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The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

Page 4

by Lissett, Alonna

  “Okay Red, how is this for a branch?” said Rolle as he stood over Xander. Seeing Rolle standing next to him for the first time, he could see he was almost as tall as Gowan, though not as broad across the shoulders he was still heavier than Xander was by far.

  “That should do fine, take this” said Xander as he gave Rolle his extra sword. “Just begin sharpening the tip. If we find big game a bunch of us can take it down after an arrow or two to the shoulder.”

  The stop proved to be a quick one, as the group did not stay out of the wagon for long, it was just until the wagon master could answer the call of nature. Xander stayed out of sight of Lady Sharon, although he did not see her leave her carriage or her driver depart his seat during the stop. Xander and the other boys got on the wagon and continued their trip.

  The next time the wagon stopped, the boys had 7 good spears made, that along with the longbow Xander figured they were pretty well armed to take on anything the forest had to offer, and was eager to see if they could in fact work as a group.

  “Hey there fancy sword” said Sam as he walked along side of Xander. “Where did you get a sword that good from?”

  “My mom made sure I had one and knew how to use it since I was small,” Xander said before continuing “I figure she just had the Soldiers in Riley make it for me.”

  “You actually know how to use one?” said Sam with none of the contempt in voice he had earlier in the wagon.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I’m boasting when I say I’m pretty good too. I have never taught anyone but I think I can show you a few things before we reach Meadow. Where did you get your sword at?”

  “My mom paid Old Charlie for it.” Sam said as he held the blade out flat. “Charlie said he found it during the war during a battle and kept it. I don’t know how to use it but the other boys thought I was pretty cool until you came along with those fancy blades of yours. You have a long bow, a crossbow and everything a soldier would need. I want to join the city watch myself, but they only take the best recruits from the Army.”

  “Well I know all about the recruiting process for the army, I heard the first thing they look for is to see if you can follow orders.” Xander said happy he and Sam were at least talking.

  “Well any idiot can follow directions, unless they want to be sent to the arena.” Said sam.

  “Yeah but can they follow directions when there are no females around? Just getting selected is the easy part, going through the training they put you through is the hardest. I think I can get you selected though. All it is, is a simple sword duel.” Said Xander as he pulled off his longbow.

  “Let’s talk more about it later fancy sword, My stomach wants to see if you are as good as you say you are.” Said Sam as he dropped his sword and held onto the crude spear he had made.

  “It’s good to see you two nancy boys kissed and hugged it out” said Paddy as he held up his spear. “Do you think you could wait until we eat before you go out and get a room?”

  Xander smiled as he began giving them orders to fan out to broaden their search. One great thing about Rangel is that the normal apex predators this far out were hunted for their coats, leaving plenty of deer and other animals around with no natural fear. It was not before long that someone in their party spotted a feral hog.

  Xander drew back his arrow, just as their prey walked behind some thin but numerous trees. Sensing he had no shot, Xander drew his short crossbow, and motioned for Rolle to follow him. As Xander got closer, he could see this was no ordinary hog, this was a Thornian Razorback. Normally seen closer to the border, these animals were close to 800 pounds and had 8 inch tusks capable of shredding even the most experienced hunting dog. Xander remembered a soldier a couple of years back in Riley gets killed and his partner injured to point that he never walked again. Xander froze and started walking backwards. Unfortunately one of the other boys took that chance to throw his spear at the razorback, which did little but bounce off his hide. The Razorback cocked his head up and looked directly at Xander.

  Xander let a bolt from his crossbow fly which landed in the beast shoulder, not even slowing him down for an instant. Rolle held his spear out in front of him trying to dissuade the animal from attacking as the other boys maneuvered around it. Unfortunately the razorback never slowed down as he took the spear in the shoulder. The spear dug deep into the animal chest, as the weight of the animal yanked the spear out of Rolle’s hand where it snapped in two. Xander pulled out his sword as the animal hit him square in chest, just avoiding impaling him with its tusks. The razorback backed up and prepared to gore Xander as Sam picked up Xander’s sword and drove it through the neck of the beast. The razorback backed up squealing as Paddy and the others started impaling it with their spears. Many of the crude weapons broke but eventually the animal breathed life no more.

