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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 55

by Ami Snow

  “But I suggest that one of you might see what all that screaming is at the other car,” Herb suggested helpfully.

  The policeman came running back a few minutes later and with s hand on his side arm he commanded that Herb cease hooking up and place his hands on the deck and spread his legs, he was under arrest for grievous bodily harm.

  Hearing his excited sidekick reading Herb his rights the senior officer stopped talking to Kathy and came back to have a word with him.

  The two of them then approached Herb again, this time there was no malice in him as the arresting officer apologized.

  “Senior Constable Roberts has just outlined the facts to me Sir; I may have jumped the gun on this. May I have your statement now?”

  “Certainly constable, those two shit heads were intending to abuse my niece so I rammed them off the road while they were pursuing her and when she was calmed down a bit I went over and broke the nose on one and stomped the balls of the other? Will that do?”

  Trying to suppress a grin the senior asked, “Have you got that constable.”

  “Yes Sir,” the younger man answered with a wry smile. “The HQ sedan ran out of control while trying to ram this terrified young lady off the road and violate her and the two occupants were injured as a result. Did I hear that accurately Sir?”

  “Every word concise and clear and exactly what I heard constable. Write it up when we return to the station and I will witness it. Incidentally, has an ambulance been called yet? Perhaps it might be an idea to send for one, although protocol would suggest you read those scum their rights first. The charges will be attempted murder. Dangerous driving. Driving without due care and attention. Malicious damage to a tow truck by ramming him. Verbal assault. That should get them a ten spot each this time. We actually know this pair Mr. Kingsley and my Station Sargent will be extremely happy to get them locked up and off his patch, a nasty set of miscreants they are.”

  As the younger officer produced a flask of tea and poured Kathy a cup Herb produced a hip flask of brandy.

  “I call this, ‘a little dab will do ya’, Constable and I have never seen anything to match its medicinal properties when people are in shock. Would you mind if I splashed a dab into that cup before you take it to her.”

  Turning his head and speaking to the bush the young policeman replied, “Contrary to popular misconception Mr. Kingsley I do not have eyes in the back of my head.” Then he stretched the arm holding the cup out towards Herb while still looking in the other direction.

  When he took it forward the senior came over and smiling at Herb said, “There might just be hope for that young officer yet, what do you think mate?”

  “Damned right mate,” Laughed Herb. “You jokers are alright in my book, here’s my card and if I can ever return this favor you have only to let me know. Here’s my hand, not something I recall offering a copper, er. Excuse me, a police officer, but hey, there’s a first time for everything, right?”

  Laughing the two men shook hands as the ambulance arrived. Climbing into his truck Herb wished the men goodbye and set off for the city and home.

  “Uncle Herb, can we stop for a moment?”

  Kathy’s request broke Herb from his reverie about the two understanding policeman ad he pulled over and stopped.

  Kathy scooched over on to his side of the cab and kissed him thoroughly on the mouth. Startled and thinking she was still in shock he placed his arms around her and rocked her as though she were still a child.

  Sliding out her pert little tongue she slid it between his lips, with a tormented moan Herb opened his mouth and kissed her hard right back.

  “Curly..” he mumbled.

  “Herb, why is it that men really don’t know when to shut their mouths and when to just fuck?” Kathy interrupted.

  Totally shocked Herb’s mouth dropped open. Then roaring with laughter he reached for the girl,

  “Up until that last sentence you were just little Curly Top my mate’s kid. Now you are a lady who’s gonna be shown what’s what between a man and a woman.”

  “Now ya talkin’ Herbie boy, but less yap and more do hey, the lady’s in need.”

  Although Herb realized that this bravado was a reaction to the recent events, he also understood her raw need to be touched and loved and the images of those filthy men fucked right out of her mind and giving her a positive spin on the night’s outcome. As he reached for her again hungrily he metaphorically patted himself on the back for coming to her rescue himself and not sending one of his drivers.

  Flipping her onto her knees on the spacious bench seat he ripped off her lacy nickers and spreading her cheeks sank his long wet tongue deep into her ripe pussy. Moaning with pent up desire she drove her pelvis back onto his tongue and ground it onto his chit. Gripping her upper thighs Herb pulled the writhing girl hard onto his mouth and nipped at her erect little clit with his front teeth.

  “OOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS..OH YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSS.” Kathy screamed at the night in full voice as Herb bit and sucked and tongued out her sweet young pussy.

  “Fuck me..FUCK ME… FUCK ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need that cock in me right now Herb. Slam your hard dick into my cunt before I scream”

  Crawling onto her Herb slid his pants down releasing his monster dick and mounting her like a stallion drove it full length into the writhing and bucking girl.

  “FUCKKKKKKKKKKK..OH FUCK THAT HURTS!!!!!!!!!! Do it again.. harder.”

  Withdrawing until only the thick head of his 10 inch rod was inside her Herb grabbed two hands full of the girls long hair and with his powerful thigh muscles drove into her again. And again


  The girl’s vocals were a mighty turn on for Herb. He drove and ground and rammed his massive organ into her sweet wet cunt repeatedly until his roars were matching her screams.



