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The Enchanter of Rangel: Child of War Book 1

Page 12

by Lissett, Alonna

  “How long have you been in my city?”

  “I arrived yesterday morning” said Xander, waiting for the questions he knew were coming.

  “How did you come to find yourself fighting at the arena?”

  “I was told I could improve my standing amongst the slaves if I were to fight for the school. That I could possibly become a slave guard protecting it’s students” Xander lied, not seeing why he should betray those who did not wrong him other than the arena.

  “Where were you raised at?” Xander heard a different voice asking this question, one he identified as Aubrey.

  “I was raised on Riley outpost facing Thorn by my mother your highness” Xander answered.

  “And your mother, I take it she is a witch?” asked Celeste.

  “Yes, she did not do well in the War and was captured by the Thornians. I am a result of that union and she was sent to live out her days guarding the pass between Rangel and Thorn.”

  “How long have you been an enchanter?” the Queen asked.

  Xander thought about lying but decided half-truths were better. “I discovered my talent a week ago your Majesty.”

  “Your sword looks older than a week slave” The Queen responded with more iciness in her tone.

  “The sword belonged to a bandit, they took the swords I had and left behind the one I carry as junk.” Xander said as he tried to keep fear from easing into his voice.

  “How did you know you know you were an enchanter?” asked Aubrey.

  “I picked up the sword and started cursing to myself about my luck. I swung it at a very young sapling and it broke at the trunk and carried far further than it should have.” Xander said as he guessed they would never be able to tell if he was lying or not.

  “Have you enchanted anything personally?” the Queen asked.

  “I enchanted and axe and some shovels to help out a small town build defenses to overcome a possible bandit attack.”

  “How did you know how to enchant?” asked Aubrey.

  “Trial and error your highness, the process leaves me very weak afterwards.”

  “Xander how would you like to stay here as Armorer to my Palace Guards? You would have sizable freedom and could go anywhere in the palace you wished.” Asked the Queen.

  “Yesterday I would have jumped at the chance your Majesty, but you promised me freedom if I won my match and I would have if you did not stop it. I only wish to return to my mother and help her in Riley.”

  “You dare turn down an offer from your Queen?!?” Celeste said as she rose off her throne and deepened her voice.

  “What my mother meant to say Xander, is what if it was arranged for your mother to move here, free from her banishment” asked Aubrey in a tone Xander thought was placating.

  “She would not be welcomed by the witches here because of me. Likewise I would not be accepted anywhere because of my hair color. In Riley I did not have many friends, but I had no enemies.”

  “Foolish boy, do you think the witches would leave you alone now that they know you could enchant? How would your little outpost fare if the Thornians knew they had an enchanter ripe for the pickings? Especially when they are having thoughts of a civil war not to mention an invasion by Frahse?” the Queen said in a mocking tone.

  “I still wish to take my chances your Majesty. Your offer sounds like I would just be a slave in better surroundings instead of the freedom I wish.”

  “You will do no such thing! I declare you a slave of the crown for your failure to help protect your Queen, the duty of every man in Rangel. For now you will be housed in the North Tower, do not try to escape. Your loved ones will feel the full weight of the Rangelian military if I even suspect they are harboring a fugitive. You are dismissed, guards come and get this man!”

  The Palace Guard came into the throne room and grabbed Xander by the arm and led him out of the room as the Queen told them to put him in the north tower. Xander was dragged throughout the palace until he was taken up a short flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs an ordinate door was opened and Xander was pushed inside.

  “Do not try to escape boy, the fact that you are here instead of the dungeon says she does not want you roughed up. If I have to catch you trying I will tie you to the bed and that is where you will stay all day, even for calls of nature. If you need anything knock on this door” said a palace guard that Xander recognized by his voice as the nicer one in the wagon.

  “Will I be allowed to write my mother?” asked Xander hopefully.

  “You know your letters boy? Not bad for a child of war, I’ll see about it. Now no acting up.” The guard then shut the door and Xander could hear a heavy beam being put in its place.

  Xander looked around his surroundings and could see it was as nicely furnished as the rest of the castle. The room he was in looked to be some sort of sitting room, judging by the amount of sitting furniture and lack of bed. Looking at the far corner of the room, Xander could see a spiral staircase hugging the wall. Xander began to climb up the stairs, where the ceiling had a small opening. Xander passed through the ceiling and was now in what was he figured was his bed room. This room had a nice plush looking bed and a small changing room attached, journeying up the stairs further, Xander discovered a bath with pipes leading into it marked hot and cold. Xander’s mother told him about plumbing long ago but this was the first time he had actually ever seen it. Going up the steps even further Xander came upon the final room where the stairs ended. Xander could see a small window on the wall, the only one Xander noted during his exploration. The window was too small for Xander to fit his head through, but he could see outside, just not at the immediate bottom of whatever was outside his window. Xander figured if he had to take a guess, this was done purposely and there were probably guards stationed down below. Xander started walking down the stairs back towards his bedroom when he heard a door open and shut. Going down into the sitting room, Xander found Princess Aubrey waiting at the bottom holding an arm full of clothing with two of the palace guard.

