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Unsatiated with Dad's Best Friend: Taboo Romance

Page 88

by Ami Snow

  And this time they would be right.

  I went to my desk to prepare for the morning meeting, intending to go about my day as normally as possible. It was difficult, though. I saw two of the other girls snickering to each other, and I caught glances towards my desk from coworkers walking by as the day went on. It could have been unrelated, but I had a strong feeling that they were. And midway through the day, I got confirmation of it.

  “Did you see them come in together?” I heard one of the girls who sat nearby me whispering to another, who’d scooted her desk chair up. “I did,” the other girl said. “She must have been sleeping with him all along!”

  “I wonder if it was going on when she was here before.”

  “I mean, I can’t say that he isn’t gorgeous. But I wonder what it’s like knowing you only have your job because of who you’re sleeping with?”

  I caught similar snippets of conversation throughout the day. Ethan texted me off and on, and when I mentioned it, he shrugged it off as jealousy. I thought that was a bit conceited on his part, to assume that the girls were jealous of me. But I let it go. I was beginning to feel exhausted from all of it.

  I knew he could tell, that night at his house. He’d insisted that I come over for dinner, which I knew would undoubtedly turn into sex and spending the night, so I swung by my apartment first to pack a few things. He’d already started dinner by the time I got there, and it smelled delicious. Hot, good in bed, and he can cook. I’ve definitely gotten lucky.

  After dinner—lamb burgers with sweet potato fries—we sat in his living room on the couch, with my head in his lap. A movie was playing in the background on the giant flat-screen television, but I couldn’t have said what it was. I was too tired to pay attention.

  “You’re letting them get to you,” Ethan said.

  “I have to sit and listen to it all day. I’m not up in an ivory tower like you.”

  “Are you regretting it?”

  I took a deep breath. “No. But I wish people didn’t have to be so petty about all of it.”

  “They’re going to be like that. People enjoy gossip. But it will die down. Something else will happen and it won’t be the most interesting subject anymore. Don’t worry, Ellie. Just give it time.”

  He was quiet then, his fingers idly running through my hair, and I could tell he was thinking about something.

  “What is it, Ethan?”

  “I was just thinking…” he trailed off.

  “I know,” I teased. “About what?”

  “I found out today that I’ll need to take a trip to Amsterdam for a few days. Would you like to come with me?”

  “What about work?”

  “I own the company. I’ll give you a few days off.”

  “Ethan, these are the kinds of ‘perks’ that are going to make people upset with me, and make my work life more difficult. This is why I thought that coming to work for you wouldn’t be a good idea.”

  “Are you really going to let your choices be made by what other people think?”

  “It makes it harder for me to work.”

  “Just say you’re going on a business trip, if anyone asks.”

  “They’ll notice we’re both gone.”

  “They won’t, actually,” Ethan said dryly. “I make a point of not letting everyone know my schedule. Keeps them on their toes.”

  I sighed. A few days in Amsterdam? It was hard to turn down. I’d never done any real traveling, other than family vacations, and only one of those had been overseas. I knew, deep down, that my objections would be easily overturned. If anyone asked, I could say I was going on a business trip. It really wasn’t anyone’s business what I was doing, and I was sure Ethan would inform my boss of what was going on. It might annoy her, but she wouldn’t do anything to me. Ethan would find out, and she’d be the one in trouble.

  I didn’t know how to feel about all of it. My relationship with Ethan, and the necessity of not spilling all of the details of our activities in order to avoid more gossip, meant alienating myself from my coworkers on all but the most strictly professional basis. No friendships or after-work happy hours with the girls. But I wasn’t all that fond of my coworkers anyway, and I had plenty of friends outside of work. Keeping my work life strictly business wasn’t going to impede my social life in any way.

  And if I wanted to see if this would work with Ethan…really, truly work, then I had to give it my best shot. And that meant letting myself enjoy all the trappings that came with a relationship with him.

