Search and Find

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Search and Find Page 3

by Alie Nolan

  Wyatt walked over to us and crouched down so he was at our level. He held his hand out for Imogen to sniff, and she quickly licked his hand a few times before rubbing her head against it in an attempt to get more attention.

  He ran his hand over her messy fur and smiled brightly at her. “Nice to meet you, Imogen. We’ve been worried sick about you.”

  To hear that he’d been as worried about her as I’d been meant everything to me and made me fall for him even more than I already had.

  Then I remembered that he’d called kissing me a mistake, and it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

  He had to see how great we’d be together. Didn’t he?

  “You should take her home,” Wyatt said. “Get her cleaned up. I’m sure your sweet girl is hungry and in desperate need of some warm snuggles with her dad.”

  Wyatt stood and offered his hand to me. He pulled me up and walked Imogen and me out of the forest. Once we’d made our way back to roads I recognised, he smiled at me, but there was a sadness to it. “I’m so glad you got her back. I’m assuming Immy will need to be registered with a vet at some point, and since we’re the only practice for miles, I’m sure I’ll see you around.”

  “Wait,” I called out as he started to walk away. I wasn’t letting him leave it at that. No fucking way.

  Before I could go after him, Imogen barked and stole my attention. She was circling my legs, and I knew I needed to get her home and fed as soon as I could. I would have to wait until I’d sorted Imogen out before I went to fix things with Wyatt.

  I was going to do whatever it took to convince him that kissing me hadn’t been a mistake.

  I walked home with Imogen practically glued to the side of my leg like she was never going to leave my side again—I was more than okay with that.

  “You need to help me come up with a plan, Immy.” She strolled inside the house happily. “I need him to know that I want to be more than just his friend,” I said quietly.

  If he still thought it was a mistake, then fine.

  At least I would know I had done everything I could.



  “It was fucking awful,” I whined to Matty.

  I was sitting at my desk… well, I was slumped over my desk, head buried in my folded arms.

  “I’m sure it wasn’t that bad,” Matty replied.

  “It was. Believe me. We had just about managed to get back to acting kind of normal around each other, then we found Imogen… and I realised he didn’t need me anymore. So, I basically said ‘okay, see ya round’ and walked off.” I sighed.

  Matty coughed. Not a real cough, but a fake one to get my attention.

  I lifted my heavy head off my arms and looked over at him. I followed his gaze to the door and sprang out of my seat when I saw Adam walking in with Imogen on a lead ahead of him.

  Matty ducked back into the exam room, leaving Adam, Imogen, and me alone.

  “Hi,” I said awkwardly.

  “Hi.” Adam smiled widely.

  I came around my desk and kneeled to pet Imogen where she stood close to Adam’s feet. She looked so much better than yesterday. Her cream fur was now clean and shiny, and her mouth was hanging open, panting in excitement as she pulled a little on her lead to get closer to me.

  “Hi, sweet girl,” I cooed. “You’re looking a lot better.” I tilted my head up to look at Adam, who was watching my interaction with Imogen. “Here to register her?”

  “I guess I should, yeah. But I actually came to see you.”

  “You did?” I hadn’t expected him to want to see me again, not after I’d basically run away from him… again.

  “I wanted to see if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight.” He looked down at Immy. “Well, with us.”

  “Sure,” I agreed immediately, so happy that he still wanted to hang out with me, even though he didn’t need my help searching for Imogen anymore. I straightened up and took a few steps back from them.

  “Perfect. Come to mine around seven?”


  I walked back over to my desk, and they followed me. They stood on the opposite side as I sat down in my chair.

  “I want to make it clear so there are no more crossed wires,” he said, “I’m asking you on a date.”

  “What?” I blurted, sure I’d misheard him.

  “This dinner. It’s a date.”

  The man who’d freaked out when I’d kissed him… was asking me out?


  I sat there, motionless and speechless, for several minutes until I managed to bob my head a few times. “Okay.”

  “Great.” He grinned. “Now, about registering Immy…”

  I wasn’t able to concentrate after Adam left.

  We’d gone through all the necessary paperwork, and I’d booked Imogen in for an initial check-up appointment with Matty for the following week, and then he’d left.

  Which left me with way too many hours to think over the exchange. And to get worked up about the ‘date’. I was excited, but I was also more than a little confused. I’d have bet money that Adam wasn’t interested in dating me, so I wasn’t sure what to think now.

  I checked the time on my phone as I stood on his doorstep.

  A little early, but not so much that I would seem overly eager, so I knocked on the door.

  My heart skipped a beat—or five—when Adam opened the door.

  He was smiling wider than I’d ever seen before, and he looked so beautiful in the light of the summer evening. His blond hair was styled perfectly, and he was dressed in jeans and a burgundy dress shirt that looked incredible on him.

  “Hi.” He beamed at me. “I’m glad you came.”

  Did he think I wouldn’t?

  I followed him inside to his kitchen where the table was set with two glasses of wine and a lit candle sat in the middle. My face split into a smile so wide my cheeks hurt.

  “Sit.” He ushered me to the table and pulled out my chair so I could take a seat—my heart literally melted. “Dinner’s almost done.”

