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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 21

by Ami Snow

  “I hope you didn’t mine me kissing you today,” Sally asked him. “But that guy was driving me nuts. He asked me for my phone number, can you believe that?”

  “Yes,” Mack replied. “I don’t think a lot of these guys get out much. They remind me of the old film collectors I used to run into in LA. These guys lived in houses built to look like theaters and had their windows painted black. They spent all their hours at home running real film through projectors. A lot of them were divorced. Too many wives saying ‘You paid how much for what?’”

  Sally laughed and resumed eating her salad. Mack tried to keep her interested by telling her how helpful she had been that day. He also told her some stories of her dad and him when they were both on the bodybuilding circuit.

  “The first thing I can remember as a kid is dad telling me not to touch his trophies,” she told him.

  “Yeah, he can be sensitive about that,” Mack replied. “Most of us can. It’s all we have sometimes of the glory days.”

  “You were married twice, right?” Sally asked him.

  ‘Yep,” he affirmed. “And both of those women are as far from me as I can keep them.”

  “I’m so surprised to hear it, Mack,” she said, slowly putting some food in her mouth while looking at him. “I think any woman wouldn’t want to give you up. I can’t understand why they would.”

  “People change,” he told her, trying to move to conversation. “You wake up one morning and the woman you thought was perfect isn’t. Simple as that.”

  “Too bad for them,” she told him, looking at Mack with her big eyes. Mack didn’t like the direction the conversation was heading and asked her about her career plans. Sally told him she’d graduated early and was looking for a job.

  They went back to the motel room and Mack let her use the shower first. He watched some TV and did a few exercises while he heard the water running. As much help as Sally had been to him, he was looking forward to this weekend being over. He didn’t like the direction she had taken their discussion and knew where it would lead. And, dammit, she was nice looking too. He kept thinking about those big breasts of hers and how much he’d like to be kissing them.

  “Don’t even think about it,” he told himself while watching TV.

  Sally came out of the shower with her hair in a towel and wearing a robe. Mack excused himself, went into the bathroom and took his shower kit in with him. He took some blood pressure medicine his doctor had put him on and stepped into the shower. It felt good and he needed it. He looked down and saw “Little Mack” starting to rise a little. Well at least that much of him still responded to pretty girls. In a few years he might have to take some of those little blue pills, but not now.

  Sally was in her bed watching him when he came out of the shower. Mack had his muscle shirt and shorts on again. He thought maybe it wasn’t the best thing to do, but he was tired and went directly to his bed. He pulled up the covers and crawled under them.

  “I’m getting up to hit the workout room they have here at six in the morning,” he told Sally as he turned off the light. “I’ve set my phone to wake me up on vibrate, so it won’t bother you.”

  “You can bother me all you want,” he heard her say from the darkness. Mack turned away from her and tried to go to sleep.

  He was in the middle of a dream which had him in on the stand receiving another medal when the hand touched his back. He woke up instantly and remembered where he was and who he was with. Mack rolled over to feel Sally under the sheets with him. She was no longer wearing her robe or anything else.

  “Mack,” she said in his ear. “I’ve had a crush on you for a long time.”

  “Sally,” he said to her. “I can’t do this to your father. I would never forgive myself.” He rolled back away from her.

  “When I turned eighteen I snuck down and watched you work out at the gym,” she told him. “I wanted to surprise you but I didn’t.”

  He was feeling something on his back other than the warm body. It felt wet and Mack realized it was her tears. Sally was crying silently.

  “Mack,” she said. “Make love to me. I’ve had other men, but I always imagined them to be you.”

  He felt Sally’s arms come around and hold onto him. This was getting ridiculous. He had a naked adult woman in his bed and he was turning her down. All he had to do was roll over the other way and she would be on top of him with her hot mouth and soft breasts. He was getting very hard and that was not a good thing right now.

  “Sally, go to sleep,” he said. “I’m going to forget this happened. You need someone your age, not a washed up lifter who can’t even support himself.”

  He felt her arms leave his side, but she eventually did go asleep. He managed to get some sleep too. In his dreams he had nightmares of trying to explain to Fritz what had happened.

  Mack got out of bed before Sally, who was still sleeping next to him, woke. He stole away to the gym in the hotel and pumped plenty of iron before returning. After a quick shower in the gym he headed back to the hotel room, expecting the worst. There is nothing like a woman who has been refused.

  Using his pass card, Mack opened to the door to find Sally sitting on the bed in her Roman toga outfit. She looked beautiful in it and Mack swore to himself she resembled some Italian actress from the days of sword and sandal movies. He didn’t know what to say after last night, but he could tell there was some hurt inside her the way she wouldn’t look him in the eye. He told her he was heading down to the exhibit room and she was welcomed to come along. Sally told him she might be by later; she wanted to check out the rest of the event on her own. He told her to check in with him if she needed anything and left the room.

