Book Read Free

Love you to Death

Page 30

by Shannon K. Butcher

  Hope drove away all the pain lingering in his bones. “Chicago?”

  “I was thinking more along the lines of Haven. I want to be near Ashley.”

  “Move in with me,” he said without even thinking. But now that the words were out of his mouth, he felt like a genius. “I’ll fix the place up so it’s not such a hole. Get rid of the flowered wallpaper, get new carpet.”

  “I don’t care about any of that. I could live in a tent with you and be happy.”


  “Yeah, but I can’t move in with you.”

  His hopes deflated, and the deep throb of his wounds came back full force. “I see.”

  Sam walked into the room, and Trent was glad for the interruption. It gave him something to think about besides the gaping hole she’d dug in him with her rejection.

  Elise held up her hand to Sam, telling him to stay back, then took Trent’s chin and turned his face, forcing him to look at her. “No, you don’t see. I want to move in with you, but I can’t. Not yet. Ashley needs me now. But when she’s better . . .”

  Trent felt a victorious grin stretch his dry lips.

  “I’m going to be taking care of Ashley,” Sam announced.

  Elise sat up, staring at Sam in indignation. “What gives you the right to make that call?”

  “Ashley did. She doesn’t want to burden you. She asked me if I’d stay with her for a while so you wouldn’t.”

  “She doesn’t want me?”

  “She doesn’t want you to give up your life for her. Besides, I wasn’t there that night.” His mouth twisted around the words as if they left a bitter taste in his mouth.

  “So you don’t understand what she went through,” said Elise.

  “I won’t remind her of what happened either. And if she wants me to understand, she’s going to have to talk to me about it.” He put his hands on his hips, and Trent knew from a lifetime of experience that meant his brother was not going to back down. “You’d coddle her. I won’t.”

  “So, you’re going to ease her fears and help her readjust to life by being an asshole?”

  “No, but I’m also not going to let her skip her therapy sessions, and I won’t let her lie in bed all day anymore.”

  A guilty blush spread up Elise’s neck. “She’s tired. She needs her rest.”

  “She needs professional help, and I’m going to see to it that she gets it.”

  Trent hated seeing Elise wound up like this, but Sam was right. Ashley likely needed more than Elise was able to give.

  He stroked her arm, hoping to soothe her. “Let him try. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll be right across the street to set him straight.”

  She turned and looked at him. “I haven’t agreed to move in with you yet.”

  “No, but you will.”

  “I will, huh?”

  “I’m a confident man. I’m sure I’ll find some way to convince you. Whatever it takes. However long it takes.”

  “You can’t even get out of bed yet.”

  “I’m most persuasive in bed,” said Trent.

  Sam made a choking sound. “Clearly, I’ve come at a bad time. I’ll come back later, after all the mushy crap is over. I suggest you make it quick. Mom and Dad are on their way.” He left, closing the door behind him.

  “So, what do you say, Elise? Are you going to have mercy on a man who nearly died and give in?”

  She let out a gusty sigh, but a secret smile played at the corners of her mouth. “I suppose I can move in with you for a while. Once you’re back on your feet again, I can think of a few good uses for a man like you.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  She nodded. “At least three.”

  “Opening jars, killing spiders, lifting heavy things?”

  “Okay, maybe four.”

  She settled back down beside him, fitting at his side just right. “You know, if I move in with you, you may never get rid of me.”

  He was counting on it, but he decided to play it cool. No pressure. “Why’s that?”

  “Because the more I’m with you, the more I love you.”

  The words rolled around inside him, lighting up all the dark, weary spots he’d developed over the years. A wide grin stretched his mouth. “Maybe I should handcuff you to me.”

  “How about we save the kinky stuff for after the bullet holes close up.”

  “Good point.”

  “I’m trying to be serious here.”

  “Sorry. Must be the drugs. Go on with your seriousness. I’ll behave.”

  Her fingers laced between his and she held on tight. Trent didn’t think she even realized she did it. “What if this doesn’t work out between us?”

  “What if it does?” he asked. “I’m willing to take the risk. Are you?”

  “It scares me.”

  “That means you’re sane. Marriage is a big deal.”

  “Whoa. Who said anything about marriage?”

  “That is where we’re headed, Elise. There’s a lot going on right now, and we need time to adjust to it, but I love you, and I want you in my life forever.”

  “Marriages fall apart.”

  “Wrong. People let marriages fall apart. A good marriage isn’t something that happens to you; it’s something you make happen. You work at it, like my folks did.”

