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Bite Me

Page 2

by Lucee Joie

  "Fuck me..." she panted.


  "Please..." she begged before a hand grabbed at her crotch. All rational thoughts dissipated with that one single touch. She was so there, so in the moment that she could focus on nothing but his index finger as it teased her.

  She was wearing a pencil line skirt that buttoned down either thigh. The last three buttons on each side were left undone to facilitate walking. She could feel the strain of the cotton thread binding these big black buttons to her skirt. She hoped the thread would lose in its battle to keep her virtue.

  Finally, one popped, followed closely behind by another. Her knees parted just a little more. His thumb pressed hard down between her legs. Kate bit her lip. More blood was on her lips. It mingled warm with the remnants of his. Salty and metallic: delicious.

  Her hips reached up towards his touch. With each gentle stroke, there would be a sliver of desperation as she wanted more of him, then a hollowness as he pulled away. The fleeting touches were driving her insane. She bit down on her lip with more gusto. The maddening taste of her own blood was a welcome distraction. Pain when she wanted pleasure. Or was it the other way around?

  Another button pinged off. Another shiver as a cold finger stroked her.

  "Who are you?" she asked, breathless. There was no answer except for a long-awaited kiss.

  His tongue found the last drops of blood on her lips before it delved between her parted lips. His hand also ducked under her skirt and she squealed as his fingers slid underneath her panties and delved here also.

  She no longer cared who he was, or whether he was real, or just a figment of her imagination. She just wanted to fuck him. She wanted to feel his manly warmth as it grew. She wanted him to plunge it into her and make her feel loved and punished and needed all at the same time.

  Another button popped. This time her mystery shadow man relieved her of the skirt entirely in one violent rip. She heard a crash as the fabric hit the wall and then a faint settling of cloth as it came to rest on the carpet across the other side of the room.

  His tongue slid out her mouth and left wet kisses in a trail down her neck. Throwing her head back, he led a path of moistness down to her quickening pulse. Another nick, this time gentle. It made her yearn for him more. She arched her neck some more. She wanted more, she wanted everything at once. He bit a little harder now. And harder still when the primal groan escaped her lips.

  His fingers were inside her now. Two of them slid in and out of her pulsing passage at an increasing pace. His thumb rubbed at her clitoris and made her jerk in response. It was maddening trying to decide which sensation was more arousing, the biting or the fingering. She squirmed with each touch.

  "More..." the word escaped from her lips.

  "More of what little kitty?" he asked.

  "Bite..." her voice trailed off and ended with a little hiccough of emotion. She wanted to cry and scream out and bite him again.

  And bite he did. A million times, or so it felt, across her neck and down between her breasts. He even ripped a button off her shirt with his teeth in an effort to get to her nipple. The corset she still wore, left over from her last show, gave quick and easy access to her elusive nipple as soon as she stretched back and let it peek daintily over the top of it. The shock of his mouth and teeth on her sensitive nipple made her writhed below him. Her body ached for release. His fingers were wet with her anticipation. Her mind was ready to explode as her body quivered.

  "Please me," she whispered.

  Silence. Even the wind held its breath. The moon outside appeared from behind a cloud, a thin slip of vision, like a peeping tom in the sky.

  Fingers, wet fingers, at her mouth. She let them in, tasting herself on them. Hungrily she sucked at them, biting them furiously when there was not another drop left. He withdrew them and plunged them swiftly back inside of her. She screamed again and threw herself against him, her womb hungry to devour his deft fingers. Moving them inside her, she grinned with glee. Now the fingers were gone, she opened her mouth but instead heard sucking as he put his fingers in his own mouth.

  She waited.

  Something between her legs. She waited for him to mount her, to give her the desperate release see wanted and craved. But it was not to happen that way. Not yet. Instead, she felt heavy breathing a mere moment before the wetness of his tongue licked her clitoris.

  She threw her head back as his tongue licked once, twice, three times. He pulled back. Not so far though that she couldn’t still feel his breath on her private parts. She gasped with the shock and the chill of the sensation. Her insides pulsed in anticipation.

  He was licking again, roughly, like a lioness would when tending to her cubs. Each lick ended with a gulping suck and then a gentle, teasing bite. Her moaning increased. He slowly took her nub between his teeth, holding it there for the longest time before he sucked and bit at it. She screamed but it wasn’t in pain. If only she could grab him and physically force his head into her.

  It went on this way for quite some time. Slowly, ever so slowly, he would nip at her core. It would build in force until she was nearly on the edge, then he would stop. Cruelly he would withdraw his mouth. His tongue would stop searching her depths and he would sit back and watch her.

  She was a magnificent creature, he finally decided. Thick dark hair was still set with a chunky fringe and waves, just the way the men like it at a burlesque club. Her body was rounded, particularly in the bust and butt areas, her waist, however, was sucked in with the help of her expensive corsetry. Because of her line of work, her arms and legs were solid but well defined due to the legwork involved in a lot of the routines.

