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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 45

by Ami Snow

  “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for attending tonight’s Heart and Hands benefit dinner. As many of you know, the Hearts and Hands projects have been the focal point of this charities mission. We aim to reach the masses of inner city and under privileged children who, without our help, would stay in the squalor and poverty they’ve been born into. This year was no different and with the help of your generosity we’ve been able to help fifteen thousand children afford school supplies, clothes, winter jackets, gloves, hats, scarves, and other essential items. We paid out thirty-five thousand dollars for electrical, medical, and dental assistance and with your help again this coming fiscal year I know that number will only continue to grow.”

  The applause was nearly deafening and Tiffany found herself teary eyed as the slideshow started. It showed the happy smiling faces of children who’d been helped or somehow benefited from the Heart and Hands program. “This is amazing,” she said as she patted her eyes dry. “So many children.”

  “I can’t tell you how many storage cards we went through trying to photograph everyone with their gifts. We obviously couldn’t put all of them in the slideshow, but their pictures are in the flip-through books that we place in the Hearts and Hands headquarters.”

  “I’d like to visit it sometime,” Tiffany said.

  “I can take you by anytime you’d like to go,” Eric said, his blue eyes smiling at her. They enjoyed a nice dinner, certainly nicer than Tiffany would have fixed for herself if she’d stayed home. The fillet minion was tender and juicy and Tiffany at every bite on her plate.

  “I like a woman with an appetite,” Eric chuckled when she politely patted her mouth. “I could never understand why women always ordered salad on the first date, as if they were rabbits.”

  “Most women are self-conscious, especially on a first date.”

  “Not you.”

  “No,” Tiffany smiled. “Not me. At the price you paid, I’m also too frugal to let any of it go to waste. Plus, I’d feel bad if I ate the cheesecake I saw sitting over there without eating all of my dinner.”

  “Weakness for cheesecake?” Eric asked, his smiled warming her in places Tiffany had no business thinking about when it came to her boss.

  “A weakness for sweets in general really,” Tiffany admitted. “Would you care for any?”

  “Sure,” Eric said, standing. “Why not. You only live once right?”

  “Exactly,” Tiffany chuckled. She took hold of Eric’s offered arm and allowed him to escort her to the desert table. They talked and laughed as they shared their desert. Eric had gotten strawberry cheesecake, while Tiffany had taken the chocolate. They each offered a bite of theirs to one another, thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company.

  “Would you like to go home now?” Eric asked as people started to find their way to the exit.

  “I wouldn’t mind taking a ride with you, if it’s not too late for you.”


  “I haven’t had a curfew in some time,” Eric chuckled. He led her to their limo and helped her in, making sure not to step on her dress. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight? You’re stunning Tiffany, and you smell like Heaven.”

  “Thank you,” Tiffany blushed. Eric took a chance and sat next to her, close enough that he could feel the heat from her arm next to his.

  “Tiffany,” Eric started. “I have a confession to make. I know I told you my wife Cynthia has been having an affair, and it’s not the first time for her. I remained faithful in our marriage because I thought I could save us. I hoped someday she’d come to her senses and we’d find whatever it was that we’d lost. I no longer feel that way. I hesitated to file for divorce because I knew she’d get at least half of my assets, despite the obvious adultery.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Tiffany asked, looking up into startlingly blue eyes that took her breath away.

  “Because I want you to know where I stand on things. I’d like a chance to get to know you better. I realized tonight that although you’ve worked nearly five years in as my secretary, I don’t know much about you.”

  “Eric I…I’m not sure that’s a good idea. We come from different perspectives. I’m a child of the sexual revolution, non-monogamy and other ideas that you might not sit well with.”

  “Sexual revolution?” Eric laughed.

  “I just mean I might be into things that you find odd or abnormal.” Tiffany said, her face growing hot under his intense stare.

  “I doubt there’s much you could be into that I haven’t tried.”

  “I like BDSM,” Tiffany blurted, feeling as if someone was squeezing her chest. If the shock on his face said anything it was that she’d just made an ass out of herself.