  With their screams and moans echoing along the empty expressway they lost all control. Herb felt her internal muscles spasm and seize his cock as she orgasmed again and again, and he matched her by exploding a huge load of hot thick white cum all the way to her stomach. Kathy arched her back to take even more of his cock into her soaking wet pussy and as she felt him explode deep inside her she fountained stream after stream of love juice all over his massive shaft.

  Driving one last time Herb collapsed onto her back and lay there as her bucking white ass writhed and rode him until she had drained every last drop from him, and her own stream was exhausted.

  Keeping him inside she slid her knees back until she was lying on the seat with Herb’s reassuring body lying heavily on her back. Sighing with contentment the girl just lay there as the exhausted man recovered.

  “Bloody hell. What train hit me?” Laughed Herb, withdrawing from her firm wet body.

  “Why t’was the love train Sir,” giggled Kathy.

  Pulling his pants up he hauled her up until she was beside him, then with an arm around her started his rig again and headed for the city, this time both of them wide awake.

  Pulling up at her house they were startled to see all the lights on.

  “Oh Kathy dear are you alright? The Police called us when you set off the emergency beacon, we have been so worried.”

  Her Mum wrenched open the door and hugged her daughter so tight she couldn’t breathe. Suddenly the events of the night hit hard and she burst into tears in her Mother’s loving arms.

  “Shhhhhh baby. It’s ok now. Come with Mummy and have some warm milk in a hot bath then into bed with you.”

  As the girls walked into the house her Dad walks up to Herb,

  “I really owe you one this time Herb old mate. In her adult life that girl has never fallen apart like that. Wanna fill me in?”

  Sparing him some of the more grizzly details Herb tells him, also excluding what happened on the way home. Simple towie’s law,’what happens in the cab stays in the cab, he grinned.

  “What the fuck you grinning at you jackass, coulda got ya-self killed or shot or something going over to that car in the middle of nowhere.’ Then thumping him on the shoulder in the old school way of showing affection said, “But I am bloody glad you did mate. Hope they throw the key away on the bastards. But what about those cops eh? That’s a rare turn up for the books. Certainly changes my perspective a little. I must send a sizable donation to their station’s Christmas appeal. Ok Kingsley get ya’ ass inside and I’ll whip you up some bacon and eggs, it’s almost breakfast time anyway.”

  Realizing he is famished the grateful businessman follows his friend into the house for a feed.

  “I have no idea how you have managed to turn up here all bright eyed and bushy tailed after the night you have had Kathleen,” commented Brett. “Your Mum called and said you might be late then filled me in on the details. Who could imagine I was sending you into such extreme danger. I am so very apologetic my girl.”

  “Oh good grief Sir you cannot even contemplate taking the blame for last night. You of all people know what crack pots, weirdo’s and just plain morons share this planet with us. Besides no harm done, well not to me anyway, and look on the positive side. The drive blew the cobwebs out of my mind and I managed to extract that nagging doubt from the back of my mid and put that whole scenario with the co-respondents together. It’s an ill wind e.t.c Sir.”

  “Indeed it is dear girl, indeed it is. Now let’s you and I go over those statements with a fine tooth comb and see what other skullduggery we can dig up, shall we?”

  I really enjoyed working closely with Brett, he has one of the finest minds in the business and it is eye opening to watch him at work. He can read, absorb and assimilate data faster and more efficiently than anyone I have ever heard of, then recall what facets of it he requires at the most strategic moment in a trial.

  “Are you coming or not Miss Donaldson?” Chirps my chief from my office door.

  Uhhmm..Coming where exactly Sir?” I stammer? I know I haven’t forgotten anything, unless Herb fucked some of my brain cells to death, I giggle.

  “Stop your bloody cackling and come with me, to court of course. It is time you pulled your weight around here young lady. You will attend trials with me for six months then sit the bar examination yourself and I can begin grooming you to replace me eventually.”

  To say I was stunned would be the understatement of the year. Pleased at the vague look of disbelief on my face Brett knew he hadn’t lost his touch for dramatic revelation yet.

  As he marched triumphantly out of my office I gathered up the files we needed and although all fingers and thumbs managed to pack them reasonably orderly into my briefcase and totter off after him.

  “Sir, I have never asked you…”

  “Firstly Kathleen let’s set down a few ground rules. Number one, if you are going to be my successor then start calling me Brett. Number two, I know you have never asked me if you could sit the bar exam, and you never would have. You are too dedicated and loyal to me for that. But have one of the smartest heads in our profession and for you not to sit the bar would be a more criminal act than those perpetrated by our worst clients. I want that head for myself, I know letting you pass the bar means I could lose you so I will sweeten the pot even further. The day you pass I will make a gift to you of fifty percent of this company. A full partner, how does that sound?”

  I staggered to the nearest bench and sat, my head swimming. I know to the penny what Brett’s legal firm is worth and he was serious, to keep me with him he will gift to me in 7 figures.

  “If that is how you intend to begin Miss Donaldson sitting on your ass when we have work to do, perhaps I should reconsider,” laughed Brett.

