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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 28

by Ami Snow

  Marissa glimpsed at the desolate waffle on Lana's plate, her heart tightening momentarily. She took a deep breath, picking out a few blocks of fruit and untouched slices of marmalade-slathered toast onto a clean plate, nudging it towards Lana.

  “You should eat something.” Marissa disregarded the soundless bewilderment creeping on Lana's face, sauntering out of the dining hall.

  Marissa lifted the curtain from her window, peering out into the tranquil darkness, the pearly rays of the moonlight dimly illuminating the uncountable nuggets of pebbles on the stony path. She sheathed herself with the plush, complimentary bathrobe, slipping the room key in her pocket as she stepped out of her room, temperate wisps of summer breeze flurrying against her skin. She meandered down the path, past the eerily quiet, deserted attractions, boarded up after hours. She swiveled her neck at the emergent, clicking noise, relaxing as an elderly maid bustled past her with a rickety cleaning cart. She continued down the familiar path towards the wave pool. The pattering of her flip-flops ceased, her heart ringing in her ears as she did a double-take at the lone figure sprawled out across a lounge bench.

  “Uncle Cam?”

  Camden's eyes snapped open, bolting upright in the lounge chair, squinting towards the curves of Marissa's fuzzy, unmistakable figure.

  “Uncle Cam?” repeated Marissa, slowly approaching him, “What're you doing out here?”

  “Nothing,” Camden replied gruffly, “Thought it would be a good idea to relax out here for a bit while it's empty – must've nodded off.”

  “Right,” said Marissa, turning on her heel, “Well, enjoy yourself. Have a good night.”

  “Marissa, wait.”

  Marissa stopped, an impish, negligible smile forming on her lips as Camden wrapped his finger around her shoulder, squeezing lightly, “I think we should talk about what happened.”

  Her smile faltered, nodding quietly as she urged him forward with her neck, “Fine, but let's go for a walk.”

  “So, uh, what're you doing up so late?” started Camden, kneading the nape of his neck nervously.

  “Couldn't sleep,” answered Marissa flatly, quickening the pace of her steps as to subtly guide the way, “Same as you, I guess. Just wanted to come out for a walk. It's nice out here.”

  Marissa led him towards the barren, secluded area of the shallow kiddy-pool, next to a babbling, artificial waterfall complete with a built-in cave, blatantly overlooking the “No Entry” signs. She took a seat on the edge of the pool, plunking her calves into the pool, shivering as she patted the space next to her. Camden complied, plunging his hairy, toned legs in the water, rolling around his neck.

  “Listen, Marissa, I'm sorry if I led you on –”

  Marissa shrank forwards, lifting the stitches of her bathrobe, scooping a handful of water and splashing it against her calves, “You don't have to apologize. We're both adults here.” She took a deep breath, gazing up at his glazed, anguished expression, “It's fine, Uncle Cam, really. No hard feelings.”

  Marissa regained her balance as Camden looked up at her in confusion, swaying her hips as she walked towards the waterfall. She looked around for potential bystanders, and before she could regret it, uncloaked her bathrobe. Camden gawked, his primal instincts sparking into overdrive as he hurtled out of the swimming pool, almost as if he was literally magnetized to the voluptuous curves of her stark naked body. He shoved her past the waterfall, into the cave, Marissa collapsing on her back on the man-made verdure. She trembled, tilting her head to the side as she slowly spread her legs open for Camden's pleasure. He smacked his lips hungrily, his eyes widening at the bush between her lubricated legs. He stripped, cupping the hefty spheres of her chest, the milky tinge to her flesh radiating under the sliver of moonlight pouring into the cave.

  “Why the fuck are you so goddamned sexy?” Camden uttered throatily through clenched teeth, Marissa moaning softly as he pulled on her hard, protruding nipples. He gathered her dense, creamy mounds with his hands, flicking his protracted tongue between her suffocating cleavage.

  He hoisted her roughly by the shoulders, turning her over. Marissa yelped softly, her heart thumping in her chest as sweat dripped down her jowls. She raised her cheeks in the air, lowering her face to the prickling greenery, craning her neck towards him with a beseeching look of burning desire in her eyes.

  “Put your big fat cock inside of me, Uncle Cam...Please.”

