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Shadows 01 Superstition Shadows

Page 19

by K C West

  “Yes, Pup. Stop it,” I whispered, wiping my face, but I threw my arms around his shoulders and hugged him. “You’re such an old softy. A few months ago, I was scared to death of you.” I scratched behind his ears and he flopped onto my stomach, emitting moans of pleasure. “Shah! Honey, you’ll wake the boss.” I tried to roll his hefty bulk off of me with little success.

  “Too late,” came a sleepy reply. “The boss is awake. Now, you both will suffer.” Kim stretched in much the same manner as her pet, even down to the moans.

  I gave Pup a final hug and stood up. He joined his mistress, greeting her with a barrage of wet kisses.

  Pup has the right idea. If I were an animal I’d just sniff her a few times and if she didn’t bite me, I’d plant wet, wild kisses all over her body. Hell, I’d probably do it even if she did bite.

  I smiled, watching them. “Two of a kind, that’s what you are. You both pretend to be so tough and all the time you’re a couple of cream puffs. It’s so cute.”

  “Enough, Pup. Get down.” He obeyed instantly. Kim gave me a stern look, except her eyes were bright with amusement. “I heard that, PJ. If you expect to get scrambled eggs for breakfast, you’d better stop comparing me to a wolf. Some people would not be flattered.” She rolled her bedding with swift, practiced strokes.

  “Is that so?” I imitated her moves until my sleeping bag was rolled and secured. “All I can say in my defense is that you are not some people and Pup is no ordinary wolf.”

  She tucked her bedding under her arm and waited for me to fall into step beside her. “Touche,” she said with a pat on my shoulder. We ambled along the path to the main tent. “But, I do have a reputation for toughness to maintain.”

  “Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me.”

  She grinned. “Why don’t you have first dibs on the half-moon facility and I’ll put water on for our tea.”

  I nodded and continued along the path.

  Just an ordinary day…up here on the mountain. Little do you know, my dear, that our entire crew has planned a big old party for you at lunchtime. They all know about your birthday tomorrow and they can’t wait to surprise you. They love you, Kim. We all do. No matter what state you’ve worked yourself into lately. Don’t ever forget what an extraordinary teacher you are and how much we value your opinion of us.

  As Kim mixed the egg batter and stirred it into the heated skillet, I poured the tea and set out two plates with utensils. We’d set our chairs outside the tent for our meal so we could enjoy the first few rays of morning sunshine.

  I reentered the tent, chewing my lower lip.

  Let’s see. Sandy’s mom baked a cake.

  She lived nearby with three of his five brothers and sisters.

  James is in charge of the gift from the crew.

  I told them I had a present for Kim, so they left me out of their plan.

  I can’t imagine what they picked out for her.

  Donny, Mike and Lewis are in charge of getting party supplies, beverages and snacks.

  I did contribute to that fund.

  Josie will coordinate the delivery of everything and help me divert Kim’s attention while the tent is decorated.

  As far as I can tell it’s still a surprise for our guest of honor.


  I jumped. “Sorry, what?”

  She held up the pan with a mountain of fluffy cooked eggs. “I asked you to hold out your plate and tell me how much you wanted.”

  “Oh, um… Two scoops should be fine.” I picked up one of the plates and thrust it toward her. “Here ya go.”

  She plopped two large spoonfuls and a piece of fried bread onto my plate and fixed a matching plate for herself. We eased into folding chairs with our breakfast on our laps. I pulled over a box so we could rest our mugs on it. My hands shook and I dropped my spoon before I could stir my tea.

  She watched me for several seconds. “Is there something wrong, PJ?”

  I gave her an innocent look and started shoveling eggs into my mouth. “Huh-uh, this is delicious.”

  She shook her head. “Not with the food, with you. You seem nervous and a bit preoccupied this morning.”

  I shrugged and kept chewing. The chair made a creaking sound as I squirmed. “I’m fine, Kim. I’m just thinking of all the work we have to do today. The gang will be heading home or wherever … for Thanksgiving, and we’ve got so much to finish before then.”

