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Demon King Daimaou: Volume 4

Page 6

by Shoutarou Mizuki


  Akuto and Korone were left alone in the room, but since they were guests, all they could do was sit there. The woman in the kimono who had led them there brought tea, but they’d only drank half and it had gone cold.

  “Are we being tested?” Akuto asked Korone.

  “Do you think so? It’s hard to say.”

  —Either way, I have to be careful what I say. I have to stay focused...

  Just as Akuto had made that decision, the sliding door to the room opened.

  “Welcome. I hear you’re very close to Junko.”

  Standing there was a small but lively-looking man.

  Akuto hadn’t noticed his approach until the door had opened. Normally he would’ve heard footsteps, and he’d just proved that he could detect Yuko when she was hiding. It was clear that this was no ordinary man.

  The man was wearing a kimono, and he seemed between 40 and 50 years of age. His white teeth stood out on his dark sunburned face. His hair was black and shiny, and he looked very healthy. But there wasn’t any sense of the “lightness” that such men often had. The air about him was heavy, but not unpleasant.

  “I am Yozo.” The man bowed to Akuto, who had stood up to greet him, and motioned for him to sit down. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” He sat across from Akuto with a friendly smile.

  “I’m embarrassed. But thank you. Junko has done a lot for me, both as someone who’s been at the school longer than I have and as the class representative.” Akuto bowed.

  “By the way, I’ll just come out and ask it. Do you like Junko?” Yozo suddenly asked.

  Normally this was a question that would cause a young boy to stammer or hesitate, but to Akuto, “like” included feelings other than romantic love, and he was also not the type to hesitate about his feelings.

  “I like her a lot,” he answered immediately.

  Yozo laughed loudly.

  “Hahahaha! I like that. But you know what her position is, right? What it means for the Hattori clan that she lives with you.”

  Akuto knew how much she had suffered being one of his only allies at the dorm. And he’d already been told that this was about politics.

  “I’m aware that it means something, politically. It’s not just a matter of my feelings. No matter how difficult things get, I will take into account her environment and the people around her, and make the best choice for her sake.”

  Akuto meant the words he said. But Yozo, who thought they were talking about Junko’s marriage, interpreted it a different way. He smiled in a way that was truly happy, but also imposing to anyone who saw it.

  “I’m happy to hear that, as her father. But if you’re that certain, you won’t mind if I test you, right?”

  His voice was calm but there was an intensity that spoke to his years as a warrior. But Akuto didn’t even budge.

  “I was aware that I might be tested.”

  “Excellent. You’re a good man.”

  The next instant, Akuto saw something terrifying manifest itself.

  Yozo jumped up into the air while still sitting on his knees — his legs were incredibly powerful. He managed to get a meter off the ground just with the power from his calves.


  Akuto was shocked, and leapt up out of reflex. And then Yozo, still kneeling even while in the air, drew his sword and slashed.

  Akuto blocked with his hands, but all he did was expose them to the blade. His fingers flew off into the air, and the sword went straight into his jugular.

  —I’m dead...!

  Akuto felt his own death.

  —Is this the end...? No, if it is, then how am I able to think?

  And when that thought occurred to him, his eyes suddenly opened.

  He was standing in shock in the middle of the room, with Yozo still sitting below him. He looked around and saw that Korone was sitting with no change in her expression — though nothing would be enough to get her to change expression.

  “Why did you suddenly jump up?” Korone asked.

  —So this isn’t real...

  Akuto put his hand to his neck. It was fine.

  “A wonderful reaction. I can see why they said you could be the Demon King.” Yozo slapped his hands against his knees.

  He looked and saw that Yozo didn’t even have a sword. It made sense once he thought about it. No master of a household would take a sword to a meeting with an unarmed guest.

  “An illusion...?” Akuto whispered.

  He didn’t understand how it worked, but it seemed plain that he’d fallen prey to an illusion. The one thing he did know was that the illusion seemed very real.

  —If Yozo really did have a sword, the same thing would’ve happened in reality.

  Akuto was sure of it.

  “It’s a little trick I’ve got. Do you like it?” Yozo asked. There was a meaning in the words that Akuto caught.

  “Even if it was an illusion, those movements... If you’d wanted to, you could’ve made the same thing happen, right?” Akuto asked, and Yozo grinned.

  “Correct. It’s one of my clan’s techniques. The illusion itself is enough to kill the delicate, but I figured you would be alright. It’s a bit of a mean thing to do, but it’s just who I am. I had to test you. At this age, you can’t help but wonder what would happen if you really tried, you know.”

  —So he can know in advance what happens if he actually attacks someone? If it turns out they’re much stronger, there’s no need to fight. You can see the result. But if you’re equal, and it’s a fight you can’t avoid, when you actually attack, you can do it in a slightly different way to ensure that you never lose...

  That was Akuto’s interpretation. He kept thinking about it.

  —There’s no way he would do something like this just to be a jerk. If this is a political matter, they must be talking about putting me under his observation. He must be trying to make me understand that I can’t beat him so I won’t resist.

  Akuto got down on his knees and bowed his head.