  Camden burrowed his fingers into the seams of her supple, fleshy hips, grabbing hold of his aching, swollen erection, carefully skimming her hot, sticky folds with the tip of his reddening cock. He glared at her, baring his teeth as he shoved his entire shaft inside of her, thrusting in and out of her violently, his eyes widening and growing more intense as he pummeled in and out of her, her frisky shrieks bouncing off the shallow walls of the cave.

  “Mm,” panted Marissa, grabbing hold of her pendant breast in pleasured distress as he reached over, with a spit-dripping finger, massaging her clitoris in incessant, circular motions, “It feels so good to get fucked by a real man...”

  Marissa squealed, her face convulsing against the rug of grass as a surge of sticky juices flooded down her thighs. Camden grunted, his eyes rolling back in his head as his cock began slipping in and out of her sloppily at the cascading of her orgasm. He quivered, his back arching forward as he pulled out of her, heaving her to her side in one swift motion. He thrusted his swelling, agitated cock between her lips and exploded in her mouth, breathing deeply as he massaged his shaft, easing his cum down her throat.

  Marissa wiped off her lips, her throat slightly stinging as the pair crawled out of the waterfall. She watched as he dressed himself quickly, his rested, satisfied expression bringing a smile to her face as she stood next to him, wringing the water out of her hair. Camden waited as she knotted the sash of her bathrobe, extending his palm. She blinked, the pounding of her slowing heart once again accelerating against her chest, slipping her fingers through the spaces of his tough, calloused palms.

  Chapter Six –

  Marissa awoke on the final day of the three-day-getaway with a bittersweet, sinking feeling in her chest. She replayed the steamy, torrential sequence of their unbelievable encounter the previous night, her knees wobbling against each other as she gazed down at the faint, reddish marks on her aching breasts, shuddering. She rolled out of bed, deciding on a windsor-blue, a-line dress with a starched, white collar. She fastened a string of saltwater pearls around her neck and applied a smatter of rose-madder rouge on her cheeks. After completing a quick scan for any visible valuables, she grabbed her phone and her room key and exited her room.

  Marissa inserted a stubborn flyaway beneath her checkered headband, peering down at her screen as she navigated through her list of contacts, her fingers hovering over her father's name. She glanced up, a sprightly smile stretching across her face as she spotted Derrick, dressed in a screen-printed tee with a gloating, cheesy message in gaudy lettering, hunched over a chafing dish, piling squares of roast beef finger-sandwiches onto his plate. She tapped him on the shoulder, barely suppressing the skittish, gleeful smile on her face.

  Derrick's expression heartened, the deep crinkles next to his laughing eyes wrinkling, “Hey, sweetheart! You're in a great mood today.”

  Marissa shrugged, tilting her head to the side playfully, quipping, “Guess I woke up on the right side of bed this morning. Wow, Daddy, you could feed a little island with all that food on your plate.”

  “Very funny,” grinned Derrick, rolling his eyes, as he moved towards the next chafing dish, now scooping heaps of herbed mashed potatoes on his plate, “Wanna join me for breakfast, sweetie? It's just me –”

  “Sure, I'd – wait, where's Camden?” asked Marissa thoughtfully, glancing casually towards the lively, humming dining hall, “And Lana? I should go put my things –”

  “I'm not sure where they are, actually,” interrupted Derrick, his brows furrowing, “Lana was gone before I woke up, probably just wandering around
a bit, let her be. As for Camden, I'm not sure, either – I knocked on his room a couple'a times, must've headed out for a walk or something. What's up, sweetie? You need to talk to Uncle Cam about something?”

  “Oh, no,” said Marissa hurriedly, grabbing an empty dish from the plate-warmer, a frothing sense of doubt simmering inside of her as she mindlessly stacked her plate with blocks of pineapples.

  “Pineapples?” said Derrick, raising his eyebrows, “I thought you hated those things. If I remember correctly, the only fruit you wouldn't touch as a kid.”

  Marissa jolted, looking down at her plate, wrinkling her nose. She forced a smile on her face, “Oh, well – change of heart, I guess.”

  “You're definitely growing up,” Derrick commented, beaming at her daughter, jerking his neck towards an empty table, “Come on – let's start without 'em. I'm sure they'll turn up.”