  Mack spent the day selling his autographed photos and posters. The crowd was steady, but not as eager as the day before. He missed having Sally around. She gave him someone to talk to and he looked for her among the crowd of fans circling through the halls of the hotel. There were plenty of people in all sorts of costumes, so a woman in a toga didn’t look out of place. He spotted her a few times leading a few men her own age around looking at the exhibitors and what was for sell. Mack felt relived, perhaps being with guys her own age would help her. She really didn’t need to be obsessing over him, not with all the baggage he carried.

  Toward the end of the day Mack started getting a little concerned. It had been a few hours since he’d seen Sally wondering around and he was starting to get worried about her leading these fan boys around. There were plenty of professional models who knew how to work the crowds, but they did it for a living. Try and get one of them to star in a micro-budget movie and little Miss Clear Skin would turn into a harpy and give you her agent’s card. Mack had decided by eight in the evening to call it a day and put all his memorabilia away. He’d made a decent amount of money, but not as much as the day before when Sally was helping him work the booth. He still wondered where she was.

  It was ten o’clock when he was in the bar watching the news that Mack heard something he didn’t like. A couple of nerds where out in the hall talking about a blond chick with big tits who was knocking them back at a party on the second floor. He listened to the description and realized they were talking about Sally. Several guys even claimed to have gotten her to drop her top and take some pictures. This was too much for Mack. If she had wanted his attention, Sally had got it now. He paid for his beer and went off to find Fritz’s daughter.

  The party had spilled out from the suite and into the hallway. There were fat guys in t-shirts everywhere. Every other person outside the party was wearing some kind of zombie makeup as well. As he walked up to it, he heard Sally let out a whoop as a voice of some young guy yelled out “Now take that off!”

  Mack went right to the door to the room and started to enter.

  “Private party,” a sleepy guy said at the chair. “You need an invite.”

  Mack put his face directly to the face of the skinny young man in the chair.

  “I’ve got a personal in
vite!” he said, his face two inches away from the young man’s.

  “I’m sure we can make an exception for celebrities,” the guy said as Mack pushed him aside.

  Mack walked into the suite. It was trashed with candy corn and potato chips crushed all over the floor. In the middle of the room was a large bowl everyone was drinking out of with a hand-printed sign on it which read: “The Living Dead”. But in the far corner of the room Mack saw Sally. She still had her top on the toga up, but her ample breast where spilling out of it. She was laughing her head off as two guys were trying to feel her up from either side.

  “Sally!” Mack yelled at her from across the room. “It’s time to go!”

  Sally turned to face the direction from where he’d yelled and her face went from one of laughter to sorrow. She started crying again apologizing. Mack strolled across the room, pushed four fans out of the way and took her with him. All he remembered hearing as he pulled Sally out of the room was a voice cry out: “Did you see him? That was Black Hercules!”

  Mack took her back to the hotel room and poured water down her till she sobered up. It took a few hours, but soon Sally was sleeping peacefully in her bed. At least he wouldn’t have to explain that to Fritz. Mack sighed over how the day had turned out and went to bed.

  She was back again in his bed. This time he felt her tongue in his ear. How did Sally know he liked that? She was naked and sober. Mack rolled around to face her. God, she was beautiful. Her hair streamed away from her fact like gold in the dim light of the hotel room. Mack could hardly see her but he could feel Sally all over him.

  “Please don’t turn me down again, Mack,” she said to him sliding her hands up under his shirt. She slid one thigh between his legs and put her lips to his for a long slow kiss. He could feel the softness in her body and the desire inside her heart. She wanted him very bad. No fan had ever shown so much drive to make love to him before. He’d be cursed if he made love to Fritz’s daughter right now, but damned if he didn’t.

  “Sally,” he said. “I have one question for your: are you on the pill?”

  He could feel her smile in the darkness. “Yes, Mack,” she said. “I started it before I came home.”

  “Good,” he said and removed his shirt and shorts.

  He turned her over and began working on her back while licking down her spine. Sally tasted of youth, green things just coming into ripeness. She moaned as he traced down with his mouth to her back side and down her thighs to her tanned heels. She lifted up one leg to let him work on the inside. He spread both of her legs and began working up the inside with his mouth until he had reached her soft wetness. Mack made sure she was soaked and ready for more before he came up behind her again and pulled her body up from behind.

  “Oh God,” she said. “Your arms are so strong. I get wet just thinking about you.”

  He entered her slowly from the back, pushing himself deep inside her and stopped. She made small sounds and begged him for more as he pushed in further, feeling her all around him. Sally held him in and tightened just a little bit as he pulled out.

  “Fill me up!” she begged him. “I want you inside me and hard!”

  Mack began pumping steadily, feeling her young back on his face. He turned her head around and began kissing her as he thrusted inside her with increasing speed. Mack found the angle she loved and began to work it. He could hear her getting closer and closer to an orgasm as his thick black cock ground inside her flesh. Sally began breathing heavily and he knew she was close. She jerked away from him and bit the pillow to suppress screaming. Mack knew she was finally there and eased up a bit. As she jerked back to him he held her tight against his body and unleashed the full force of his cum. She gaged as he let it fill her, she felt warm inside and knew he’d reached his climax too.

