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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 85

by Ami Snow

  I could hear him undressing, and my finger numbly went to the buttons of my blouse, trying to remove it through the languorous fog of the aftermath. I tossed it aside, and he moved over me, the warmth of his body enveloping me.

  I could feel him, hot and hard, brushing against me, and I reached between us, my hand encircling his shaft. He groaned, biting my shoulder gently as his hips rocked forward, and I let him slide into me. He felt thick and hard, and I moaned aloud, arching up to meet his thrusts.

  I could tell already that it wasn’t going to last long. His movements were quick and erratic, his thrusts hard, but even so it was bringing me close again. There was a sort of rough passion about it, and his inelegant method matched my careless feeling. I spread my legs, rolling my hips under him, and I felt him gasp and shudder, and I knew he was about to come. I arched my hips, feeling his shaft rubbing against me, and then I felt the orgasm hit.

  He came at the same time, hips bucking, body jerking, and I shuddered underneath him, gasping.

  We both lay still for a moment, and then he rolled off of me, his body curling around mine. My head nestled against his shoulder, feeling suddenly terribly sleepy after the rush of sex, and neither of us asked if the other one was okay with him staying. He just did.

  Chapter 5


  The result, of course, was that I felt bad having to shuffle him out and decline his offer of breakfast the next morning. I had my afternoon date with Ethan, and I couldn’t exactly explain that to Brian. I said I was meeting someone for lunch, which wasn’t entirely untrue, and Brian let it go at that. He gave me a sweet kiss, rolling disheveled and rumpled out of the bed sheets, and dressed, waving to me as he headed out of the door.

  I lay in bed for a few more moments, and then went to the shower, rinsing last night off of me as I thought ahead to the rest of the day.

  I had no idea what Ethan had in store, but it couldn’t possibly be that extravagant on a Sunday afternoon, could it? I went with a pair of cuffed jeans and a half-sleeved sky-blue linen shirt over a white camisole, and flats. I pulled my hair back, put on a little makeup and slipped in my trusty silver hoops.

  Ethan picked me up exactly when he said he would, kissing my cheek as we went to the car. I didn’t entirely understand the 180 he’d done, going from passionate, demanding lover to solicitous gentleman. I knew he was trying to woo me, but it seemed very out of character for him.

  The date itself was as low-key as Ethan could possibly be. He took me to an artisan sandwich shop, and we went out to a movie in a theater that used to do stage shows in the twenties, and still had much of its old-fashioned styling. He took me back to my apartment after the movie, kissed me, and left with a casual: “See you on Monday.” I felt frustrated all over again, and confused.

  Brian, who I’d always seen as the sweet one, had fucked me furiously last night, and I’d loved it. Meanwhile, Ethan, who had always been the passionate and volatile one, was doing his best to charm me. I couldn’t say it wasn’t working, but it definitely confused me. I went upstairs to my apartment, trying not to think too much about it.

  The next morning at work, as I was waiting for my coffee, one of my friends from my time as an intern stopped by my desk to see how things were going. We chatted for a bit, and then she paused. “I’ve been wondering if I should say something. I mean…I’m sure it’s nothing, but I just…”

  “What is it, Bethany?” I asked, feeling a sinking sensation in the pit of my stomach. I’d been foolish to think no one would see Ethan and me out.

  “Well...I’ve seen you looking at Mr. Sharpe sometimes, and you called him Ethan in the hallway that one morning. I’m not suggesting anything is going on…but I just wanted you to know…”

  “Know what?” I was feeling a little irritated.

  “He dated an employee once. A couple of years ago.”

  I felt my stomach sink slightly. So I wasn’t the first. One employee wasn’t exactly a pattern, I reminded myself. But it was more than just me. “What happened?”

  “No one’s really sure. They went out on a few dates, she bragged about how good he was in bed. They didn’t exactly make it official, but everyone knew they were spending a lot of time together. Then one day, she came to work all broken up, looked like she could hardly keep from crying. She left the next day. There were all kinds of rumors. He can be pretty moody. Not that he’s violent or anything,” she added hastily. “But we thought maybe they got into a big fight. She was a pretty emotional girl, maybe she just wanted more than he did. No one really knows.”

