start that. Love knows no age and you know it. It's time the two of you became respectful after all. I mean what a scandal…" Selma chuckled.

  "Selma…we never…" Bertha's face screwed up in a frown.

  "Got ya, didn't I," Selma laughed.

  "I swear I'm so nervous I'll probably stumble over my own feet." Bertha tried to laugh.

  "And if you do, Cal will be there to catch you," Samantha reassured her.

  "He's a sweet old rascal, isn't he?" Bertha chuckled.

  Selma shook her head and laughed.


  Meanwhile back at the ranch, Cal was trying on his blue suit and fiddling with his bolero tie. Jake came in his room and nodded, "Now that looks much better than those tacky old flannel shirts you wear around the house. I hope Bertha is teaching you to dress better."

  Cal shot him a mock frown, "Don't even go there, she's already threatened to throw them out."

  "Good, you don't need them. Not with all the new shirts in your closet." Jake announced.

  "So…how do I look?" Cal asked eyeing his son.

  "I've never seen you look this good Dad, I didn't know you cleaned up so well," Jake chuckled.

  "Funny. I'm serious."

  "Dad," Jake turned him to look him in the eye. "You look great. You look happy, and you look nervous as a cat. And I've got something to tell you…something…I can't wait to tell you. I was gonna wait until the wedding was over. Until things quieted down, but you'll be gone a while, and I can't wait."

  Cal was keyed up, but he stared at his son with new anticipation. "Go on…tell me."

  "First of all, I proposed to Samantha…"

  Cal's face lit with delight, "Wonderful son…did she accept?"

  "I'm proud to say she did…"

  Cal studied his son again. "And the other…."

  "Dad, this is kinda hard…all these years. But it's finally happening, and I'm so happy, so content, so…afraid of disappointing you…"

  "What are you talking about," Cal frowned.

  "In college, my major was not law…"

  "Okay, so it wasn't law. What was it?"


  Cal tossed the word around as though it were not familiar. "Theology?"

  "Yes, I chose it then, dad. I always had an interest in it. I wasn't sure where it was taking me. But I felt I had to know. I tried putting it on the back burner so to speak, but…well… now…I'm taking Reverend Miller's place, as your pastor."

  Cal's eyes watered and he turned away. Jake knew he'd disappointed his father and wasn’t sure what to do or say.

  Jake hung his head, his dad was disappointed, it was the last thing he wanted to do on his wedding day. "I'm sorry dad…. I…"

  Cal reached around and stared into his son's eyes, then slowly pulled his son to him, "My God son, don't be. That's like telling your mom it's Christmas…she would have been so proud of you…" Cal burst out, trying not to slobber, but holding his son to him as though it were some miracle.

  "You're happy about it…then?" Jake nearly shouted pulling away to stare into his father's face.

  "Proud, happy, awed…what can I say….son." Cal choked up. "Oh I admit I'm stunned, I never s
aw this coming. Not once…"

  "I thought….I thought you'd be…upset..!" Jake cried out.

  Cal smiled then and pulled away, "You don't understand son. Naturally when you have kids you think…"he'll be president…" or something just as ridiculous. But your mother…well, she had her dreams too. And one of them was for one of you boys to grow up and be a preacher. If she could have heard you just now…my God, she would have fainted with joy." Cal said. "And it pleases me, that you've pleased her…"

  Jake began to choke up a little too, "Thanks for sharing that with me, Dad. And I think Mom knows. I think she has always known."

  Deke walked in and saw the emotion going on and started to leave but they motioned him in the room, along with Rusty.

  Cal looked down at the floor. "You all know I loved your mother, don't you?"

  Jake frowned and again got his father's attention, "Of course we do, dad. But Mom's gone and I'm sure she'd want you to be happy."

  "Yeah, she was like that, all right." Cal nodded sadly.

  "If it helps, Bertha is as nervous as you are…"

  "Really….great, we'll probably have to hold each other up," Cal chuckled.

