by Will Durant
Berengar of Tours, 476, 543, 741
Berengaria, wife of Alfonso IX, 762
Bérenger of Tours, 945, 1023
Bergamo, 662, 712, 722
Bergen, 618, 666
Bergson, Henri, 71, 969
Bergthora, 1033
Berlin, 274, 391, 618
Bernard de Caux, 783
Bernard of Chartres, 908, 914, 950
Bernard, of Clairvaux, St., 391, 593, 594, 595, 639, 707, 760, 768, 779, 785, 786, 787-792, 808, 827, 832, 842, 847, 868, 909, 917, 941, 945-946, 947, 950, 951, 959, 988, 1018, 1079
Bernard de Tirón, 846
Bernard de Ventadour, 1037
Bernardino of Feltre, Blessed, 632
Bernardino of Siena, St., 802
Bernewald of Hildesheim, 516
Bernoulli, John, 995
Bertha, wife of Ethelbert of Kent, 533
Bertha, wife of Robert the Pious, 480
Berthold of Regensburg, 571, 734, 735, 769, 829, 834, 986, 1018
Bertrade, Countess of Anjou, 688
Bertrand de Born, 1037
Bessarabia, 444
Bessarion, Johannes, 59
bestiality, 821-822
bestiaries, 853, 994
Beth Din, 347, 382
Bethlehem, 54, 607
betrothals, 380, 418, 823
Beverly Minster, 859
Bewcastle, 491
bezants, 120, 625
Béziers, 393, 775
Council of, 387, 404
Bianchi, 730, 731, 1061
Bible, 46-47, 49, 54, 66, 70, 83, 114, 175, 184, 185, 186, 205, 238, 336, 350, 352*, 353, 367, 396, 401, 406, 412, 414, 477, 479, 523, 532, 698, 724, 748, 770, 776, 777, 790, 853, 907, 915, 921, 939, 953, 967, 975, 978, 981, 987, 1009, 1014, 1067
commentaries, 368, 398, 497
also see New Testament, Old Testament
bibliomancy, 417
bills of exchange, 437, 629
biography, 305, 319, 329, 352
biology, 245, 437, 973, 994
Birger, Earl, 666
Biruni, Abu al-Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-, 203, 242, 243-244, 247, 249, 257, 991
bishop, boys’, 842
bishoprics, 300, 461, 468, 511, 513, 518, 541, 552, 767
German, 547
sold, 513, 548
“Bishop’s Roll,” 491
bishops, appointment of, 541, 546, 547
armed, 564
Eastern, 61-64
elections of, 760
of England, 493, 533, 668, 871
French, 548, 549, 689
German, 541, 546-547, 548, 549, 661, 784
Italian, 512, 548
Lombard, 547, 549
power of, 472
wealth of, 845
Bismarck-Schönhausen, Otto von, 510, 663, 665
Bitruji (Alpetragius), Abu Ishaq al-, 329, 911, 991
Bjerne Her juifsson, 504
Blachernae, Constantinople, 650
Black Death, 642, 894
Black Forest, 837
black markets, 119, 641
Black Mass, 986
Black Sea, 25, 27, 104, 119, 145, 146, 147, 191, 443, 444, 446, 447, 448, 454, 465, 506, 554, 612, 616, 619, 654, 664, 709
Black Stone, Mecca, 161, 170, 171, 193, 215, 216, 262
Blacks, see Neri
Blaise, St., 743
Blanche of Castile, 402, 690-691, 694, 775-776, 827, 880, 891
Blanche of Navarre, 827
Blanquerna (Lully), 979
blasphemy, 569, 720, 776
laws of, 755
Bleda, 38
Blesilla, 54
Blois, 393
blood, circulation of, 403
bloodhounds, 840
bloodletting, 999
boat building, 506, 710
Bobbio, 476, 533
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 1045, 1054, 1058, 1059, 1063, 1065, 1066, 1081, 1082, 1086
Bodhisattvas, 217
Boethius, 99-102, 135, 450, 476, 484, 938, 965, 990, 1011, 1077
Bogomiles, 47, 767, 769
Bogolyubski, Andrey, 654
Bohemia, 391, 589, 622, 660, 663, 809, 832
dukes of, 511, 1075
sects in, 784
Bohemians, 657, 659, 661
Bohemund, 575, 589, 590, 591
Böhme, Jakob, 418
Boileau, Etienne, 635
Bokhara, 194, 206, 207, 231, 237, 247, 268, 278, 308, 339, 993
Boleslav I, King of Poland, 660
III, 660
V, 660
Boleslav I, Duke of Bohemia, 660
II, 660
Bologna, 42, 88, 114, 434, 616, 624, 630, 643, 662, 670, 708, 717, 722, 724, 754, 756, 777, 803, 811, 862, 888, 889, 903, 905, 911, 917-919, 922, 923, 979, 998, 1001, 1057, 1058, 1062, 1065, 1067, 1080
