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Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

Page 11

by Rita Hestand

  Long dizzying seconds later he released her with a groan. His eyes blazed into her like a hot branding iron. "I'm not apologizing for that kiss Emma. I probably should, but I'm not."

  Chapter Seven

  When Deke zoomed into the driveway, the gravel flew every which way. He braked the truck and jerked open his door, but he didn't get out. Instead he just sat there, his hands on the steering wheel, tightening and untightening. His eyes stared unseeing out the cab window, with a glazed look to them. "Don't ever do that again." He gritted.

  "Do what?" Emma faltered not knowing for sure what she'd done or why he was so upset.

  "Come between me and someone in a situation like that. Don't you realize you might have been hurt? God, when I think what he might have done to you, it makes my skin crawl." He gripped the steering column till his hands paled.

  "It was stupid, I know. And I'm sor . . ."

  "If he'd hit you in the face, you'd have a hellova black eye right now. As it is, you'll probably have a bruise for days. I know he hurt you. Does it hurt when you breath?"

  "N-no. I guess I moved to the best spot, he just knocked the wind out of me, honestly. You don't have to feel so responsible about it, Deke. At home I was always getting in the middle of my brother's fights. I'll have to admit I did get a few bruises. Dad said it served me right for jumping into a man's place. You'd think I'd learn, wouldn't you?"

  "I'm not your brother, and your dad is a man I'd like to sit down and have a couple of conversations with, too." Deke frowned. "And then there's Charlie."

  "Yes, Charlie," she echoed. "I know you're not my brother, but my instincts are still the same." She glanced at him again but he still wasn't looking at her. "And as for my dad, well he's really not so bad, once you get to know him. I hope I haven't painted you a wrong picture."

  "I'm not sure I'd want to get to know him." Deke muttered gripping the wheel again and looking away from her. She saw his jaw tighten in the brilliant moonlight filtering through the cab of the truck. Felt the tension in his shoulders as he hunched forward.

  "Now what's that supposed to mean?" Emma glared at him not sure whether to be mad or glad. She couldn't help it, she always got riled when anyone talked about her family. They had their faults, and she realized that, but no one talked about them but her. But after careful consideration, she realized Deke wouldn't be getting to know her father.

  "Nothing Emma," Deke grunted getting out of the truck and slamming his door. Coming to her side, he stared at her through the window for a moment, then opened it and helped her out. "The last thing I want to do is argue with you right now."

  "Then don't say anything about my family," she snapped, unable to look away from those probing eyes, fully aware of the warm hands that spanned her waist to help her down. Big strong hands. A new tension gripped her. She should move away, a voice inside her head cried. She wasn't used to dealing with a force like Deke Travers, especially in such a dark mood.

  "Not family Emma, just your father. Family doesn't treat people the way your father treated you. But I'll lay it aside for now, because I don't want you mad when I kiss you again." He murmured, his head lowering as his eyes fastened onto her lips with raw determination. His voice had lowered, his eyes glittered, his hold tightened. "You deserve better."

  "Your going to k . . ." her words died on her lips as his mouth fastened onto hers like a whisper at first. Mesmerizing.

  For a moment she thought she simply imagined the kiss as he moved away so that the moonlight flushed her face. Emma's entire body went limp against the truck. She sighed aloud. She couldn't fake a composure she was far from feeling. It simply was not there. Charlie never kissed her like that. Her mind and body wasn't accustomed to such full-fledged awareness. Like being awakened from a long sleep, Emma simply stared at him, wordlessly when he raised his head.

  She should stop this, but it felt as if her whole body had turned to rubber, her mouth to mush. She felt pulled to this man, as though being with him made her whole. She didn't understand what was happening to her, and she didn't want to analyze it. She simply needed to enjoy it.

  "I don't seem to be able to help myself, Emma. Kissing you sorta comes natural. Now open your mouth and let me in." He coaxed her slowly pulling her into his arms again and lowering his mouth to hers once more. This kiss was different, much different. His lips seduced hers.