  “Xander you are expected at dinner tonight. The clothes you have on are unacceptable for dining with the Queen and I” said Aubrey as she dropped the clothes on one of the chairs.

  “I do not wish to dine with the Queen my lady, I am happy eating here” Xander replied trying to make his voice sound flat.

  One of the palace guards with Princess Aubrey stepped forward and backhanded Xander across the face, knocking him down. “You will not speak to her Royal Highness in that tone dog. The Queen wants you at dinner and you will be there, the shape you will arrive in is up to you” said the guard.

  “What Max is trying to say Xander is that it is not a request. You might learn to like it here if you will just give it a chance. I will see you at dinner, please don’t make me leave Max and Liano here to ensure you are properly attired. You’ll be a good boy now won’t you?” The princess said while looking at Xander.

  Xander nodded as Max offered his hand to lift Xander up which he refused.

  “Don’t get all snotty boy, it’s just business, I have nothing personal against you” Max said as he and Liano left the room.

  Xander felt totally hopeless as he bathed and changed. He needed a friend at this moment and figured he would talk to his father later, maybe figure a way out of this mess. Xander found a comb and briefly considered combing his hair, but decided against it, the snobby Princess or the Queen didn't need to see him at his best, no matter how fine the clothes he wore was. Xander stared at himself in the mirror, other than the welt that was forming by his lip from the blow he received from Max, Xander thought he looked damn good considering the circumstances. Xander headed back to his sitting room and waited to be summoned.


  “I should not have lost my temper with the boy” she told her daughter as she walked into the room. “Thank you for letting me save face Aubrey. I need him willingly on my side but I am not above threats. I know you are enamored with that damn Brightly boy, and I’ll admit
he is not unpleasant to look at. But I have my spies and I know they are up to no good. I want you to convince the boy he belongs here with us. You don’t have to be with him, but even the affections of a Princess would likely sway his opinion of our hospitality. After all, what boy doesn’t dream of being swept off his feet by a Princess and living happily ever after?”

  “Well mother it may be harder than that. I doubt he finds me attractive and he refused dinner with us tonight until Max backhanded him across the room” Aubrey said remembering her last exchange with Xander.

  “Sometimes using a little force is necessary; just remember to stay pleasant, no matter what you are saying. We shall try and treat him like one born of nobility, make sure he wants for nothing. Soon he will see this is not a bad place. I am going to keep the label of slave upon him just in case. He can leave the tower, but only if he is accompanied by you. I know a child of war certainly would not have been your first choice, but I doubt you wish to constantly be looking over your shoulder the way I have to.”

  “Mother I am partial to Patrick, he is big and strong and he even killed Brutus, a feat I thought was impossible. I think my joining with Patrick would be a good match, perhaps sooth the rift that had developed between our house and theirs.”

  “That is foolish thinking child. You open us up to scorn from the non-magical nobles who have plenty of power. They would see such a union as a slap in the face to tradition as well as us siding with the witches, whom they have never trusted, just tolerated. You would lose whatever sway you might have gained with them. My mother matched me with your father to appease the nobles. He was a sickly man who I know didn’t have much time left in this world. I married him on that basis and was soon pregnant with you when he passed away. My mother knew what was best for me and I’m telling you I would never approve of a match with you and the Brightly boy. The Franks have been petitioning me for you to marry their son, offering a sizable sum to the treasury to give you his hand. Your friend Emma Dollar’s mother has also been trying to match you up with her brother Jacob.”

  “But mother he is only 10 summers old! What type of match would that be?” said Aubrey not believing her ears.

  “Aubrey I am just telling you some of the letters I have received. Tonight the witches are having some type of ball where I am convinced you will be brought up more than once. Many witches wish to marry off their sons to you, but all of them have been silent no doubt the work of Elizabeth Brightly. During your birthday ball, no doubt you will be bombarded by plenty of mothers trying to match you up. Pretend to be enamored with this Xander and bring him up during conversation. This will by you some time. Go make yourself even prettier and escort him to the dining table. I need to handle something personal.


  Princess Aubrey entered his room surrounded by her guards and looked Xander over. “I see you are ready Xander, the Queen will be pleased. You are looking very fetching in that clothing, won’t you walk with me to dinner?” Aubrey said as she extended her arm. Xander was going to refuse until he saw the glare Liano was giving him, which basically said refuse and die.

  Xander took her arm as she led him down the hallway. Up close he could see Aubrey was slightly taller than he was but much thinner in the frame. They walked in silence until reaching a room which Xander figured was for dining.

  A huge square table was set in the room and at the very end was a place for two. Xander had no idea how many people would be joining them, but could see seats for at least 30. Xander figured the Princess sat next to the Queen so at least he would not have to sit next to any of them. To Xander’s horror, the Princess held out a chair for him to sit and took a seat next to him.

  “So Xander, is there a special girl that has her eye on you?” Aubrey asked.

