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Last of His Kind_Lazarus

Page 9

by Margery Ellen

  Chapter 16

  Lazarus checked his email after lunch, there was nothing yet. He was waiting for a reply from Dofri de Ireby, Gunner’s partner, regarding anything on Aria and the two men who attacked him. The rest of the day was uneventful, everything was quiet, almost too quiet for Lazarus. He visited the portraits in the grand hall. He studied his brothers and sister.

  “Where are you?” he whispered out loud. “I know you’re out there.” His frustrations were getting the better of him. This was why he always returned to America after a few weeks. He couldn’t continue doing this much longer, he had to finish this once-and-for-all or call off the search and call it quits. He chastised himself for even thinking such a thing. There were people depending on him. There were friends risking their lives for him. He wouldn’t abandon them now, not until everyone was home safe and sound.

  “Excuse me, my lord,” Michael announced himself, “the evening meal will be set out shortly.”

  “Michael, will ye do me a favor.”

  “If I can, my lord.”

  “My life may end soon; would it be too much to ask for you to call me Lazarus and drop the damn ‘my lord’? In America, my friends call me Laz.” Michael was dumbfounded. He didn’t know what to say. “Fuck it. I’ll put up with it. It won’t matter when I’m dead.” He turned away and quietly said, “I miss my friends.” He turned back. “Ask Aria if she would like to dine with me.”

  “Yes, my …..” He stopped, gave Lazarus a nod and left without another word. He returned a short time later to inform him Aria accepted his invitation.

  Lazarus dressed for dinner. When he was ready, he knocked on Aria’s door. When she opened the door, Lazarus was surprised. Aria had transformed into a beautiful woman. Her hair was beautifully tied back, she had applied a hint of makeup she had borrowed from Roana, and she was wearing a dress. He gave a gracious bow. “Excuse me, my lady, but would you happen to know where I might find Miss Aria McDuff. She was to accompany me to dinner.”

  Aria laughed. “Why, Lord MacEachen, I wouldn’t have taken you for a romantic.” She attempted a slight curtsy.

  “Apparently I have been stood up. Would you care to join me for dinner, my lady?”

  “I’d be honored, my lord.”

  “Please, call me Lazarus,” he gave her his arm.

  “I’d be honored to dine with you, Lazarus. Thank you.” She took his arm and he guided her down the stairs. “You look lovely this evening. It looks like I need to replace more of Roana’s wardrobe.”

  “I’ll be returning this one in the morning, my lord. Sorry, Lazarus. I asked Roana to pick me up some material when she went to town. I offered to make her a dress in exchange.”

  “Material? You want to make a dress?”

  “Yes. One of the things Madame La Rue taught me was how to sew, she wanted me to open a dress shop. When Roana told me there was a sewing room, I couldn’t wait to see it. There were several bolts of material there, but I’m afraid it’s so old, it’s falling apart.”

  Lazarus laughed, “Very old, I’m afraid. I had forgotten about the sewing room. If you like to sew, I’ll have someone clean out the room for you. The room should have been cleaned out a hundred years ago.”

  “That’s very kind of you. Thank you.”

  “But how can you make a dress, there are no sewing machines?” She held up both hands and wiggled her fingers. “By hand!”

  “Yes, but a machine would make it much easier,” she laughed, “I’m kidding. Roana’s mother said I could use her portable machine.” They entered the dining room and he pulled out a chair, so she could sit.

  “Are you feeling better? You were rather tired when we returned from our walk.”

  “Yes, I was, the fresh air and sunshine was refreshing, but the walk was tiring. When we returned, I took a nap and felt much better when I woke.”

  “Good.” Just then, Mrs. Stewart came into the dining room to serve them. “Where is Mr. MacGregor this evening?”

  “He is dining with his son and Roana this evening. Did he not tell you?”

  “No, he did not.” Lazarus was slightly annoyed.

  “Sorry, my lord.”