  He’d watched her for longer than she imagined. He existed only because she wanted him to. Before her thoughts, he had been someone else’s and another’s before that. So, on it went, back longer than even he could recall. It was hard being a creature at the beck and call and any given fancy whim of women. He loved the results, but the waiting for their thoughts to develop enough to create him was a sheer bitch!

  He dived in for another taste, another tease, another love bite. She purred like the kitty she liked the men to call her. He made her sing to her own tune. Sucking and biting once again in a frenzy. She wriggled and giggled and groaned underneath him. Wanting him, once more, to end it for her, yet also wanting the pain and pleasure to last forever.

  His tongue worked like magic, searching and tasting her essence. Arching her back, her nails dug through the satin and deep into her own flesh. Her palms stung once the sweat of her exertion reached the open wounds, but she neither noticed nor cared. She only wanted more; more of him, all of him.

  Then he was there, over her, on top of her, in her. The ferocity of it all took her breath away. She wanted to reach up and grasp his rippling flesh but couldn't. She was at the mercy of her imaginary man. This creature that appeared like a shadow and was now attempting to blow both her mind and body apart.

  He was hot down there! So hot it seared her and burned with more than only passion can supply. Her soul ached for him, wanted to bring him into her completely. She wanted him closer to her than was physically possible. If she could swallow him whole right at this moment, she would have gladly. Even if it meant she missed out of her ultimate release at the end.

  His manhood filled her so completely, she felt almost at bursting point. If ever there were a perfect size and fit, then this was surely it. For all the times she wanted to rake at his back with her long red fingernails, this time was the worst. Reaching forward, as far as she could, she bit down on his shoulder; roughly, passionately. His muscles moved independently under his skin. It was a delicious sensation. She let go briefly and bit down on his chest, his neck, his chin, anywhere she possibly could.

  Finally, she stopped her frantic aggression and screamed with her frustration. Not because he wasn't pleasing her, because he was in so many different ways it took her breath away, but simply because she wanted to please him back.

  "You are..." he whispered gruffly in her ear. his breath leaving gooseflesh and shivers of delight where it met with her feverish skin.

  He was furious in his passion. He pumped at her while he still bit at her. Nipping at her throat and her tied wrists and then withdrawing to kiss her gently. Her mind spun towards a frenzy she soon wanted completed. Her passion grew and spiralled towards and end that was bound to erupt in a display of fireworks so bright she was sure she would never be able to see again.

  And then she was there, peering over the edge of a high cliff. The seas below were wild and uninhibited. Waves crashed against the cliff face like a group of vicious wraiths. Then warmth; spreading slowly in waves. Kate dove off the edge of the cliff and floated down to a calm sea below. Milky warmth covered her, entered her, completed her.

  Her joy bought a warm smile of contentment to her lips.

  The man looked down at her. She was a goddess now beneath him. So pure, so perfect, yet absolutely dishevelled and sated. Her hair was a mess, her remaining closed crumpled and in desperate need of repair. Still, he knew she was happier now than at any other time in her short existence.

  It was at this moment that he loved his women the most. It was also the moment he dreaded and hated the most. He could feel it, deep down inside of him. A feeling, a sense of coming apart at the seams. It was almost a sensation of beginning to be everywhere all at once.

  And before she even knew it, he was gone.

  SNEAK PEEK of My Alien Abduction

  Chapter One – Beth

  “In closing, I think you will find that you will be very happy with your association with Beckett, Smith, and Sons,” I say, smiling at the businessman in front of me.

  The man, Mr. Peter Jenkins, smiles at me in a condescending way and I want to punch him in the mouth. If it weren’t for the company swooping in at the last minute, Mr. Jenkins would be looking at potential jail time for the insider trading he has been accused of. And, if I am correct in my assumption, he was also guilty of it.

  “I am sure the pleasure will be all mine, Beth” Mr. Jenkins said, his smile gaining a seductive edge as he uses my first name.

  Smiling in return, I hope the glint in my eye will be mistaken for flirtation and not revealing all the ways in which I would like to kill the man right now.

  “Well, I think we can call it a day now,” I reply, gathering together my files and putting them into a large black leather satchel. “I will see you tomorrow morning.”

  Striding from the room as soon as my bag is zipped, I don’t allow Mr. Jenkins to get another word in edgewise.


  The train is always packed at this time of night and I try not to breathe in the fetid stench of sweaty armpits as I grab for one of the loops high up. I am short, just five feet tall, so it is only my heels that help me to reach my goal. My fingers tighten around the loop as the doors shut and the train takes off.

  It would be a slow forty-minute ride home and I can already feel my arm aching as I am jostled from side to side. A man’s briefcase digs into my back and every time we take a corner, it jabs further in, hitting my ribs until I can feel a bruise forming.

  On the other side, an older businessman, his belly pushing tightly against his white shirt, winked at me every chance he gets. I scowl at him and shift my body weight slightly, pivoting as I do so in order to avoid him. He jostles as well; his body now pushed up against mine so that I am fairly certain that it isn’t his briefcase stabbing me in the back now.

  Rubbing my weary eyes with my free hand, I sigh. Only thirty-five more minutes to go, is my new mantra as the train heads towards a tunnel and I wish to be anywhere but stuck in a train carriage.