  Her mind whirled as she inhaled the distinct odor of him, a hint of pine, a bit of hay and cattle, and him. The man. She felt the texture of his oxford shirt rub against her skin like a friction. Felt the heaviness of his jeans against her thigh. His cheek was soft and close shaven, inviting a caress, his body hard, unyielding.

  Instinctively Emma's arms flew up and around his neck, as his warm mouth explored hers. Her mind skidded, unaware of anything but this wonderful man and his masterful, conquering lips.

  Like velvet and silk coming together their lips sampled the textures. Slowly almost shyly she opened her lips again and a heady warmth enflamed her. Had lightening struck her she could not have moved.

  Somewhere along the way, her knees buckled, and his hat flew to the ground as her fingertips edged into the soft nape of his hair, and she heard the whimpering guttural sounds from her own voice floating against the gentle night breeze. Never had a man's kiss taken her to such dizzying heights.

  She should end it, a little voice echoed. Here and now, before it went any further. But a longing as old as time quivered through her, making her head spin, her heart pound. It felt natural somehow, being in this cowboy's arms. As though she might belong there. The thought that he cared what happened to her made her heart swell. But her mind must be deluding her if she thought he could care this quickly, this deeply for her. It was too soon for real feelings, Emma cautioned her heart. After all, it had taken years to come to love Charlie. Love him? Had she ever loved Charlie?

  As Deke's kiss deepened a sweet tinge of longing from deep within took control. A strange heat flushed over her. Her breast tightened against his chest. Her head fell back against his arms and his lips began to mingle against the softened flesh of her cheek, her neck, her ear. Goosebumps! The goosebumps sent tremors of delight swirling through her.

  His lips tingled against hers once more like a feather. His big hands moved all along her back, burning a trail of fire within her, making her dress swish in the night air.

  He was the good cowboy in the white hat who had ridden up to protect her, and she was the helpless maiden in distress. He made her swoon. He made her senseless. He made her long for something she knew she could not have.

  Groaning aloud he crushed her into his embrace with announced urgency. Her lips were no longer bashful. She kissed him on his lower lip, his jaw, his eyelids, the tip of his nose, and back to the liquid warmth of his mating tongue. She needed to meld, to mesh with this big wonderful man.

  It would probably never happen again, her mind reminded her, and she wasn't going to miss a moment of the pleasure. When he pulled away, she saw the longing in his brilliant eyes. She'd never seen that look before in a man's eyes. Not for her! Oh she'd read about it, dreamed about it, but never witnessed it. It gave her a heady, powerful feeling. To have a man want her was a new experience, to want him back even newer.

  What was it about Deke Travers that made her heart pop, and sing, and bounce against her chest like a ping pong ball gone haywire? She was the cook for heaven's sake, and he was the boss, but none of that mattered as he guided her into a world of feelings and emotions, unexplored before.

  "I have no right, Emma. But you taste so sweet, look so beautiful, smell so wonderful." Was that what this was, the senses overloading? Yes,–it had to be.

  He pulled her slowly, unerringly back into the circle of his arms, gently cradling her. His lips grazed softly against her ear lobe and his warm breath fanned her.

  "Oh Deke," she cried as her lips met his once more finding a strange and wonderful fulfillment there. Maybe that's all it was, but for a little while she wa
s going to enjoy it.

  Lost and mindless, they were heedless of approaching footsteps and when Jake rounded the truck, he cleared his throat and began an apology that was only half heard, half appreciated.

  "Sor–ry Deke." Jake started backing his tracks.

  Deke pulled away first, leaving Emma shaken. He couldn't possibly know that she could barely stand alone. Couldn't know the helplessness of new awareness surrounding her. Perhaps he thought she'd done this many times. At twenty four she should have been pretty experienced in necking with a man, but she felt inexperienced. Charlie's kisses never affected this way. No man's had.

  Emma managed to open her eyes somehow, and her glance landed on Deke's chest. The quick rise and fall of his chest warned her that Deke's reactions met her own. But his expression was unreadable.

  She remembered something Frank had told her once. "A man can want a woman whether it's advisable or not. Just remember that. You have all the controls."

