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Dirty Mechanic

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

“Sneaking up, kissing me, taking control like that.”

  “You like it.”

  “That’s beside that point. It’s my job.”

  “And my job is to keep you satisfied, and to feed you. Sit.”

  She sat down and took her lunch from him. Her stomach growled, and he didn’t say a word, even though he felt rather smug as he unwrapped his sandwich.

  “You know this is completely strange,” she said.

  “What is?”

  “Up until recently, I thought you didn’t know I existed. We’ve barely said more than a couple of words together, and now we’ve…”

  “Fucked. Have you ever thought that I didn’t know how to approach you? You’ve always got your head in a book, and let’s face it, I heard about your disasters when it came to dates. Not only do I now have you in my bed, you’re looking at my face. You’re also talking to me. I consider that a win.” He took her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I like you, Eliza. I’ve always liked you, and I finally got the courage to take it to the next step.”

  “The next step is usually a date.”

  “Exactly. I’d have had no hope.” He made her laugh again.

  The last thing he wanted to do was spill the secrets of her diary as it was the thing that finally brought them together.


  This was the first time she’d invited him back to her place. Eliza stepped out of the way, giving him plenty of room to enter. He’d been waiting for her as she finished, standing there with Jackie’s husband.

  Part of her was scared with how fast she was falling for this man. He was … completely different, and with it, so refreshing and new. He made her want things she thought were never going to happen to her.

  Not only had he taken her virginity, but he’d also been breaking down all of her barriers that she put up for everyone else.

  “So this is your place?”

  “Yep, it’s not as beautiful as yours, but it’s home.”

  “Babe, home is what we make it.” He waited as she locked her door and flicked on the light.

  Brushing past him, she began to show him her small place.

  After the very brief tour, which consisted of her sitting room along with the eat-in kitchen, the next part was upstairs, but he carried food with him, and they were both hungry.

  While he took out the food cartons, she grabbed a couple of plates and placed them on the counter.

  The aroma of the Chinese food was amazing, and it made her mouth water.

  Once the food was served up, they took their plates to the couch, along with a glass of wine. Even though they were only dealing with their dinner, she felt the tension rising in the room. His promise in the library came back to haunt her as she thought of all the things he could do to her.

  Taking a sip of her wine, she placed it on the small coffee table before picking up her chopsticks to enjoy the food.

  “Who helped you move in?” he asked.

  “My dad. He told me that he felt it was time that I found my independence, and he didn’t want me to keep worrying about him. I think, to be honest, he just wanted the place to himself. He may even be dating.” She loved her father, and he’d not brought home a horrid stepmother type that made her life a misery.

  He didn’t say anything about a girlfriend, but he seemed happier than he had in days.

  “I’d like to meet your dad one day,” Tyler said.

  This made her pause.

  Meeting parents was still a big deal.

  She knew Tyler’s were away on a cruise as he’d already told her.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for that?”

  “The sooner the better. He needs to know I’m serious about his daughter.”

  “And are you?” she asked. She shook her head. “Forget I asked that.”

  She made to get up, to end the uncomfortable conversation, but he wouldn’t let her. His arm across her chest stopped her.

  Tyler took her food and placed it on the coffee table.

  Then she followed him as he tugged her over him, so that she straddled his lap.

  “Now, that is so much better.”

  His hands grabbed her ass and squeezed her cheeks, drawing her down.

  Even wearing jeans, she felt the hardness of his erection pressing close against her. “Do you see what you do to me, baby? I want to fuck you so hard all the time. All I have to think about is you, and I’m stiff as a rock.” His hands moved to her hips, sliding beneath her shirt.

  He didn’t stop there, and began to lift it up over her head.

  She’d worn the red lace, not only because she loved it, but with how sexy she felt, she wanted Tyler to see it.

  He groaned. “Now that is a sexy as fuck sight.” He fingered the strap of her bra, following the path, to trace down the lace.

  He fingered one nipple, then the other before cupping her tits. He pressed them together before kissing her cleavage. “So pretty.”

  With a quick flick of his wrist, the bra was gone.

  Tyler held up her tits like an offering. “I don’t mind if I do.” He took a nipple into his mouth, while teasing the other with his thumb.

  She closed her eyes, feeling the tightness in her pussy, and she was desperate for him, wanting to feel every single part of him.

  His cock seemed to pulse against her. He moved to her other nipple, and she moaned, grinding down on his lap.

  “This will not do.”

  He moved her off his lap, and she stood, somewhat dazed, and watched as he quickly removed his clothes, kicking off his boots in the process.

  He dealt with her jeans quickly, shoving them to the floor, before grabbing her hips, and pulling her back into place on his lap.

  This time, they were both naked, and he ran his hands all over her body.

  She didn’t fight him.

  She didn’t want to.

  Reaching down, she gripped his cock, running her finger across the pre-cum spilling out of the tip. He released a hiss, but didn’t ask her to stop.

  “I want you in my mouth,” she said, feeling bold.

  “Then take me.”