  “Well, good.” She seemed to relax. “I was afraid you were still concerned about my actions when Samuel was here…when we saw those women’s faces and I got a little… crazy.”

  I put my fork down and swallowed. “Kim, you had every right to go crazy. In your place, I’d have done the same thing, especially after you described those dreams.”

  She gave me a faint smile and swallowed her mouthful of egg. “Thank you for understanding. I know you don’t know what to think about my relationship with that one woman.”


  She wiped her lips with a napkin. “Yes, Marna. I’ve lived with her in my dreams for so long and now we’ve located them and the site of their final struggles.” Her eyes glistened and for a moment I was afraid she’d start crying.

  I took a sip of tea and swallowed the last of my fried bread. “It really doesn’t matter what I think about it, Kim. I’m not the one in the middle of it all. I believe what you tell me you experienced. So far, what you’ve said fits with what we’ve found. By the way, Father wants to know how soon we can have a press conference. I’ve been putting him off until we had definite results, but it looks—”

  “Yes, you’re right, PJ.” Kim stood and collected our plates and cups. “We owe your father a complete report and we should set up a time when the media can come to take photos. Maybe we can do that this morning. Let’s go over to the shallow cave and put everything in order. It would make a pretty impressive photo opportunity to have those women waiting for the reporters, ‘in situ’…don’t you think?”

  I pondered her idea as we cleaned up our breakfast items. “Finding them just as they were when we first saw them would be very impressive. Are you sure you are up to that? You won’t be bothered by working so close to them?”

  Kim pulled out the washbasin and poured leftover hot water into it from the teakettle. “Do you want to wash or dry?”

  “I’ll wash.” I found the liquid detergent and squeezed in a few drops as she poured.

  “To be honest with you, PJ, I don’t know how I’ll feel in there, but I’ve got to do it. We’re coming down the homestretch of our project. This is the time for announcing our discovery. Your father has invested a great deal of money in this venture and I’m certain he’ll want to bask in the glory of our findings.” She poured rinse water into a spare bucket and then dipped our plates and utensils into it, drying everything carefully and putting it all away for our next meal.

  My stomach churned with excitement. Your next meal is going to be on paper birthday plates. We’ll probably have plastic forks and spoons too. Gawd, I hope we can pull this off.

  My reverie was interrupted by a shout from outside the tent. Crew members were arriving.

  “Good thing we dressed before breakfast,” Kim murmured. “We don’t get much privacy when the gang gets here.”

  No, damn it. That’s part of the problem.

  I dried my hands on a clean towel. “I noticed that. It’s like living with a great big family.”

  “A big, happy family, I trust.”

  “Oh, definitely,” I assured her.

  “Hey, Docs,” Donny said, poking his head into the tent. “Uh…Sandy is gonna be a bit late today. He has some personal business.”

  That’s secret code for Sandy’s stopping by his mother’s to pick up the cake on his way to work.

  “That’s fine,” I said. I looked sideways at Kim to see if she had her thick padded clipboard in hand. We’d gone over the list of chores together last night, but I had neglected to ask her who was giving the ord
ers today.

  She smiled at me once we were outside facing our assembled co-workers and handed over the paperwork. “You can handle this. You’ve been doing a superb job so far.”

  The warmth in her eyes made my mouth go dry. “Thank you, Kim. I’ve learned from the best.”

  She put her hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I’ll get our packs so we can get going.”

  I turned my attention to the students. “Okay, people. Are we all here, except for Sandy?”

  “Looks like it, PJ,” Josie answered for everyone. She had a sparkle in her eyes that clearly hinted at mischief. Fortunately, Kim was back inside the tent.

  “Good, then let’s get to our assignments.” I cleared my throat. “Before you all scatter to the four corners of the earth for Thanksgiving and a long weekend, we have a few little loose ends that need tying up.”

