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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 43

by Ami Snow

  “I want to fill you,” he said, his voice harsh with need. Justine watched him reach down and felt his large hands tear the thin fabric of her panties from her body. They slid up her full thighs to cup her tight ass as he brought her onto his lap. “Let me have you now Justine.”


  She smiled at him now, showing off a smile that made his loins tighten. Bending his head he took her nipple into his mouth as the strap to her nightgown slid down her arm. The wet fabric slid over her tight bud, only adding to his stimulation. She was so ripe, so ready for him. He’d damn himself before he’d let her go without satisfying them both. Pulling a condom from the cargo pocket of his jeans, John tore it open and didn’t object when Justine took it. Her hands slid it easily over his girth and both of them smiled with the pleasure of this simple foreplay. Still, the need to bury himself in the tight warmth of her body urged John to touch her intimately. His thumb brushed against the tight bud of her clit, making her moan as her hips thrust against him. Even through the condom he could feel the wetness of her body, the ripeness that awaited him. He cupped her cheek now, wanting to drown her as she had him, hopelessly. Her brought her beautiful mouth down to his, savoring the hot flavor of her need. She met him now, her hands playing over the taught muscles of his back and shoulders. As his tongue slipped past her lips, John filled her and swallowed her moan.

  She moved with him now, her hips grinding down as she took him gladly into the hot press of her wet pussy. He pressed his lips to her flesh, pushing heat into her body as she tightened around him. His hands gripped her full hips, plunging himself deeper with each thrust. Her breath caught now, coming out in gasps of excited need. Her breasts bounced against his chest as he took her harder with each penetration. He felt her building beneath him, the rhythmic clenching of her body the first message of her impending orgasm. Still he drove her higher, burying himself to the hilt in the inviting warmth of her hot slit.

  Just as John felt the compulsive reflex of his own orgasm, he heard Justine’s cry of abandon as her climax rocked through her body. He felt her clit spasm against his cock as her aftershocks rippled around him. She came down quickly and her body sagged against him, her head falling onto his shoulder. He brought his arms around her back to massage the muscles that were like liquid putty. She finally raised her head up, those dark eyes nearly black with the height of her passion.

  “I don’t have to tell you that this was a monumental mistake,” John said, knowing he couldn’t hide the scoff in his own words.

  “Mistake or not John, you won’t find me complaining.”

  John waited for Justine to shift off his lap and sit quietly on the porch swing. He fixed his jeans and handed her the robe he’d all but ripped from her body. “You can come in late tomorrow, if you need to sleep. I won’t punish you for something I was equally guilty of causing.”

  “Why is it that you feel guilty about being with me? I’m of age, I wanted you just as much as you’ve wanted me and we harmed no one.”

  “You’re my best friend’s daughter Justine,” John reminded her. “There are some people you don’t mess with and sleeping with a friend’s daughter is sort of in that category.”

  “Why?” Justine asked, her temper flaring. “Why is it so wrong that we enjoyed each other? We’ve not done anything to anyone but ourselves and the choice was made mutually by consenting adults.”

  “I doubt your father will see if that way when he finds out.”

  “My father-“

  “I know, he has no say,” John chuckled. “But trust me Justine, he has more say than you might think. I need to go so you can get inside and sleep.” When he stood up though John tipped her face up and tasted the hot words on her lips that she kept to herself. “I’ll see you at work.”


  Justine was at work right on time, having ridden with her dad. She didn’t greet John like she normally did and practically sequestered herself in the office. She didn’t ask them about lunch and just ordered something in, not caring if they ate it or not. By the time five o’clock rolled around, she was just as physically exhausted as she was emotionally.

  “Everything okay?” Kevin asked when he peeked his head into the office. “You haven’t been your normal self today.”

  “Everything’s fine,” Justine replied not quite meeting her father’s eyes. “I’ve been thinking that maybe I should move out.”

  “Why?” he asked and Justine watched him take a seat in front of John’s desk. “Have you been thinking about this for a while or is it a spur of the moment thing?”

  “I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Now that I have a job and can put some money aside, I figure it shouldn’t take more than six months for me to find a place I can afford and to make sure I have everything in order before I take the next step.”

  “I see,” Kevin said. She could see the grief in his eyes already.

  “I’m not moving across the country dad,” Justine smirked. “I’ll even join your bowling team so we see each other on a regular basis. But I’m twenty, it’s time I start taking full care of myself.”

  “You could always pay us rent and just stay.”

  “And that would defeat the purpose. I’d always underfoot just like now. I need my own space dad, my own privacy. You and mom need one less person in the house to worry about.”

  “You could move to Japan and we’d still worry. It’s part of the parenting package. It’s just that no one ever tells you just how much of that package the worrying takes up.”

  Feeling a fresh wave of affection for her dad, Justine came around the desk to hug him. “We’ll take it slow. Maybe it’ll be more like nine months before I’m truly ready, but it’s definitely something I need to work on doing. It’s time dad.”

