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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 67

by Ami Snow

  The braided official eventually gave up hanging around outside the plane and went off in his car and the Hotel’s limousine duly arrived and parked adjacent to my aircraft. I climbed into the back of the luxury Mercedes stretch and instructed the driver to fetch my overnight bag from Stephanie. Opening the built in bar I observed another bottle of my favorite scotch whiskey and poured myself a substantial shot. There is nothing like a near catastrophe two miles up above the clouds to give a man the propensity for a few shots of good imported liquor. Tooling down the freeway into Cebu in the whisper quiet luxury vehicle I gazed out to me left at the lights up on the hills. In no hurry to go to my lonely hotel suite I click the button on the remote to lower the glass panel between the driver and I. “Are you in any hurry to get this car back to the Ritz?” I asked the driver. “No Sir,” he replied. “The manager instructed me to take you wherever you want to go.” He added with a huge toothy smile into the rear view mirror, no doubt hoping for a big fat tip in American greenbacks. I returned his smile, if he earned it he would get it. “Drive up to ‘The Tops,” I instructed him. The last time I was in this city I had enjoyed many relaxing evenings in the little bars nestled on the rim of the mountains surrounding the beautiful city. Strategically placed for the best views to overlook the lights of the Philippine’s third largest city they all served an ice cold local beer called ‘Redhorse’ which is 7.9 percent alcohol and has a kick like the animal it is named after. Because it is almost double the strength of most beers around the world many tourists have fallen into the trap of drinking what they believe they can handle only to discover that when they stand up they are quite inebriated. The locals like it because they get drunk very quickly and forget their hardships and the difficult circumstances of surviving in a third world country where work is almost non-existent and usually only menial. The Philippines is quite unique in that although the vast majority of its ninety million or so inhabitants are hungry and broke they smile and laugh and sing all the time. Every corner on every street has a karaoke machine and they all do a roaring trade. A bottle of Redhorse between two or three of them and they are all superstars in their own minds. It does not matter what the hour is there is always someone singing on these infernal machines in varying states of intoxication. One of the intriguing aspects I noticed was that none of them listen to each other, one will sing while the others all talk loudly over the song and when it is their turn to sing the same thing happens. They sing totally and only for the pleasure of listening to their own voice, a most remarkable national trait that I have never seen anywhere else in the world. And tonight that was exactly what I required, a few of the local beers and a mindless delve into local culture as I drove those terrifying moments in the air completely out of my head. The driver was expert and accomplished as he negotiated the tight hairpin bends of the steep mountain road in the long stretch limo. At the top he starts to turn into the luxury hotel car park, I tell him not to do that. I want him to turn around and park on the street and we will leave the car and go to one of the local places. He is concerned that the vehicle will sustain some damage if left unattended but when I tell him I will pay any repair bills and it won’t come out of his pocket he complies with my request immediately. Removing my tie I tell the chauffeur to do the same and we amble down the road past the bars until I see one I like. It has a small courtyard with plastic tables and chairs extending out over a bluff looking directly down on the lights of Cebu. Slinging my Armani suit jacket over the back of the chair I tell the driver to order a couple of bottles of Redhorse and tell him to get ice buckets for them. It is only around twenty nine degrees here but he humidity is always one hundred percent. The sweat is already running down in rivulets under my shirt. The oppressive tropical heat is another trap for the unwary tourist in this country; it is just too easy to let those ice cold beers slide down to cool your insides for a moment. “My name is Robert Sir.” I turn from the city lights and look up at the driver opening the beer and placing the bottles in the ice bucket. “Well now that is coincidence, my name is also Robert.” I answer him with a smile. With another of his open mouthed, white toothy smiles he says, “That is nice but I must call you Sir.” Laughing I gulp the first beer and hand the glass to Robert. That is another characteristic of this nation, doesn’t matter how many are drinking there is only one glass and you share it. It is not reasonable to take your time and savor the taste because someone is always waiting for their turn with the glass. Consequently you drink way to fast. But that is why they drink, to get hubog, the local dialect for drunk. Draining