  There was a series of groans. “Hey, it’s not bad, really…. just some paperwork for the most part. ‘Course we know you have no real lives beyond these canyon walls and if we left you to your own devices, you’d probably forget Thanksgiving altogether.”

  There were a few chuckles now. “Yeah, right. Like that’s gonna happen.” Mike shook his head, smiling.

  I noticed that Kim had returned and was laughing, too. She called Pup to her side and gave his head a loving caress. A happy flutter stirred somewhere near my heart and I forgot what I was about to say.

  Get a grip, here.

  I took a deep breath. “Seriously, Doc and I are extremely pleased and proud of the work you have conducted during our weeks here. We’ve all come together like a well-coached team.”

  “Three cheers for the coach!” Laine called out, and a chorus of yells erupted.

  “Goodness, aren’t we chipper this morning,” Kim said, with a grin.

  “Don’t forget the assistant coach!” Mike shouted. The group responded with more cheers.

  My cheeks burning, I tried to continue. “Thank you all. I guess the fact that we’ve made some momentous discoveries lately hasn’t hurt us either.”

  “Yeah!” Several cried at once and a few hands slapped together in triumph.

  “PJ, could you wrap this up, please,” Mike grinned. “Some of us have long trips ahead of us.”

  I grinned back at his impertinence. “Sorry. I’ll stop all these compliments, then. Mike and Laine can finish the reports and data entry on the first excavation. Josie, you and Donny can do some more field specimen cards on Site Two.” I noticed that Kim had picked up our daypacks and was walking toward the shallow cave with Pup at her side. “Doc and I are going to work at Site One in preparation for a press conference and possibly a taped documentary on the discovery.” I said that loud enough for her to hear.

  “I’ll meet you at the cave,” she called back to me, urging Pup to keep up.

  “Okay. I’m almost finished here.” I gave the rest of the orders and lowered my voice.

  “Is everything on schedule, Josie?”

  She looked around at her peers. They nodded with big smiles. “I think we’ll be fine, PJ. Just make sure you and Doc stay in the shallow cave while we decorate. We’ll send someone to get you when we’re ready, okay?”

  “I’ll do my best.” I tucked the clipboard under my arm. “Any questions?” I asked the rest of them.

  “We’re cool,” Donny said. “Don’t worry, we’ll get our work done and be ready to boogie in short order.”

  I grinned at them. “I’ve no doubt about the latter part of that comment. Okay, dismissed. Let’s get to work.”

  Kim was sitting on the ledge outside the cave waiting for me.

  “Hey.” I looked for signs of worry or concern on her face. “You okay?”

  She took a deep breath. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. It helps to have you with me, though.”

  We walked in and approached the final resting place of our Amazons.

  I knelt and compared their positions with the Polaroid photos we had taken on our first trip inside. “Looks like this skull should be turned slightly.” I pointed to the photo for Kim’s comments.

  She looked at the ground and the picture and took out her notebook. “I took measurements. Give me a second to find the sketch with the data attached.”

  I rubbed my hands on my cargo shorts. “Take your time. We want to get it just right.”

  “Yes,” Kim murmured. “We want everything in perfect order.”

  We continued to maneuver the remains and associated artifacts into position. Kim put the dagger into its proper place and we stood back to survey the entire area. She had kept up a steady conversation with me while we worked. I was relieved to know that she was present with me in body…and spirit.

  We had not been in total agreement about the media events that would occur as word of the discovery spread to the outside world. Kim promised one Phoenix television station an exclusive interview and taping session. Father had his own ideas about the grand announcement. As long as we had nothing concrete to report, we had stalled everyone. Now, we had proof. We could no longer keep this amazing find to ourselves. My father, the local area, and the whole world must see what Kim and her crew had found…and soon.

  After several hours of work, I noticed Kim had grown quiet. She took a few swallows of water and sat back on her heels, staring off into the dark corners of the cave.

  “You okay?” I asked, crouching beside her. “Want to go outside for a bit of air?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  Why don’t I believe you?

