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Shadows 01 Superstition Shadows

Page 10

by K C West

  “You can stay in the tent if you want to and sleep on the cot,” I said to PJ, when she returned with her sleeping bag rolled up under her arm. “I’m staying outside.”

  “What, and let you do all the stargazing? No way. I intend to count all the stars in the Milky Way.” She looked around. “How about I go over there?” She pointed to a flat area several feet from where I was sitting and between two large rocks.

  “Wherever you’re comfortable.”

  I got up then, and headed for the tent to fetch my sleeping bag, but with a short detour to the teepee. I sat down on the chemical toilet. As an afterthought and with a smile, I turned on the radio.

  When I returned, PJ was already tucked into her sleeping bag. I spread mine alongside a long flat rock where I was sheltered from any wind that might come up in the night. “Looks like you’re ready for sleep,” I said, not knowing if she was still awake. “I know I am.”

  “Yeah.” She yawned. “It’s been a long day. That woman I work for is a real slave driver.”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, and I’ll bet she gets you up at the crack of dawn to make her some tea.”

  PJ snorted. “She wouldn’t dare … would she?”

  I turned onto my side to face her. “Oh, she can be ruthless with her assistants. Or so I hear.”

  PJ gave an exaggerated sigh. Then, she rose on one elbow. “Wait a minute. Just how many assistants have worked for her?”

  I laughed out loud. “Okay, I’m busted. You’re the first one.”

  “That’s what I thought and I want to thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For taking a chance with me … for teaching me what real archaeology is all about… most of all, for being my friend.”

  “Hey, it hasn’t been nearly as bad as I expected. Perhaps I should be the one thanking you.”

  “Well, fine then. You’re welcome. Good night, Kim.”

  “Good night,” I replied, then added, “sweet dreams, friend.” I don’t think she heard me.

  I lay on my back, savoring the moments between wakefulness and sleep. For a minute all my cares and worries vanished. The stars were as bright and as big as I had ever seen them. There’s something about the night sky that makes a person stop and take stock … think about the journey to this moment and what the path ahead might have in store for a solitary traveler.

  That thought brought a resurgence of the hollow, lonely feeling. It didn’t last, though. I drifted off to sleep with the realization that I wasn’t really alone anymore. At this point in my life, I had a friend.

  Pup was howling and running back and forth between us. PJ scrambled from her sleeping bag. “What the hell was that?”

  “A trembler, I think, a mild one.” I held onto Pup, who was shaking. “It’s okay, fella. We’re all right and you are, too.”

  “You mean an earthquake?”

  “Somewhere, maybe in California. We barely felt it.”

  “The hell we did. It woke us up.”

  “Probably because we were lying on the ground. Being in contact with the Earth like that, we can feel Her breathe.” I glanced at my watch … it was just after four.

  PJ was standing in the middle of the clearing, looking around as if expecting to see something. She shivered. “I didn’t know there were earthquakes in Arizona.”

  “There are a couple of faults just north of here, Sugarloaf and Horseshoe.”

  “You said it was coming from California.”

  “I said maybe it was California … the epicenter could have been in any number of places … California, Nevada, Mexico. Anyway, it was too far away to affect us.”

  “You’d better be right.” She took a deep breath and finger-combed her hair. “I remember all those things you warned me about the first day of camp … cactus needles, snakes, spiders and dehydration. Earthquakes were not on the list.”

  She pulled on a hooded sweatshirt. I wasn’t sure if she wanted protection from the early morning chill or the shaky ground.

  Pup was calm now, so I let go of his collar. He stayed close.

  “Now that you’re up and about, would you like some bacon and eggs?”

  PJ grinned. “You have the fixings?”

  “In the ice chest.”

  “Then I’d love some.” She laughed. “Ya know, this could all have been an elaborate trick to get me to make tea for you.”

  I grinned back at her. “Not even I could be that diabolical. But, you can get the frying pan … it’s in the box under the table. I’ll get the camp stove going.”

  Pup trotted between us. He was still unsettled but he seemed content enough as long as he was close to one or other of us.