University of, 916-919, 926, 929, 988
Bolsena, 889
Bonanno of Pisa, 868
Bonaventura, St. (John of Fidanza), 406, 632, 802, 843, 923, 959-960, 978, 1077
bonds, government, 628, 629, 632
Bone, 284, 703
Boniface IV, St., 530
Boniface VII (Bonifazio Francone), 539
Boniface VIII, 404, 694*, 695, 696, 730, 783, 806, 811-816, 817, 919, 1000, 1062, 1072, 1077, 1085
Boniface, governor, 38, 74, 117
Boniface of Montferrat, 603
Boniface, St., 23*, 461, 487, 535, 542, 822
Book of Ceremonies (Constantine VII), 429
Book of Critique (Jonah ibn Janaeh), 396
Book of Crowns (Prudentius), 56
Book of the Countries (al-Yaqubi), 242
Book of the Gospels, 134
Book of the Hours of the Virgin, 853
Book of Hymns, 501
Book of Information (al-Masudi), 239
Book of Jubilees, 416
Book of Kells, 499, 501
Book of Leinster, 501
Book of Plants (al-Dina-wari), 245
Book of Religions and Sects (ibn Hazm), 305
Book of Religions and Sects (al-Shahrastani), 320
Book of Routes (ibn Khordadbeh), 376
Book of Soul and Spirit (Isaac Israeli), 405
bookkeeping, 628, 629-630
books, 277, 293-294, 304-305, 371, 465, 515, 785, 852-853, 903, 906-909, 996, 1008
of hours, 852, 906
illuminated, 319
sizes of, 907-908
booksellers, 236, 907, 908
Books of the Wars (Procopius), 125
Booth, William, 733*
Bordeaux, 36, 56, 85, 86, 91, 393, 474, 588, 617, 620, 648, 827, 828
Borel, Count of Barcelona, 539
Borgognoni, Teodorico, 1001
Borgoña, Felipe de, 891
Boris, Khan, 443-444
Boris of Bulgaria, 536
Borr orneo, St. Charles, 739
borrowing, 343, 377
Bosnia, 658, 769, 771
Bosporus, 3, 4, 64, 109, 130, 147, 424, 425, 448, 589, 595, 612, 652
Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne, 238
Bostia, 162-
botany, 245, 329-330, 1005
Botheric, 25
bourgeoisie, 568, 572, 618, 638, 640, 644, 646, 685, 700, 708, 729, 730, 746, 836, 861, 1042, 1055, 1065
Bourges, 383, 615
Cathedral, 857, 860, 882
Bou vines, battle of, 571, 675, 685, 690, 715, 717
Bowayb, El-, battle of, 151
Box, G. H., 351*
boycotts, 618, 619, 897
student, 917
Brabant, 686
Bracton, Henry de, 375, 678, 824
Brahe, Tycho, 242
Brahmagupta, 989
brain, 956
concussion, 1001
Bramante (Donato d’Agnolo), 127
Brangäne, 1049
Brandenburg, Margrave of, 375, 664
Bratislav I, 660
Braulio of Saragossa, 96
Braye, Cardinal de, 862
bread and ale, “assizes�
� of, 641
bread, sacramental, 740-741, 749
Breasted, James H., 279*
Bremen, 615, 618
Brémule, battle of, 571
Brescia, 617, 662, 712, 727
Breslau, 660, 664
Brethren of the Free Spirit, 809
Brethren of Purity, 234
Brethren of Sincerity, 254, 279, 338
Brevarium (Alaric II), 88
Breviloquium, (Bonaventura), 959
brewing, 348, 624, 625, 786, 837, 997, 1003
Brian Boru, 498, 500
bribery, 290, 306, 372, 377, 433, 464, 526, 538, 541, 567, 667, 828, 1004
Bridge, battle of the, 151
bridges, 308, 465, 500, 560, 621, 718
brigandage, 293, 296, 314, 829, 935
Brigid, St., 84
Brindisi, 404, 616, 716, 717
Bristol, 487, 640, 682
Britain, 3, 22, 25, 43, 80-81, 82, 107, 156, 204, 450, 465, 466, 476, 486, 496, 497, 501, 522, 568, 578, 617, 627, 642, 648, 673, 1045, 1046
North, 748
Britons, 81, 495, 501, 553, 668, 681
Brittany, 81, 91, 480, 495, 688, 689, 931, 936, 937, 942, 987, 1042
Count of, 674
brothels, 822, 823, 927, 1054
Browning, Robert, 397
Bruce, Edward, 682, 684
Bruce, Robert, 682, 683-684
Bruges, 615, 617, 618, 623, 627, 629, 635, 640, 642, 647, 648, 680, 685, 886, 888
