by Will Durant
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SARRE, F., Die Kunst des alten Persien, Berlin, 1925.
SARTON, G., Introduction to the History of Science, Baltimore, 1930f. 3v. in 5. A masterpiece of painstaking scholarship.
SAUNDERS, O. E., History of English Art in the Middle Ages, Oxford, 1932.
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TARN, W., Hellenistic Civilization, London, 1927.
TAYLOR, H. O., The Classical Heritage of the Middle Ages, N. Y., 1911.
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* The Middle Ages, N. Y., 1931. 2v.
*THORNDIKE, LYNN, History of Magic and Experimental Science, N. Y., 1929f. A work of magnificent scholarship, which illuminates every subject that it touches.
* Short History of Civilization, N. Y., 1926.
TISDALL, W., Original Sources of the Qur’an.
TORNAY, S. C., Averroës’ Doctrine of the Mind, Philadelphia Review, May, 1943.
*TOYNBEE, A. J., A Study of History, Oxford, 1935f. 6v.
TRAILL, H. D., Social England, N. Y., 1902. 6v.
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VACANDARD, E., The Inquisition, N. Y., 1908.
*VAN DOREN, MARK, An Anthology of World Poetry, N. Y., 1928. The best work of its kind.
VASARI, G., Lives of the Painters, Everyman Lib. 3v.
VASILIEV, A., History of the Byzantine Empire, Madison, Wis., 1929. 2v.
VERNADSKY, G., Kievan Russia, Yale Univ. Press, 1948.
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*VILLEHARDOUIN, G. DE, Chronicle of the Fourth Crusade, Everyman Lib.
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VOLTAIRE, Essay on the Manners and Morals of Europe, in Works, Vol. XIII, N. Y., 1901.
VOSSLER, K., Medieval Culture: an Introduction to Dante and His Times, N. Y., 1929. 2v.
*WADDELL, HELEN, Medieval Latin Lyrics, N. Y., 1942.
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* Peter Abélard, N. Y., 1933.
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WALKER TRUST REPORT, The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors, Oxford, 1947.
WALSH, J. J., The Popes and Science, N. Y., 1913.
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WAXMAN, M., History of Jewish Literature, N. Y., 1930. 3v.
WEIGALL, A., The Paganism in Our Christianity, N. Y., 1928.
WEIR, T. H., Omar Khayyam the Poet, N. Y., 1926.
WELCH, ALICE, Of Six Medieval Women, London, 1913.
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WHITE, E. M., Woman in World History, London, n.d.
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WILLIAM OF MALMESBURY, Chronicle of the Kings of England, London, 1883.
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WILLOUGHBY, W. W., Social Justice, N. Y., 1900.
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ZEITLIN, S., Maimonides, N. Y., 1935.
ZIMMERN, H., The Hansa Towns, N. Y., 1889.
Full titles of works referred to will be found in the Bibliography. Capital Roman numerals, except at the beginning of a note, indicate volumes, followed by page numbers; small Roman numerals indicate “books” (divisions of a text), followed by chapter or verse numbers.
1. Ammianus Marcellinus, xxi, 16.
2. Philostorgius, ii, 9, in Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, II, 78.
3. Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History, ii, 3.