  Rolle helped Xander up as the other boys went over to him.

  “Are you alright Xander?” said Paddy as he checked him over.

  “I think I’m fine, just got the wind knocked out of me.” Said Xander as began to breathe normally.

  “You lucky I was here fancy sword, you would have been done for!” Said Sam as he twirled Xander’s sword around in his hand. “Now that I have held a real sword, mine doesn’t feel anywhere near as solid as this.”

  Sam gave the sword back to Xander smiling.

  “Now that we are finished chugging on each other’s rod, how in the hell are we gonna turn that thing into food? Better yet how in the hell are we gonna bring this thing back?”

  Xander and another boy whose father was a butcher quickly dressed the animal and got it ready to haul back to the wagon. The choice parts of the animal were quickly cooked over a fire as everyone began to settle down for the night.

  “Alright new meat, this is how night works out here” said the driver of Xander’s wagon the first time he had ever heard the man talk. “We pull watch on the Lady’s carriage throughout the night. Out here, the rules of nature apply. Lady Sharon is a witch, not just one of those prissy noble types, she can actually back up her talk. I saw that little display when we picked you up and talked to Gowan. He is a good man, told me to watch out for you while we head north. This nightly watch, I’ll have you take it with the other Reds. Stay out of her damn way boy, she hasn’t made a move towards you and if she does there is nothing we can do about it. You’ll be dead and none of us are dumb enough to against a female especially a witch. Watch your back.”

  Xander took his advice and he along with the rest of the Reds took first watch just as the moon came out into the sky. He could see Sharon’s driver in his tent, apparently he did not sleep in her carriage. The driver came out of his tent and made his way towards Paddy and Sam. From his area off to the right, Xander could see him talking to them as Sam held his sword out in front of him.

  “Alright boy, what do you think you are going to do with that huh?” said the carriage driver. “You kill one dumb animal and now you think you take a real man? Put that thing away before you get yourself killed. I don’t need a reason to kill you bastards of the war. Where is the new one we picked up?”

  “Sleeping with your mother, he was a little chilly and needed a arm body to snuggle up with” said Paddy as he separated from Sam and began circling him.

  “Insults boy? Nothing will save you idiots. Answer my question!” said the driver as he pulled out his sword.

  Sam immediately tried to attack the driver as Sam circled around him. The driver went for an overhand swing which was met by Sam’s sword. The driver went for an underhand swing and knocked the sword free from Sam’s grip and spinned putting the tip of his sword right under Paddy’s chin. Xander saw enough and was about to draw his weapon as the driver from their wagon appeared, holding crossbow.

  “That’s about enough James” said the wagon driver. “Let the lad go or I’ll fill you with bolts as sure as the crow flies.”

  “You would threaten me to save a bastard of the war? First chance they’ll get they will turn on y
ou and head across the border to be with their own kind.”

  “Well you won’t be around to see it happen if you don’t lower that sword” said the wagon driver.

  The door to Lady Sharon’s carriage opened and out she walked dressed in a simple dress, not like the dark robes Xander had seen her wear before.

  “What are you idiots doing disturbing my sleep?” Sharon said as she looked first at Xander, then walked towards the group.

  “This oaf was trying to cut us down Mi’lady” said Paddy as he backed away from Sharon’s driver James.

  “Did I give you permission to talk boy?” said Sharon as her face took on a sneer.

  Paddy wisely said nothing as he began to back away.

  “I have been out here for too damn long as it is. Since I can’t sleep properly neither will you. Prepare to leave. For now on our stops are no longer than an hour. If you are not ready you just aren’t ready and will be left behind.” Lady Sharon then began a chant as she started walking away the the wind picked up, but instead of blowing the warm spring breeze, this was more like the icy chill of winter Xander thought.