  Shooting to my feet totally disorientated I murmur, “Yes Sir, I mean Brett.”

  “That’s the spirit lass, now let’s go give those bloody juveniles a proverbial boot up the jacksie will we?”

  Side by side cackling like a couple of laying chickens we marched into the central law courts armed and ready.

  I have absolutely no idea how Brett managed to pull this off, somehow between midnight and now he had the juvenile department sort out transport and passes to get the for co-respondents into court to a mere plea hearing. That’s a story I want to know.

  One after another he puts them on the stand and asks them to read a small paragraph and commit it to memory. Then he recalls them and asks them to repeat the three sentences verbatim. Not only do none of them manage this simple task but one even rambles something totally unrelated.

  After that he recalls each of them individually again and asks them if Garrick knew that the vehicle he had ridden in with them was stolen before he got into it.

  The four answers were:

  1 Yes Lem said to him, This car is hot Garrick are you sure you want to get into it with us?” And Garrick said, “Oh yes Lem I am ok with that, I am not afraid of the fuzz mate. I am not a coward.”

  No need for 2, 3 or 4, they had obviously been coached again that morning because they said exactly the same thing.

  “You Honor,” began Brett in his summation. “I have little time for people who treat me like a fool or an idiot, and even less for those who would waste my valuable time, and I am absolutely sure with your own herculean case you load you have even less.”

  Receiving a terse nod of agreement from the presiding judge Brett continued.

  “I know you will already be aware of what I am about to say after listening to my simple demonstration this morning, but for the less astute I will lay it out formerly.”

  Damn Brett was good. In two minutes he has told the Judge he works too hard and is the smartest man in the room. How can I even hope to aspire to his caliber, he has made a great mistake. I can never walk in his shoes.

  “The police case against my client is based on the testimony of the four co-respondents I brought before the court this morning. I would like to offer my gratitude to you now Your Worship for allowing this to happen, it encouraged me to believe that you seek the truth as diligently as I myself seek it.”

  Man alive Brett lays it on thick, I lift my hand to my mouth to hide the grin as I see the Judge lapping up all these accolades. He is putty in Brett’s capable hands.

  “This morning I gave each defendant a card with two short sentences written on it. I asked them to read it aloud so I knew they could, in fact read, and had understood it.

  I then recalled them all within five minutes and asked them to remember and repeat what was written on that card. None could remember and one spouted some totally unrelated gibberish.

  And yet!”

  Brett posed dramatically and lifting his arm he pointed one by one at the now confused boys.

  “You, you, you AND you can recall four lengthy sentences verbatim that you heard from inside a closed sedan SEVEN MONTHS AGO!”

  The last three words he roared defiantly, even startling the judge who was trying valiantly to keep up and prove Brett’s claims about his ‘smarts’ correct.

  “You are all lying and will be charged by this court with perjury and you will not have the leniency and mercy of the juvenile court system to protect you. This gentlemen, is adult court and you will be charged here and the penalty for perjury is extremely severe for wasting the time of our painfully overworked judicial system, as you heard his honor state earlier.”

  “Oh Brett you lying bastard, you made that statement not his honor.” Brett would grace any stage on earth as a thespian of renown.

  “The Queen’s Council is perfectly correct.”

  The Judges stentorian tomes rang out confidently across his court room.

  “If you youn
g men want this chance to change your statements I will overlook your inaccuracies this one time. HOWEVER, if you do NOT recant your lies I will try you myself for perjury in this very room and sentence each of you to the longest terms possible under the law in a maximum security adult prison.”

  “It weren’t us sir, honest. The copper made us say it, and he came again last night and made us say it over and over until we got it right.”

  Brett had done it. Or rather his clever manipulation of the Judge had made his honor extract the information we needed himself. He had cleverly gaged that the Judge looking down from on high would have more impact on the poor wretches in the defendant’s box than he would have himself. I was certainly in awe.

  Leaping to his feet Brett acted quickly while the judge was preening himself for his clever uncovering of a police coaching scam.

  “Your honor I would firstly thank you gratefully for giving our Justice System the gravity and honor it deserves by diligently seeking the truth. And secondly I would beg your indulgence for the suffering of my client and ask for an immediate acquittal with contingent compensation and costs.”


  Just one word and the entire court was in an uproar.

  “You did it, I don’t know how the hell you did it. But you did.” Rick was jubilant for his son. “On the way down this morning Garrick and I almost talked ourselves into accepting the guilty plea you advised us to take. I am damned glad we stuck to our faith in you.”

  All the time he was talking Rick was pumping Brett’s hand in excited gratitude.

  “Rick it was not me who got Rick off, if you wish to thank the correct person turn around.”

  I was standing directly behind Rick and he looked over my head into the noisy crowd.

  “Look down Rick,” quipped Brett.

  “Kathleen, you did this for my son?”

  “She certainly did Rick, I sat up into the wee small hours trying to figure out how to get Garrick to plead guilty and get him a suspended sentence. Kathleen worked it out on the journey home from Newcastle. As well as being attacked by two guys who have been charged with attempted murder and an almost fatal front tire blow out at top speed on the motor way.”


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