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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 25

by Ami Snow

  The car dropped Rory at the Ritz Carlton where he was staying and Joshua told the chauffeur to drive around and show them some of the sights of his beautiful city. The man headed up Saint Georges Terrace and at the crest of the hill swung left into King’s Park, a huge tract of natural bush land right in the city centre overlooking the Perth CBD and with a panoramic view of Perth Waters and the even larger Melville Waters, where the Swan and Canning Rivers meet. Parked in the look out with the vehicle lights twinkling below them on the freeways and the colorful well lighted narrows bridge dividing the two huge expanses of water, Joshua opens a bottle of Boërl & Kroff Brut Rose Champagne and pouring it into two crystal goblets proposed a toast, “To a wonderful evening with a beautiful girl. Here’s to you Lisa, thank you for just being you.” Lisa winked at him and said, “Kentucky bourbon, and now a one thousand pound per bottle champagne, you a bit tipsy boss?” Doing his best to make his masculine and extremely handsome features leer Joshua quips, “Most indubitably my dear, now I am trying to get you drunk too, so I can take advantage of you in this magical place on the other side of the world I have brought you too.” Lisa bolted upright, saying nothing she slid over and opening the door dashed into the night. Halting her headlong dash beneath an eight hundred year old baobab tree which had been transported over a thousand miles from the states North West, Susan admonishes herself, what was I thinking? It was an innocuous enough thing to say, just his way, it didn’t mean anything. Then busting into tears she realizes that is the problem, she wants it to mean something, finally admitting that she is love with her urbane, sophisticated and excruciatingly handsome boss, and has been for a long time, although at first it had just been a school girl crush on her father’s friend. Always the competent and capable secretary, she never even let on to herself what she felt for this man, why she never dated, and why she was still a virgin at twenty two years of age. How could she continue to work for the confirmed bachelor now? Her sobs grew louder as she tried to control her erupting emotions, now the damn has burst on her innermost feelings the floodgates open and the passion and desire explode into her naïve consciousness. The knowledge that this seemingly futile love for her boss was going to ruin her career and her life was so terrifyingly torturous she just wanted to die. Suddenly two war arms embrace her and he is there, holding her silently, letting her vent her shattered equilibrium all over his tuxedo. “Lisa, I am so sorry, please forgive me. The success at the tables, and too much bourbon, made me a heel. I didn’t mean to scare you. I respect and care about you too much to ever cause you a moments distress. I behaved like a damned fool, I know you respect me and give me one hundred percent every day and I stupidly thought it could be more. Please just give me another chance and I promise nothing like that will ever happen again.” Crying more now as the man held her tightly and in a fermented stupor tried to placate her, she wrapped her hands around his neck and whispered into his ear, “I want it to be more too, much more. I just never knew that you did.” Turning his head he leaned down and placed his lips on hers. Expertly he encouraged her to part her teeth and his hot wet tongue slithered gently into her mouth. Learning fast Lisa opened her mouth wide and entwined her own tongue around his. The stood there under the ancient and magical Baobab tree and did what a thousand years of lovers had done beneath its mighty branches. This was her first real kiss and she never wanted it to end, she wanted to stand under this tree forever kissing Joshua. Taking her arm he lead her back towards the waiting vehicle, “Let’s go home Lisa.” The two had stayed in most of the grandest hotels around the globe and she knew what the euphemism meant. In the luxury of the limousine again it was Lisa that reached for the goblets this time and handing him one asked quietly, “Would you repeat the toast again please Josh’.”