  They made love several more times that night, each one more intense than the last. In the morning Mack almost forgot to get up for the show. When they did make it into the exhibit hall, Sally was holding Mack’s hand all day long and never left his side. A few of the other exhibitors looked at them and smiled. It wasn’t unusual for people to hook up at conventions, but few did so who had already came together.

  Mack noticed a number of the fan boys from the party where he’d rescued Sally the previous evening avoiding his table. He caught one of their eyes when sally was cuddling him from behind and winked at him.

  Not bad for an old man, he thought to himself.

  There remained the matter of what to tell Fritz, Sally’s dad. As they were packing in the hotel room, they discussed what to do. Mack sat on his bed with Sally in his arms and tried to come up with a solution.

  “I can’t let you go,” she told him. “I’ve always wanted you, Mack.”

  “Sally,” he said. “Where have you been all my life? You give me so much and ask for so little. What future can you have with me?”

  “Any future you want,” she said. “I want to have your name next to mine. I want to have children by you. Why can’t you understand it?” And she began to weep again.

  Sally took Mack to his bungalow and stayed for a long time when she dropped him off that Sunday evening. They both agreed Mack and her needed to talk to her father sooner than later. They went up to the main house with her holding on to one of his massive arms. Mack felt like the world was either going to end or begin anew. But if it went bad, he only had himself to blame.

  Fritz was in the kitchen by himself when they walked in. They really didn’t need to say anything. He saw his daughter holding the hand of his old friend and he knew.

  “Mack,” he said. “I just want you to understand it turned out the way I’d hoped. You don’t have to say a word. I can tell by the way she’s standing next to you what happened. All Sally ever used to ask about was how you were doing and did you need any help. I watched her glow every time you came up to the house. It’s a little strange to have an old buddy as a son-in-law but I’ll manage.”

  Sally ran and threw her arms around her father.

  Sally and Mack were married a month later in a small ceremony in the back yard. She’d already moved in with Mack. His career took off again with her to manage it. They now have a production company in the Delaware area where Mack shoots fitness videos with the help of his wife, Sally.


  Admiring my Dad’s Best Friend


  By: Amanda Bolton

  Lana zipped up her overnight bag and turned to her father, who was leaning against her bedroom’s doorframe. He extended his hand to grab her bag but she waved him away. “I can take this one down, dad. Thanks.”

  “Alright, if you want to be the tough girl.” They both laughed. “The rest of your gear is in the car, sweetie.”

  Lana nodded, placing the strap of her bag over her shoulder. She leaned over to get her purse and walked out the door of her room, her dad following behind her. She went straight to her car and placed both her overnight bag and purse on the passenger seat. She turned to her dad and he opened his arms for a hug.

  “You take care out there and have fun. I’m not quite sure what ‘Ladies’ Camping’ is but enjoy it.”

  Lana laughed as she sat in her car. “It’s just camping, dad. You’re the only one calling it that.”

  Her dad chuckled. “Did you say you were going up to Pine Creek Mountain?” She nodded. “Great, then I was right to tell my buds to keep an eye on you.”


  “Brandon and Rowan are up there already, camping for the weekend. Tried convincing me to go but I said my daughter wouldn’t want me hanging ‘round on her big ladies’ getaway.” He winked at her and they both laughed. “It does make me feel better to know they’ll be in the vicinity, in case you need something.”

  Lana nodded, “Don’t worry, dad. Everything should be fine.”

  It was only 11:30pm on their first night there but the girls were already tipsy and having a great time. They had set everything up as soon as they arrived, grilled so
me food up, and then started the drinking games. It was not long before some of the girls started to feel drowsy, worn out from the drive and set up and lulled by the alcohol.

  “Ladies, I think it’s time for bed.” Sharon stood up, struggling to stay balanced, and made her way toward her tent. “It’s been fun! But I don’t want to be dying tomorrow from sleep deprivation and trying to nurse a hangover.”

  The other friends agreed and began moving around, cleaning up and putting out the campfire. Lana, however, was only slightly tipsy but not at all tired. She helped her friends clean up and set up her tent for bed so it would be ready when she returned. She pulled her camera out of her purse and looked around. It was a beautiful and peaceful night, the stars twinkling in huge groups scattered across the dark blue sky.

  “I’m just gonna go take some photos,” she told her friends. They waved her away casually as they got ready for bed.

  “Be careful. Take your phone, in case anything comes up.”

  Lana nodded, checking her pocket to make sure her cell was in there. She hung her camera around her neck, pulled on an over shirt, and started walking. She clicked pictures of the sky, the trees with the starry backdrop, even photos of the trees angled up from the ground. After wandering for nearly thirty minutes, she spotted a campfire not too far off. She walked quietly toward it, curious to know who the nearest neighbors were. She took extra care not snap any twigs as she treaded lightly, not wanting to alarm whoever’s camp she was approaching. She stood behind a tree and peered out from behind it. As her eyes came into focus, she noticed there were only two tents near the fire. She did not see anyone until a few seconds later, when she caught movement out of the corner of her eye.


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