his shot Robert refills the glass and hands it back to me, I know the drill so I drink it and give it back. Turning back to my contemplation of the lights I notice the fast ferry for Mindinao just leaving the port. They take around ten hours and travel overnight. It is substantially cheaper than flying for the locals. There are huge open decks with rows of bunk beds with no mattress of any kind. If I slept on one of them I would be stiff as a board for a week. I enjoy travelling by sea, I have used the fast ferries and they have reasonable private cabin facilities but they cost a similar amount of money to an air fare. “Are you hubog Sir, or shall we have another bottle?” Robert is eagerly awaiting my reply, turning back to him I assure him I am not remotely hubog and to go and get two more bottles and some more ice. “Sir is it ok for my friends to join us?” Robert has returned with two local guys. “Sure the more the merrier Robert,” I answer expansively. “Unsa mung pangalan?” I dig deep into my memory of my visits here to remember the dialect for ‘What is your name?’ Surprised the young men settle in and reach for the glass rattling off some staccato Visaya. “Whoa boys,” I hold my hands up in mock surrender. “I don’t speak Visaya or Tagalog. Just gamay.” Gamay means ‘little.’ They all learn English in school but it is badly and incorrectly taught and they don’t always attend class because of a total lack of money. The entire education system is hit and miss. The guys seem pleasant enough and we converse a little while I dodge all the neat little enquiries as to what I do for a job and how much money I make. If they had any idea of the amount in my wallet I would be in danger, no matter how much they like me and enjoy my company and generosity it would just be too big a temptation for such poverty stricken people. “You want to sing Sir,” asks one of the guys.” Loosely translated that means that he is hubog and wants to sing but needs me to pay the five pesos for two songs on the karaoke machine. Slipping a hundred dollar bill into Robert’s hand I instruct him to pay the bar bill and get some local money for the machine. He went off with another of his infectious wide grins, he was quite a likable chap really I discovered myself thinking. “Maybe I am a few sheets in the wind,” I laugh quietly to myself. I slow the drinking down now that the men have gone off to do their Elvis impersonations and wow themselves with their talent, and continue to sit quietly observing the spectacular light show below me. I very seldom have the opportunity to steal moments like this from my hectic work schedule and when they happen I extract every modicum of peace and solace from them that I can. I was perfectly relaxed and enjoying my own company. “Hello, what’s your name and where do you come from.” I looked up at the pair of young girls standing near the table. “Rico said you buy us Redhorse.” I vaguely remember one of the guys said his name was Rico. When there is a foreigner present the locals get very generous, they invite all and sundry to ‘share the blessing.’ I told them to get a bottle and join me, and sure enough when the pair returned they had quadrupled and they carried a case of beer. The party was starting, just as I knew it would when word got around a foreigner was buying. I didn’t mind a bit, if there is one thing they people in the Philippines know how to do it is party. In less than an hour there were at least thirty people around me, two of the guys had guitars and played reasonably and a couple of the girls sang quite well. I have a decent baritone and can carry a tune in a bucket myself, and was singing along when they played something from my era. I have no idea how it happened, but sometime in the wee small hours all thirty or s
o of us were piled into the limo and driving somewhere way south of the city. Now this behavior is definitely potentially dangerous, but then I am a particularly adventurous sort of character so I went with the flow and we bellowed our songs and laughed and the world was good. Robert stopped the vehicle outside a small shopping complex in a village called Oslob, according to a hand painted sign on the wall. “They send us a bumboat now Sir, we leave the car here and my friend take care of it. You just give him one hundred pesos when we come back, okay?” At this juncture I would readily agree with anything, we all trooped off down the road and out onto a dark jetty. Sure enough in thirty minutes or so a large triple hulled bumboat moored at the jetty and we negotiated the narrow plank onto the deck and opened the case of Redhorse the ever obliging Robert had instructed them to bring with them. Evidently the boat belonged to a holiday resort called Blue Island and we were all going to spend the night there. It was a short trip of maybe only two miles and we disembarked back over the plank and staggered up a track through some trees to a beautiful hotel outdoor patio with a collection of cooks creating an assortment of local seafood dishes. The ever thoughtful Robert had decided I might be peckish and had phoned ahead for the food. Looking around at the five star luxury and the