  Our supervisor came around the corner then, the intern with the coffee right behind her. Bethany headed back to her desk, and I sipped my coffee, stewing quietly. I knew I had no right to be jealous, or upset. But I was. I’d thought we were something unusual, that he didn’t normally do this. And I knew that one other girl didn’t make this a regular thing. But it still made me feel cheap. And I wanted to know what had happened between them. It could happen to me.

  I waited as long as I could, making sure that no one would notice my absence. Standing up, I quickly made my way to the elevator, heading up to the penthouse floor. I knew he wouldn’t have any meetings this time of the morning. I meant to catch him alone.

  His secretary, a small, timid-looking brunette, tried to stop me when I headed for the door, but I waved her off. “Mr. Sharpe will be fine with me coming in,” I assured her. Anyone else would have probably insisted I wait, but she wilted back into her chair, and I burst into the office unceremoniously.

  Chapter 6


  I looked up at the sound of the office door opening, ready to be annoyed. I had specifically told the new assistant that I didn’t take meetings for these two hours every morning. But when I looked up, all my annoyance drained away, and was replaced by apprehension. It was Elizabeth.

  And she looked furious.

  I stood up, hoping to intercept her halfway. She strode right up to me, fairly vibrating with repressed anger.

  “What on earth is going on, Elizabeth?”

  “Don’t you think that you should have told me that I’m not the first employee you dated?” Her voice was a furious hiss.

  “I wasn’t aware we were dating, just yet. But I’m happy to hear it,” I replied, trying to keep my voice even. I should have known she’d hear about this. I should have been upfront.

  “Don’t be coy with me,” she snarled. “I had to hear through office gossip that you dated another girl who worked here. What was all that drama that we shouldn’t be together, all those longing looks across the boardroom, and then you barely looking at me some days until you nearly ripped my clothes off? Just repeating history?”

  I grabbed her arms, trying to calm her, but she shook me off. “Elizabeth. Elizabeth! You’re being ridiculous. Yes, I dated a girl who used to work here. For one, she wasn’t an intern. She was a hire out of graduate school. And “dated” is a very broad term. We went on a handful of dates.”

  “And you slept with her.”

  “Yes, I did. You weren’t precisely a virgin when we met,” I reminded her.

  Her cheeks went red at that, and I thought steam might pour out of her ears at any second. She looked ready to explode. “Why did you break up?” she challenged me then, her hands going to her hips. “If it was all so above-board and innocent? Why did she quit the day after?”

  I took a deep breath. Here it was. The moment when I would have to explain to Elizabeth what it was that kept me up at night, the things that I desired most from her. I would have to explain it all in the context of it being what made another woman leave me…quit the firm, even. This wasn’t how I had wanted to present it to her. But now I had absolutely no choice.

  “I wanted…certain things…in bed. She didn’t want them. In fact, she was very upset when I told her what I wanted. She called me some very unsavory names, demanded to know why I wanted them. When I tried to explain, she got upset, thought that it was about her, that she
wasn’t good enough for me. No matter what I said, she couldn’t get past it. She left that night and said I should never call her or speak to her again.”

  Elizabeth stared at me, disbelievingly. “What, are you into some kind of S&M stuff?” she asked, laughing.

  I paused. She’d hit the nail right on the head, and she saw it. She grew quiet. “That’s what it is, isn’t it? You wanted to do all of that bondage and pain stuff. And she wasn’t into it. Which she shouldn’t do it, if she isn’t…”

  “I agree,” I interjected hastily.

  “But it seems a little crazy to call you names and get so upset over it. Everyone has different tastes.”

  I relaxed a little. Maybe she would be more open to it.

  “So…what. You want to tie me up in bed? Is that why you haven’t been coming upstairs with me?”