  Bali, I muse. I would like to be in Bali right now. It has been two years since my last decent vacation. The time has slipped by in a flurry of legal transactions and I feel like my life will be over before it has even truly begun. Was this the best it would ever get? Sure, I earn good money but in return, I never had the time to enjoy it -- and, no one to enjoy it with.

  The hot pressure of the man behind me is constant and makes me wish I wasn’t single that I hadn’t been for such a long time. If I close my eyes, I can imagine that it is a man I want, someone who wants me back. Were there any decent men left on this planet?

  At the same time that the train enters the tunnel, windows blacken with darkness and the lights flicker out. It happens so suddenly that, at first, I think that I have forgotten to open my eyes after blinking. Opening my eyes wider, I realize that they were, in fact, already open and the darkness is from a lack of light.

  Blindly I reach out, not even thinking, and felt the softness of the pudgy businessman. He grunts at me and I was almost thankful for the knowledge that he is there since I have the strange sensation of being the only one truly anchored to the train in the inky well surrounding me.

  “We are now arriving at…” the robotic voice said over the loudspeaker before fading away in the same manner that the light did a moment earlier. An uneasy feeling starts rising.

  I have always been afraid of the dark. Sure, not so much as an adult but, as a child, I always insisted on having my bedroom light on until I fell asleep. And, should I need to wake in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Well, there was no way I would ever reach out to turn on the bed light or to pad down the hallway in the dark. Oh, no. Instead, I would scream until my mother arrived, flicking the light on and bathing the room in comforting light.

  Now, in the darkness of the train carriage, I can feel the terror of my youth rising up once more.

  Chapter Two – Beth

  “Now arriving at orientation.”

  What? I open my eyes, not realizing I had finally clenched them tightly closed and darted a quick glance around the carriage.

  Except I wasn’t on a train anymore.

  Instead, stark white walls greet me. The mass of people was gone, along with my briefcase. Frantically, I whip my head from side to side, trying to process the changes around me.

  “Please follow the arrows,” the robotic voice continues.

  My vision hones in on the only thing that stands out in the white room. A single arrow pointed to my right and, without even considering it, I take a tentative step towards the sign before halting again.

  “What’s going on?” My voice sounds so feeble that I cough and try again. “Where am I?”

  “Please follow the arrows,” the voice repeats.

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on.”

  “Please follow the arrows.”

  I take another tentative step. Perhaps I should just do as I am told but I stop once more.

  “I am not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on!”


  Well, that was an improvement, I decide.

  The sound of the rushing of air fills the room and a strange creature appears. Resembling a feline, if they could actually breed with humans, the creature rushes at me before I can even react and the world goes black once more.


  The hum from beneath my head becomes louder and, along with it, comes a splitting headache.

  I reach up and cradle my head before opening my eyes, hoping that the memories starting to emerge were just figments of my imagination. After all, that creature I had witnessed couldn’t possibly have been real.

  Nope, I am still in some strange white place.

  A lump forms in my throat and I try to swallow it down without allowing a sob to escape. I am only partially successful.

  “Get up!”

  I scan the room and my gaze settles on the strange man I saw earlier, his tail flickering from side to side, as if he is irritated with me.

  Tail? He has a goddamned tail!

  Is this some sort of joke? An elaborate prank perhaps? I feel like I have wound up at some strange comic book convention and this is a particularly realistic cosplay scenario.

  “Who are you?” Pulling myself to a seated position, I hope that is good

  “All the way up,” the man continues and steps forward, pushing what looks like a futuristic gun in my direction. I didn’t need to be told twice this time. “Follow me.”

  I finally do as I am told. It wasn’t that I am compliant, it’s just that everything is just so damn weird right now and I figure that the only way to get any answers was to follow this strange creature.

  “Where am I?” I ask as we walk, my gaze bobbing from side to side, hoping to get some sort of idea of my location.

  “That will be revealed in time.”


  We are following a long hall and occasional lines in the curved walls indicate doors. However, from what I can see, there are no door handles. Up ahead looms a dark arch that appears to open out into a larger room. It was here that we appear to be headed for.

  Stepping through the arch, the panther man turns to me and grabs my arm, pulling me through the doorway. Instantly, I am confused by all of the activity in the large room after the simple lines of the hallway.

  Directly to my left is a raised platform on which sits another creature. This one is larger, yet more slender, whereas the one who had accompanied me was broader, as though hired for muscle, like a bouncer at a nightclub. The one seated on the platform has a ring of gold around his head and long robes that cover his body. He must be the leader, I figure.

  “Lottery?” the man asks and I am confused.

  “Yes, a human woman.”

  An uncomfortable dread starts to settle in my belly. Was I even on Earth anymore? I cringe for even contemplating the thought.

  “Right, congratulations. But, remember, she is only yours until your debt is paid to our society.”

  “Of course,” the man replies before I am shuffled along by him even though I struggle against his strong hands.

  “If you can’t control her, you will need to collect a shocker,” the man on the platform says and my belly turns to jelly even as I continue to yell.


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