  “Yes,” I said finally. “I’ll go with you.”

  I could tell he was happy that I’d agreed. “Good. I’ll have my secretary make the arrangements tomorrow.”


  I was ecstatic that Elizabeth had agreed to go on the trip with me. I’d been eager, for some time, to make her more a part of my life, to share the kinds of things that I did with her. An impromptu business trip to Amsterdam, while a bit grand, seemed like a good thing. And it would get her away from the gossip, which had been getting slightly more pernicious in the last few days.

  I insisted we go to work together when we stayed the night over at one or the other’s home. I didn’t like letting the attitudes of others determine what I, or Elizabeth, did, and after some conversation she admitted that she felt the same way. But I could still tell that it bothered her. I wished I could tell her that I would have hired her even if we’d never slept together, and have her believe it. I knew she was confident in herself. But I also knew she had some small doubts about why exactly she’d gotten this particular job. I had a feeling that, at some point, she’d move on to another company to put some professional distance between us. But I didn’t want that to happen until I’d gotten her closer to me personally. I didn’t want the space between us if she left to cause us to split up before we’d even really had a chance to be together. This trip seemed like a good way to cement our bond.

  It also meant we’d learn things about each other that we hadn’t previously known. For instance, I hadn’t known that Elizabeth was a light packer, only bringing one small suitcase and a carry-on with her laptop, a book, and a few odds and ends. I also hadn’t known that she had to take Xanax before a flight. It was going to be a long one, and I hoped she wouldn’t be too bothered by it.

  As luck would have it, she had one glass of wine and slept for a good deal of it. I put in my earphones and watched a movie on my iPad, enjoying the solid presence of her next to me, her hand near mine, her warm skin brushing against mine occasionally when she shifted. It was the sort of comfortable, everyday thing that couples did, taking a small vacation together, and it made me happy. I felt at peace, truly relaxed, for the first time in a long time.

  We arrived at the hotel in Amsterdam at last, a quaint nineteenth century building that had been converted into a luxury hotel but lost none of its charm, and I was immensely gratified to see Elizabeth’s reaction. She shed her clothes in no time, heading for the giant claw-foot tub, and I followed her in after a few minutes, my cock getting hard immediately at the sight of her naked body in the steaming water, her hair pulled up and pinned back loosely on top of her head. She wound up on top of me, straddling me in the water as I thrust up into her, until we came at the same time, her teeth sinking into my shoulder and muffling a scream.

  We fell asleep that night in the expansive bed, with the antique velvet comforter pulled up over us, Elizabeth mumbling something about how she loved hotel pillows before she sank back into sleep.

  I had meetings the next morning, but I took the time to have breakfast at the hotel with Elizabeth before leaving, outlining a vague itinerary over waffles and eggs Benedict. I’d scheduled her some spa appointments at the hotel while I was gone, and she protested at first, but I could see her wavering. “You’ll like what I’ve put down for you, I promise,” I said, kissing her on the mouth and then on the cheek as I stood to go. “Go out and buy something new for tonight, too. We’re going out on the town.”

“I packed plenty,” Elizabeth protested, but I shook my head. “Charge it to the hotel. I want you to have fun.”

  When I came back that evening, loosening my tie and getting ready to strip out of my suit and change into something a little more appropriate for a night out, I was treated to the vision of Elizabeth standing at the sink getting ready, dressed only in a black lace pushup bra and a black lace thong. I made a small noise, and she turned and smiled, walking towards me to give me a kiss.

  “Thank you for the spa day,” she murmured. “It was really nice.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I slapped her ass lightly. “Finish getting ready, we have dinner reservations.”

  About twenty minutes later she emerged, wearing tight black waxed pants with strappy black high heels, a grey tank with matte bronze sequins sewed onto it, and a slouchy black cotton jacket as a concession to the chill of the Amsterdam evening. Her hair was loose, and she’d left it wavy—even curled it a bit more, and she’d done her makeup with a smoky eye and rosy lips. She looked beyond sexy, and it was all I could do not to tumble her onto the bed and keep her there. I had other plans for her tonight, though.