  “I’m guessing you mean more than just the occasional tie up?”

  “I’m specifically into the submission and dominance aspects of the BDSM lifestyle, but I’ve dabbled into the masochism. I just decided it wasn’t for me.”

  “So you want someone to dominate you?” Eric asked, feeling intrigued by this new turn in their personal disclosure.”

  “I love being dominated, when the man I’m with knows what he’s doing. I’ve also done the dominating before, although I find the alpha male much more attractive than his submissive counterpart. Having played both roles with the same man before I’ve come to realize that the alpha male is definitely much more my style and preference.”

  “Alright,” Eric said, feeling confident in a way he hadn’t in years. Had his marriage to Cynthia dampened his alpha traits that much? “I think you’ll find, if you’re willing to try, that I may have a few secrets up my sleeve that will more than satisfy you.”

  “Seriously?” Tiffany said, trying to hide the smirk that desperately wanted to spread across her mouth.

  “Yes, seriously,” Eric chuckled. His mouth was so close and Tiffany wanted desperately to close that last inch and answer the desire in his eyes. When he took the initiative, Tiffany sighed as his lips claimed hers.

  The kiss was like that first taste of silky Swiss chocolate on your tongue. It slid through her system so that she felt a low burning fire simmer through her blood. She brought a hand up to cup his cheek, liking the smooth feel of his skin. When he asked, Tiffany opened to him, inviting him into the warmth of her mouth. Their tongues danced as she slid her hand into his hair. When she pulled back, the need that flashed in Eric’s stormy blue eyes answered a need she too felt.

  “Tiffany,” Eric breathed. “I don’t want to stop here.”

  “I don’t want you to stop,” Tiffany said, stepping over a boundary she swore she’d never cross. She ignored the nagging questions and gave herself over to the lust that he ignited as easily as looking at her. “Will you take me home now?”

  “If you’ll have me,” Eric said, his breath warm on her skin. In answer, Tiffany brought her mouth to his again, sighing into him as the limo drew closer to her apartment.


  Eric didn’t know the last time he’d felt this alive. He helped Tiffany from the car, gave the limo driver a hefty tip and walked with her to her door. She found her key easily and opened the door to her personal life, inviting him to stay and be a part of it. He didn’t think about the future or tomorrow even. All he wanted was to know what it felt like to have this gorgeous woman weeping with need for him.

  He shut her apartment door and locked it, but when he turned around Tiffany wasn’t anywhere to be seen. “Tiffany?”

  “You’ll have to prove you’re man enough for us to go any further,” Tiffany said, barely able to squelch the giggle in her throat. Taking the challenge to heart, Eric started looking for her.

  “I’m coming to get you Tiffany,” Eric teased. He quickly checked her kitchen and with no sign of her he checked the bathroom. When she didn’t turn up there either, he checked her bedroom, even looking under the bed. Knowing the walk in closet was the last place she could have hidden, Eric turned the handle. When light filtered in he smiled when she started to gi
ggle. Stepping into the considerable space, Eric shut the door behind him, plunging the small room into the dark. Unable to see now, Eric had to rely on her giggles and snickers to find his way. His hand brushed up against her hip and Eric took a firm grip on her, when his other hand found her as well. “Come here,” he yanked and felt her body press against him. Running his hands up, Eric cupped her face and brought his mouth hungrily down to hers. She surrendered in a way that made him yearn to devour her in slow, greedy bites. His mouth found her jaw and moved to her neck, leaving hot streaks along her flesh. His hands peeled the dress from her body, enjoying a little too much the way she shivered.

  “Touch me Tiffany,” Eric said, his voice rough with a need he’d ignored for more than two years.