  “Stop calling me that,” Lazarus yelled, “I am not a lord. My name is Lazarus. If you are not comfortable addressing me as such, call me sir.”

  “Yes, sir.” Mrs. Stewart caught on quickly.

  “Mrs. Stewart, please forgive me. I’m not angry with you or Michael.” Lazarus apologized.

  “It’s alright, Mr. Lazarus, you don’t need to apologize. I understand.” He like the way she addressed him.

  “Mrs. Stewart, thank you for allowing Miss McDuff to use your sewing machine.” Lazarus felt bad for losing his temper and was trying to make up for it.

  “She claims to be a skilled seamstress, sir. It will be my pleasure.” Mrs. Stewart went back to the kitchen while Lazarus and Aria enjoyed a quiet meal.

  “Have you been able to remember anything today?” Lazarus asked her. Aria shook her head. “Well, it will come in time.”

  “I hope so. I’ve lost a big piece of my life and I want it back.” She set down her fork. “Do you think I’ll remember?”

  “I’m sure of it.” He gave her a smile. It was interesting how she referred to her memory as a piece of her life, he wouldn’t have thought of it that way, but it was true. “Be patient. Now finish your meal. Mrs. Stewart usually makes an excellent desert.”

  The rest of the evening was uneventful. After dinner, they went into the sitting room. Aria walked around looking at the portraits. “Are all these people your family?”

  “Aye, my ancestors.” Lazarus watched her as she walked around the room. She stopped in front of a portrait of his mother. She cocked her head one way and then another.

  “Who is this?”

  “It is my mother.” Lazarus told her as he went to stand beside her.

  “Is she still living?”

  “No, she has been dead for a long time. Why?”

  “She reminds me of someone. It’s like I know her. Damn-it-to-hell, I wish I could remember.” She pounded on her forehead with her fist. Lazarus grabbed her arm.

  “Hey, stop it. You won’t remember by beating yourself up. Come and sit down and have a brandy. It’s very old and very expensive. It would be a terrible waste if you didn’t try it.”

  Aria sighed. “I’m sorry, it’s just so frustrating, not being able to remember.” He handed her a drink.

  “Sit down and relax.”

  “Thank you, Lazarus. You have been very kind. You took me in and knew nothing about me. Most people wouldn’t.”

  “I’m not most people.”

  “I’m beginning to find that out.” She sipped her brandy. “Mmm, that is good. May I ask you something?”


  “Have you ever been married?”

  “Nay, never found the right lass.”


  “Nope, and not looking for one.” He wanted to make it perfectly clear he wasn’t looking for a relationship. He was happy just the way he is. “I work in the United States and travel often; my job doesn’t allow me much time off. When I am off, I’m here in Scotland taking care of the estate.”

  “What do you do?” she inquired.

  “You are full of questions this evening. I think it’s time to call it a night. I’ll escort you back to your room, if you like.”

  “Could you give me a tour of the castle?”

  “Now?” She gave him a nod. “How about we take a stroll on this floor. I don’t want you to get overly tired. If you like, I can show you more tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, this floor will do. I’m feeling much better this evening, but you’re right, I forget how quickly I tire.” Lazarus gave her his arm and they walked into the grand hall. More portraits hung on the walls. “How many generations of MacEachen’s have lived here?”

  “It’s actually MacEachthighearna, my great grandfather was the first son of Lord Ian Eic
hthighearn. Castle Thighearn has been our home for over a thousand years.”

  “Wow, that’s amazing. I’d hate to do your family tree.”

  “Aye,” Lazarus laughed, “it would be more like a forest.” Aria laughed as they stopped in front of the portrait of his mother and father. She stared at the portrait.

  “I can’t get over how familiar she looks. I wish I could remember.” Aria put her hand to her forehead. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’ve suddenly developed a headache, maybe I’d better go to my room after all. Could we do this another time?”

  “Of course.” He guided her down the hall and they slowly ascended the stairs. He stopped at her door. “Will you be alright? I can call Roana if you need assistance.”