  Xander thought back to Mesha and quickly dismissed the thought of her, he would only complicate her life. “There is no one your Highness” Xander said trying to remove all emotion from his voice.

  “No one at all? That is a travesty for a boy as pretty as yourself not to have at least one girl trying for your hand. The girls in your hometown must not exist or are blind” Aubrey said trying to give Xander a compliment before remembering his mother was banished to the furthest outpost facing Thorn.

  “Xander how does your enchanting work? I wish I could do something like that, I wouldn’t make weapons and the sort but I would try to make inventions to make life simpler” Aubrey said as she placed her hand on Xander’s knee.

  No matter his feelings towards Aubrey, he was a teenage boy and she was a fairly attractive female. Xander’s temperature started to rise as he tried to think of something other than Aubrey’s hand. “Like what type of inventions?”

  “Well, I am a bit clumsy and always bump my legs in the night. I wish I could make a lamp that would just stay bright, that way I could keep it on all night with worrying about it burning out.” Aubrey said as she brought her hand higher up his knee, getting the result she wanted judging by Xander’s face.

  “Um if you bring me a lamp, I could try it but I don’t know if it is at all possible” Xander said hoping Aubrey would remove her hand giving him a moment to breathe. Before Aubrey could reply they were summoned to stand as the Queen entered the room, as she sat down they took their seats.

  “Thank you for joining us for dinner Xander, we normally eat alone. I am sorry for getting cross with you earlier, have you thought about my offer to arm my guard?” The queen said as the palace slaves started bringing out their meal.

  Xander was unsure of how to proceed; he certainly did not want to work for the Queen after declaring him slave after promising to free him. He also did not fancy being beaten by the palace guard until he yielded.

  “My Queen I am nothing more than a slave, I have no wants or needs I will do whatever you command.” Xander said trying to voice his displeasure without being disrespectful.

  “Well I would certainly think the job is something you could handle, there are many perks to working in the palace young man.” The queen said as she sipped her drink. “No one would dare and try to attack our Queendom with you on the job, even those damn Inglish whom I hear is trying to rally support for an excursion into our territory to see if we are vunerable. Right now they are trying to rally support in Thorn also, have a multifaceted attack. With your skill we could protect even the most remote outpost” the Queen said trying to get a feel of what Xander thought since she mentioned a possible attack on his mother.

  Xander heard the comment about the Thornians and was taken aback. He knew from his mother that their procedures now was to execute any witch they find, no doubt his mother would be one of them. If his magic could protect his mother, shouldn’t he at least try? If he is wrong then the Queen pulled one over on him, if she isn’t lying he would never forgive himself if something happened to his mother.

  Celeste could see Xander starting to look sick at her news, which is precisely what she wanted. She let her statement hang in the air, deciding not to speak anymore on it, he would drive himself crazy tonight with whatever decision he came up with. Switching topics, she wanted to know more about the boy, so she could find a way to manipulate him without his knowledge.

  “So Xander, we normally have whatever I decide to eat for dinner, which gets very old very fast. What is your favorite food, perhaps we can get the cook to make it for you?” Queen Celeste asked.

  “I am a slave Your Majesty, I have no favorite food. Whatever you decide to feed me I will eat.” Xander said refusing to engage the woman in conversation.

  “Xander you are going to make yourself miserable if that’s your answer to everything” Aubrey spoke before continuing “Everyone has a favorite food, if you don’t want to share it with us then keep it to yourself. I bet if you ask Liano or Max, they would see that it is brought to you.”

  Xander said nothing but ate his meal in silence. The steak they brought out was the most tender he had ever tasted, it took great control for him not to devour the whole th
ing. Instead of going at his meal the way he would have if he was amongst friends, Xander ate less than a quarter of all the dishes put in front of him.

  The Queen and the Princess tried to engage him in small talk to no avail. Xander could see what ever façade the Queen had going was slipping, as she started to get a bit more angry as time went on. Xander figured she was used to everyone conversing to her about everything, and had never met someone who didn't think she walked on water. The Queen excused herself early and Aubrey walked Xander back to his room.

  “You weren’t very talkative at dinner Xander, is everything okay?” asked Aubrey.

  “I am a slave your Highness, I have no problems you do not wish for me to have” Xander said trying to get the familiarity they had earlier passed them. He knew he was a prisoner here and did not want them to think he liked it.

  “Are we back here now Xander? You were very talkative before my mother came in. Why are you so silent now?”

  “I am a slave Your Highness; I should be seen, not heard. I will talk about whatever you want and take whatever stance you wish me to take on any matter.”

  “So that’s how it is Xander? You will find the palace a lonely place if you do not let someone in. In any case, did you give my mother’s proposal any thought about helping arm the palace guard and eventually the rest of our Army?”

  “Your highness I am nothing but a slave, I will do whatever you ask of me” was Xander’s only reply.

  “Have it your way then Xander, I will send someone to take you to the armory in the morning. I don’t know how long it will take you, but before the week is out it would be nice to see a demonstration. Good night Xander” Aubrey said as she turned and went back towards the dining hall.


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