  Sitting in the reclining armchairs finishing the champagne Joshua had brought up from the car, they just looked at each other. Each understanding the dynamics of their relationship had just changed forever. “Thank you for getting the driver to drive into the underground car park Joshy, I would have hated the staff seeing my ravaged makeup,” Lisa stated ruefully. “It was really very thoughtful of you.” Blushing at the compliment he haltingly spoke again, “You would look lovely to me if your make up was just rivers of color running down your face, you are not only beautiful outside, but your generous nature and untiring devotion to duty make you the most desirable woman I have ever met. It is inconceivable to me how such a wonderful creature could be even remotely interested in me. People call me the ultimate bachelor and they even say I don’t like women. Well, that is partly true, I have never dated the same woman twice, I have never wanted to. I never met one I could hold a conversation with for longer than five minutes or who didn’t bore me to death with inane chatter. Then you came to work for me and turned my life around. I functioned better because of your scheduling, you managed me so efficiently I achieved more in less time. Then I fell in love with you and was terrified you would discover that and leave my employ.” Lisa turned to the man who was rocking her world and said softly, “Joshy keep talking, don’t ever stop. It is like a fairy tale hearing your words. I was also scared you would somehow learn of my feelings for you and fire me or that you would just think of me as some stupid love sick child.” Walking to her and stooping, he slipped his arm around her neck and another beneath her knees and lifted her into his arms effortlessly. Kissing her as he carried her into the opulent penthouse master suit he murmured, “Never a child my darling, certainly not a child.” Lowering her onto the huge bed he lay beside her and they held each other as if frightened if they let go they would awaken to discover it was only a dream. “I have never had a date,” the exquisitely beautiful girl admitted softly. “There has only ever been one man for me and it never occurred to me to go out with anyone else. I had the excuse of maintaining the highest grades when I was studying, and then working for you I was never in one place for more than a few days before we would fly to the other side of the world. Hardly conducive for a blooming romance even had I thought about it. You are my world, on every level. That’s enough deep and meaningful for now Mr. Forsythe, will you please kiss me again?” Obligingly he did as directed, and in a fantasy of exploration and exclamation they undressed and kissed and licked each other until eventually they lay naked, eyes locked in mutual desire. Licking her erect nipples as his cock stroked gently between her ivory thighs, Joshua moaned in passionate ecstasy. He felt the lovely your woman writhe and grind her pelvis on to his turgid cock, gasping every time its massive head rubbed between her swollen flaps. He licked his way down her flat white stomach and parting the lips with his big strong hands ran his salty hot tongue into her pussy. Bucking uncontrollably, she forced her thighs as wide as they could go and placing her hands on the back of his head, pulled his tongue deeper inside her. He felt her clit elongate and harden as he flicked his tongue across it. Forcing her shaved flaps even wider he nipped the miniature dick like clit between his teeth. Lisa threw back her head and howled at the ceiling as wave after wave of erotic and sensuous pleasure thundered from her head to her painfully curled toes. Goaded on by her obvious pleasure, than man redoubled his efforts and forcing his head so far into her love crack he managed to get more of her clit between his teeth and nipped and bit gently until the girl erupted all over his face and her thighs clamped around his neck as they spasmed involuntarily. Almost choking on the love fluids fountaining into his mouth Joshua came up for air and pushing him onto his back the precocious girl rolled on top of him and repeated what she has just learned on him. Nipping his nipples with her sharp little teeth she made him gasp and squirm, licking across his navel drew moans as loud as her own had been moments before. She licked ever downward, spiraling out to the soft white skin on his inner hips and thighs, then back to his groin she licked her way down his massive shaft to his balls and one at a time sucked them into her hot wet mouth. Licking back up the thick shaft of his rock hard cock she opened her mouth as wide as she could and just managed to fit the
massive head inside before she started to choke and withdrew to regain her breath. She looked up at him worried her obvious inexperience was turning him off, but when she saw the closed eyes and ecstatic smile on his lips she redoubled her efforts and forced the elephantine cock deeper into her mouth. Again she choked and withdrew but after a gasping breath she did it again, and then again. Each time she was able to take it deeper, until he urgently grabbed her hair and pulled her off it, “Lisa stop, oh fuck please stop. I am almost cumming.” Not wanting to end it before she lost her virginity to the man she had wanted all her life, she did as he commanded, then she rolled off and lay beside him gasping for air from her exertions. Taking the initiative again Joshua kissed her urgently as he simultaneously worked her now tumescent nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. Opening her legs with his knees he rubbed his hard cock between the lips of her pussy, urgently she raised up her hips to grind her pelvis more strongly against it. Thrusting and kneading and kissing they bucked and heaved against each other in a tumult of sexual desire and passion. Retreating until his humungous cock head was just inside her wet