  “No, I’ll be alright. Thank you for a pleasant evening. Good night, Lazarus.”

  “Good night, Aria. Sleep well.” Lazarus left her there and returned to the sitting room. He poured himself another brandy and stood in front of his mother’s portrait. “Mother, I wish you could talk, I could use your advice and counsel. I miss you.” He finished his drink and went to bed.

  Chapter 17

  Lazarus woke to a grey and dismal day. It had started to rain sometime during the night and it looked like it was going to drizzle all day. “Love the smell of wet moors in the morning. Fuck!” Lazarus didn’t mind the rain, in fact he loved it. What he hated was the cold and lingering dampness throughout the castle. He needed to consider modernizing the heating in the castle. He used his dragon breath to light the fire. There was a knock on his door.

  “Come in, Michael.”

  “Good morning. I came to light the fire. I see you have taken care of it already.” Whenever it rained, Michael would start a fire in every fireplace in the castle. It was the best way to keep the dampness at bay.

  “Michael, I apologize for my behavior yesterday. I hope you can forgive me?”

  “Think nothing of it, I know you are worried about what is coming.”

  “Yes, I am. I’m worried for my friends. I fear I’ve sent them into the mouth of hell and I’m afraid they won’t return,” Lazarus stared into the fire, “but I forgot something very important.”

  “What was that?” Michael asked.

  “I forgot you are also my friend.” He turned to him. Michael was speechless. “I’m sorry, I won’t forget again.”

  He didn’t know what to say. He gave Lazarus a nod and started to leave, but he stopped. “Lazarus, I’m honored to be a friend of the dragon.” Michael left to light the rest of the fires.

  Lazarus smiled to himself, he couldn’t have said it better. Lazarus quickly dressed and went to see if he could help. He knocked on Aria’s door to inquire if her fire had been started. She opened the door, looking sleepy.

  “I’m sorry to wake you, I was checking to see if Mr. MacGregor had started your fire.”

  “Yes, he was here a little while ago. Thank you for checking.”

  “Good. Would you like to join us downstairs this morning or would like to have breakfast in your room?”

  “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to join you downstairs.”

  “Very good. I’ll tell Roana to let you know when it’s ready. If you’ll excuse me, I need to check with Mr. MacGregor to see if he needs any help.” Lazarus went off down the hall. Almost every room in the castle had a fireplace, the Grand hall had two. By the time he caught up with Mr. MacGregor, most of the fires had been lit. “I don’t know how you do it, I haven’t been in some of these rooms in years.”

  “Thirty-two years I’ve been lighting these fires. I can tell you which chimneys are clean and which flues are backed up.”

  “I believe it’s about time we revamped this old place, what do you think?”

  “It wouldn’t be a bad idea. If you do, start at the top,” Michael told him, “on the roof and work down, we won’t have to redo it every time it rains.”

  “Are ye saying we need a new roof?”

  “Aye, it could use some repairs.” Michael answered.

  “Then, I’ll put you in charge. Find a reputable company to do the work and get some estimates. Let me know what it will cost.”

  “I’ll start making inquiries today. It will be costly.” He gave Lazarus a questioning look.

  “Just get it done and give me the bill. Now, what do you say we get something to eat.” The two men headed for the dining room. When they got there, Aria was already seated and enjoying a sweet roll and a cup of coffee. There was a large fire in the hearth and the chill was gone from the room.

  “Aria, I’m glad you could join us.”

  “Thank you for the invitation. It is much nicer to be able to share a meal with someone than eat alone.”

  “You are welcome to take your meals here with us, when you are up to it. That reminds me, Michael, I need someone to clean out the sewing room and get rid of the old bolts of material. It also needs a good cleaning.”

  “Lazarus, would it be alright if I did some of the cleaning, it would give me something to do.” Aria asked.

  “If you like, I’ll make sure you have cleaning supplies available. You must promise you won’t over tire yourself.”