  Tiffany’s hands reached for him in the dark, finding the edge of his tux coat. Peeling it off, she felt the muscles along his arms bunch, sending a thrill down her spine. Her breasts tightened in response and a moan escaped her as his lips claimed the flesh beneath her strapless cup. She wanted to beg him to take her, to rush through this so they could both be sated. That would ruin the game though, and even without saying so, both of them seemed to know that she was the submissive to Eric’s dominant, especially when he didn’t ask her to touch him, but demanded it instead. Her hands worked to unbutton the shirt and tie that had been a part of his tux. The wife beater underneath was yet another barrier that had to be removed. When her hands found the clasp on his pants, her felt his breath catch and bit her lip. She couldn’t explain the overwhelming want to go down on him. It wasn’t something she felt often, but with Eric she found the need to pleasure him was almost as huge as the yearning she felt to be filled by him.

  Her hands unzipped his hands and she moaned when she felt his erection brush up against her hand. “You’re happy to see me,” Tiffany giggled.

  Chapter Four: Dominance and Submission

  “Shut up,” Eric groaned. Taking her hands Eric found a space in her closet and pressed her up against the wall, holding her there with the hard press of his body. His need for her was engulfing him faster than he could keep up with and the thought that he might come before he’d pleasured her was almost too much. He attacked her with a hunger that was so consuming that Eric felt like he might implode if he didn’t touch her, if he didn’t’ take her. Reaching down he tore her panties off her hips and used them to tie her hands above her head. When she was safely secure he unhooked her bra and brought it up to her hands, tucking it into her palms. Still unable to see well, Eric used his hands and mouth to feel the contours of her body. Her breasts curved out and Eric found them irresistible, running his wet tongue over their tight peaks. She moaned again, further fueling Eric’s desire. Kissing his way down the gentle slope of her torso, Eric worked to arouse her so she’d be weeping with need when he filled her. He kissed his way back up, stopping again to tease her gorgeous breasts. Aching with the need for release, Eric found her mouth and plundered the sweetness of her offering as he stripped his boxers off. He kicked her feet out, spreading her legs. Cupping the beautiful swell of her ass, Eric filled her on a cry of ecstasy that she simply couldn’t hold in.

  Their mating was primal, flesh slapping against flesh as both of them strained to meet the other one. His rhythm was harsh and his thrusts deep as he plunged into her over and over again. His hands moved over her body now, touching her in ways that had her muscles contracting to hold on. Feeling her rush to buildup, Eric gripped her hips and sank into her, giving of himself even as he took her over the edge. Spilling himself into her as she fell, Eric pressed his mouth to hers again as their bodies rode the beautiful afterglow of their mutual climax.


  “Holy shit,” Tiffany whispered, her hands still tied around the bar that held her jeans and dress pants. Her body was still quivering as the waves of her orgasm continued to rock through her. “You’re much better as the alpha male than I thought you’d be.”

  “And you’re a sneaky seductress as a submissive partner,” Eric breathed. Tiffany felt his hands reach up and untie her. When her arms fell, Eric was there to lean on as her body finally gave way to the Earth shattering release he’d given her. Then she was floating when Eric picked her up and carried her out into the darkening light of her bedroom. “It’s getting late.”

  “You can stay Eric,” Tiffany said, reaching up to cup his cheek. “I rather enjoyed having you over.”

  “Think you could enjoy me some more in the morning?” She chuckled and pressed a kiss to his mouth.

  “I think I could definitely enjoy you by morning, maybe twice if you’re up to it.”

  “Mm,” Eric murmured, pressing a kiss to her neck. “A woman after my own heart.”

  Tiffany and Eric enjoyed a fun night of talking, laughing and participating in some fun BDSM games that tested their individual understanding of dominance and submission. One in particular made Tiffany laugh so hard that she nearly peed her pants. She’d tied Eric in the hogtie position and threatened to give him anal. He jerked around like a fish, begging her in between his laughter to leave him ignorant.

  “So anal isn’t a favorite past time?” Tiffany giggled.

  “Um that’d be a definite no,” Eric smiled. “At least when it comes to be a receiver.”

  “So you’ve been an anal giver,” Tiffany laughed.

  “In a manner of speaking, yes. Although I’m not sure it was as enjoyable for the woman as it was for me.”

  “Was it her first time?” Tiffany asked.