  After several bouts of painful swallowing, Marissa excused herself from the table, feeling a slight pang of guilt at the crestfallen visage clouding over his face. She docked her dirty plate on an empty spot on the collection cart and headed out of the dining hall. She promenaded aimlessly past the pool, folding her arms across her chest as her racing thoughts entangled in her head, the directionless pace of her biting soles coming to a hasty halt. She examined her foreign surroundings, apparently having set foot on some sort of employee-restricted corridor. She turned around, shamefacedly nodding at the file of identically-clad employees, who were shooting her curious, peculiar looks as she accelerated towards the sun-lit recess. She stumbled out into the exit of the lazy-river attraction. She headed towards the revolving handrails, the hairs on her neck perking up.

  Marissa clamped a hand over her mouth, tears springing to her eyes, blinking madly. Camden stood with his arms wrapped around Lana's shoulders, patting the back of her hair as she nuzzled her face in his chest. Her heart dropped to her stomach, stupefied by the twisted grip of deja vu, as an image of a seventeen-year-old Lana straddling her middle-aged ex-boyfriend, hurtled across her mind's eye. She watched as Lana pulled away from Camden's chest, her mouth dropping in succession as she finally took notice of her seething, inconsolable sister.

  Chapter Seven –

  “Seriously, Lana?” Marissa fumed, folding her arms across her chest as the pair gaped at her, their mouths dropping open, “What the hell is going on here?”

  Lana's glistering eyes bulged, lacing her fingers around Marissa's wrist, whispering urgently in a weak, quavering voice, her bottom lip curling, “I know – believe me, Marissa, I know how bad this looks, but I swear it's not what you think –”

  “Oh, really?” shot Marissa nastily, “Let's hear what you've got this time.” She rolled her eyes at the abject, torn expression on Lana's face as her quivering lips tightened. Marissa snorted, “Wow, Lana, those are some damn fine tears. Very convincing. Top-notch, seriously! You ought'a try out for something, cause you deserve an Oscar–”

  Lana took a deep breath, glancing behind her shoulders at Camden, who nodded his head, silently urging her. She turned towards the vicious snarl on Marissa's face, quietly suggesting, “Do you think we could go somewhere to talk, maybe? I can explain everything, I promise.”


  Marissa trailed behind Lana indignantly, her swirling thoughts spitting fire in her mind as she rifled through a carefully-maintained library of Lana's terrible excuses over the years. She smirked, darkly amused, wondering what sort of half-baked, self-pitying alibi Lana would pull out her ass this time. Lana pulled two lounge chairs towards a shaded, secluded area of the swimming pool. She flopped down on a chair as Marissa grudgingly joined her, immaturely pulling her seat away from Lana's by inconsequent inches. Lana heaved a heavy sigh, her fingertips grazing the fabric of her loose-fitting, cotton top, ultimately folding her hands across her lap.

  Lana exhaled once more, regaining the stability in her voice, “I don't know how else to tell you this, and you're probably not gonna give a shit – which I honestly, whole-heartedly don't blame you for – but I'm pregnant.”

  “Damn right, you're – what?” stammered Marissa, suddenly consumed with an icy wave of crippling fear. She peered intently at the downcast, trodden look of defeat swimming in her younger sister's subdued, watery eyes. Marissa sighed, shaking her head, her balled fists loosening, “You're telling the truth, aren't you?”

  “Yes,” said Lana simply.

  Marissa sucked in her teeth, delicately inquiring, “Whose is it?”

  Lana shook her head furiously, a tear rolling down her pallid cheeks, robbed of its usual earthy, natural glow. “I don't know, Marissa. Please, I didn't want to tell anyone cause I didn't want any judgment, I swear I was just talking to Uncle Cam – I just needed someone to talk to –”

  Marissa interjected softly, patting her sister awkwardly on the thigh, their first physical contact in years, “Hey, it's okay - well, um, if it means anything, I'm here now – you know, if you wanted to talk about it.”