obliging staff hauled out of their beds at this terrible hour, I had a fleeting thought that this was going to cost an arm and a leg come morning. But hey, morning isn’t here yet so on with the party. Out came the guitars again and with huge platters of hot spicy seafood being delivered to the table all was right with the world. After cleaning up the area the staff joined us as well and the party burst into full production. At one point a remember doing the rhumba, or was it the cha-cha, with about five girls, and we were all in various stages of undress. Copious bottles of beer and the ever present humidity had streams of perspiration flowing down my naked chest as I gyrated around the floor with one after another of these nubile young girls. Slowly as each hour past the weaker members of our group passed out on the floor and slept where they lay. “Ouch,” one of the girls bit my nipple hard. “You like?” She cheekily enquired. Rubbing my red chest and feeling an odd sort of sensation in my groin I answered. “Yes, I like. But not here, where are my rooms?” Taking an arm each the last two girls remaining on their feet lead me around another track through the trees to the luxurious condos all with their own private piece of beach. Taking a master key from her pocket one of the girls opened the front doors of the largest one and they dragged me none too gently inside. Closing the doors she locked them again and returned the keys to her pocket, she then drew the heavy drapes across and turned back to me. I noticed the smiles were gone. In perfect sequence, as though they had done this sort of thing many times, each of the girls grabbed one of my arms and dragged me through the lounge into the master suite. Even in my severely drunken stupor I couldn’t help remarking how strong and athletic these stunningly beautiful young women were. Physically throwing me over the bed on my back one of them, the red head with the short cropped hair, ordered me to remain where I was. “You stay, not move.” With a frosty no nonsense look on her face she rattled of some staccato Visaya and the blonde with the long platinum hair left the condo. There was no fear of me moving, I was drunk and exhausted from all the dancing and carousing. I must have passed out for a while because I awoke to rough hands removing my clothing until I lay naked. The voluptuous ladies were also stark naked also but when I reached out to touch one and pull her to me she gave me a roundhouse slap that jolted my head back on my shoulders and made my left eye tear up instantly. “You no touch, you lie still. Not move.” She commanded angrily. Touching my heated cheek and still feeling the pain I decided to do exactly that. From an open brief case on the floor she took a pair of hand cuffs and before a protest reached my lips they rolled me over and cuffed my hands behind my back. This was getting serious! I decided to call a halt to these proceedings but when I opened my mouth the blonde rammed a gag into it. “I tell you before, you stay quiet. Not talk.” Spluttering, I had to relax or I couldn’t draw enough air. Rolling me back onto my back the redhead applied two nipple clamps to me and did them up excruciatingly tight. Then she reached down and dug her nails into my flaccid cock. It jerked fully erect and she stroked it, every few strokes she would jerk on the chain attached to the nipple clamps. The sensation of pleasure and then a brief flash of pain made me growl deep down in my throat. She flicked her tongue over my cock head at the same time driving her nails into the shaft. Again I was given pain and pleasure; the sensations were spreading through my entire body now. The redhead joined in, lying behind me she flicked her tongue over my ear lobes, the sensuously slipped it into my ear, I gasped at how the hot wet organ made me feel as it entered my ear. Then another flash of pain as she bit my ear, hard! Then kissing the hurt away and kissing my neck, at the same time gently stroking my hair. Pain and then pleasure. Pleasure and then pain. The mixed messages were totally causing my brain to melt down. It was attempting to identify the pain and apply some healing to it, and then receiving sensuous and sexual feelings. My cock and balls were being administered to in the same way. One moment being gently licked and sucked and the next being bitten, making my back arch in a fiery burst of pain. Removing the gag the redhead straddled my chest and ground her pelvis painfully onto my chin. She started to move faster and harder and she reached for my ears and gripping them painfully dragged my chin hard into her gaping and wet cunt. “Lick me!” She roared out, get your tongue inside and lick my cunt.” To emphasize her seriousness she almost tore off my ears driving herself onto my mouth. Working in unison the blonde was now deep throating me, totally engulfing my iron hard cock. Pleasure and pain. Moving back down my body the redhead brought her mouth to mine and gently kissed my bruised lips and aching chin. Pushing her cunt down until my cock was touching it she began to massage it with her cunt flaps. Slipping her tongue into my battered mouth she started to