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The Age of Faith

Page 181

by Will Durant

  columns, 286, 303, 304, 455, 458, 859, 866, 879

  combat, judicial, 568

  trial by, 89-90

  comedies, 515, 835

  comets, 1005, 1019

  comfort stations, public, 835

  Comités, 7

  Commentaries (Gaius), 112

  Commentary (Galen), 910

  Commentary on Boethius (John of Salisbury), 951

  commerce, 315, 342, 359, 369, 370, 373, 376, 386, 432, 436, 447, 451, 454, 456, 487, 497, 552, 565, 612, 614-621, 642, 652, 654, 657, 660, 685, 696, 702, 704, 710, 712, 727, 767, 816, 903, 915, 919, 923, 949, 994, 1084

  Atlantic, 617

  Byzantine, 436

  Christian, 845

  Florentine, 729

  French, 876

  German, 618

  Islamic, 207-209

  Italian, 654

  Jewish, 376

  Latin, 651

  Rhenish, 389

  common pleas, 676

  communal movement, 638-641

  communes, 459, 637-643, 649, 688, 690, 699, 708, 845, 854, 863, 893, 949

  communication, 283, 552, 566

  Communion, First, 741

  communism 144, 252, 261, 262, 444, 630, 769, 975

  Como, 452, 629, 633, 667, 712, 714

  compass, 611, 615-616, 1084

  floating, 996

  Compendium (David Kimchi), 396

  Compendium Scientiarum (Grosseteste), 925

  Compendium studii philosophiae (Roger Bacon), 1012-1013

  Compendium studii theologiae (Roger Bacon), 1014

  Compendium theologiae (Aquinas), 966

  Compiègne, 476

  Cathedral, 932

  composers, 897, 898, 899

  compurgation, 486

  trial by, 89

  Computus (Grosseteste), 991

  Computus naturalium (Roger Bacon), 1007

  Comyn, John, 684

  Conall Cernach, 82, 83

  conception, 985, 997

  conceptualism, 934, 951

  Conchobar, 82

  Conciliator controversiarum (Peter of Abano), 956

  concubinage, 53, 65, 181, 197, 222, 380, 521, 546, 757, 824

  clerical, 541-542, 770, 932

  concubines, 340, 460, 471, 503, 554, 822, 927, 942

  Condorcet, Marie Jean de Caritat, Marquis de, 982

  condottieri, 453, 724, 1085

  conduct, code of, 939

  of Church, 754-756

  confederado, 687

  confession, 473, 543, 739-742, 779, 781-782

  “Confession of Goliath” (Archipoeta), 1025-1026

  Confessions (Augustine), 71-72, 808

  Confessions (St. Patrick), 84

  confirmation, 382, 418, 738

  confiscation, 292, 300, 377, 378, 390, 393, 427, 431, 461, 465, 723, 766, 779, 782, 783, 812, 814, 1062

  confraternities, 766

  congregations, Jewish, 374, 389-390, 896

  Conies (Apollonius of Perga), 122, 911

  Connaught, 82, 496, 682

  Conor, 82, 498

  Conquête de Constantinople (Villehardouin), 1020

  Conrad I, 511

  Conrad II, 513

  Conrad III, 595, 661

  Conrad IV, 723, 725, 726

  Conrad of Canterbury, 871

  Conrad of Hochstaden, Archbishop of Cologne, 886

  Conrad of Marburg, 784, 810

  Conrad of Montferrat, 310, 600

  Conrad, Duke of Lorraine, 512

  Conradin, 726

  Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius), 484

  Constance, 513, 662, 687

  Council of, 952

  Diet of, 714

  Constance, wife of Henry VI, 705, 714, 715

  Constans I, 3, 8

  Constans II, 424, 525

  Constantia, 127

  Constantina, 423

  Constantine I the Great, 3, 4, 7-8, 9, 10, 37, 43, 50, 58, 77, 103, 105, 108, 119, 120, 127, 128, 347, 425, 428, 433, 465, 547, 845, 869, 1078