  Dinner was a fairly casual affair, outside dining on a heated patio, with lovely views of the city. When we were finished, we walked down the street to a bar I’d heard from friends was excellent, and Elizabeth settled into one of the booths while I got our drinks. She was already a little tipsy from drinks with dinner, and when I got back to the booth, she was deep in conversation with a gorgeous red-headed woman at the table next to ours. I slipped in beside them just as Ellie’s eyes went wide at something the girl had said.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  Chapter 4


  The whole day had been a whirlwind. First the extravagant day that Ethan had planned out for me, dinner, and now we were here at this bar, in a country I’d never been in before. I’d started talking to a beautiful girl sitting at the table next to ours, who spoke with a thick accent that I found oddly sexy. Maybe it was the gin I’d had at dinner, but I couldn’t help but look at her lips when she talked. She had full lips, with a dark lipstick on, and they looked soft.

  I’d noticed a couple sitting nearby, not far away from our table. They’d been kissing at first, but they’d gotten closer and closer, and now their hands were unmistakably wandering beneath the table. My mouth had nearly fallen open in shock, and the girl, whose name I’d learned was Mina, laughed out loud.

  “It’s pretty common here, actually,” she said. “You see couples do things like this in bars all the time. In clubs, too. It’s not so crazy. We don’t think so, anyway.”

  I glanced at Ethan to see his reaction. He didn’t look shocked. “I’ve heard about it,” he said, and took a sip of his drink. He leaned forward then, his lips brushing my ear, and whispered softly: “Maybe we should give them a run for their money.”

  My initial reaction was to be shocked. I’d never been an exhibitionist, or particularly voyeuristic. But as I glanced across at the couple, who were now clearly engaged in much more than just making out, I felt incredibly turned on. Ethan’s voice, low and rasping, in my ear wasn’t helping matters. I could feel his breath on my neck as his lips moved lower, brushing against the skin. The female half of the couple had slid her partner’s zipper down, and her hand had disappeared into his pants. I could clearly see the outline of his cock against the fabric, and her skirt was pushed up. I couldn’t see details, but his fingers were moving back and forth, and I could hear the sound of her breathing.

  Or maybe it was my breathing that I was hearing. Ethan’s hand was slipping beneath my shirt, his warm fingers sliding up my skin and finding my nipple through the lace of my bra. I tried to hold back the moan that I wanted to let escape, as he pinched softly, rolling it between his fingers, his tongue flicking out against the shell of my ear, the curve of my neck. No one in the bar was paying any attention to us, nor the couple on the other side, but I felt as if everyone were staring.

  And I realized that I liked the feeling.

  My hand moved, seemingly all on its own, to Ethan’s thigh. I slid my fingers up, knowing what I would find, and I did. His cock throbbed through the fabric of his jeans, and I could feel the heat against my palm. I pressed it against him, and his hips shifted, and I felt his mouth against the nape of my neck, his teeth sliding a little against the skin. His hand had moved onto my leg, his fingers shifting against my inner thigh. I wanted him to move them closer. I wanted the barrier of my clothing gone.

  Without my realizing it, the red-headed girl had slid into the booth next to me. I saw her when I turned my head, and I thought, dizzy with lust, how very gorgeous she was. She had creamy, pale skin, thick red-gold hair, and bright blue eyes that were sparkling with laughter. She reached out, her fingers grazing my jawline, her touch as cool and elegant as the rest of her.

  Then she kissed me.

  Her lips were soft and warm, and I leaned towards her, feeling caught in a tide of desire, her in front of me with her mouth that pulled me in, soft and tender in a way that men’s kisses never were, and behind me Ethan, with his hand hard on my thigh and his cock hard in my hand. I panted against her mouth, my hand reaching unthinkingly to her breast, small and soft beneath her silky blouse. She reached and pressed my hand against her. I could feel her nipple through the fabric.