  Chapter Ten

  “What?” Kim looked up from her breakfast plate, her fork still poised in the air. She stared at me.

  “I said, I think you’re trying to kill me. This breakfast, delicious as it is, is full of fat and cholesterol.” I chuckled and her smile delighted me. You need to smile more, Kim. It does wonders for your disposition.

  The smile widened. “And that would be a bad thing?”

  Hmm, smiling and making jokes, too. Incredible.

  “Oh yeah … bad stuff. Before I came here I was focused on all that nutritional stuff … fats, cholesterol, HDLs and LDLs. I would have fruit or bagel and juice or herbal tea for breakfast. Now look at me.” I sighed and stretched, rubbing my stomach. “All fat and sassy… Do you know that the guys stop for French fries and cheeseburgers after work several times a week? I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve joined in a few times. When you add that to the pizza and—”

  “You have nothing to worry about. There’s not a stray ounce of fat on you.”

  I bowed my head. “Why, thank you.”

  “Besides, hiking to and from the site every day—often carrying loads of supplies will keep anyone trim.”

  “I hope you’re right about that.” I drank the last of my tea. “Can I get you another cup?”

  “No, I’m fine. We’d better wash up and get ready for the crew’s arrival. You use the tent and what’s left of the hot water. I’ll go check out our elegant bathroom.”

  I shrugged. “Why don’t you use the tent, I don’t mind making do with-“

  “No, this is fine.” She was already moving toward the Potty tent. “We’ll change places in a bit.”

  I rinsed our plates and utensils, being careful to save as much hot water as possible for both our needs. I stripped off the sweatshirt, sweatpants, and tee shirt I had worn to bed. I had a fresh shirt and underwear stuffed into my daypack. Yesterday’s cargo pants would have to do another day. Ugh … also yesterday’s socks. Dressed in cargo pants and fresh panties, I washed and applied deodorant. I was just pulling my sports bra over my head, when the tent flap rustled.

  “PJ, are you decent?”

  “Depends on who you ask,” I answered, my back to the entrance.

  “What’s that? Oh Geez, I’m sorry.”

  I turned to see her backing up. “Hey, no big deal. Just making a joke. I’m almost finished.” I pulled the bra into place and picked up my shirt. Kim had her back to me, but remained standing inside the tent.

  “All yours.” I tapped her on the shoulder. “And don’t worry about—”

  She winced.

  “Kim, what’s wrong?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing … just my shoulder.” She turned toward me, rubbing the left side of her neck. “I fell and dislocated it several years ago while working in Greece. Sleeping on the ground makes it ache sometimes.”

  “Why didn’t you use the cot?”

  “Because I wanted to sleep outside under the stars …”

  “You could have moved the cot outside.”

  “I know, but sometimes I like to sleep on the—”

  I cut her off. “Never mind that.” I nudged her toward the cot. “Go lie down. I’m going to make it all better.”

  “But, really—”

  “Don’t argue.” She tried to walk around me, but I blo
cked her path. We grinned like a couple of children in a schoolyard game of tag. “Kim, don’t fight with me. I want to help you.”

  “The pain will go away on its own, really.” She rubbed the offending shoulder.

  I grabbed her by the hips and waltzed her to the cot. “Bend yer knees, Dearie,” I said in my best imitation of my childhood nanny. Constance Hazleton was a prim and proper Englishwoman. She expected and received total obedience. I doubt she’d ever heard of Mary Poppins. “Now, sit,” I commanded.

  “Okay. Okay … I give up.” Kim flopped face down on the cot. “You sure you weren’t an army drill sergeant in a former life?”

  I placed my hand against my chest, feigning astonishment. “How can you say such a thing when I have only the best intentions? You are our leader, Kim. It is imperative that you be in tiptop shape for the coming day.” I cracked my knuckles and wrinkled my nose. “I intend to see that you are.”

  Kim groaned. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  “Hush. Take your shirt off and stretch out on your stomach.”