4. Lot, Ferdinand, End of the Ancient World, 71; Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire, I, 87.
5. Cambridge Medieval History, IV, 748.
6. Ibid., I, 593.
7. Munro and Sellery, Medieval Civilization, 87, says 30,000; Bury, op. cit., says 70,000.
8. Dudden, F. H., Gregory the Great, I, 129.
9. Duchesne, L., Early History of the Christian Church, II, 127.
10. Socrates, Ecclesiastical History, i, 37-8.
11. Ibid., ii, 7-11.
12. Boissier, G., La Fin du paganisme, I, 68; Duchesne, II, 250.
13. Boissier, op. cit., I, 82.
14. Eunapius, Lives of the Sophists, 487.
15. Capes, W. W., University Life in Ancient Athens, 66.
16. Boissier, I, 178.
17. Wright, W. C., Introd. to Eunapius, p. 333.
18. Cf. Inge, W. R., Philosophy of Plotinus, I, 11.
19. In Murray, A. S., History of Greek Sculpture, I, 100.
20. In Boissier, I, 96.
21. Ammianus, xxii, 5; Duchesne, II, 262.
22. Boissier, I, 102.
23. Socrates, iii, 1.
24. Julian, Letter to the Athenians, 278D-280C; Ammianus, xvi, 11-12.
25. Ammianus, xvi, 53; Duchesne, II, 199.
26. Ammianus, xviii, 1.
27. Ibid., xvi, 10.
28. Boissier, I, 107.
29. Ammianus, xxv, 4.
30. Julian, Misopogon, 338B.
31. Socrates, iii, I; Ammianus, xxii, 4.
32. Misopogon, 340B.
33. Ammianus, xvi, 1.
34. Gardner, Alice, Julian, Philosopher and Emperor, 260.
35. Ammianus, xxii, 7.
36. Eunapius, 477.
37. Julian, Letter 441, in Works, III, 7.
38. Julian, To Edicius, 23, in Works, III.
39. Julian, Against the Galileans, 89A-94A, 106DE, 168B, 351D, 238A, 319D.
40. Julian, To the Cynic Herakleios, 205C.
41. Ibid., 217B.
42. Ibid., 237B.
43. Ammianus, xxii, 12.
44. Lucian, Panegyric, in Boissier, I, 140.
45. Julian, Letter to a Priest, 305B; To Arsacius.
46. Julian, To the High Priest Theodorus, 16.
47. Letter to a Priest, 290D.
48. Ammianus, xxii, 10.
49. Sozomen, v, 5, 18; Julian, Works, III, 41n.
50. In Boissier, I, 122.
51. Julian, Letter 10; Boissier, I, 127.
52. Julian, Misopogon, 368C.
53. Ammianus, xxii, 13.
54. Sozomen, vi, 2.
55. Ammianus, xxv, 3.
56. Milman, H. H., History of Latin Christianity, I, 112; Sihler, E. G., From Augustus to Augustine, 217.
57. Theodoret, iii, 28, in Lecky, W. E. H., History of European Morals, II, 261.
58. Duchesne, II, 268.
1. Dopsch, A., Economic and Social Foundations of European Civilization, 89.
2. William of Malmesbury, Chronicle of the Kings of England, i, 4.
3. Lea, H. C., Superstition and Force, 451.
4. Boissier, II, 180.
5. Rostovtzeff, M., Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, 479.
6. Dill, S., Roman Society in the Last Century of the Roman Empire, 297.
7. Jordanes, Gothic History, #247.
8. In Thompson, J. W., Economic and Social History of the Middle Ages, 106.
9. Jordanes, #26f; Gibbon, III, 38.
10. Ammianus, xxxi, 13.
11. Socrates, iv, 31.
12. Broglie, Duc de, St. Ambrose, 120-4.
13. Gibbon, III, 168.
14. Bury, J. B., History of the Later Roman Empire, I, 129; Gibbon, III, 175.
15. Pirenne, H.,
Medieval Cities, 36.
16. Louis, Paul, Ancient Rome at Work, 231.
17. Boissier, I, 417; Dill, op. cit., 228, 272.
18. Salvianus, De Gubernatione Dei, v, 28, in Frank, T., Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, III, 260.
19. Boissier, II, 416.
20. Ibid.
21. Louis, Paul, 235.
22. In Hodgkin, T., Italy and Her Invaders, I, 423.
23. Cf. Augustine, Ep. 232.
24. Salvian, iv, 15; vii, passim; and excerpts in Heitland, W. E., Agricola, 423, Boissier, II, 410, 420, and Bury, Later Roman Empire, 307.
25. In Dill, 56.
26. Symmachus, Ep. vi, 42; ii, 46; in Dill, 150.
27. Friedländer, L., Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, II, 12.
28. Lot, 178; Dill, 58; Friedländer, II, 29.
29. Ammianus, xiv, 6.
30. Symmachus, Ep. iii, 43.
31. Ammianus, xxii, 10.
32. Ibid., xxi, 1; Thorndike, L., History of Magic and Experimental Science, I, 285.
33. Ammianus, xvi, 1.
34. Macrobius, Opera accedunt integrae, Saturnalia, ad fin.
35. Ibid., i, 11.
36. Claudian, Poems, “On the Consulate of Stilicho,” iii, 130.
37. Voltaire, Works, XIII, 77.
38. Boissier, II, 180.
39. In Shotwell, J. T., and Loomis, R., The See of Peter, 675.
40. Symmachus, Ep. x, 3, in Boissier, II, 224.
41. In Boissier, II, 280.
42. Jordanes, 167f.
43. Procopius, History of the Wars, iii, 3.25.
44. Jordanes, #168.
45. Procopius, iii, 5.
46. Jordanes, #181.
47. Ibid., #254f.
48. Procopius, iii, 4.
49. Gibbon, III, 461; Sihler, 302.
1. Paul, I Cor. vii, 32.
2. Gibbon, II, 318; Lecky, History of European Morals, II, 49; Duchesne, II, 189.
3. Robertson, J. M., Short History of Free Thought, 242; Bury, History of the Eastern Roman Empire, 352f..
4. Hefele, C. J., History of the Christian Councils, III, 12.
5. Milman, I, 28If.
6. Davis, H. W. C., Medieval England. 128.
7. Ammianus, xxvii, 3.
8. Gibbon, II, 485n.
9. Ammianus, xxvii, 3; Duchesne, II, 364.
10. Cutts, E. L., St. Jerome, 30f.
11. Jerome, Letters, xxii, 30.
12. Ibid., xxxviii, 3; xxii, 13, 27.
13. Ep. cxvii, 7.
14. Ep. xxii, 14.
15. Ibid.