  Drifting slowly back to earth, Emma let the truck support her, for she knew she couldn't stand on her own. She wanted to bask in this new and wonderful feeling, to absorb it, and cherish it and remember it always.

  She wouldn't make more of it than it was, but she'd always remember it.

  "Something wrong Jake?" Deke asked his voice barely belying his control.

  "Uh-well, yeah, you were right about the water," Jake said, his eyes going first over his brother, then Emma. "I thought I'd better tell you, I've already spoken with the authorities, they'll be out tomorrow."

  "Damn, that's not good. Have you tested any of the other springs?"

  "No, didn't have time."

  "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us on this one."

  "Yeah, looks like." Jake glanced at Emma again. It was obvious Jake wasn't comfortable with his intrusion and needed to escape.

  "Well hell brother, don't let me interrupt your evening. There's nothing we can do tonight. Sorry Emma."

  Emma mustered her control, willed her legs to move and began to walk past them to the house. "Nonsense, it was a lovely evening, thanks Deke."

  Jake nodded to his brother and began moving off.

  "Emma, I'll see you to the house. You need to get some rest. If you need anything just let us know," Deke was saying, his eyes darting questioningly to her as his hand glided about her gently. Deke seemed as honestly confused about kissing her as she did. As though it took him by storm too.

  "Something wrong, Emma. Didn't you have a good time at the dance?" Jake asked from the distance.

  "No–no everything is fine, Jake. It was a lovely dance," Emma managed to say not daring to meet Deke or Jake's glance.

  "Yeah, only she managed to get between me and a bad mannered guest." Deke affirmed.

  As Deke retold the story quickly, Emma moved away from his warm arms putting distance between them. She needed to get her head on straight again. What had she been thinking? Kissing the boss so shamelessly. After all, it had merely been a dance, and he had been a perfect gentleman. There was no need to exaggerate her importance to this man. He had kissed her goodnight, and sweet as it had been, she needed to put it away from her. Gain some distance.

  "I wonder how long it will be before they bring Sammie Jo home?" Emma asked as Deke joined her on the porch.

  Deke stopped, his eyes going over her thoroughly. "Don't you fret about that. You just get some rest. I'll see to Sammie Jo, tonight. I'll put the playpen in my room. You may need a doctor. If you want I'll have a look at those ribs, later. If they need setting we'll call the doc out. You let me know. You just turn in now, Emma."

  "Oh that won't be necessary. I'll be fine. He really just knocked the wind out of me. And Sammie Jo is my responsibility."

  Jake shook his head. "No use arguing with the man Emma. When he decides he's taking over, he just does." He quickly disappeared around the back of the house.

  "Are you sure?" Emma gaze held question.

  "I'm sure." Deke's eyes finally connected with hers and there was no question he still wanted her as much as he had a few moments ago. Emma flushed. Perhaps he was right. The way she was feeling she needed to sort her thoughts and feelings and get away from this powerful man.

  "All right, maybe your right. But I think I'll have a nice soak in the tub if you don't mind. And Deke–"

  "Yeah," Deke stared at her.

  "I had a nice time, thanks."

  "Goodnight Emma." A ring of frustration seem to haunt his voice and Emma wished she could erase that frown from his handsome face once more


  As Emma prepared for her bath she heard Deke and Jake talking in the living room. She should be scolding herself for acting so wantonly with the boss man but the feelings surging through her had nothing to do with guilt. Besides, it was just a kiss. Yet, he'd awakened a part of her that needed awakening. It was long overdue. She couldn't be ashamed of that, it was only natural. But of course falling for the boss man would be a mistake, she quickly realized. Deke had enough problems, and she certainly wouldn't complicate them for him. She'd take his kiss in stride and remember it always, even though she knew forgetting her own feelings would take some time. It always did with women, Kate had once told her. God, she had to forget somehow. He'd been a regular John Wayne tonight. And she loved John Wayne.

  It was an hour or so later, Emma had been drifting off to sleep in the tub when she heard everyone come in and voices up and down the hallway. Quickly she pulled the plug and stepped out of the cool tub.