Brunelleschi, Filippo, 729, 890
Brunhild (a), 92, 93, 533, 1032-1033, 1034-1035
Bruno, St., 515, 788
Bruno, Giordano, 1082
Brunswick Cathedral, 861
Brussels, 686
Cathedral, 886
Brut (Layamon), 1045
Brut d’Angleterre, Le (Wace), 1045
Brutus, Marcus Junius, 1045, 1073
bubonic plague, 1001, 1002
buccaneers, 651, 670, 684
Bucoleon, Constantinople, 432
Büche von Troye (Wolfram) Buda (Budapest), 39, 658, 659
Buddha, 139, 532
buffoons, 838, 842
Buildings (Procopius), 106
Bukhari, al-, 211
Bulgaria, 443-445, 446, 657, 762, 769, 771
Bulgars, 424, 430, 432, 442, 443-444, 446, 586, 653, 832
Volga, 655
Bulgarus, 916
bullfight, 701
Buonsignori family, 628, 727
Buran, 208
Buraq, 166
Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig, 155*
bureaucracy, 29, 225, 433, 442, 472
burial, 379, 741, 755, 780
Burgos, 459, 460, 638
Cathedral, 891, 892, 893
Burgundians, 22, 89, 510, 687, 831, 1035
Burgundy, 92, 460, 475, 480, 663, 686-688, 946, 1034
kingdom of, 513
Burma, 993
burning (at the stake), 780-784
Burton, Sir Richard, 155*
Bury, 752
Busen to River, 36
Bustan (Sa’di), 326-327
buttons, 832-833
buttresses, 455, 865, 867, 871, 872, 873, 875, 886, 893
Buwayhids, 202-203, 204, 233, 242
Buzurgmihr, 145
Byron, Lord, 124, 1065
Byzantine art, 126-135
architecture, 127
civilization, 118-135, 614
economy, 118-120
Empire, 7, 100, 112, 113, 114, 119, 120, 124, 147, 393, 424, 431, 444, 445, 585, 605, 606, 625, 652
emperors, 193, 387
fleet, 103
government, 218, 219, 282
Institute, 131
life, 431-437
style, 131, 132
Byzantines, 109, 125, 203, 230, 453, 703
Byzantium, 3, 97, 98, 128, 135, 140, 145, 147, 150, 156, 157, 171, 187, 188, 197, 200, 204, 225, 241, 270, 276, 297, 375, 423-449, 450, 451, 453, 454, 457, 468, 469, 470, 515, 525, 535, 536, 550, 563, 586, 603, 604, 605, 612, 613, 616, 642, 650-652, 654, 655, 657, 663, 708, 709, 831, 846, 849, 876
Christian, 609
also see Constantinople
Cabala, 405, 415, 416-418, 979
Cade, William, 627
Cadiz, 97, 304, 441, 617, 638, 697, 754, 1085
Cadwgan ap Bledyn, 684
Caedmon, 490
Caen, 479, 482, 668, 869, 871
Caesar, Gaius Julius, 13, 40, 108, 120, 784, 991, 1074
Caesarea, 62, 78, 125, 608, 1002
Caesarean section, 1001
Caesarius of Heisterbach, 775, 785, 787, 986
Caetani family, 706
Cahors, 392, 627
Cathedral, 868
Cahorsians, 627, 631, 632
Cairo (Qahira), 208, 226, 236, 239, 257, 273, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 304, 311, 312, 313-314, 317, 318, 319 320, 330, 403, 408, 409, 413, 414, 585, 600, 616, 854, 909
Calabria, 99, 452, 453, 808
Calatrava, Knights of, 697
Calculation of Integration and Equation (al-Khwarizmi), 241
calculi, 990
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 701
Caledonia, 80, 501
calendar, 139, 402-403, 991-992
ecclesiastical, 743
Gregorian, 171, 992
Jewish, 347, 403
Julian, 1010
Moslem, 171, 321
Persian, 309, 321
reform, 925, 1009, 1010
Seleucid, 403
caliphate, 263, 291-297
Abbasid, 196-204, 261, 276, 280, 340, 376, 429, 471
Aghlabid, 289-290
Cordovan, 295, 296, 460
Umuayyad, 192-196
Calixtus II, 546, 760
calligraphy, 277, 278, 319, 341
Callinicus of Syria, 424
Callisthenes, 1044
Calvin, John, 74
Cam River, 926
Cambrai, 475, 476, 567, 618, 623, 639, 769
Cambridge, 1003
University, 135, 828, 924-925
Camel, Battle of the, 191
cameos, 849
camera obscura, 289
Campagna, 42, 111, 290, 379, 541, 707, 963
Campo Santo, Pisa, 861, 862
canals, 283, 447, 454, 559, 560, 621, 646, 686
Canary Islands, 992
cancer, 437