explore me inside and at the same time rose up until my cock head was at her soaking wet opening. As she teased me the blonde lifted my knees and opened my legs and flicked her tongue over my tight balls. Then the redhead bit my lower lip, I could feel the blood flow inside my mouth as I bucked up off the bed and roared out my pain, then she lowered her cunt onto my cock and took me deep inside in one savage and brutal thrust. Rearing up she drove down on me again. The pain in my tender lower lip remained longer, and as the intense pleasure caused by the writhing, driving demon woman riding my mammoth erection intensified the sensation of pain and pleasure had never been so high. She lifted high, until just the hungry tip of my cock was inside her, she leaned down and kissed my tender ears, my bruised lips, artfully and gently. Caressing my hair at the same time, as her flexible pussy massaged the head of my cock just barely inside. There was no pain now, only pleasure, as she stroked and touched and massaged. She began to revolve on my cock head, her cunt was actually vibrating. She flicked her hot tongue into my mouth again, sucking my cut lip, kissing away all the hurt. My body was reacting all over the place. I could feel her own need for my cock radiating from her as the movements became more frantic. When I felt her opening relax and she was ready to drive down onto it again I was so ready for another dose of pleasure I rose up to meet her as she drove down. Then a blinding flood of real pain exploded inside me like fireball. I screamed at the ceiling as my body and brain reacted to the totally brutal and terrifyingly painful invasion. Wave after wave of red hot fiery flame ripped through my body and tore through my already confused brain like a series of thunderbolts. As my tortured screaming rose to a new crescendo I tossed my head from side to side and bucked and heaved trying to dislodge the cause of the savage ripping of my intestines. All the while the redhead was rising and falling as she rode my fully erect and throbbing cock. Slowly, ever so slowly, the vicious intensity of the brutal act began to subside, and my overburdened brain began to function again. Rising and falling and caressing my cock with her soaking wet cunt the redhead kept up her steady rhythm. As she drove down the blonde with the massi
ve strap-on man-dildo behind her would slide back into my ass. As she rose up again the blonde would withdraw. Ultimate pleasure and ultimate pain, simultaneously. “Stop fighting it lover, relax and enjoy us. You know you want this. You know you need it,” the redhead cooed into my mouth as her wet tongue slide around inside it. Her gentle kisses and quiet words together with the intense please of her fully engulfing my rock hard erection started to work. Tentatively I began to slide onto the blonde’s giant rubber cock. But it wasn’t enough when I did it, I needed the pain. Sensing accurately what was missing the blonde took over; as the redhead drove down more forcefully she drove her cock into me. The pain hit again, but this time I was expecting it, wanted it, needed it. Then miraculously we were all driving together. Bucking and heaving we rode each other to the limits and beyond. Through the red veil of pain I felt the intense pleasure of feeling the redhead spasm deep inside and her muscles clamp around my pulsating cock. Her release coincided with mine and we erupted together. As she fountained her love juice all over my cock I shot stream after stream of hot thick cum up into her stomach. It seemed to go on and on, it was running down my shaft and soaking the bed under us, there was so much of it. The more the totally out of control woman spasmed and fountained, the more I shot up into her. Slowly our frenzy ceased and we lay still, overcome and astounded at what had happened. Even the blonde looked satiated and as empty as we were. Then I realized that she was, that was her bag, seducing men. That’s what did it for her. Then the biggest shock of all, the blonde looked down at me with adoring eyes and said quietly, “Captain Alan says thank you for your trust and respect.” Slowly the girls withdrew from my body and cuddled up either side. They told me how he had called them and asked if they could call Robert and meet him somewhere and then find a way to give me their special remedy for people who were recovering from a flight scare. They then related how they had almost had to come to blows with the other women in the group who all had designs on my body and consequently my wallet. “OH bugger, my Wallet,” I sat bolt upright. “Hehehe settle down sugar, it’s in your jacket in the lounge. We took turns guarding you, and it.” The blonde added laughingly. They were the last words spoken, the alcohol and the mammoth love fest finally took their toll and in a combined tangle of naked limbs we all drifted into unconsciousness at the same time. The last thought that skimmed through my quickly dimming brain was that I must increase the bonus I had decided to give Alan. Increase be buggered, I will quadruple it. Then the lights went out.


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