  “I hope that this can be the beginning of a long fruitful relationship for both of us, sir.”

  “No, raise your head. I’d heard that you were going to be the Demon King, so I got a little too excited. I’d be happy to have a good boy like you around. Very happy indeed.” Yozo laughed happily, but suddenly his eyes narrowed and he continued. “By the way, if I’d really tried to hurt you, what would’ve happened? Tell me what you really think.”

  Akuto was caught off guard and his face went a little red.

  “You weren’t fighting for real, so I can’t say for sure. But I think I’ve understood your style, so if you can do it one more time I can change the result.”

  Akuto’s voice was so cheerful that Yozo’s eyes went wide for a second, but it was more from shock than anger. Akuto hadn’t really thought about it, but he’d just asked to be the subject of a technique that might kill him.

  Yozo’s expression quickly changed to joy.

  “Alright, that settles it. You’re part of the family now. I’ll prepare some sake for us. No, I guess it would be tea for you. But the food will be the best the region has to offer. Relax until it’s ready.”

  —He seems to really like me. This must mean that the Hattoris are my backers now. I have to study a lot and become someone who can think about politics too.

  Akuto bowed as Yozo left the room.


  The banquet was going to be a big one, it seemed. There were rows of small trays lined up in a hall with tatami flooring, packed with meats and seafood. At a distance, it looked like a random pile of food, something that bandits would eat, but if you got closer you could see that it had been prepared carefully. The whole clan would be attending, as well as the ninjas who lived in the mansion, so there were many people in the hall. To a poor boy like Akuto, the only thing he could think to compare it to was a hot springs retreat hosted by a big company.

  Akuto was sitting next to Yozo. He was right at the front of the hall. He�
��d never sat in a place like that before, so he didn’t know what to do.

  On the opposite side of Yozo was Junko. She was nervous, or rather, she was frozen stiff. He could practically hear her joints creaking as she moved, and even when Yozo talked to her, she barely answered. Yuko was sitting next to Junko. They were the only ones at the front of the hall — Hiroshi was seated at the far back.

  Akuto looked at the banquet and decided that this might be another way they were testing him. Yozo began a speech, which finished quickly, and then he turned to Akuto. Akuto’s sense that he was being tested became a certainty.

  “...Akuto Sai is the newest member of our family. Let’s hear a little introduction from him.”

  Akuto stood up, but the ninjas — though they weren’t wearing masks here — didn’t applaud at all. They all seemed like they wanted to attack him right then and there.

  —I see. I need to win them over.

  “I will now be under the protection of the Hattori family. I may cause problems for you all. But I am well aware that my circumstances are unique, and that my actions may have political effects.”

  Everyone stared at him. Some had been whispering to each other, but they all stopped and waited for his next words.

  “These political effects would, of course, be negative. My actions may anger some people. But power itself is neither good nor bad. It’s the same with influence. So why is it negative? Because people are deceived by the reputation that they themselves created.”

  The room didn’t seem sure of how to handle Akuto’s abstract words.

  “Political power is, at its core, reputation. And so I want to be on the side of the people who decide that reputation. I will now personally contribute to the Hattori family, and work to enhance their reputation. I believe that’s the best thing I can do to repay Junko.”

  Murmurs spread throughout the hall. His words meant that the Demon King was surrendering to the Hattori clan. But they also were a declaration that he, himself, would be participating in political power struggles. In another place, this might have been interpreted as the Demon King displaying his intent to conquer the world, but the Hattori Clan was different. Words like these would only make Suhara worshippers trust him more.

  “This is... a surprise.”

  “I was terrified of having a man like him leading the clan, but...”

  “It’s wonderful to hear someone talking like that. And our Mistress Junko is going to be bossing him around, huh?”

  Akuto wasn’t sure how to react to that, but he kept talking.

  “I want to learn about the world here, and I’ll use the Hattori clan’s power to do that. But that doesn’t mean that I’m going to use the Hattori clan for my own benefit. Some of you may not believe this. And I know that I’m from a different sect. But I can promise you one thing: that I will never betray Junko.”

  Akuto looked at Junko. She twitched and straightened up when she saw he was looking at her. And a moment later she seemed to realize what he was saying. Her tense face turned to a smile, and she covered it with her hands. And then she started to cry.

  —W-Was it that moving?

  Akuto was just trying to show off. He didn’t expect this kind of reaction. But the tears had a huge effect on the assembled ninja army.


  “Please be happy, you two!”

  “I’ll allow it! I wasn’t going to allow it, but now I will!”

  The hall was filled with the sobs and shouts of ninjas. Akuto didn’t quite understand why his words had had such an effect, but the whole thing happened so fast he didn’t have time to say a word about it.

  Food and alcohol were passed around with cheers, and before long, everyone was drunk.

  One ninja after another came up to him, sobbing and saying, “Please make the mistress happy!” He didn’t quite know what to say, and before long his mind was starting to go blank.

  Junko had stopped crying, and she was happily eating her food. She was talking cheerfully with the ninjas who came up to her. But for some reason she couldn’t bring herself to look at Akuto.

  Strangely, the ninjas had taken a liking to Hiroshi, and they were all talking about idols.