  Constantine II, 3

  Constantine IV Pogonatus, 424

  Constantine V Copronymus, 426-427, 452, 525

  Constantine VI, 427

  Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, 389, 429, 441

  Constantine VIII, 430

  Constantine IX Monomachus, 430*, 431, 438

  Constantine X Ducas, 431

  Constantine the African, 457, 910, 988

  Constantine Cephalas, 437

  Constantine, Roman emperor in Britain, 80

  Constantinople (Nova Roma, Byzantium), 3-6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 25, 26, 27, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 48, 62, 63-64, 97, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131*, 132, 135, 147, 150, 197, 198, 201, 218, 230, 233, 236, 240, 257, 282, 302, 349, 369, 404, 423-449, 453, 454, 455, 467, 468, 409, 520, 525, 527, 529, 530, 539, 586, 589, 590, 594, 603-606, 610, 611, 612, 615, 616, 619, 629, 633, 642, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 680, 694, 697, 706, 708, 709, 762, 765, 849, 850, 901, 907, 912, 949, 984, 992, 993, 1044

  churches in, 129, 544, 744

  council at, 115-116

  Latin, Kingdom of, 605, 651

  libraries of, 984

  patriarchs of, 426, 436

  University of, 124, 437, 438, 528

  also see Byzantium, St. Sophia

  Constantius, Emperor, 3, 11, 12, 13., 18, 31, 46, 50, 347.

  Constantius, general, 37

  constellations, 329, 987, 988

  Constitution of Constantine, 6

  Constitution of Diocletian, 6

  consuls, 456, 620, 638, 707, 713

  Consulate of the Sea, 699

  Conte del Graal (Chrétien), 1045, 1047

  Conti family, 706, 761

  contraception, 120, 121, 223, 360, 824

  contracts, 555, 680, 864

  “Convent of Repentance,” Theodora’s, 107

  convents, 467, 757*, 763, 767, 805, 806, 839, 913, 914, 998

  conversion, 388, 389, 390, 791, 943

  Convivio (Dante), 1062, 1066

  cookery, 836, 837, 905

  Cooldrevna, 532

  Copenhagen, 665

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 305, 329, 913, 991

  copper, 847, 848

  Copts, 61, 135, 289, 874

  copyists, 906-908

  Cordova, 37, 96, 97, 237, 241, 274, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303-304, 305, 306, 307, 314, 315, 329, 335, 369, 371, 383, 396, 408, 432, 436, 459, 467, 642, 697, 909

  mosques of, 274, 303-304

  University of, 293, 304, 372

  Corfu, 404, 453

  Corinth, 436, 616, 624

  Cork, 500

  Cormac MacAirt, 82

  Cornificius, 950

  Cornwall, 376, 622

  coronations, 468-470, 566, 568

  coroners, 829

  Corpus iuris canonici, 755

  Corpus iuris civilis (Justinian), 112, 755, 916

  Correctorium fratris Thomae (William de la Mare), 977

  corruption, 314, 341, 430, 431, 433, 524, 647-648, 711, 763, 768, 773, 828, 829, 952, 1080