  She climbed off his lap, kneeling on her floor. Working him from the base up to the tip, she pulled his foreskin back, and she saw his pre-cum spilling out. Sliding her tongue across the tip, she tasted his salty cream before taking the entirety of his tip into her mouth.

  They both moaned, and he sank his fingers into her hair as he thrust up.

  She took him to the back of her throat before pulling up.

  Guiding her, he showed her exactly what he liked, and what to do.

  She loved him as her tutor, and didn’t want him to stop.

  “Fuck, baby, that feels good.”

  Eliza wanted to drive him wild, to take him to the next level of pleasure, and have him gasping, begging for more.

  “Shit, Eliza, I’m going to come.”

  She didn’t want to stop.

  He’d brought her to orgasm with his mouth, and she wanted to experience the same kind of pleasure with their roles reversed.

  His cock jerked, and she swallowed him down, drinking up his cum.

  Chapter Eight

  Tyler growled as he lifted Eliza up from the floor, bringing her down to the sofa. Taking possession of her lips, he didn’t care that she tasted of his cum. She’d swallowed him down, and fuck it, he craved this woman.

  He’d loved her for a long time, and hadn’t done a single thing about it, and in the throes of passion, he knew he couldn’t go another day without her.

  He trailed kisses down her neck, and she spread her legs open as he moved between them. Taking one nipple into his mouth, he bit down hard, relishing her moans.

  He’d need a few moments to gather his wits about him. That was more than fine with him as he intended to kiss every inch of her, and not only that, he wanted her to come while screaming his name as she did.

  Paying attention to her tits, he licked her nipples, tasting her, loving every single se
cond as she wriggled beneath him. The pleasure was clearly more than she could stand, but he kept on driving her to new heights.

  Finally, when the call of her pussy couldn’t be denied, he kissed down her body. He loved her rounded stomach. Eating with her was a pleasure. He didn’t want to see women pushing their food around their plate, or sneering at what others had made.

  He wanted a woman to enjoy her food, just like he did, and he loved food.

  Gripping Eliza’s ass, he stared down at her cunt.

  Her beautiful pussy hadn’t seen another man’s cock, and he felt fucking primal. He wanted to mark her as his woman, so no one would ever get to see how beautiful she was, inside and out. She was all his, and he didn’t like sharing. Never had liked it.

  She was so wet, her clit swollen. The lips of her pussy parted with her legs spread wide. Sliding his tongue across her slit, he closed his eyes at the taste of her.

  He loved licking her juicy pussy, and he loved making her come. Sliding his tongue down to her entrance, he circled her before plunging his tongue deep within her, where he wanted his dick to go.

  Eliza cried out, thrusting up against him. “Tyler,” she said, gasping his name. Pulling his tongue from her pussy, he stared up at her. She watched him, and he loved having her eyes on him.


  “It feels so good.”

  He licked up to her clit, sucking her bud into his mouth.

  The moans she made echoed off the wall, and they were so sexy.

  Between fucking her pussy with his tongue and sucking on her clit, Eliza came, screaming his name, and it turned him on. Even though he’d come in her mouth mere minutes before, his cock was hard again, ready to take her.

  He drew out her orgasm until she couldn’t stop shaking. Pressing a final kiss on her clit, he moved back up her body, taking her lips in a searing kiss.

  Reaching between them, he slid his cock through her slit, feeling how wet she was.

  When he began to thrust inside her, they both cried out.

  With a few inches inside her, he let go of his cock, and slammed to the hilt.

  Her pussy was so tight and wet.

  Pulling out of her, he couldn’t resist thrusting back inside.

  “Shit, Eliza, I forgot the fucking condom.”

  They both moaned as he eased out of her.

  The pleasure was intense. The condoms were not letting him feel how hot she was, or wet, and it took the pleasure to the next level, driving him wild with need.

  He didn’t want to stop, and with how she held onto him tightly, she didn’t want him to stop either.

  “I don’t care,” she said.

  Tyler moved. His cock still deeply inside her, he made it so that she straddled him, exactly how they’d started out. He couldn’t resist holding her ass, feeling her pussy squeeze his dick.

  It was so fucking amazing, he couldn’t see straight.

  They didn’t move, and she teased the hairs at the back of his neck.

  Staring into her eyes, he knew without a doubt that this woman was going to be his wife. The diary hadn’t changed his feelings toward her. No, it had given him the key to finally claim the woman he’d been wanting for a long fucking time.

  Pushing some of her hair off her shoulder, he leaned forward, raining kisses down across her chest. Running his hands up and down her body, he couldn’t get enough of her softness.

  Only when neither of them could stand it any longer, did he hold her hips, and begin to thrust up inside her. At the same time, she ground her pussy onto his cock.

  Lovemaking turned to a frenzy as they both rode each other toward that final crest.

  When they reached their peak, he held her ass so tightly that he knew he’d leave marks, but he didn’t care.

  Eliza was his woman, and there was no way that he was ever going to let her go, no way.

  Sliding his fingers into her hair, he pulled her down, touching his lips to hers.