  James started mumbling under his breath as he walked away. “Just great” said Sam picking his sword off the ground.

  “I don’t see why you are all upset boy; you aren’t the one that has to drive this blasted wagon with no help. It is madness riding in the darkness; the horses could step into a hole and break something. I knew that witch was bad news!” said the wagon driver as he started walking to get the horses lashed back up.

  Over the next two days very little changed since they were always on the move. Xander did not pull out his father’s book for fear it would invite many questions, and he had found out none of the other boys could read. Lady Sharon, upon hearing fresh meat was to be had commandeered a good portion of it, being sick of eating whatever she had been eating. Near midday, three days after Xander had left Riley the driver of the wagon stopped suddenly and began screaming.

  The boys instantly poured out of the back of the wagon, Xander had the one sword he always kept on his sword belt and grabbed his longbow as he headed out. He could see Paddy grab his other sword and another boy grabbed his crossbow. Normally Xander would not have liked other touching his belongings without asking but they had talked about what would happen if they were attacked way out here in the wilderness. By the time Xander made it towards the front of the wagon, he could see the wagon driver fall off with an arrow in his neck. All around Xander the bushes came to life as filthy men appeared out of them, each holding some type of crude weapon. Xander let his arrow fly as they began to approach the wagon.

  Xander let two more arrows fly before he was forced to draw his sword and defend himself. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw one of his attackers bash in the head of one of his companions a boy called Rafe that was traveling with him. After Rafe fell Rolle came at him swinging his club which connected solidly with his bandit’s back. The bandit stumbled but did not go down and swung his mace at Rolle connecting with his arm, shattering it. As Rolle’s club fell the bandit kicked him in the chest as Xander ran over leaving his back exposed to stop the warrior from making the killer blow. Xander thrust his sword out getting the bandit’s attention but leaving himself open. The bandit swept his legs out from under him and raised his mace to deal the final blow when suddenly another flying bandit knocked him off of his feet. Xander quickly hurried to his feet and began picking out an opponent when he caught sight of her.

  Lady Sharon was chanting and wherever she pointed bandits went flying. One unlucky bandit tried to sneak up on her and was burned to a crisp instantly. This wasn’t the small fire ball she tossed at Xander. It appeared to Xander like she was a living furnace with a solid wall of flame erupted from her hands. Xander turned attention back towards the front of the wagon where he saw Paddy take a arrow in the thigh.

  “Sam help! Xander screamed as the bandit was apparently satisfied with his shot, promptly shot Sam in the arm just as Sam was closing on his position. Sam crashed through the woods not slowing down from his injury as his attacker began to flee. Xander did not know how many bandits there were but figured Sam could use all the help he could get. Xander hurried after Sam and could hear a sword fight going on.

  Xander found Sam surrounded by two men with their swords drawn out. Sam still had his old sword but was favoring his arm a lot. Xander quickly jumped into the battle and began battling with one of the two opponents. In a matter of minutes Xander had his opponent disarmed and was about to give the final blow when one of the bandits robbed him of his victory.

  “Put that sword down real slow” said a bandit as he held an arrow to Sam’s neck. “Back over to that cliff over there and I won’t kill this piece of trash.”

  Xander slowly put his sword down as he backed up towards the cliff. Looking down Xander could see the handle of Sam’s sword covered with long dead leaves. Xander walked towards it, trying to formulate a plan if the bandits attacked. Taking a quick peek over the edge, Xander’s hope of surviving the fall was quickly dashed as he could see their were plenty of jutting rocks all the way down to the bottom where Xander doubted anyone could survive the fall into the Ivy river, which was known to be deadly to even the most accomplished swimmer. The bandit unhanded Sam and tossed him to the side, and began to advance on Xander. Xander seeing his chance picked up Sam’s sword and pointed it towards his attacker. The bandit froze as Sam picked up Xander’s sword and advanced on the bandit until he was next to Xander.