  She protested again, but I was persistent. “Now, now. Doctor Curtis will make it feel all better.”

  I rummaged through my daypack. “Damn, if only I had some massage oil.” I found a tube of moisturizing lotion. “This will have to do.” I looked toward my patient. “I hope that cot will hold both of us.”

  “Really, PJ …” She started to rise, but thought better of it.

  I chuckled. Modesty, Doctor Blair, is going to force you to obey.

  “Now try to keep your arms and shoulders relaxed. This won’t hurt a bit.” I straddled her hips. “I’m a doctor and I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’d like to remind you that your degree is in archaeology, same as mine.”

  “Details … details.” I coated my hands with lotion and began to knead the tendons on either side of her neck. “I learned from the best… Carlos Montega, my father’s personal trainer.”

  “Who? I’m not sure this is going to … ahhhhhh, yeah, right there … ohhhh. Whatever you’re doing, it feels wonderful.”

  “Uh huh. And you doubted these magic fingers. Carlos taught me how to give the best massages. Course, he taught me a few other things, too, before Father fired him for corrupting my seventeen-year old morals. But, that’s another story.”

  My fingers were tingling as they made contact with Kim’s flesh. What’s that all about? Must be some alcohol in the lotion or something. I kept my eyes focused on the wide expanse of her muscular back and swallowed.

  Gawd, what am I doing? This is Doctor Blair, naked from the waist up…and I’m acting like a comedian here. We started out so playfully, but this was a definite step forward in our friendship. I hadn’t expected to feel anything by it. Oh, come on. I’m a friend helping another friend who happens to have a sore shoulder. That’s all it… isn’t it?

  “Whoa, I bet your parents had something to say about that.” The padding on the cot muffled Kim’s voice, but it was loud enough to bring me out of my reverie.

  “What? Oh, well … it was just my father who got after Carlos. Mom died when I was fourteen. Killed in a plane crash near Cairo.”

  “Oh, that’s right. I remember reading about it. I’m sorry, PJ.”

  “It’s okay. I … um … took her death pretty hard. I’m afraid I was a bit of a handful after that.”

  Kim coughed. I ignored her and continued.

  “My mom was a super lady. She was a photojournalist for the Boston Herald. A real independent, stubborn woman.”

  Kim coughed again.

  “Hey, are you trying to tell me something?”

  “No … not me.” She shifted her hips and we both rolled to one side.

  “Hey, you’re rocking the boat, here. Take it easy, you’ll undo all my hard work.” I moved us closer to the center.

  “Sorry, PJ. I’m not used to getting the spa treatment.” She sighed and turned her head to the right, before lowering it to the mattress.

  I patted her shoulder. “The next time you get to Boston, let me know and I’ll take you to my favorite health club. It has the most wonderful day spa.”

  “I don’t know about that. This may be my one and only experience. I’m not into this luxury stuff.”

  I continued to work out the knots and smooth out her tense muscles. “Kim, it really isn’t extravagant to keep your body healthy and flexible. Bodies need a little help every now and then.”

  She snorted. “Especially mine. Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Certainly not… not at all. You have a great body.” I felt my face flush after I said it. “That is … uh … what I see here … is very toned. Your back is strong, your arms and shoulders … uh…” Oh Gawd.

  She started to laugh. “It’s okay. I was only teasing.”

  “… And your butt is so firm…” Shit! Did I say that out loud? “Uh, sorry. Forget I mentioned…”

  Her laughter continued. “Goodness, such flattery. I think I’ll come to this spa more often. You are very good for my ego, PJ, and your massage seems to have my neck moving again.”

  PJ was straddling my hips. Does she realize what a compromising position that is? I tried not to squirm, to keep my thoughts under control. Gawd, PJ, if you only knew what you’re doing to me. I fought the desire to turn beneath her, to face her and pull her into my embrace, to pull her hips to mine ~ to feel her bra-constrained breasts pressing against my naked ones. My face was burning. Gawd, if she should notice! What will she think? Hot flashes, that’s it, I can tell her I’m having hot flashes. I gripped the wooden sides of the cot.