  Corsi family, 706

  Corsica, 27, 110, 116, 289, 474, 616, 617, 713

  Cortenuova, battle of, 722

  Cortes, 373, 646, 700, 1083

  Corwen, battle of, 684

  Cosmas Indicopleustes, 134

  Cosmas and Damian, Sts., 745

  cosmetics, 834, 997

  cosmogony, 124, 416, 982, 1067

  costume, 832, 833, 905, 1027

  cotton, 206, 718

  Cotton, John, 899

  Coucy, castle of, 892

  Coulton, George Gordon, 626*

  Council of One Hundred, 730

  councils, 293, 467, 679, 791, 900

  church, 387, 426, 529, 531, 571, 572, 630, 754, 815, 907, 954

  ecclesiastical, 456, 527, 759, 982

  national, 459

  papal, 759

  powers of, 758

  count palatine, 658

  counterfeiters, 625, 1072
/>   counts, 459, 480, 565, 685, 688, 690

  Courbet, Gustave, 229

  Course of Religious and Secular Studies (Cassiodorus), 99

  courses, 309, 921, 922, 928

  courtesans, 728*, 823, 927

  courtoisie, 578, 839

  Courtrai, 474, 648, 685

  battle of, 686

  courts, 263, 264, 460, 463, 464, 468, 566, 668, 671, 672, 1083

  abbey, 564

  Aghlabid, 403

  Almohad, 320

  baronial, 691, 1054

  communal, 374

  ecclesiastical, 531, 564, 567, 569, 668, 671, 679, 694, 754, 755, 758, 763, 817-818

  English, 679, 905

  guild, 634

  Hanseatic League, 618

  Italian, 1056

  Khazar, 447

  manorial, 486, 560, 567, 812

  mercantile, 620

  Moslem, 342, 447

  provincial, 472

  royal, 567, 691, 718, 719, 1053

  seignorial, 645

  Courts of love, 577-578

  Cousin, Victor, 939

  Coutances, 696

  Cathedral, 882

  Covadonga, battle of, 458

  Coventry, 488

  Cracow, 658, 660, 664

  crafts, 291, 505-506, 558, 622-625, 633, 647, 841, 914

  craftsmen, 275, 291, 370, 530, 700, 826, 829, 846, 1013

  Byzantine, 436

  French, 876, 882

  Jewish, 375-376

  creation, 70-71, 184, 331, 333, 336-337, 405, 412, 416-418, 477, 732, 867, 889, 941, 954, 957, 958, 969-970, 977, 1052

  Crécy, battle of, 575

  credit system, 437, 629

  Credo, 742, 749

  credulity, 732, 737, 984, 1019, 1083

  creeds, 278, 343, 818

  Christian, 528, 957

  Islamic, 176-179

  cremation, 741

  Cremona, 35, 616, 662, 712, 714, 783, 1001

  Crépy-en-Valois, 644

  Crescentius, 513, 539

  Crespin family, 627

  Creswell, K. A. C, 148*

  Crete, 196, 289, 429, 431, 529, 616

  Crimea, 525, 536, 655

  crimes, 290, 295, 360, 362, 379, 380, 427, 430, 463, 464, 650, 671, 679, 718, 725, 829, 830, 844, 894, 1036, 1071

  Croats, 446

  Crom Cruach, 83

  Cromwell, 183

  crop rotation, 558, 645

  Cross, 325

  symbolism of, 528

  crossbows, 570

  Crotone, 616

  crown lands, 667

  crown of thorns, 743

  cruelty, 224, 285, 445, 470, 492, 825, 829-830, 842

  Crusade, Albigensian, 691, 692, 774-776, 904, 1039

  Crusade, Children’s, 606

  Crusade, Eighth, 608

  Crusade, Fifth, 606

  Crusade, First, 385, 389-390, 401, 562, 585-594, 595, 611, 616, 650, 740, 787, 901, 1019, 1036

  Crusade, Fourth, 377, 602-606, 657, 706, 709, 1020

  Crusade, Second, 390, 391, 594-595, 596, 827

  Crusade, Seventh, 608

  Crusade, Sixth, 607

  Crusade, Third, 598-602, 663, 683, 992

  Crusades, 149, 204, 208, 223, 239, 285, 310, 333, 338, 342, 343, 368, 376, 392, 393, 431, 551, 565, 572, 575, 585-613, 597, 617, 629, 644, 692, 695, 706, 746, 755, 757*, 764, 765, 783, 792, 821, 827, 829, 835, 845, 876, 882, 893, 954, 955, 1018, 1020, 1036, 1052

  failure of, 713, 769, 816

  funds for, 611-612, 767

  Crusaders, 206, 218, 229, 271, 313, 317, 326, 328, 366, 373, 389-390, 399, 413, 425, 443, 562*, 588, 651, 652, 673, 697, 716, 724, 762, 766, 769, 799, 822, 849, 892, 901, 912, 989, 1003