  A couple weeks later

  Eliza stared up at Tyler’s ceiling. It was late, close to four in the morning, but she was awake. They’d made love throughout the night, and she’d listened to him sleep for the longest time. When he stroked her arm and pulled her close, she knew he’d finally woken up.

  Turning her head, she rested her chin on her hands so she didn’t hurt his chest.

  “Hey,” she said.

  “Don’t you ever sleep?”


  “I’m worried now. I’ve been asleep so I don’t know what’s going on in that head of yours.”

  She chuckled. “It’s nothing bad, not really.”

  His fingers stroked her cheek. “Do you want to tell me?”

  “Do you like being a mechanic?”

  “That’s what had you curious?”

  “Not just that. Lots of things.”

  “Tell me then.”

  “Well, I listened to you sleep. You do snore by the way, but it is so cute.” She showed him how he snored, making a very high-pitched noise.

  She saw the humor in his eyes, and couldn’t resist a chuckle.

  “Besides my weird snoring.”

  “I don’t really know all that much about you.”

  “You know a great deal about me.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “You know how I take my coffee, and steak.”

  “They’re not big things though,” she said.

  “They’re not? You don’t think a relationship could be made or broken with a shitty coffee or overcooked steak?”

  Thinking about it, she saw that he was right, and conceded the point. “Mechanic, let’s stay on track.”

  “Okay, yes, I love being a mechanic.”

  “How come?”

  He ran a hand down his face, and she saw him clearing his mind. “It’s something my dad always did. Whenever he had a problem, he’d go and fix a car, and it would clear his head. When he came home, he’d always feel better, or be better because of it. Fixing cars helped him in more ways than I think any shrink could.”

  She chuckled.

  “We struggled to connect,” he said.


  “My dad was older than most, and for a long time I thought it was a little embarrassing. Then one of the guys at school lost his dad in a freak accident, and before I knew what had happened, I was working on cars with my dad. Looking back, I think I realized that I could lose my dad at any time. You know. An accident, ill health, or something, and I didn’t want to have regrets.”

  She fell in love.

  Eliza had always crushed on Tyler. He’d been that guy that every single girl wanted to be with, but only recently did she realize that he had depth. There was a lot more to Tyler than a pretty face.

  “I’m going to want you to meet my parents.”

  She chuckled. “That’s not scary at all.”

  “I’ll meet your dad, and I’ll show you how easy it is to win people over. You’ve got a few months yet before that happens.”

  “They’re on that cruise?”

  “Yep. From what I hear, they’re loving it.”

  “Where do you see yourself in five years?” she asked.

  Silence fell between them, and he stared at her for the longest time. His fingers trailed down her arm, and she sighed.

  The pleasure of his touch made her eyes close.

  “I don’t think you’re ready to hear those plans yet,” he said.

  “Now that makes me very curious.” She stared at him, and something changed within her.

  Moving over him, she straddled his waist, his hands going to her hips.

  Lifting up, she found his cock already hard, and she lowered herself onto him. They both moaned as he filled her.

  His dick was so big that it stretched her wide as he slid inside her.

  Resting her hands on his chest, she smiled down at him as she took the last few inches within her.

  “Well, can I tempt you?” she ask

  “You can tempt me all you want. I’m quite an easy target.”

  He held onto her ass, and she moaned as he lifted her up, only to pull her back down onto his length.

  Tyler turned her suddenly, so that he was the one on top. He had her hands within his, pressed above her head.

  “I’m the one in charge now, baby.”

  She loved it when he called her baby.

  There was no hiding from the feelings he evoked within her.

  She loved him.

  She hoped the future that he wasn’t willing to share just yet, included her.

  He pulled out of her, only to slide back in. The way he thrust in stroked over every single nerve ending, taking her completely by surprise as he slammed in the last few inches, making her gasp and moan for more.

  “I love fucking your pussy, Eliza. I love being inside you, and when I’m not, that’s all I can think about.”

  He took her lips, trailing his down to her neck, kissing that place that always made her wild.

  Tyler fucked her hard, holding onto her wrists, kissing her deeply as he did.

  She loved it when he held her down, when his heat surrounded her.

  He consumed her, setting them both on fire, and there was nothing she could do but to follow him as he sent them both over the edge.

  They came together, his cock pulsing inside her, as she came, squeezing his cock.

  When it was over, he collapsed against her, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly, not wanting to let him go.

  “When you find the one, you’ll know. You’ll never want to let them go, and they will make you happier than you ever thought possible.”

  She smiled against Tyler’s skin.

  He’d been the one for a long time. Only, she’d never given herself the chance to dream. She would now though. Tyler owned her heart, and she only hoped that she at least had the key to his.

  Chapter Nine

  I saw my mom today. Dad doesn’t know because I didn’t tell him. I was at the mall in the city, far away from home. I don’t want to tell him because it was kind of strange to see her. It’s not like I even arranged it either. Shopping in the mall for the perfect Christmas present, I saw her, and she saw me. It made me realize that she wasn’t ever going to go back to Dad. This was her choice. She’d made a life away from us.


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