  “I have an apartment above the bar,” she murmured. “We should go up.”

  I couldn’t think of any reason to argue. If anyone had asked me, just yesterday, if I’d be open to a threesome with my newly minted boyfriend and a strange woman, I’d have laughed aloud. But here, in this strange place, dizzy with alcohol and sex, it seemed like the most perfectly natural thing to do. So we went.

  I caught Ethan’s expression as we made our way outside and to the stairs, leaving cash on the table to pay for our drinks. He had a sort of befuddled disbelief on his face, as if he couldn’t truly believe that this was happening. I couldn’t blame him. I could hardly believe it, and this wasn’t the sort of thing I fantasized about. I was pretty sure that it had probably happened to him before.

  Mina’s apartment was small and quaintly furnished, and I cast a glance around as the three of us headed toward her bedroom as if we knew where it was, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. It was a biggish mattress on a rustic wooden frame, done up in white cotton sheets and crushed velvet coverlets that looked worn, but as if they were meant to.

  Mina pulled me to her, her mouth coming down on mine again, more purposeful now, but still soft. I could feel Ethan tugging my jacket down, reaching for the hem of my blouse, and I let him undress me. My hands were on Mina, taking off her gauzy blouse, reaching for the zipper of her short leather skirt, undoing the clasp of her lavender lace bra. She was laughing against my mouth, giggling at my eagerness, but I’d never done this before and I was eager to find out how it went. We tumbled onto the bed, Ethan next to us, and I saw he’d shed his clothes at some point in the process. Mina rolled me onto my back, divesting me of my pants, and she began to kiss my stomach as Ethan kissed my mouth and neck, his hands at my breasts.

  I felt her mouth between my legs and nearly came on the spot, her hands holding my legs apart as her lips encircled my clit, sucking and nibbling at it as her tongue swept along the length of me. I reached out for Ethan, his cock throbbing in my hand, and I stroked him as Mina licked me, and the feeling of her mouth between my legs and him in my hand was too much. I came before I even realized I was there, my body bucking and trembling beneath her touch. She crawled up the bed, rolling over, and I wanted to do the same to her.

  I knelt between her legs, kissing her mouth again before running my hands up her thighs, and for the first time I had a sense of what I must taste like as I licked her gently. She tasted salty and sweet at the same time, and I tried to mimic what she had done to me, although probably more clumsily. I glanced up and saw Ethan’s cock between her lips, and the sight of it, thick and hard, d
isappearing into her mouth spurred me on. I slid a finger into her, startled at the strange sensation, and I heard her moan aloud. A moment later I felt Ethan behind me, and I moaned against her as he thrust into me, and her hips pressed up against her mouth.

  It was all bodies and skin, her body writhing against the mattress, mine stretched between her and Ethan, my mouth full of her, and Ethan pounding away behind me, groaning aloud as he got closer and closer. She came just before he did, her fingers digging into my scalp as she pressed my mouth hard against her, and it brought on my orgasm, which in turn made Ethan grab my hips and sink into me, his hips bucking madly as he came. He was groaning, shuddering, and I could feel Mina twitching beneath me, my own body shuddering with the force of it, and then we all collapsed, a pile of satiated bodies, and I could hear Mina giggling softly, and Ethan murmuring: “Oh, my god.”

  Sometime later, early in the morning, we left, stumbling back to our hotel, the night air cool around us. We stopped halfway, my feet hurting and my legs still wobbly, and I looked up at Ethan.

  “You never stop surprising me, Ellie,” he said, a smirk on his face.

  “You did say you loved me,” I pointed out, rubbing at one of my ankles.

  “I do. Oh, god, I do,” he said fervently.

  I reached out and took his hand, threading his fingers through mine.

  “You know,” I said conversationally as we kept walking.

  “I think I love you too.”

  End of Story





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