  “Crusader’s Hymn” (Walther), 1041

  Ctesiphon, 20, 136, 140, 143, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, 152, 424

  Cuchulain, 82, 498, 822

  culture, 78-79, 285, 290, 442, 529, 686, 910, 911, 913

  Bulgarian, 657

  Byzantine, 456, 998

  Christian, 857, 1086

  classic, 235, 450, 1082

  German, 618, 1039

  of Greek Empire, 431-437

  Irish, 497

  Islamic, 239*, 244, 341-395, 460, 701

  Italian, 904

  Jewish, 372, 397

  Cumans, 440, 586, 653, 655

  “Cup of Khosru,” 150

  Cur Deus homo? (Anselm), 933

  cures, 404, 986

  curfew, 643, 667

  Curia, 759, 762-763, 817, 828, 925, 958

  curia regis, 566

  currency, 120, 208-209, 436, 465, 625-627, 641, 644, 685, 718

  curriculum, 288, 915, 920, 1027

  cursing, formulas of, 986

  custom, 375, 1008, 1015

  and law, 566

  Cuthbert, St., 752, 872

  Cybele, 16, 18, 746

  Cyclades, 426, 431

  Cymri, 495

  Cynewulf, 490-491

  Cyprian, St., 69

  Cyprus, 196, 289, 429, 431, 592, 599, 610, 616, 663, 792

  Cyrene, 27, 61, 283, 289

  Cyril, 49

  Cyril of Alexandria, St., 48, 49, 122-123, 535, 746

  Cyrus, 193, 234

  Czechs, 445, 535

  Dagobert I, 94, 460, 633

  Dahriyya, 331

  Dai-d-Duat, 261

  dairy farming, 645

  products, 837

  Dalmatia, 116, 127, 446, 454, 799, 850

  Damascus, 147, 155*, 175, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 207, 219, 229, 230-231, 236, 246, 253, 257, 262, 264, 270, 272, 273, 274, 275, 310, 311, 312, 317-318, 319, 330, 333, 340, 399, 404, 592, 595, 596, 597, 598, 607, 652

  Great Mosque at, 228, 274

  Damasus I, St., 50, 52, 54, 909

  Damghan, 231

  Damietta, 399, 607, 608, 799

  damnation, 278, 382, 820, 976, 1076

  Dan Mikillati, 502

  dancing, 280, 381, 830, 838, 900, 928

  Dándolo, Enrico, 603, 604, 605, 709, 1085

  Danegeld, 485, 667

  Danehof, 666

  Danelaw, 484, 578

  Danes, 450, 465, 473, 483-485, 502, 532, 534, 666, 668, 669, 832

  Daniel, Arnaud, 1038

  Daniel of Morley, 909

  Danielis, 428, 435

  Danishwar, 268

  Dannebrog, 666

  Dante Alighieri, 72, 101, 124, 179, 343, 386, 451, 489, 576, 579, 664, 711, 719, 725, 728-729, 767, 809, 834, 843, 905, 978, 988, 1016, 1027, 1036, 1038, 1039, 1056-1081, 1082, 1085, 1086

  Danube River, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 37, 38, 39, 40, 46, 116, 369, 423, 428, 443, 444, 451, 465, 510, 589, 614, 616, 617, 619, 658, 659, 664, 665, 673

  Danzig, 618, 664

  Daphne (Antiochene park), 19

  Daphni, convent of, 440

  Daqiqi, 268

  Dara, 146, 147

  Darius I the Great, 22, 146, 148

  Darius II, 142, 147

  Dark Ages, 117, 132, 420-519, 642, 747, 777, 785, 846, 849, 852, 903, 991, 998, 1083