  “I suppose,” Kevin smiled. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it. And, if you’re going to live on your own, I’m going to have to teach you how to protect yourself.”

  “I’m good dad,” Justine laughed.

  “Not nearly. You need to take a firearms safety course and get your concealed carry permit.”

  “I’m not carrying a firearm dad, legal or not. I wouldn’t know the first thing about using it.”

  “That’s why you take the course and get some good hours in working at the range. It’s your patriotic duty.”

  “Patriotic duty?” Justine laughed. Leave it to her dad to bring her patriotism into it. “Fine. If you set it up I’ll go to the class.”

  “Good,” Kevin smiled. “How about we go ask your mother to help us find you an apartment?”

  She hadn’t really expected him to be so enthusiastic. She’d expected a fight and arguments about why she was too young and needed more time to grow up. The fact that her father was so supportive made Justine smile. Despite her tumultuous emotions over what was happening between her and John, Justine left work feeling as if things in her life were going exactly how she wanted them to.

  Chapter Three: Head-On Collision

  John knew within twenty-four hours that he’d gone down a road that he couldn’t back out of now. Justine before they’d been intimate had been a personal torment. He’d been an idiot to think that it’d get easier once they’d had each other. Now she occupied every thought that wasn’t relegated to work or survival.

  “Hey John,” the teller at the bank greeted him cheerfully. He didn’t miss the way she played with her hair and eyed him through the bullet proof glass of the drive through. She wasn’t bad looking, but she wasn’t Justine either. Sighing he accepted the receipts for his deposits, counted his cash back and said a polite comment before he pulled away from the curb. He drove home and worked for three hours on ads for the newly available warehousing space. While he finished supper, a fillet of rainbow trout, a huge salad and fresh corn on the cob, he got several hits on a site where the client suggested a price they thought was reasonable. He took the highest bid from them and contacted the bidder to set up a walk through. If everything worked out, he’d basic
ally make his mortgage payment on the building for each month the client leased it. He’d discuss the benefits of both a six month lease and its year-long cousin. He’d hope for the twelve month version and for a good client.

  By the time ate dinner, wrote up both lease options and showered, John looked at eleven fifteen on the clock. Another late night and all his mind would do was torment him with the remembrance of how it’d felt to hold Justine in his arms. He could smell and taste her as well if he tried hard enough, which honestly wasn’t extremely difficult. Even berating himself for being an idiot didn’t change the fact that he wanted her again, even now, even know it could ruin the best friendship he’d ever had. Picking up his cell phone he sent her a text message.


  Justine was just finishing up a chapter in her anatomy text book when she heard her phone vibrate. She read the text message and smiled. Hitting dial on her phone she waited for him to answer. “Hello handsome,” she purred into the receiver.

  “Hi,” came John’s quick reply.

  “I wondered if you’d find a way to talk to me,” she smiled. “I can admit that I missed you, despite being a little miffed at you.”

  “I wasn’t exactly thrilled with you either Justine, but I can’t get you out of my head.”

  “Well shucks,” she teased. “I suppose we’re going to have to do something about that, because just hearing your voice makes me wet.” She heard John’s quick gasp and smiled even more. “Knowing you, what we shared last night makes me so damn horny. Do you want me to touch myself John?”

  “Yes,” he breathed, clearly aroused.

  “Good because I want to so bad,” she started, her voice going hot and husky. “Would you finger me if you were here John?”

  “Yes,” came another quick reply.

  “You’re already down to one word answers, I’m impressed,” Justine smiled. “I’m so wet John. I want your hands on me and don’t even get me started on the way your mouth can make me feel.”

  “Jesus Justine,” John breathed. “I want your mouth on my cock.”

  “Mm,” Justine moaned. “I love the feel of your thick manhood in my mouth John. The way it slides in and out. Just thinking about it makes me ache. Make me come John.” Justine begged.

  “I want to fuck you Justine. I want to take you from behind and make you cry my name when you come.”

  “John,” Justine called, her breathy gasps of his name making control difficult. “I’m going to come John. Touch me again. Finger me John.”


  John had never in his life had phone sex before, but somehow things he’d never done before became exciting when Justine was along for the ride. Just the way she purred into the phone made him want to jerk off. He could imagine how good it’d feel to take her in a rough and quick rendezvous. Maybe he’d bend her over his office desk or press her hard against the wall so he could ride her until she cried his name. Grabbing his cock tighter, John set a rhythm to the sounds of Justine masturbating on his phone.

  “Take me harder John,” Justine moaned, her body obviously on the verge of climax. Picturing her gorgeous body, John came, his body trembling as he moaned.

  “Good Lord Justine,” John breathed. “You know how to wind a guy up.”

  “You have no idea baby,” Justine chuckled. “You made me come so hard. I’ve never had anyone turn me on so much, especially over the phone.”

  “I’ve never even had phone sex before so for me this experience has definitely been an eye opener.”

  “Mm,” Justine smiled. “We may have to do this more often John.”