candelabra, 846, 848
Cannes, 57
Canon (Avicenna), 910
canonical hours, 518, 742
canonists, 756, 826
canonization, 427, 444, 524, 672, 760, 764, 783, 801, 806, 963
Canossa, 549, 551, 667
Canterbury, 392, 483, 621, 668, 671, 672, 753, 761, 1002
Cathedral, 491, 671, 744, 857, 871, 883, 884, 909
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 806, 830
“Canticle of the Sun” (St. Francis), 797, 800-801
Cantigas del Rey Sabio, Las, 853
cantors, 384, 896
Canute, 487
Capella Palatina, Palermo, 291, 705, 852
Capetian kings, 696
capitals, 861, 866, 872
Capitol, Rome, 450, 706, 707
Capitulare de litteris colendis (Charlemagne), 466
capitularies, 404, 466, 467
Cappadocia, 10, 46, 62, 78, 1002
Caprasius, St., 57
Capua, 452, 517, 703, 719
Carcassonne, 87, 772, 775, 782
cardinals, 545, 759, 760, 761, 768, 834
caricatures, 804
Carinthia, 444, 511, 660
Carloman, 461, 474, 511, 538
Carlyle, Thomas, 926, 1080
Carmathians, 262
Carmelites, 792, 804, 806
Carmen (Bizet), 980
Carmina Burana, 838, 1024, 1027
Carnival, 711, 929
Carolingians, 460-475
Carpathians, 447, 553, 658
carpets, 278, 432, 835
Persian, 318
Carpini, Giovanni de Piano, 339, 608, 6
56, 993
carriages, 621
Cartagena, 37, 624
Carthage, 30, 31, 38, 41, 64, 65, 67, 69, 109, 283, 284, 289
Carthusians, 788, 909
cartography, 329, 994
cartularies, 786*
carving, 846, 847-848, 857, 859-860, 884
Casanova, Giovanni Iacopo, 53
Caspian Sea, 144, 208, 231, 238, 241, 446, 447, 448, 506, 616, 655
Cassiodorus, 98, 99, 102, 915
castellum, Roman, 892
Castile, 295, 402, 458, 459, 697, 698, 699, 700, 702, 766, 802, 891, 892, 919
castles, 271, 378, 474, 553, 561, 643, 644, 651, 729, 797, 835, 837, 888, 892
English, 870
Frank, 317
Norman, 493, 870
Saracen, 291
Castor and Pollux, 745
castration, 433, 437
casuistry, 358, 364, 945
rabbinical, 358
Catalonia, 373, 459, 480, 571, 651, 698, 919
Catalaunian Fields, battle of the, 40
Catania, 704
cataract, operations for, 330
Categories (Aristotle), 240
Cathari, 767, 771-774, 778, 779, 780, 783
cathedral chapters, 863, 915
funds, 853-854
cathedrals, 276, 341, 343, 491, 564, 579, 636, 642, 649, 697, 747, 748, 753-754, 766, 785, 844, 845, 850, 852, 853, 854, 857, 859, 861, 863-869, 895, 913, 1066, 1086
English, 847, 870-872, 883, 885
French, 767, 876-882
funds for, 378
German, 886-887
Gothic, 640, 873, 875, 1085
Italian, 888-890
libraries of, 909
Norman, 873
Romanesque, 846, 870
Spanish, 890-892
Catholicism, 115, 521, 653, 747, 748, 801, 957
Catholics, 67-68, 451, 775
orthodox, 1083
Cato, Marcus Porcius (the Censor), 34
Cato, Marcus Porcius (Uticensis), 1074
cattle, 140, 435, 645
Catullus, Gaius Valerius, 76, 466
Caucasians, 26
Caucasus, 146, 156*, 341, 369, 446, 448, 653
Causae et curae (Hildegarde), 998
cautery, 295, 1001
Cavalcanti, Guido, 731, 1057, 1058, 1059, 1061
Cavallini, Pietro, 845
cavalry, 552, 569, 687, 839
Cecco d’Ascoli, 988
Cefalú Cathedral, 852
ceilings, 866, 870, 872
Celestial Hierarchy (Dionysius), 477
Celestine I, St., 48, 83, 896
Celestine III, 689, 808
Celestine V, St., 812
celibacy, 45, 47, 53, 76, 113, 181, 220, 259, 360, 529, 542, 757*, 787, 788
clerical, 544, 550, 784
Celts, 80, 82, 492, 531-532, 668, 681, 832
Iberian, 458
censorship, 907
census, 297
Cephalonia, 453
Cephisus River, 651
ceramics, 275, 310, 342
ceremonies, 382, 807, 986
Christian, 841, 1053
Jewish, 415
Cerchi family, 730
Cerularius, Michael, 544-545
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1055