  Marissa jolted in her seat as Lana unexpectedly released the barreled floodgates of her bottled-up emotion in a storm of wheezing sobs, stammering uncontrollably, “I – I thought – you were never talking – to – to me – ever again. Marissa, please, I'm so sorry, I wish I could take it back –”

  Marissa's back stiffened, her brows furrowing as the wrenching pain of sisterhood betrayal brewed within her. Her tone was even and intentional, “Why, then, Lana? You're my baby sister – do you have any idea how much you broke my heart? I mean, guys come and go – I'd never, in a million fucking years, ever imagine my own flesh and blood –”

  Lana gasped, brushing away the fresh wave of tears, “I know, Marissa, I'm sorry, I was young, stupid and jealous –”

  Marissa's eyes widened, her ears ringing as she repeated, the bridge of her nose wrinkling, “Jealous? Of me?”

  “Yes,” admitted Lana, sniveling, “You had just graduated from college, you were in a stable relationship, on your way to a bright future – and where was I? Facing the possibility of repeating my senior year while all my friends somehow managed to pull through –” Lana trailed off, gnawing on her fingernail, “Marissa – please. I've missed you so much.”

  Marissa sighed, her fingers slowly inching towards Lana's. She blinked at her baby sister, wrapping her arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to her chest, grinning as Lana's arms thrashed about. “Missed you too.”

  Lana broke free, gasping theatrically for air, the corners of her downturned lips widening across her face, muttering jokingly, “Ugh, I think your tits got bigger, too. Lucky.”

  Marissa sniggered, rolling her eyes, “It's just fat –”

  “No,” said Lana, narrowing her eyes, her tone serious, “I'm sorry if I've ever made you feel anything less than the beautiful person you are, Marissa.”

  Marissa sunk back into the recline of her lounge chair, the plastic bars sticking lightly against the skin of her perspiring back, grinning, “Don't worry, babe. I've always known I was fabulous. So tell me, Lana. What're your plans? Do you need help –”

  Lana stared at Marissa, her eyes unblinking, “The last thing I want from you is your help right now, Marissa. I don't want you to think that's the only reason I'm trying to patch things up with you.”

  Marissa nodded wordlessly, squeezing Lana's knobby knee, “I know, Lana. But you need a plan – you're on your way to motherhood – your pride should be your last priority.”

  “I know,” said Lana firmly, peering at Marissa, a shaky smile twisting on her lips, “That's why I've decided to carry this baby full-term, and them up for adoption.”

  “Oh, Lana. I'm so sorry –”

  Lana blinked at her sister, her features visibly softening, “I'm not. This is the right thing to do.”

  Marissa's heart swelled in her chest, her heart warming at the newfound maturity Lana seemed to have cultivated over her absence. She threw her arms around Lana's wilted shoulders, combing through her unkempt curls, whisp
ering, “I'm so proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” said Lana, breaking away from her sister's embrace, her eyes twinkling, “Now go on, Uncle Cam's waiting for you.”

  “How'd you –”

  “I'm pregnant, not blind,” replied Lana sassily, jutting her chin to the left, “Hurry up. We're packing up soon.”

  Chapter Eight –

  “Hey, stranger.”

  The indented ripples of Camden's well-toned, slightly sunburnt back deepened as he turned to face her, a sexy, tight-lipped smile creeping upon his lips, Marissa's figure casting a shadow upon him. He rose from the shimmering, golden bank, brushing off the grains of sand clasping onto the moss-green polyester of his plain board-shorts. Without saying a word, he pulled her towards the ebbing, froth-like waves of the ocean. The pair stood still, staring out at the undulating, picturesque waves of the glittering ocean, bouts of gentle tide swishing over their ankles.

  Marissa shifted, the soles of her bare feet sinking into the drooping, dampened morsels of sand. She cleared her throat, “We should get back to our rooms, we're checking out soon.” She sighed contemptuously, aghast at Camden's lack of acknowledgment, “I'm sorry about the way I reacted – it was childish and –”

  Camden looked over at her, arching an eyebrow, “You're talking to a man in his early fifties, who still gets into routine shenanigans at sleazy pubs on a pretty daily basis – I think I'm gonna let that go.”

  “Really?” said Marissa, her jarred, pale-blue eyes widening in shock, “But –”

  “If it makes you feel any better, I haven't had a drink in three weeks,” offered Camden, shrugging nonchalantly.


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