  “I never had a good example of a functional relationship. I don’t even know what one looks like. At least I didn’t until I met your parents. You were right. They still love each other after all those years.”

  “So will we.”

  Her voice was small and unsure. “You think?”

  “I know. I won’t let it happen any other way. I love you too much to let go. We’ll live here if you want, we’ll travel the world if you want; but whatever it is we do, we’ll do it together.”

  She shook her head, but her smile was as bright as the happy tears shimmering in her eyes. “You’re an amazing man, Trent. You actually make me believe in miracles.”

  “Who needs miracles when I’ve got the perfect woman?”

  Elise grinned. “Perfect, huh? I’m going to remind you of that every time we fight.”

  “Fine, but I’m going to remind you of it every time we make up.”



  The sound of Ashley’s blinds rolling up jolted her awake. The bright light streaming in through her windows made her groan.

  “Rise and shine,” came Sam’s cheerful voice. “Time to get up.”

  “I’m tired.”

  “Too bad. You’ve got things to do today.”

  He’d been saying that for weeks now, waking her up in the morning, whether or not she liked it. “I really hate you, Sam.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice. “I know. I brought coffee.”

  Ashley’s brain perked up at the thought. She pushed herself up, blinking so her eyes would adjust to the sunshine. “So, what’s on my schedule today that’s so damn important I need to be up before noon? I don’t have any therapy sessions.”

  “No, but my birthday’s tomorrow and I thought you might want to paint me something.”

  Ashley sipped her coffee, which was loaded with cream and sugar, just the way she liked it. “Yeah, right. Like I’m going to reward my torturer with a birthday present.”

  Sam sat on the edge of the bed, his blue eyes shining in the sunlight. How could anyone be so handsome first thing in the morning?

  “I’m partial to yellow,” he said.


  Ashley’s hands started to shake, making rings vibrate along the surface of her coffee.

  She’d been through a gallon of red and black paint in the last few weeks, but not one drop of any other color. She just couldn’t bring herself to put color back into her world. Her memories were all still covered in shades of blood and darkness.

  Gary was dead. He couldn’t hurt her anymore. She knew that, but he still haunted her at night. If it hadn’t been for Sam sleeping on the couch, only feet
away, she wasn’t sure she’d still be able to face the dark.

  He laid one strong hand on her knee. “I have to go to work now, but I’ll be back for lunch. I’ll make you some of that fruit salad you like.”

  Ashley nodded and watched him walk away, heard him get in his truck and drive off.

  Time to get moving. Staying busy helped her pass the time and kept her mind off the horrors she’d witnessed.

  She shambled out to her easel, coffee in hand. A blank canvas stood waiting for her. She had no idea what had happened to the painting she’d done yesterday—Sam always took them and put a fresh canvas up for her—but she was glad that whatever dark, bloody mess she’d painted yesterday wasn’t staring at her.

  Today was a new day. A fresh start.

  Tomorrow was Sam’s birthday. He liked yellow.

  Ashley’s hands shook as she picked up the tube of yellow paint.

  The first few strokes of color burned her eyes, but something inside her shifted, loosened. Relaxed.

  Her brush flew over the canvas, and before she knew it, sparks of green and swaths of blue appeared, revealing a field of daisies.

  It wasn’t her best work, and she wasn’t sure how a macho guy like Sam would feel about daisies, but for the first time since the night Gary had abducted her, Ashley smiled.

  Dear Reader,

  I’ve always said that reading a romance novel allows us to fall in love all over again without cheating on our spouse. So, when I say I’m in love with dozens of men, my husband just rolls his eyes and grins. He knows he’s at the top of my list.

  As the heroes of my first published novels, the men of the Delta Force trilogy hold a special place in my heart. David is the grieving widower from NO REGRETS, Caleb is the guilt-ridden soldier from NO CONTROL, and Grant is the lonely playboy from NO ESCAPE. I love them all, and I hope you will, too. Those boys need all the love they can get.

  Of course, each one of them has eyes only for his special lady, but that’s okay with me. If they didn’t, I don’t think I’d love them nearly so much.

  So, if you’re looking to fall in love with some handsome, sexy, noble men, there are three special ones I’d like you to meet…



  Where authors give you the inside scoop!

