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Family Matters (The Travers Brothers Series): The Travers Brothers Series

Page 79

by Rita Hestand

  "Wow, Emily, you are growing up." Sammie Jo hugged her youngest sister.

  "He's cute," Emily whispered.

  "I know." Sammie Jo smiled.

  Cody watched the two of them scuffle a bit and laughed.

  But suddenly, Sammie Jo grabbed her father and hung on. "I'm sorry," she cried. "I should have been here. I'm such a coward."

  "No…" Her father looked deep into her eyes. "You shouldn't have. You're too emotional. You did what was best. I'm proud of you Sammie Jo, making your way in a new place, with responsibilities, speaks well of you. You've grown up. So now, tell me…how do you like Alaska?"

  "Oh Daddy, you wouldn't believe how beautiful it is. Even though I've sent you pictures on the net, they don't do it justice. The mountains, the snow, and the people. I love it there. I've found a home. Funny, but I never thought I'd say that. I never thought I'd ever live anywhere out of the state of Texas. But I love it there."

  Cody heard her gush about Alaska and smiled. He had been afraid she might not want to go home, but now he was sure she would.

  Deke looked at Emma and hugged her to him. "Good. Then I can sell this place and not worry about you so much."

  "Worry about me? But why? Why would you worry about me?"

  "Because I knew that a big part of your going away was the fact that I had to sell this place. A place you always called home. A place you loved. You and Clint, you always took to the land. But, Clint bought some land the other day, the other side of Ft. Worth, we're going to ride out there and look it over in a few weeks. He's gonna run a spread out there."

  "Cattle?" Cody asked.

  "Yeah, I got a few head to start with and one bull," Clint said.

  "Great. I'm proud for you Clint," Sammie Jo smiled and squeezed Cody's hand.

  Clint nodded.

  "Now enough about us let's hear from Cody. We want to know all about you, son." Deke smiled.

  Cody leaned back in the chair, and Sammie Jo sat in his lap. He opened up more than Sammie Jo thought he would. She was amazed.

  When it was time to retire for the night, Emma slept with Sammie Jo and Cody had to sleep with Deke.

  Before he got ready for bed, he looked at her dad.

  "Sammie Jo's been awfully worried about you, sir."

  "I figured as much. But the doctors are doing a good job. I'm better for now. We just have to wait and see what's gonna happen. But I'll tell you one thing."

  "What's that?"

  "I’m glad she has you. Real glad. A woman needs a man to lean on. She might seem strong on the outside, but on the inside, she's pure jello." He laughed.

  "Yeah, I think you are right. I gotta tell you though, I'm glad she comes from such a good and loving family."

  Deke glanced at him for a moment, as though thinking about his next words. "Well, the way I see it, you're part of the family too, now!"

  "Thank you, sir! That means a lot to me." Cody shook his hand.

  "All I ask is that you be good to her. You see I don't know whether she told you, but I adopted her."

  Cody's head flew up. "Really, no she never said a word."

  "She wouldn't." Deke smiled in reflection. "She doesn't think along those lines. Sammie Jo is special to me, and always will be. She brought my family together. My father adored her. She fits in so well, I almost forgot I adopted her when Emma and I married. We are a family that's all there is to it. And now…so are you."

  Cody nodded, he was speechless.

  "I only wish I could be at your wedding. I'm just not sure how things are gonna work out." Deke's voice grew gravely.

  "So do I…so do I."

  "Well, it's enough to know she'll be taken care of."

  "And I plan to make sure of that," Cody assured him.

  "Good. We better get some shut-eye. I'm sure Emma's got a full day planned for tomorrow." Deke chuckled.

  "Goodnight sir."

  "Cody, you can call me Deke, you can call me Father, but don't call me Sir. Makes me feel old."

  "No sir…I mean thank you Dad." Cody smiled.

  Deke nodded. "That's better."

  "I love your daughter."

  "I know…and I'm glad…" Deke smiled. "And I just had an idea, I think that would make this trip worth every penny. I can't go up there just yet because of the treatments. But what would you say to marrying her here?"

  Cody raised up and looked at him with a big smile. "You mean it?"

  "It would make me and her mother very happy if you would?" Deke said

  "Then let's do it, if Sammie Jo has no objections." Cody shook Deke's hand. "I just wish Uncle Jessup could be here."

  "Well why not? Give him a call. See if he can make down here, and we'll get her done."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Absolutely. I want to walk my little girl down the aisle." Deke said proudly.

  "I'll call him tonight then, if I can get through."


  Cody got up and walked down the hallway quietly.

  Sammie Jo heard him and came out of her room. "What are you doing?"

  "Your father has come up with a wonderful idea. I was talking to him about us getting married and he wants us to do it here, as soon as possible. What do you think?"

  Sammie Jo's eyes widened, "Oh….Cody…could we?"

  "Sure we can. I'm calling Uncle Jessup to see if he can come down here."

  "You think he will?"

  "You bet he will. He'll be here, don't you fret."

  "Oh…it's too good to be true…" She said and went into his arms. They kissed for a long time, then when Cody turned her lose, he called his Uncle.

  "Of course I'll be there. Just give me the directions." Uncle Jessup laughed into the phone.

  Cody nodded at Sammie Jo.

  She ran into her father's room and grabbed him. "Oh Daddy, thank you. I'm so happy."

  "You're happy. I was afraid I wouldn't get to walk my little girl down the aisle. And the fact that Cody was so agreeable…well, I don't have any doubts he's going to make you a good husband."

  "I've got to tell Mama." She ran in and woke her mother up.

  "Wedding. Here? Oh my God, that's wonderful, but we have to go get to work, planning. We've got to call Rusty and Hannah, and Jake and Samantha and Clint and Abby, and your great Uncle Wilbur. Oh, we can't sleep tonight, there's just too much work to do…" Her mother was hoping around the house like fire ants were after her.

  She put on a pot of coffee, and work the kids up.

  "A wedding, here!" Clint shook his head.

  "Yes, you're father wants to be at her wedding, and he's going to be at her wedding, no matter what, and you all are going to help me get things done." Emma cried.

  Sammie Jo and Cody sat at the table, she squeezed his hand. "So how do you like my crazy family?"

  Cody winked at her, leaned the distance to kiss her and smiled. "Our family!" He said, and kissed her once more, sealing the promise of true love.

  The End

  About the Author

  About the Author:

  Multi-published author, Rita Hestand brings you the box set of the Travers Brothers Series, Family Matters. You can also find a box set of The Amory's, Men of the Northwest, and The McKay's, Family Ranch.




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