  “Relax,” PJ ordered in a most demanding tone. “Let go of the cot… you’re hanging on for dear life, like I’m planning to tip you off onto the floor.”

  “Okay, okay.”

  Her therapeutic fingers were working wonders for my shoulder, but they were doing much more than that. It’s been so long and she’s so desirable. But she’s straight and would probably be insulted if I were to … I remembered Terry and the hurt she brought into my life when she left … and she was gay. A dalliance with PJ, even if she were a willing participant would be so much worse…so much more complicated. Besides, she’s my assistant… I need to keep this on a professional basis.

  PJ continued to chatter. My thoughts were out of control. I hoped my responses to her made sense.

  “Glad I could help, then. And, I meant it about Boston. I go to Sunny’s every time I’m home.”

  I had lost the thread of the conversation. “Oh, you mean, the spa thing. I really don’t have time for that kind of thing, but I’ll keep it in mind.”

  PJ’s fingers continued to work their magic. My body was feeling the heat of passion and the pain of subduing it. I tried to focus on conversation. “I guess you’ll drop in there next month, then, during your Thanksgiving break.”

  PJ stopped. “Probably not. Father goes to Newport for the holidays and takes his staff with him. He has long, work sessions that are anything but restful. Boring as hell, actually. Last year I was with Stephen.” She made a face. “Ugh. I doubt I’ll be doing anything with him. So, I guess I’ll stay around here. How about you, Kim? Will you go home for Turkey Day?”

  “When I’m close enough to Santa Fe, I like to spend time there. I have a ranch there, you know.”

  “No, I didn’t know.”

  “The house is a fixer upper, but I consider it my official residence. It’ll hardly be worth the trip though, not for just a couple of days. So, I’ll probably stay in the motor home in Apache Junction. If you’d like to come for dinner, I could cook a—”

  “Kim, you cook for us, the crew, all the time!”

  “Thank you, PJ, for the thought, but ordering in Chinese or pizza is hardly cooking.”

  “Why don’t I take you out for dinner? My treat. What do you say? We could go into Phoenix, to a really nice restaurant. Have turkey and all the trimmings. How about it?”

  “I guess we could do that. But, nothing too fan
cy, okay?”

  “I’ll call around and let you have the final choice … and I promise … nothing fancy.”

  Pup stood up and gave a happy bark. Kim turned her head. “What is it, fella?”

  “Hey Doc!” Sandy burst through the tent flap and stopped abruptly. “Ooops! I’m sorry. Jesus, forgive me.” The sight of us on the cot, Kim’s bare back, and me with my shirt unbuttoned left him slack-jawed.

  I started to giggle at the thoughts that must be going through his mind. Kim sputtered a little, but stayed down. Sandy turned and started out of the tent, his face turning a most adorable shade of pink.

  “Hold it right there, Sandy m’boy. Just stand still and keep your back to us.” I couldn’t control the giggles.

  “You’re a big help,” Kim said, lifting her head. “Sandy.”

  “Yes Ma’am.”

  “This is not what it looks like. I had an ache in my shoulder and Doctor Curtis was rubbing it out for me.”

  I got up and tossed Kim’s shirt over her back. “Let me handle this.”

  She grabbed my wrist. “You’ve done quite enough already.” Her tone was stern, but I could see she was smiling. “And it really does feel much better. Thanks.”

  I gave her a gentle pat on the shoulder. “My pleasure.”

  “Okay, Sandy, what is it?”

  “Did you hear about the earthquake?” He was still facing away from us so I walked around to talk to him, remembering to button my shirt before moving into his line of sight.

  “Yes, we felt it.”

  “Wow! That’s amazing. The epicenter was in Sonora, Mexico. Seven point four on the Richter Scale, the radio said. There’s property damage and several fatalities, mostly in Mexico, close to the border.”

  Kim climbed back into her tee shirt. “That’s not good news, Sandy. I was hoping it wasn’t too serious. Did you notice any ground disturbances on your way up here?”


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