  “It’s likely that it won’t happen often, especially when your next summer session starts. You’re dad definitely won’t be thrilled if your grades start to slip because we’re seeing each other.”

  “True, but don’t worry. I’m going to have my own apartment soon and seeing you will get a lot easier.”

  “I won’t hold my breath, but I’m glad you’re going to be able to step out on your own.”

  “Me too,” Justine agreed. “I need my own space and that’s not something I can get living at home.”

  “Um, no. Let me know if I can help you any. For now I’ve got to get to bed or I’ll be late for work.”

  “I’ll have to tell your boss if that happens,” Justine laughed.

  “I’ll be in double trouble if you do that. Will you punish me if I’m tardy?”

  “Anytime babe,” Justine smiled. “Goodnight John.”

  “Goodnight Justine.”


  Justine was at work, on time and in the best of moods now that she and John had sort of arranged things between them. They talked on the phone late at night, often enjoying the sexual aspect of phone sex. She scoured the For Rent ads, circling any single room apartment that was on the market. She preferred one that was as far away from her parents as possible, although she doubted they’d like that very much. She’d compromise a little, but for the most part she’d get what she wanted, considering she was the one footing the bill. It felt good though, to be taking these steps toward independence. She’d never really thought about it that way until now, but the change in her relationship with John was pushing her to finally become the independent woman she wanted to be.

  “You two want anything to eat for lunch?” Justine asked, putting her hand lightly on John’s arm. She didn’t notice the flash of shock in her father’s eyes, or the way it was smothered under the hot flame of anger. She dropped her hand and stood there, waiting for something to happen.

  “Please tell me that I didn’t just see what I thought I saw,” Kevin said, anger lacing his words.

  “What’s that?” John asked, still focused on measuring out the drywall. When he felt Kevin yank him up by the scruff of his shirt, John felt his own temper flame. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “You put your hands on my daughter you son-of-a-bitch!” Kevin yelled. Before John could utter another word he felt Kevin’s fist slam into his jaw, rocketing his head back. He spit blood on the floor and swiped at his mouth.

  “I won’t fight you Kevin,” John said and felt another fist plow into his face.

  “Dad!” Justine said, stepping in between her father and John. “Don’t hit him again or you might as well pop me one to.”

  “John knows better,” Kevin said, disgust obvious in his expression, the set of his body.

  “Dad,” Justine said, placing a gentle hand on her father’s arm. “I’m not a little girl anymore. I know, I’ll always be your little girl, but I’m no longer a baby. The man I choose to be with is my choice and the consequences are mine as well. Let John go now.”

  Justine looked into eyes so like her own and wondered what her father was truly feeling. Anger was obvious, but she thought fear was a major part of that anger. “You mean you want to be with him?”

  “I do,” Justine said, her own dark eyes emanating her own temper. “I know you don’t understand and I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to believe in the job you and mom did of raising me. I’m asking you to respect my ability to make this decision for myself, considering I don’t actually have to have your permission.”

  John winced when Kevin let him go. He stumbled back a step and smirked when Justine pulled a wipe from her purse to dab at his lip. “I’ll live,” John said, placing his hand over hers. “Thank you.”

  “Alright,” Justine said, looking from her lover to her father. “I’ll leave you two to knock one another’s heads off. I’m ordering lunch, I’ll order for myself and assume you two can figure it out.”


  When Justine made her exit, John looked at Kevin and chuckled. “She’s more like you than she’s ever going to admit.”

  “Hm,” Kevin mumbled looking at his daughter exit the warehouse. “She’s beautiful like her mother, but stubborn as a two-headed mule.”

  “She’s amazing,” John said, looking back at the door.

  “Yeah she is,” Kevin said, feeling worn out. �
��Jeez John, seriously? How the hell did you end up with my daughter of all the women you could have chosen?”

  “I didn’t give her enough credit for being a woman,” John said. “She wore me down.”

  “Do you love her?”

  John looked at his best friend and knew that not only couldn’t lie, he’d choose now and always to be honest and open. “I know I feel things when we’re together and when we’re not that I’ve never experienced. I know that I feel twenty years younger when we talk and laugh and enjoy one another’s company. I don’t know if its love, yet. But I’m not afraid to see where it can go anymore.”

  “What if she breaks your heart in a year or two?”

  “At least I’ll have lived enough to have it broken,” John said sensibly. “I’ve never before let a woman close enough to be heartbroken by them. I’m not saying its ideal especially for you, but Justine makes me want to try.”

  “Well shit,” Kevin exhaled. “How’s the face?”

  “Hurts like a bitch in heat,” John said, wincing when he smiled and split his lip open again. “Shit.”

  Still John laughed when Kevin did and the two men seemed to come to terms between them. “Is that why Justine’s so Hell bent on having an apartment so far away?”

  “I told her it’d be terrible to have you and Sonia show up unannounced,” John said, smirking when Kevin closed his eyes and sighed.

  “Just don’t give me any details okay?”


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