  Dastagird, 147, 149

  Data (Euclid), 911

  Daud, ibn, 910, 953

  dauphin, 688

  Dauphiné, 663, 688

  David, King of Judah and Israel, 184, 715, 1078

  David I, King of Scotland, 683

  David ben Abraham, 414

  David of Dinant, 954, 955-956

  David ap Gruffydd, 684

  David ben Zakkai, 368

  Day of Atonement, 359

  Day of Indulgence (1043), 513

  De aedificiis (Procopius), 125

  De anima (Aristotle), 253, 337

  De anima (Petrus Hispanus), 999

  De animalibus (Albertus Magnus), 1005

  De arte venandi cum avibus (Frederick II), 994

  De consolatione philosophiae (Boethius), 101

  De cultura hortorum (Strabo), 515

  De divina praedestinatione (Erigena), 477

  De divisione naturae (Erigena), 477

  De du
abus civitatibus (Otto of Freising), 1020

  De haereticis, 777

  De libero arbitrio (Augustine), 68

  De medicamentis (Marcellus), 121

  De mercibus (Mashallah), 403

  De mirabili potestate artis et naturae (Bacon), 1007

  De monorchia (Dante), 1062-1063

  De multiplieatione specierum (Bacon), 1007

  De Música (Boethius), 135

  De ratione ponderis (Jordanus Nemorarius), 995

  De regimine prineipum (Aquinas), 974

  De scientia motus orbis (Mashallah), 403

  De sepulturis (Boniface VIII), 989

  De speculis comburentibus (Bacon), 1007

  De Triangulis (Regiomontanus), 328

  De Trinitate (Augustine), 68

  De vegetabilibus (Albertus Magnus), 1004-1005

  De vulgari eloquentia (Dante), 1066

  deacons, 757

  Dead Sea, 271

  Deadly Sins, 1073

  dean, 920, 921

  death, 267, 279, 355, 393, 410, 419, 462, 464, 556, 578, 732, 820, 1023, 1026

  for heresy, 777, 779, 782

  rate, 757*

  Deeds of Ardashir, 138

  decimal system, 912-913, 990, 1084

  declensions, 904

  Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon), 156*

  decoration, 270, 271, 272-273, 277, 287, 316, 431, 432, 439, 440, 455, 846, 847, 850, 851, 852, 891

  interior, 850, 851

  decretals, 828, 914, 978

  Decretum (Gratian), 754-755, 820

  dedication, of cathedrals, 867

  book, 908

  Defoe, Daniel, 334

  degrees, academic, 917, 918, 929

  Deirdre, 498-499

  deists, 331

  Delfidius, 12

  Delft, 640, 686

  Delhi, 257, 339

  democracy, 459, 506, 641, 678, 687, 706, 720, 729, 759, 975

  Democritus, 1070

  demons, 357, 404, 416, 417, 524, 734, 970, 984, 986, 1005

  denarius, 90*

  Denmark, 89, 493, 500, 502, 536, 619, 665-666, 992

  Deorham, battle of, 81, 483

  deposition, 296, 427, 428, 473, 475, 529, 538-539, 540, 549, 675

  Derbyshire, 622

  Derry, 532

  dervishes, 260, 279, 327, 332-333

  dancing, 259, 325

  Descartes, René, 71, 995, 1082

  “Descent of the Soul” (Avicenna), 248

  Description of the Moslem Empire (Muhammad al-Muqaddasi), 242

  Desiderius, Abbot, 530, 846, 916

  Desiderius, King, 452, 462

  despotism, 656, 669, 672, 724

  Destruction of the Destruction (Averroës), 336

  Destruction of Philosophy (al-Ghazali), 336

  Deuteronomy, 352*, 382, 383, 410, 776

  Devil, see Satan

  devils, 734, 794, 795, 985, 986, 988, 1028

  Devon, 622

  devotion, 351, 406, 536, 572, 807, 844, 894, 899, 943, 944, 1017

  Dhimmi, 218

  Dhu Nuwas, 156

  diagnosis, 404, 998-999

  dialectic, 466, 933, 934, 938

  Dialéctica (Abélard), 938


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