  “Kim, I can certainly understand if this is getting to you. I can visualize them now, too, after the facial reconstruction and what you told me of your dreams. Are you seeing them again? Feeling their pain?”

  She shook her head slowly. “No, not that exactly. I just…”

  “Talk to me, Kim…. Please.” I didn’t know whether to touch her…whether it would make things better or worse. “Are you having second thoughts about any of this?”

  She stared at me for several seconds. “I don’t have any doubts about these women, if that’s what you mean. I know who they were and what they represent to me…and to all of us in the field of archaeology. My search is over. My prayers and questions have been answered by what is here in this cave. I should be jumping for joy…and I guess, in some ways I am. But…”

  “But, it troubles you, too. I can see that when I look at you. Please tell me what it is. Let me share it with you.”

  She took my hand. “It’s such a personal thing, PJ. I don’t really expect you to understand all of it. This quest I’ve been on has taken me so many years. It’s consumed me for so long that it’s hard to realize that it is over.”

  Her expression was so bereft, I wanted to wrap her in my arms and make everything all better. I did put my hand on her shoulder. “You’re wondering what will happen next?” My voice was husky.

  A tear slid down her cheek. “Yeah. Where do I go from here? My life’s ambition was to find evidence of The Lost Tribe of Amazons. Now, we have. What’s next?”

  I brushed the tear away with my thumb. How about a new love, huh? And it could last a lifetime… if you’re willing to give me the chance.

  “It is going to be okay. You’ll see. There’s plenty more to do for you.”

  She sniffed and nodded. “I guess.”

  “Sure. You’ll have a book to write, talk shows to appear on…maybe a trip to Disney World.”

  “What?” She stared at me as if I had two heads. “Disney World?”

  I laughed. “Take it easy. I just threw that in to see if you were still listening.”

  Kim grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. “You’re crazy, do you know that?” Then, she smiled. “Thank you, PJ. I don’t know how I’d keep my sanity without you and your humor.”

  I took a deep breath. “Well, I do have a few ideas of my own to discuss with you.”

  She let her hand slide down to my waist where it rested gently against my hip. “Do you
r ideas concern the project?”

  “Uh…no. Actually, my ideas concern—”

  “Yoo Hoo! Docs! It’s time for lunch!” There was a scraping of boots against the rocks and Laine poked her head inside.

  Damn…Damn…Damn. Timing. We’ve got to work on timing.

  Kim stood up and I joined her. “I’d like to hear your ideas, PJ,” she said. “Perhaps another time.”

  I picked up my pack. “Sure, Kim. Another time.”

  Sandy lingered outside the main tent. He held a long box behind his back, so I dropped a step or two behind Kim as we walked along the path.

  “Doc, I think these are for you,” Sandy said, whipping the box in front of him with a flourish.

  “You’re kidding,” she said. When she read the card and opened the box to find a dozen red roses, she was dumbfounded.

  Laine read the card aloud. ” ‘With all best wishes for a Happy Birthday, Frederick Curtis and the Curtis Foundation.’”

  “How did he know?” Kim looked at me, suspicion glinting in her dark eyes.

  I held up my hands in surrender. “It wasn’t me, honest. I didn’t even know it was your birthday. He has spies everywhere.”

  Sandy grinned at both of us. “Oh, PJ, something came for you. I put it inside on the computer table.”

  Oh, my gift for Kim. I’ll just tuck it away for a quiet time later when we’re alone.

  “Thanks, Sandy. Let’s get our lunches, shall we.”

  We let Kim go inside first. When she heard the chorus of ‘Surprise!’ followed rapidly by an off key rendition of “Happy Birthday,” her expression was priceless. Josie took pictures so we’d have them for posterity.

  The tent was crammed with bodies, balloons, streamers, cake, sodas and sandwiches. All of it created a warm, festive atmosphere.

  Kim sat on the cot and pulled me down beside her. The students clustered around us. “Did you have anything to do with this?” Her tone was gruff, but her eyes sparkled in delight.


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