swollen flaps, Joshua tweaked her nipples less gently and bit her lover lip with his teeth as he simultaneously drove it against her hymen. Her young healthy and nubile body resisted him as drove in again and then again. Every time he was defeated. He was fully aware that she was a virgin and was trying ever to be the gentleman and not hurt her more than he could help it, but they were both becoming frustrated and desperate. In a last ditch effort he drove inside again and this time she grabbed his ass cheeks with her strong athletic hands and bucked hard onto him. In a tearing, screaming, agony of torn flesh and bruised and battered muscles the massive head and part of his shaft shot inside her. With super human strength he held it there as her body adjusted to the gigantic intrusion. Ever so slowly she began to relax, not moving he encouraged her with kisses and moans to move slowly on it. Encouraged by the incredible warmth and emotions as she gently rocked on his cock, she became more adventurous, slid a little further on to it. Feeling her juices beginning to flow he moved with her, gently probing deeper and then withdrawing until he felt her need drive her onto it again. Frustratingly slowly for the deprived and hugely turned on man, he managed to control the almost maniacal urge to use his powerful legs to just bury himself inside her invitingly warm wet pussy. Sensing his need the young woman tried even harder to give them both what was so desperately needed. Lifting her legs high around his back she opened fully to this man she loved and on his next gentle stroke she gripped his ass again and sinking her nails into it and dragging him down with her powerful legs muscles she thrust her hips up with all her strength. With a massive surge and more tearing and screaming the huge cock was buried full length in the small tight pussy. Incapable of gentility now Joshua withdrew then savagely thrust back inside. Just as she started to relax a little as his massive member began to slide out he would ram it back in again. Slowly the gut wrenching pain began to subside and erotic sensations began deep in her stomach. She rode the feelings and rode his cock. They struck a rhythm and worked together. Bucking and heaving and grinding the intensity of their coupling multiplied dramatically, and then became lost in a climax of fountaining multiple orgasms and a jet stream of thick white creamy cum. Clutching each other with all their combined strength they drove into and onto each other in complete frenzy. Heads thrown back, their guttural roars echoed around the entire penthouse. As Joshua collapsed on top of the exhausted but exhilarated Lisa, his flaccid cock slid out and as he rolled to one side so she could get some air into her tortured lungs he noticed he was saturated in his own cum, Lisa’s voluminous internal juices ,and bright red arterial blood from her ruptured hymen and split insides. His last conscious thought, as he drifted into total physical exhaustion, was the hope that they hadn’t done too much damage to the beautiful girl’s body.

  “Boss, wake up. The limo’s on its way to pick up Rory and Douglas and then it’s coming to get us. You need a shower, I have ordered croissants and coffee and some sandwiches we can eat on the way to the shipyard. I believe the trip takes an hour.” Sitting up in the bed he drowsily drawls, “Girl you are a machine, how can you function at anywhere near normal levels after a night like that. Or did I imagine it all again?” Grinning mischievously as she dries herself on the massive bath towels she quips, “I have no idea what you are talking about Mr. Forsythe; I am just doing what you pay me for.” Laughing, the big man dives out of bed and tries to grab the towel, “Oh no you don’t Sir, there is absolutely no time for more of those shenanigans if you want to play with your big boy toy today,” smiles the radiantly beautiful young woman ducking out of his reach. “Oh you heartless slave driver, and after I did all the hard work too. OWWW.” He squawked, as she whips off the towel and flicks him across the bare ass as he retreats into the bathroom.

  “I name this ship the Ocean Wanderer, may GOD bless all who sail in her,” intoning the age old adage for christening a new ship Joshua releases the bottle of champagne, which swings down from the scaffolding to shatter on the bow of his new yacht. The rolling platform beneath the hull begins to move and the ship rolls ponderously down the slipway and with a mighty splash, she first founders a little in the Safire blue waters of Cockburn Sound, and then bounces buoyantly back to the surface to rock gently on the cables fore and aft. Stepping down into the forty foot twin caterpillar diesel powered luxury launch Joshua says to Douglas, “This is the one you paid for last night Douglas, beauty isn’t she?” Looking around at the polished Jarrah railings and solid Teak decking the other shipping magnate there today had to agree. “It’s as fine a craft as I have seen Joshua, and I have seen a lot in my time. I have heard nothing but praise for the Austral shipyard’s attention to detail. I can see why now. I can’t even see the plugs over the screws in the decking, that’s just magnificent workmanship.” Pleased with his new friend’s honest appraisal, they discussed statistics on the way out to the yacht. Forty feet long and eighteen feet wide, the twin V8 engines were each five hundred horsepower and it was reputed they could propel the launch through the water at a staggering fifty five knots. With a hardly discernible burble the powerful engines moved the launch easily across the sound at little more than an idle, as they approached the gang plank of the Ocean Wanderer the coxswain engaged reverse gear and slid the boat expertly and gently beside it and held it there with a bow thruster while his passengers stepped off and walked up the highly polished stainless steel walk way. “It