  "That's okay, at least you have someone to hold you up." Jake beamed at his father.

  Suddenly Cal smiled at Jake, "You know this makes you the last bachelor on the 4 Bar None."

  "Not for long…"

  Cal was caught between a smile and a nod.

  "Yeah, I thought when you got back, if she still wants to, we would get married." Jake laughed.

  Cal glanced at Jake and reached out to hold his arm, "I'm glad son, really glad. Samantha is a great gal and the two of you will make a wonderful family. That's all I've ever wanted for all you boys. For you to be happy…"

  Tears welled in his father's eyes, and Jake loaned him a hankie.

  Deke and Rusty congratulated Jake, smiling at their father all dressed up. "Ready to take the plunge, Dad?" Rusty blurted.

  "As ready as I'll ever be, I guess." Cal chuckled. He glanced over at Deke and added, "Look, this doesn't mean we don't want the grandkids with us as much as possible. Bertha and I talked it over and she says she needs the noise…"

  "Dad you're not leaving home, you're adding someone to it," Deke reminded him.

  "Well, I know…but you know….what I mean."

  Deke smiled sardonically, "Yeah Dad, we know what you mean. All of us are happy for you. We all love Bertha."

  "Have you got the tickets for the cruise?" Cal suddenly asked Deke.

  "Of course."

  "Never been on a cruise before, Bertha hasn't either." Cal chuckled. "Hope I don't get sea sick."

  "Well, Emma and I have and it is wonderful dad, you'll love it." Deke assured him. "And they have medicine for that now, so if you do get sick, let them know."

  "I'm gonna miss everybody while I'm gone," Cal almost blubbered up again.

  "You won't be gone that long, Dad." Rusty laughed.

  "I still think you should have given me a bachelor party," Cal tried to sound hurt, but didn't quite pull that one off.

  "Well, if you didn't have to see everything on that cruise we might have, but you wanted the biggest package…" Deke reminded him.

  "Well, truth is boys, Bertha's never been many places, or had much good times. I wanted to show her the best. She's worked hard all her life and had very little. I aim to change that. Now she's gonna have a family bigger than she ever wanted, money she can spend on herself, and grandkids she can spoil." Cal chuckled, his face mirroring the feelings that gave him.

  Jake cleared his throat and nodded, "We are so glad you have the chance to go and have fun. You both deserve it, Dad. In case we haven't gotten around to telling you, you’ve been a super dad, all our lives. And we love ya."

  Cal's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked away and cleared his throat, "Good gosh Jake, do you have to get so darn mushy?"

  "Sorry dad, just wanted you to know…." Deke smiled.

  "We have one surprise for you and Bertha, but it's gonna wait until the ceremony is over and we've all had some cake. Just don't run off too fast, okay."

  "Now what have you characters gone and done?"

  "Nothing you don't deserve," Clint said coming in to join them.

  "I was afraid you wouldn't make it," Cal said reaching out to shake his hand.

  "To my daddy's wedding?" Clint chortled.

  "Is Abby here? Yes, everyone is here, in fact, I just saw Samantha pulling up." Clint said glancing out the window.

  "She's here…" Cal started for the door.

  "Oh no you don't. This is your wedding day and you can't see the bride until you start to marry. So settle down tiger. You've got plenty of time for that…" Clint held his father's arms.

  "Fine…if that's the way you want it." Cal acted hurt. "Where are the kids?"

  "Standin' around in the yard, chasing each other, and trying to tear up their clothes so their mama's can holler at them. I seen little Emily tastin' the cake with a finger, and Clay and Sammie Jo had their heads together about something." Clint announced.

  "It's a typical day at the Travers Ranch I'd say." Deke chuckled.

  Then they heard the music start, and all his boys looked at him. Cal stood up straight and headed for the door, almost on a run.

  A few moments later, Bertha came sauntering down the aisle, a little wobbly, but smiling at her Cal.

  Reverend Miller smiled at the congregation and began the vows that would make them man and wife.