  “Yes, I promise.” It was the first time he had seen her smile, a genuine smile, it made her eyes sparkle. Maybe having something to do was a good idea, get her mind on something new.

  The rain continued most of the morning, by the midday meal, the rain had let up and there was a slight mist. Lazarus discussed what repairs needed to be done with Michael, while Aria busied herself cleaning the sewing room.

  The sewing room was on the third floor of the castle with double doors that opened to the battlements and large windows for plenty of light. The inner walls were equipped with shelves to hold material and sewing supplies. A beautiful large work table sat in the middle of the room. Aria cleaned and polished it until the wood grains came back to life. She thought about the woman in the portrait. “This was her private place,” she whispered to herself, “a place to be alone, away from the trials of running a castle. A place to think and be creative.” She ran her hands over the table.

  “My grandfather made that table for my grandmother.” Aria jumped, she didn’t know Lazarus was there until he spoke. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Startle me, you scared the bejezzes out of me.” Her heart raced.

  “I’ll give a yell next time before I get here.”

  “Yes, please do.” Her heart finally slowed to a normal pace. “It’s beautifully made. Was your grandfather a carpenter?”

  “No, he raised horses, but he would do anything to make my grandmother happy. When she complained she didn’t have a proper place to cut her patterns, he made that work table to the exact size she needed.” He walked to the window and looked out. “The rain has let up for a while. I came to tell you lunch is ready.”

  “I didn’t realize it was time already. It’s amazing how quickly time goes by when you enjoy what you’re doing.”

  “You can come back later. You did promise to take things slowly.”

  “Yes, I did, and now you mentioned food, I realize I’m starving.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing. I’ll walk with you to the dining room.”

  She took one more look around the room. “Did your mother sew?”

  “She loved to sew. When I was little, I would play right here on the floor while she sewed her own dresses. I remember my younger brothers playing here when she made clothes for my baby sister.”

  “Where are they?”


  “Oh, Lazarus. I’m so sorry.”

  “We had better go, Mrs. Stewart will clear things away if we don’t show up soon and we’ll go hungry till dinner time.” He spun on his heel and walked down the hall. Aria had to run to catch up.

  “Lazarus, what happened to them.”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t care to discuss it. Please don’t ask again.” He didn’t say another word as they walked down three very long flights
of stairs. He wasn’t used to being around regular people. He had to be careful what he said. He made a slip, he should not have mentioned his siblings to this stranger. He was beginning to regret offering her the use of the sewing room. He should have been encouraging her to leave, not settle in.

  After sitting down, he took one bite of food, threw his fork on his plate and left the table. He went into the den and slammed the door. Aria and Michael stared at each other.

  “Do you know what that’s about, lass?”

  “I asked him what happened to his family.”

  “I’m afraid it’s not a subject open for discussion.”

  “So, I’ve gathered. Can you tell me?”

  “Nay, it’s not for me to tell you, only him.” Michael didn’t say another word on the subject. “How is the cleaning coming?”

  “Very well. It’s a perfect room for sewing.” After lunch, instead of going back to the sewing room, Aria went to her room to rest. Her cheery mood had been dashed away by the Laird’s moody behavior.

  Michael knocked on the den door. He heard a mumbled ‘come in’ and entered the room. “Lazarus, are you alright?”

  “Aye. Being in that room brought back a lot of memories. I’m afraid I made a slip of the tongue. I forgot Aria is a stranger and not aware of the changes that take place here. She thinks my family live in the present, not five hundred years ago. We can’t risk having a stranger witness someone shifting, everyone will have to be very careful while she is here in the castle.”

  “How long are you going to allow her to stay?” Michael asked.

  “Until I have some answers. She knows something and until she remembers, she stays.”

  “Fine, I’ll let the rest of the clan know to be careful. You have come too far to allow a stranger to ruin things now.”

  “Don’t worry, Michael, I won’t make another mistake. Where is she now?”

  “I believe she returned to her room to rest.”

  Suddenly, there was a blood curdling scream that went on and on.

  Chapter 18


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