  “So if Yuko wants to get more famous, what does she have to do?”

  “There’s that other idol, Senri, who’s pretty popular. I think she’s her number one opponent.”

  “No, Senri’s the old type of idol. The type who gets crushed when there’s some scandal about her having a boyfriend. The only idols who lose their fans when that happens are the ones who try to sell their virginity and the illusion that they’re the fan’s girlfriend. The old type. Yuko’s different. She’s a free spirit, and she’s just so talented it’s impossible to imagine yourself having her for a girlfriend.”

  The ninjas nodded.

  “Ooh, just what I’d expect to hear from a student at the Academy.”

  “He’s very smart!”

  And then Yuko, who’d been angry and upset this whole time, suddenly said she was going to sing, and had the ninjas bring her a karaoke set.

  The party reached its peak when she began to sing her songs.

  Akuto felt a happiness that he’d never felt in his life before. He didn’t understand why the Hattori clan was making him so happy, though.


  It was night. Junko was alone in her room, and suddenly feeling uneasy. It’s normal to feel a little sad after a party, and to start to regret some of the things you’ve said when tipsy. The feeling was similar to that. She’d suddenly started to be suspicious of Akuto’s attitude.

  —Was I imagining it? No, he was definitely oddly calm. He’s usually got a poker face, but today at least I would’ve expected him to blush when someone teased him.

  And once she started to get suspicious, she couldn’t just stay in her room.

  —No, is it possible he’s misunderstanding things? Gaah, I just can’t stop thinking about it! I know. I can just go ask him. I’ll do that...

  Junko stood up.


  —But how am I supposed to ask him? If I just ask “Do you plan on marrying me?” and he says yes, just the fact that I was suspicious of him is a problem. I’d be so ashamed I’d have to commit seppuku.

  Junko shook her head. And then suddenly she got an idea. But the minute she got that idea, her body felt strangely hot.

  —He hasn’t converted yet. Which means... that until marriage... I-I’m not supposed to do that stuff. If I try to do the things that husbands and wives do, I’ll be able to tell if he really understand the situation.

  Junko put her hand on the door to leave, but stopped.

  —No, but if he does intend to marry me, then that means we’ll... N-No, maybe that’s okay! But then maybe I should wash up first...

  Junko got a change of clothes out of her dresser and went to the bath.

  —No... am I... looking forward to this?

  She looked in a mirror as she washed herself. There was a dopey grin on her face.

  “U-Uwah... I need to stay focused, or he won’t like me...” she said aloud.

  —Wait, he wouldn’t hate me just because I had a grin on my face. No, but... Even if he doesn’t know what’s going on, if we d-do it, then maybe he’ll have to marry me?

  Her face turned an even brighter shade of red than usual.

  “I-I’ve been in the bath too long. I should wash up and get going.”

  She began to scrub herself hard.


  Meanwhile, Akuto was alone in the room he’d been given. He’d taken a bath, and changed into the shorts and a t-shirt he’d brought instead of pajamas, and slipped into bed. He was enjoying the quiet night that comes after a huge party.

  —This feeling of happiness... But I just can’t enjoy it completely. It doesn’t feel like I’m worthy of it. Maybe I’m just not used to it?

  Suddenly he felt the presence of someone outside his door. He sat up in his futon.

  “Who’s ther
e?” he asked, and the door slid open.

  Junko was there, kneeling on the floor.


  She looked different than usual. She was wearing a thin white kimono, and he could see the lines of her figure as the moonlight turned it translucent. What shocked him was her expression. She was as nervous as she had been all day, but there was a slight blush to her cheeks that made her seem far more grown-up than she’d been before.

  “W-What are you doing here at this hour?” Akuto asked. Junko closed the door behind her and looked down as she spoke.

  “You can tell, right? Or can’t you?”

  There was something in her voice that made Akuto shudder.

  He said nothing as she silently approached him. Her thin kimono was already starting to fall off her body. He could see her pale breasts spilling out of it. She wasn’t wearing any underwear. As she walked, the hem of the kimono spread out to the side, revealing her pale thighs. Akuto quickly looked away before he realized if she wasn’t wearing anything down there, either.

  “I-It’s awfully late. Can we talk tomorrow?”

  “I-If we wait until tomorrow, someone will find us, right?”

  He could hear Junko’s trembling voice very close to him. Since he’d looked away, he hadn’t realized she’d sat down next to him.

  He looked towards her and gasped.

  Her eyes were wet with fear. And with shaking hands, she was removing her kimono.

  —Wh-What’s going on here? This isn’t like Hattori...

  He wasn’t sure what was going on. There was a daintiness about her that he’d never seen before.

  “Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to,” he said as he reached out a hand to help her put her kimono back on.

  “Something I don’t want to...?” Junko gasped.

  “I mean, you’re acting differently than usual.”

  “Wha...?” Junko was shocked into silence.

  “Is your family forcing you to do this or something?” Akuto asked.

  Junko stammered.

  “Wh-What are you...”

  “I mean, the Junko I like wouldn’t act this way.” Junko kept opening and closing her mouth like she had no idea what to say.


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