  The reception was huge and the backyard seemed extended with people. Kids were running all over the place, hollering and whooping it up.

  Cal winked at Bertha and as they cut the cake he shoved a piece in her mouth. Jake took the picture.

  Bertha laughed so hard she started crying, Cal wiped her eyes and kissed her in front of everyone. Jake popped that picture too.

  "I love you, lady," Cal said throatily as everyone laughed.

  "Oh Cal…." Bertha hugged him to her. "I can't believe we've done it."

  After a lot of visiting with the guest, the boys loaded everyone up and told them to follow them. Deke seated his father and Bertha in their family car and drove to a grove down the road. They stopped in front of a cedar made house.

  Cal glanced at it and then at his sons, "What's this? I don't remember this being here."

  "It's a place of your own, Dad. Just big enough for you and Bertha and the grandkids to stay over at. Not a lot to clean, but big enough for sleep overs."

  "You boys did this…for us…" Bertha gasped.

  "Yes ma'am. Not that you aren't welcome to stay at the house, but we thought maybe you might like to stay here, at least when you first get back, you'd have a little privacy, if you know what I mean…" Deke winked.

  Cal nodded with a frown, "We're not that old, we know what you mean."

  Bertha cried and reached for each son, "My God, I never dreamed of anything so grand in all my days, such a beautiful place, and just down the road from you."

  Everyone in the crowd ooh and aahed the place, and they took a grand tour. It was a three bedroom, two baths, and two car garage home. It had all leather furniture, his dad's favorite chair, a kitchen Bertha could adapt to well and plenty of room in the spare room for kids to romp.

  Cal shook hands with all his sons and could hardly speak. But he did. "Want you boys to know something. I don't often say this, so listen up. I love ya. I'm proud of ya, and I'm about the happiest man alive today…thanks to my four sons and this remarkable lady…!"

  "Now, let's get back so you can dress for the airport and catch that boat for the Bahama's." Clint shouted.

  The boys tossed their stetsons in the air and everyone yelled and whooped.

  It had been the best of days.

  Chapter Nine

  With Cal and Bertha gone, the house seemed much quieter and Jake missed his dad. But the decision he'd just made for himself made him feel good again. This was going to make
a lot of things much better for him and Samantha and his family.

  But when and how to tell them about it was still up in the air. At least his father wasn't a worry any longer and he only had to deal with his brothers and Samantha. But he felt in his heart, Samantha would be very happy about it.

  He'd be home again too, at least in the same area. He could visit with his family any time he wanted. Samantha would be near her mother. It was perfect.

  He called Samantha on the phone and couldn't get her. Maybe she was out shopping or something. He'd try later.

  "You and Ms. Courtland are sure seeing a lot of each other," Sammie Joe smiled as she came in through the back door.

  Jake nodded, "Yeah, I guess we are."

  "You like her a lot, don't you…."

  "Yep…right again pumpkin."

  "Are you going to marry her?" Sammie Jo's face lit with new knowledge.

  "Yes, I am…is that okay with you?" Jake smiled.

  "It's more than okay…." Sammie Joe laughed and went to her room. Jake was sure she was probably calling Clay to let him know her plan worked. He laughed.

  But before he could get out the door, Sammie Jo was back. "Uncle Jake, what's it like."

  Jake didn't understand the question. "What, pumpkin?"

  "Being in love…"

  Jake thought about the question. He knew this was important to her, and he wanted to answer it with some thought, not just blurt out anything.

  "Well, it's a feeling you get, like you have to be with that one person all the time. Like you enjoy them so much, you don't want them going away."

  Sammie Jo nodded, "Yeah…you think I'll ever fall in love?"

  "Of course you will, honey. Almost everyone does, sooner or later." Jake reassured her.

  "But how do you know if it is the real thing…."

  Jake shrugged this time he didn't have all the answers. "There are ways. One way is to believe in God, and trust that he'll send you just the right person. And be true to your own heart. If something isn't right, you should feel it, in your heart first."


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