  “I used to think so, but honestly I’m not sure.”

  Tiffany knew by the change in his eyes that he spoke of Cynthia.

  “I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories,” Tiffany said, reaching out to touch his hand.

  “It’s okay,” Eric said softly. “I have to come to terms with the fact that my marriage is over.”

  “If it helps, I’m looking forward to spending more time with you.” He smiled then, inviting her to breakfast with him. They enjoyed a lingering shower and Tiffany showed him that sometimes being the submissive was just as beneficial, especially when she, as the dominant, offered him the anal sex she’d teased him with.

  Sufficiently sated Eric couldn’t believe where his life was a mere twenty-four hours after taking his beautiful secretary to a fundraising dinner. After breakfast he’d dropped Tiffany off with instructions to enjoy the three day weekend. Then he called his lawyer. The sooner he started divorce proceedings, the better.

  “Eric, you know she’ll take half of everything right?”

  “I don’t care anymore Len,” Eric said, conviction strong in his tone. “I can make back what I have to pay her. I realize now that I don’t want to keep the relic of our marriage and neither does she. She’ll be happy with whoever and I’ll finally be free.”

  “Who is she?” Len asked, laughing when Eric sighed. “It’s always a woman my friend, one way or another, it’s always the female of our species.”

  “True enough,” Eric chuckled. “I’d like a push on this if we can manage it.”

  “Absolutely,” Len promised. “I’ll have the papers delivered by the end of next week.”

  “Thanks buddy.” Once Eric was done on the phone he drove by the office and told everyone to enjoy a three day weekend with pay. He didn’t have to say it twice. Staying until the last person had gone home, Eric swung by a flower shop and made two orders. One would be delivered to Cynthia with his most heartfelt apology for the dissolution of their union. The other one he was taking to Tiffany with supper.

  He hoped she liked Chinese and swung by his favorite eatery to order their food. He called ahead to ask if she was free, which she chuckled and said she was. They ate their meal outside on her balcony, enjoying the sun as it set on the western horizon. “This was such a nice surprise. Thank you Eric.”

  “You’re welcome,” Eric smiled. “I made a phone call today after I dropped you off.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “I star
ted the divorce proceedings. I told my lawyer to offer her half of what my monetary assets are, plus whatever we can get from the house.”

  “Wow, that’s generous of you,” Tiffany said, taking a bite of her General Tso’s chicken.

  “It’s standard,” Eric smiled weakly. “She’ll probably counter with three-quarters and I’ll counter with tw-thirds which hopefully she’ll accept.”

  “Will that damage you financially?”

  “No,” Eric said sternly. “I can always make back what I pay out to her and honestly it’s worth it to be free from the hell I’ve called a marriage. I’m not saying she’s solely to blame either. I know I wasn’t there for her like she needed me to be. I had a hard time, especially when the business took off, realizing that providing her with stuff and money wasn’t everything she needed. I forgot to provide my company and affection and presence. I left her to shop when all she wanted was me. That’s not an easy realization to make, but make it I have.”

  “How long will your divorce take?”

  “It all depends on whether or not she’s happy with the fifty percent. If not, it’ll take longer to negotiate. I know that I won’t pay her alimony, so she’ll get her percentage and that will be that. Even if it takes a year or two, I refuse to support her for the rest of her life.”

  “Can’t say I blame you there,” Tiffany said. She finished her meal and invited Eric to stay, although she understood his reason for turning her down. “Be careful okay?” Going with her heart Tiffany pressed a warm kiss across Eric’s lips.

  “I’ll see you Monday at work,” Eric said, letting Tiffany know that he wouldn’t be by to see her over the weekend. She’d miss him she realized as he headed downstairs. She rather liked spending time with her boss, especially the bedroom variety. The man knew how to make a woman scream. Smiling, Tiffany spent the rest of her Friday night enjoying sappy chick flicks and indulging with popcorn. Saturday was for stocking her pantry and fridge with her favorites from the farmer’s market down the road and vegging out on the couch and Sunday was for laundry.


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