  From the desk of Shannon K. Butcher

  Dear Reader,

  For thirty days, I lurked inside the mind of a deranged serial killer. And let me tell you, it may be an interesting place to visit, but I’m glad I don’t have to live there. Thirty days was long enough, and I spent every one of them looking over my shoulder, in the backseat of my car, and under my bed. Just in case.

  Luckily, I had some professional help with the profile for the killer in LOVE YOU TO DEATH, but little did I know how much more it would creep me out when I realized I was creating this character from bits and pieces of real people and real crimes. In fact, it creeped me out so much that the security system and our dog were no longer enough. I went out, bought a gun, and learned how to use it, just in case someone like Gary decided to come calling.

  Ridiculous? Probably. But my SIG SAUER, its magazines holding eighty bullets, and I all feel much better.

  This book opened my eyes to a world that I’d never really thought about before. Sure, we see reports on the news about murder and abduction, but there’s always a kind of distance to those stories. This project forced me to put myself inside the heads of both the victims and the killer, and after doing so, every story I’ve seen on the news has suddenly become real—a waking-up-with-nightmares, buying-a-gun kind of real.

  Being able to write about two people who fall in love during such a difficult time was something I wasn’t sure I could do, but I hope I pulled it off. Elise and Trent and their love for each other brighten up the darker parts of this book, and their relationship highlights just how important it is to have someone to lean on when things become impossible.

  I won’t spoil the end of LOVE YOU TO DEATH, but I can confidently say that I’ve never felt more satisfied with the justice I’ve inflicted on my deserving characters than I did with Gary. I hope you agree. And if you do decide to crawl inside the mind of a serial killer by reading this book, I recommend doing so with the lights on and the doors locked.


  From the desk of Kate Perry

  Dear Readers,

  Hot naked men!

  An unorthodox beginning, I know, but you have to admit it caught your attention. Also, it’s vastly more interesting to talk about hot naked men than it is to discuss, say, tutus. Not to mention that hot naked men and my Guardians of Destiny series go hand in hand. Tutus? Not so much.

  For instance, in the first book, MARKED BY PASSION, we have Rhys, the British bad boy who’s got it all—except the woman who sets him on fire. Rhys is hot on so many levels, and when he strips down… I’d suggest keeping an extinguisher on hand.

  And then there’s Max, the hero of CHOSEN BY DESIRE, the second Guardians of Destiny novel. A past betrayal has Max closed off—until he meets the right woman, who makes him want to bare it all. Naked, he’s a sight to behold. Plus, he’s got a big sword, and he knows how to use it.

  Unclothed, finely chiseled men. Sassy heroines who tame them. Kick-ass kung fu scenes. Much more exciting than tutus, don’t you think?

  Happy Reading!

  From the desk of Sue-Ellen Welfonder

  Dear Reader,

  Sometimes people ask me why I set my books in Scotland. My reaction is always bafflement. I’m amazed that anyone would wonder. Aside from my own ancestral ties—I was born loving Scotland—I can’t imagine a place better suited to inspire romance.

  Rich in legend and lore, steeped in history, and blessed with incredible natural beauty, Scotland offers everything a romantic heart could desire. Mist-hung hills, castle ruins, and dark glens abound, recalling the great days of the clans and a time when heroism, loyalty, and honor meant everything. In A HIGHLANDER’S TEMPTATION, Darroc MacConacher and Arabella MacKenzie live by these values—until they are swept into a tempestuous passion that is not only irresistible but forbidden, and acknowledging their love could destroy everything they hold dear.

  In writing their tale, I knew I needed something very special—and powerful—to help them push past the long-simmering feud that could so easily rip them apart. With such fierce clan history between them, I wanted something imbued with Highland magic that would lend a dash of Celtic whimsy and lightness to the story.

  Fortunately, I didn’t have to look far.

  One of my favorite haunts in Scotland had just the special something I needed.

  It was the Thunder Stone, an innocuous-looking stone displayed on the soot-stained wall of a very atmospheric drovers’ inn on the northwestern shore of Loch Lomond. Said to possess magical powers I won’t describe, the stone is often borrowed by local clansmen. I’ve eyed the stone each time I’ve stopped at the inn and always thought to someday include it in a book. A HIGHLANDER’S TEMPTATION gave me that opportunity.

  Changed into a prized clan heirloom and called the Thunder Rod in A HIGHLANDER’S TEMPTATION, the relic provided just the bit of intrigue and lore I love weaving into my stories. I hope you’ll enjoy discovering if its magic worked. Hint: Darroc and Arabella do have a happy ending!

  With all good wishes,




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