  “I guess this is it huh? It’s been nice knowing you Xander” said Sam.

  “Stop talking like that Sam, I can take this guy. Just get behind me, I’ll protect you.” Said Xander, while switching the sword from hand to hand, in an effort to intimidate the bandit.

  “But then who is going to protect you boy?” Said the Bandit as Sam grabbed Xander from the back and threw him down the steep cliff.


  “So let me get this straight, Death’s Hand was done in by his own people? You must have done something to the guy for him to act that way.” Said Durgard.

  “I admit he took me by surprise.” Said Xander flatly.

  “You sound like you were some sort of miracle swordsman in your youth. We all know it was them damn swords that made you so great.” Said Durgard as his earlier fear of Xander started to vanish. None of that is gonna matter though once you are staring across the arena at the Lion Heart.”

  “Well if you were thrown off a cliff you said was impossibly deep, how in the hells did you survive?” said Zellon.

  “Luck was with me that day, luck was with me” said Xander.

  “Well we all would have been better off if you died right then and there!” said Durgard.

  “Don’t pay him any attention, now that you are unarmed he is a big talker. So how did luck help you out? Said Zellon

  “Well I fell off the cliff, crashed through some trees and happened to land in a small sort of cave on the cliff face, best part it was covered in moss” said Xander.

  “Hell that does sound like luck” said Zellon.

  “I sure didn’t think so when it happened I hit my head and blacked out, that cave though is where my journey really started at.”


  Xander felt the rays of the morning sun and heard birds chirping although way too loud. Xander head hurt as he sat up gingerly from the hole he had fallen into surprised he did not break anything from Sam’s betrayal. Checking his belongings, all he had kept was the rusty old sword of Sam’s.

  “Just great Xander, you only been training for this your whole life and in less than a week you take everything your mom told you and threw it out the window. Now I got no food, no water all my money is in that stupid wagon because I can’t follow simple directions! No trust anybody on the wagon she said, did I listen, of course not. Now I’m stuck here hoping no highwaymen find me because all I got to protect myself is this stupid beat up sword!” Xander shouted, feeling sorry for himself as he th
en picked up the sword and was going to throw it when he noticed the sword was much lighter than it should have been. Upon further inspection Xander could see the sword had some strange lines etched into it. The book! Xander quickly dug into his boot and saw he still had his dad’s book! Searching the other boot he still at least had his dagger, that and the old sword at least meant he could protect himself somewhat.

  “Well Xander you couldn’t wait to be left alone to see if you had any skill, looks like my wish was granted. Just great.” Xander said as he grabbed his dagger and began using the tip to etch the lines the book told him into a nearby branch. Xander then gripped the symbol tight and imagined an invisible force leaving his body and pouring into the branch. After a short while Xander had no luck and just felt the headache he had just begin to recede. Xander thought maybe he didn’t try hard enough and really squeezed the branch as he concentrated as hard as he could on the branch. After what seemed to be an hour and still nothing. “Well no magic book for me then” Xander said to himself disappointed. Xander picked up the branch thinking at least it was a good walking stick and began to climb out of the small hole he fell into. Reaching to the top of the hole, he could see looked down the side of the cliff and thought it he was lucky to fall into that hole. At least he landed on soft moss instead of hitting every rock on the way down and splashing into the water where he most likely would have drowned. Looking up he could see nothing but the trees he crashed into when he was pushed off of side thankful as they probably saved his life and allowed him to fall into the small hole. Seeing no way out, Xander quickly strapped the branch on his back and began to climb toward the trees. Finally reaching the trees Xander climbed pass them and could see he didn’t fall far from the top of the cliff. Xander quickly got to the top and looked around at the area and could see tracks leading from the area he fought Sam in. Xander followed the tracks until he saw where the wagon was stopped before they left him. Not knowing his way around, Xander sighed and followed the wagon tracks, hoping it would lead him to Meadow and thankful the moist spring ground was perfect for preserving tracks.


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