  I laughed a little. “No, Elizabeth. I haven’t been coming upstairs because I meant what I said. I want to date you, like any other guy, and I don’t think many guys come home with you on the first date. I think what happened between us was out of character for you, and I wanted to take things slowly this time. But yes…there are other things, things that I would want. If we started to have sex again.”


  I sighed. “More than that. Outside of the bedroom, we are just like we are now. Equals. We interact like every other couple and coworker. But in the bedroom, you submit to me. I make the decisions. What you wear, and when it comes off. How much of it comes off. What positions. I tell you what to do to me, and you obey. I will tie you up, in different ways. Spank you, whip you. I’ll decide when you get to come, if you do, and how many times. Everything about you is mine to command, when we are in bed.”

  She looked a little taken aback. “I didn’t realize it was that serious,” she said softly. “And it’s always like that, every time?”

  I frowned. “Not always. There will be times when we might have regular sex, or you can be in charge. And you could always tell me, before we start, if that’s what you want. But once we start, I make the decisions. Always, unless we decide otherwise. And if you deviate, I’ll punish you. And I’ll enjoy it.”

  “I’ve never done anything like that before.”

  “You don’t have to,” I said softly. “If you don’t want to. I won’t force you to do anything, you know that.”

  “But if we take this further…you want that. You need it.”

  “I do,” I admitted.

  “And that’s why she left. Why she was so upset. Because you can’t have a relationship without it.”

  “I could,” I admitted. “But it wouldn’t be very fulfilling. It would be like someone who wants to be outdoors every weekend being with someone who only wants to stay in and watch television. Pretty soon, the person who wants to be outdoors would be very frustrated, or the one who wants to stay in would resent feeling like they have to go out when they don’t really want to. Neither one is happy.”

  “It makes sense,” she said. “When you say it like that.”

  I waited for several seconds. I could see that she was thinking. My heart pounded. I knew what I wanted her to say. I didn’t know if she would say it.

  Finally, she looked up at me, her face serious. “Okay,” she said.

  I blinked at her, unable to process what she was saying for a moment.

  “Okay,” she repeated. “I’ll try it. I can’t promise I’ll like it. But I’ll try it.”

  “Do you mean it?”

  She nodded.

  I walked to the door, poked my head out. “No one is to come in for at least the next thirty minutes,” I instructed. I closed the door, and turned the lock for good measure. I couldn’t imagine what my assistant was thinking just then, but I didn’t care.

  Elizabeth was staring at me. “You don’t mean to…”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Here? It’s the middle of the work day. My boss will miss me.”

  “If she does, tell her I asked you to meet me to discuss a file we worked on together when you were here before. I’ll vouch for it personally. Now, no more discussion. You said you would try. If you didn’t mean it, then go.” My heart pounded when I said that, fearful that she would.

  She didn’t.

  “Take off your blazer and shirt.”

  Her fingers were trembling a little, out of nervousness and not outright fear, I hoped. She undid the buttons of her blazer and let it fall to the floor, and then her shirt, letting it follow.

  She was wearing a black satin bra, and I felt myself start to harden.

  “Take off your bra. Let me see your breasts.”

  She reached behind, unclasping her bra. The straps sagged forward, and she let them slide down her arms, her shoulders square, her breasts bouncing lightly as her bra fell away.

  My cock rocketed to full hardness immediately.

  I took a step closer. “You’ve gotten me hard, you bad girl. What a way to act at the office. I may punish you for it later. But for now…”

  She looked at me, and I reached behind her, grabbing her hair. Not too hard, not yet. Just enough to let her know I was in charge. To give her a taste of what would come later.

  “Get on your knees and take my cock out,” I ordered, pushing her down.

  She went to her knees, reaching for my belt. She undid my pants, sliding down the zipper and reaching inside. The feel of her soft, warm hand circling my shaft made me feel slightly faint. It had been such a long time since she’d touched me. I hoped I could hold onto my control.

  “Stroke me,” I said. “Slowly.”

  She began to slide her hand up and down my shaft, slowly, her palm rubbing over the tip with each stroke. I stifled a groan. She looked up at me, her lips parted slightly, and I nearly came then and there.