  Her heart fluttered wildly at the sound of Deke's deep voice. Honestly, she was reacting like some silly schoolgirl. So Deke had kissed her. No need to make anything of it. He had taken her to a dance. He had kissed her goodnight. She was the one making a fool of herself, letting it go to her head.

  She heard Rusty and Jennifer laughing and talking to Sammie Jo. She heard the baby giggle and bubble. A sad thought hit her. Sammie Jo seemed so happy here. What would happen when they had to leave? Because they would have to leave eventually.

  Minutes later it grew quiet again. She'd heard the front door slam, heard Cal's bedroom door close, and Deke's boots crunching against the floor all the way down the hall.

  She remembered his arms around her and her heart fluttered wildly. She scoffed at herself.

  Drying and dressing in her terry robe, she crept down the hallway on tiptoe. It was dark and the only thing lighting her way was a light from Deke's doorway.

  She hadn't heard a whimper out of Sammie Jo since everyone retired. Obviously Sammie Jo had quite a night of it.

  She saw the door to Deke's bedroom ajar. She heard his voice, soft and lulling, and felt drawn by it. But he wasn't alone, she soon realized as she tiptoed up to the door. Sammie Jo was with him. And Deke was talking to her as though she understood every word. He pulled out an old book from a drawer and settled them both back into the rocking chair.

  Then he began reading to Sammie Jo. He paused and glanced down at her. "This is the same story my Mama used to read to me every night. I remember it so well, I almost don't have to read it."

  A story about some pig with a curly tail. Emma's heart gave a lurch.

  She never imagined a big, busy cowboy like Deke Travers sitting in a rocking chair holding a baby, reading a story, and sounding as though he enjoyed every moment of it.

  "What? You don't think I had a Mama?" He slanted the baby a weird expression. "Well I did. And she was almost as pretty as yours."

  Emma's heart lurched again. What a strange and wonderful combination this man was. The kind of combination a woman could get her heart tangled up with. But of course not hers. No, she wasn't here for a man. She wasn't looking for a husband.

  Still it didn't stop her lingering gaze. She silently feasted on him and Sammie Jo.

  "You've had yourself quite a night, haven't you young lady. I remember my first dance. I hated it. Some little gal kept stepping on my toes and I hated it," he was saying.

  Oh Lord, she'd stepped on his toes a mil
lion times tonight it seemed. Perhaps after all, he was just being kind to her and Sammie Jo.

  Sammie Jo smiled at Deke, and laid her head against his flat, half-naked chest. His shirt was unsnapped, as though he were in the process of getting ready for bed. Emma's breath stopped when she realized she was staring through the doorway at her boss. Something slithered through her body jolting her awareness. Guilty as charged, she kept on staring. Her hungry eyes traveled the length of him lazily. After all, he'd never know she was there and this way she could gaze till her heart's desire and no one would be the wiser. She'd never thought of men as beautiful, but Deke's body was so long, and lean and all man, it took her breath away. He wasn't Mr. Universe, but every piece of flesh was hard, sinewed man. She envied Sammie Jo cuddling against him.

  She had to force herself to go to her room, and forget the entire evening, if she could. She was nearly at her door when she heard the sweetest of music coming from Deke's room.

  Her head twisted in that direction again. She shouldn't, she really shouldn't, but the music was lovely, and her curiosity was unleashed.

  It sounded like a–harmonica. How she loved music. Her brother had played the guitar. She'd enjoyed the live band at the dance, but this was such a sweet and lovely sound it drew her.

  Emma edged towards Deke's doorway for a second time. It was a harmonica, she smiled as she peered through the half closed door. And Deke was playing it. A lovely ballad.

  Emma's breath caught in her throat when she spotted Sammie Jo half asleep, snuggling against him, as he played, "When Irish eyes are Smiling".

  "So, did you have a goodtime at the dance, sweetheart?" Deke was asking as he finished the tune and looked down at the baby, his hand smoothing the hair from the sweet little face that was nearly asleep.

  Sammie Jo sighed.


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