  He went about finishing the food while I sat and enjoyed the wine. I was so distracted watching what Adam was doing, I hadn’t noticed Imogen had come into the room until something nudged my leg under the table.

  I put my wine down and hunched over in my chair to see an excited dog staring back at me from under the table.

  “Hi, sweet girl.” I smiled at her and scratched behind her ears. She pushed herself as close as she could to my legs, leaving so much of her cream fur on my trousers that I was sure I had now had more fur than she did. I chuckled as she walked around in circles between my legs before carefully sitting down and staring up at me with a look I could only interpret as ‘more pets please’. I obliged, obviously.

  She was just as cute as her dad, and I was just as smitten with her as I was with him.

  She seemed to be enjoying my attention as much as I was enjoying hers, and I swear she huffed in annoyance when Adam told her to go lie in her bed once dinner was ready.

  “She’s adorable,” I told Adam.

  He smiled down at me as he placed a plate on the table in front of me. “She is.”

  Dinner was incredible, and Adam and I chatted like we always did. It was almost exactly like every dinner we’d shared, except now I didn’t have to spend the entire time wondering if there was a chance he was interested in me. I knew he was.

  After both of our plates were cleaned of the delicious chicken and vegetables he’d cooked, Adam started to look a little nervous. He’d relaxed while we’d chatted, but now his shoulders were tense, and he was nervously tapping the side of his wineglass. I reached over and covered his hand with mine.

  “Sorry.” He chuckled and took his hand off the glass but didn’t let go of my hand.

  “Don’t apologise,” I told him, giving him a reassuring smile. “Talk to me about what’s making you nervous.”

p; He hesitated, running his teeth thoughtfully over his bottom lip.

  “I haven’t exactly done this before…”

  “What haven’t you done? Gone on a date?”

  He quickly shook his head and laughed. “No, I’ve been on dates before.”

  “So, you’re not new to dating…”

  “No and yes. I’ve never dated a guy before. I’ve known I’m gay for a long time, but I only recently came out. I haven’t even kissed a guy before, I mean, until you, and I fucked that up because I was caught off guard.”

  The way he’d tensed up made a lot more sense now.

  I was a little pissed off at myself for not making his first kiss with a man a better one. I was going to need to make that up to him… and I had plenty of ideas about how to do that.

  “You didn’t fuck it up. I shouldn’t have kissed you without making sure you wanted it.”

  “I wanted it. Still do.” He smiled. “If you fancy trying that kiss again, I promise I’ll react better this time.”

  Without missing a beat, I was out of my chair. I didn’t overthink it when I placed myself down in his lap—I was smaller than him, so it wasn’t like I was going to squash him.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, my body slotting perfectly against his as he pulled me against him.

  My lips slanted over his, taking them in a passionate kiss, and he immediately kissed me back with absolutely no hesitation this time—so much better than the first time.

  His lips were soft against mine and tasted a little of wine. I teased my tongue across his bottom lip, seeking entrance, and he eagerly opened for me, swiping his tongue hungrily across mine.

  My body felt like it was on fire.

  I was panting by the time I pulled back, and the erection I was now sporting was pressing uncomfortably against the fly of my jeans. I wasn’t sure how far he wanted tonight to go, so I tried my best to get myself, and my cock, under control.

  “I wanted to kiss you the first night we had dinner together,” he admitted. “I just wasn’t sure how to initiate it.”

  “Well, for future reference”—I smiled down at him—“grabbing me and kissing me works just fine.”

  “Good to know.” He placed a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me down for another kiss. His other hand dipped under the hem of my shirt and slowly made its way up my back. Having his hands on me felt amazing, and I couldn’t wait to have him touch every single millimetre of my skin—I wasn’t sure when that would happen, but I knew when it did, it was going to be fucking incredible.

  Like he’d read my thoughts, his hands slowly explored my body as we kissed.

  “For someone who, for all intents and purposes, just had their first kiss, you’re being awfully handsy.” I giggled against his lips as his fingers dipped into the waistband of my jeans.

  “Just because I’m a little nervous, doesn’t mean I don’t know exactly what I want.”

  “And what’s that?”




  My heart was beating a million times a second as I pealed Wyatt out of his obscenely tight trousers.

  “You’re sure?” he asked me for the fifth time as he stepped out of the jeans.

  “I’m sure.” I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “I don’t want to rush you.”

  “You’re not. I promise.”

  He nodded, but he still didn’t look one hundred percent sure.

  Wyatt and I had officially been dating for a few weeks now, and after our first date, we’d fooled around a little, but he’d insisted on taking things slow. I knew he was worried I was going to freak out and freeze up again, but I wasn’t going to. Not a chance.

  “I want this, Wyatt. I want you.”

  We’d talked a lot about having sex in the past few weeks. Well, mostly it had been me trying to convince Wyatt that this wasn’t going to be a repeat of the kiss and that he wasn’t rushing me into anything. I wasn’t exactly a virgin, not in my head anyway, but to Wyatt I basically was.

  Wyatt wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me. His tongue brushed across mine as I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled his naked body flush against mine.