  “Suck my cock,” I instructed.

  Still gripping my shaft, her lips went around the tip of it, her tongue flicking out. Pleasure raced through my body, my thighs trembling at the sensation, and I couldn’t help but let out a low moan as she began to slide her mouth down my cock, her tongue fluttering on the underside as she went. God, it felt good.

  I twisted her hair in my hand when she reached the base, holding her there for a moment until I felt her neck stiffen, and then I let her up, and she came off my cock, coughing. She glared at me.

  “Did I tell you to stop sucking?” I snapped.

  She blinked at me, looking amazed, and then she meekly shook her head. “No,” she said.

  I grabbed her hair again, pulling her head back. “No, what?”

  She was a fast learner. “No, sir,” she whispered.

  “Suck me,” I snapped. “And this time don’t stop. And don’t use your fucking hands.”

  She sucked me into her mouth again, bobbing up and down, her lips sliding up and down the shaft in a rhythm that was dangerously close to getting me off. She came up and sucked the tip, her lips pressing around the edge, and I gasped out: “Stop!”

  She stopped instantly.

  “Take the rest of your clothes off and go sit on the edge of my desk, legs spread.” I didn’t touch my cock. I could feel it, throbbing angrily, and ready to explode. I needed a minute to contain myself.

  She undid her pants, sliding them down, and pushed her black cotton panties down her hips. She left all of her clothing there on the floor, striding to my desk in her heels. The view didn’t help my situation one bit.

  She turned and sat on the edge of the desk, spreading her legs almost defiantly.

  “Spread your lips and hold them open so I can see you.” I walked towards her as she obeyed, running my fingers slowly over my cock. It pulsed pleasurably.

  I knelt down in front of her. “You are going to stay like that while I lick you. You may not come, under any circumstances. If you get close, tell me. If you come, I will punish you, and in a way you probably aren’t ready for yet.”

  I leaned forward then, pressing my mouth between her legs, my tongue flicking over her clit. I felt her trem
ble, and I knew this wouldn’t take long. I only used my mouth, keeping one hand on my cock and stroking slowly to keep myself on the edge as I alternated between long, slow licks that left her gasping and the quick strokes over her clit that made her shudder. I swirled my tongue over her, lapping at her, until she moaned and gasped: “Now, Ethan!”

  I pulled back, and she whimpered, her legs trembling with need. I could see her, flushed and wet, and I stood, grabbing her thighs, and plunged my cock into her.

  “Do. Not. Come.” I ground out, thrusting hard, pulling her legs around my waist. She gripped the desk to steady herself, her lips parted, helpless sounds of pleasure spilling from them. “Don’t you dare come,” I hissed, pounding into her. I felt her fluttering around me, felt her muscles contracting, but she wasn’t orgasming, not yet. I knew she was close, and yet somehow she hung on. “Don’t fucking come,” I growled at her, and then, as I felt my cock swell and harden, I pulled out of her, grasping my shaft.

  “Get on your knees,” I hissed, and she did so, sensing what I wanted and opening her lips as I thrust my hips forward, pushing my cock into her mouth. “Swallow it,” I moaned, grabbing her hair as her lips squeezed my shaft, and then I was pouring into her mouth, my hips bucking as I felt the tip slide deeper into her mouth and felt it contract around me as she sucked me down and swallowed. It was the most intense pleasure I’d ever felt, looking down at Elizabeth on her knees as I came in her mouth and ordered her to swallow it all.

  I held her there for a moment even after it stopped, relishing the feeling of my softening cock still in her warm mouth, and then I let her go. She stood, shakily, and I remembered that I hadn’t let her come.

  She stared at me. “Do I ever get off?” she asked, a bit of grumpiness in her tone.

  “That sort of attitude will get you punished,” I warned, but there wasn’t much in my tone to back it up. I zipped up my pants, and gestured to her clothes. “You should get dressed.”

  I could see by her face how frustrated she was. She put on her clothes, and only when she was fully dressed did I drop the dominance.


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