even smells brand new,” commented Lisa. The expensive sealers and paints did not have the usual odor, but did seem to just add to the feeling of newness as Lisa had stated. The entire three hundred and eighty foot deck level was the private quarters for Joshua. There was an external lift and a covered stairwell to the bridge two decks above, but stepping inside from the deck was like entering another world. Under floor lighting and floor to ceiling aquariums of almost every species of tropical fish lent an immediate grandeur to the open foyer and huge entertainment lounge and bar. Polished Mahogany bar tops and coffee tables complimented the Teak parquetry of the decking. On the wall behind the bar were gold framed pictures of every ship in Joshua’s mighty ocean going fleet. The nautical theme of the aquarium walls and pictures of the ships flowed through the entire area. Woven tapestries of sea monsters, both real and mythical, were on the sliding room dividers and wall hangings and even the window drapes had colorful tropical island beech scenes with palms and natives in canoes on them. Ancient anchors and even an old whaling harpoon had been fully restored and suspended from the ceiling on stainless steel chains. The multiple beer pulling handles were epoxy resin and enclosed inside were deadly sea snakes and other highly venomous ocean dwelling creatures. The luxurious reclining arm chairs had been covered in hand woven fabric with depictions of whales and dolphins on them. The back lights around the tops of the bulkheads were all subdued and the entire area was jam packed full of exciting visual adventures and colorful discoveries, every square inch expensively and tastef
ully blending in with its surroundings. It seemed as if she had no sooner gasped with intense pleasure at some facet of the room when her attention was distracted by something else equally tantalizing and creative. The four people were silent as they tried to absorb the kaleidoscope of color and harmony the room exuded in a thousand different ways and on a myriad of levels. Joshua had even had deep pile Persian rugs especially woven with abstract themes of anchors and cables and other watery themes and were strategically placed to lead you to the next voyage of pleasurable discovery. Opulent? Outrageously! Decadent? Absolutely! Expensive? Excruciatingly! But precision and design had been utilized to make it all blend perfectly together without ostentation or undue flamboyance. Joshua had spared no expense to achieve a place which would always be exciting and vibrant on the longest sea journey. The faintest of vibration which was felt more than heard indicated they were under weigh and Joshua led them to a private elevator that took the up the two deck levels to the bridge. It seemed this ship never ceased to wow! Rory and Joshua had both been up here many times in the eighteen months the vessel had been in the making but even they were awed a little now she was on the ocean. A row of swivel armchairs in the deepest blue leather were along each wing for guests to occupy out of the way of the Captain and crew during every day operation. There were many people up here currently, engineers of almost every trade, electrical, IT, Telecommunications, Satellite navigation, Mechanical and a dozen others with specialized skills and abilities needed to monitor every facet of the new ships behavior and operation. They were communicating with engineers and experts all over the vessel by hi-tech radio microphones as they each completed check lists on clipboards in their hands. Listening to their quietly spoken commands and directives was like an alien language comprising heat ranges and atmospheric pressures and other data that only the builders could possibly understand. This vessel was the most sophisticated ship on the planet and when all the checks and balances are completed and she is handed over Rory told us it can be berthed and operated by one man with a small console and a joystick. With some twenty odd people on the bridge and another one hundred odd scattered about the vessel it was hard to imagine they could all be replaced by just one person. As we watch in silence a faint whooshing sound comes from outside, and then with a staccato roar the ships Bell Ranger Helicopter swoops down to land on the helipad behind us. Now fully manned and operational the faint vibration underfoot increases and in her own length the mighty vessel spins like a top and charges out into the sound. As we exit Cockburn Sound between Carnac Island and the Naval Base and submarine pens of Garden Island, the Sea Trial skipper increases the revolutions and the bow rises as the massive twin engines cause the mighty propellers to bite deep into the Indian Ocean and pull the stern down. The islands seem to rocket past us as the skipper opens up the throttles even more. Glancing at Rory I can see the pride for his new command reflected all over his face, I am sure he is itching to get at the controls himself. I can see the big Indian Ocean swells rolling beneath us, but the ship neither heels nor roll. I have been on ocean liners that pitched and yawed more than this. It certainly is a shining example of what bottomless pockets and modern innovation and technology can achieve. Dialing up flank speed now everybody is particularly vigilant at monitors and on their communicators. The Ocean Wanderer is as stable as a rock as she heads into the rolling eight foot swells in excess of fifty knots. The skipper spins her full to port and then to starboard and in a three hundred and sixty degree turn, and the ship still remains so flat on the surface a marble wouldn’t roll across the floor. Even at full speed she doesn’t heel or roll when full rudder is applied, with my limited knowledge of boats and ships I am truly amazed at the stability of this wonderful vessel.


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