  He felt so perfect against me, and I never wanted to let him go.

  I had to, though, if I wanted this to go any further… and I did.

  One of Wyatt’s hands made its way between our bodies and gave my achingly hard cock a few strokes before backing away from me and lying in the centre of my bed.

  I walked around the bed to my bedside table, grabbed a condom and a bottle of lube, and crawled onto the bed next to him—it was probably more of a sprint than a walk, but it couldn’t be helped when I had someone as perfect as Wyatt spread out on my bed, waiting for me.

  I always assumed I’d feel more nervous about my first time sleeping with a man… but Wyatt made me feel safe, and I barely felt any nerves at all.

  I lowered my body on top of his and kissed him, pouring every ounce of my desire for him into the kiss.

  I reached between us and took both of our erections in hand, stroking us slowly.

  “Yes,” he hissed, placing his hands on either side of my face to pull me down for another kiss.

  I continued to stroke us until he stilled my movements. “If you keep that up, I’m going to come.”

  I didn’t want him to come until I was inside him, so I released us and quickly sought out the bottle of lube I’d dropped somewhere on the bed.

  I found it and poured a generous amount onto my fingers. I kissed him again as I teased the rim of his hole with a lubed finger.

  “This okay?” I asked.

  He nodded and breathlessly answered, “Yes.”

  I slowly slipped my index finger inside his body, and his inner walls clenched at the intrusion. He felt impossibly tight, and I couldn’t wait until it was my cock inside him.

  “Fuck,” he moaned and sank down farther on my digit. I crooked my finger and brushed against his prostate. I may not have done this before, but I had done extensive research. Wyatt’s back arched off the bed, and he cried out. “Again,” he pleaded. “Another finger. More. Please.”

  I did as he asked, adding another finger and returning my attention to his prostate. Every time my fingers brushed the sensitive bundle of nerves, his body tensed underneath me, and he made the most beautiful noises of pleasure.

  I pulled my fingers out slowly before pushing them back in. His channel was slowly relaxing, and it wasn’t long before he demanded, “Enough. Cock in me. Now.”

  I chuckled at his eagerness but didn’t waste time as I positioned myself between his spread legs, opened the condom, and rolled it down my length. I lined the head of my erection up with his hole and slowly pushed into him, my cock enveloped in gloriously tight heat.

  “Yes,” Wyatt hissed. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders to pull me down on top of him. “Fuck me.”

  I pushed in and out slowly a few times before my thrusts picked up speed. “Oh, fucking hell. You feel incredible,” I praised.

  “So do you,” he panted.

  He reached between our bodies and wrapped his fist around his cock, which was hard and leaking precum onto his stomach. His hand slid up and down his length in time with my thrusts.

  Watching him writhe underneath me, while I was buried deep inside him, was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered, cupping his cheek in my hand.

  “Ungh,” he moaned. “I’m comin—”

  His erection pulsed in his hand, splattering cum across his stomach and chest, and his legs tightened around my waist, pulling me deeper inside him.

  My balls drew up tight to my body, and I groaned loudly as my orgasm crashed into me. Wave after wave of ecstasy rolling over me as I emptied into the condom inside him.

  Hands down it was the greatest orgasm I’d ever had in my l

  I carefully pulled out of his hole and flopped down onto the bed beside him. His sweat-slicked skin was flushed, and he was smiling at me with the most stunning smile I’d ever seen.

  I brushed a few errant strands of his hair off his forehead and he rolled over onto his side and kissed me. He nestled into my chest, and I could have stayed in that spot for the rest of my life and never moved ever again. But, unfortunately, we needed to get cleaned up.

  I got up to dump the condom in the bathroom bin and grabbed a cloth to clean Wyatt up.

  When I got back to the bedroom, he was lying exactly where he had been before, his eyes closed and a sated smile on his lips. My heart fluttered, and I just stood there and watched him for a moment before one of his eyes opened and he glared at me.

  “Just going to stand there and perv on me?” he teased.

  “Maybe.” I smiled.

  The last few weeks had been the best of my entire life—minus the few days when Imogen had been missing—and it was still early days with Wyatt, but I was pretty sure I’d found something really special with him.

  I got onto the bed and lay beside him as I wiped down his chest and stomach with the cloth. Once I’d cleaned him up a bit, I threw the cloth somewhere on the floor, and he cuddled against my side. I wrapped my arm around him to pull him tighter to me and covered us both with the duvet.

  “How was that?” he asked, his breath still coming out a little rushed.

  “Everything I knew it would be.” I pressed a tender kiss to his lips. “It was perfect. You’re perfect.”

  “One day, I’m going to take you up on that offer from the first day we met,” he said with a smirk.

  It took me a minute to remember what he was talking about, but when I did, the same sense of embarrassment washed over me as it had the first time. Though, it was quickly overtaken by lust and my face began to heat. “I look forward to it.”

  I heard claws scratching on the bedroom door seconds before it opened and Imogen came bounding in. She jumped up on the bed and bounced excitedly before lying down directly between Wyatt and I, pulling the duvet half-off me. I moved over to accommodate her size and looked over her at Wyatt. “Sorry.”


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